National Championship


Pretty much a regular
This is how I see things working out:

First of all, I dont give two shits about either Michigan or Ohio State. I have two very good friends, one of which is a big Michigan fan, the other of which is a big Ohio State fan, so I have been hearing this argument all season long.

In my opinion, all things considered, Ohio State is BY FAR the best team in the country. I think they beat Michigan, and there is a good chance it will be by double digits. Any team that goes to Texas and bitchslaps the Longhorns like they did, has my respect. And no, I dont give a damn if it was the first game of the season or not, they embarraced them on their own field, period.

Now does this mean that I am cheering for Ohio State? HELL NO. Like I said, I dont give two shits about either one of them, but what I am is a DIE HARD LOUISVILLE FAN, and in my opinion, we match up MUCH better against Michigan than we do Ohio State.

I truly believe that if Louisville played any team in the country in a ten game series, we would win at least half of those games and be competitive against any of them.......other than Ohio State. I think we probably go 2-8 or 3-7 against them, so if they do win out like I expect they will, I just have to pray that one of those times magically happens!!! I do think that game, should it happen, will be a competitive one unlike what some people are saying.

Also in my opinion, I dont believe Michigan is all that great. I think on a Neutral field they would lose to a number of teams, including Ohio State, Louisville, Texas, Florida, USC, and hell, maybe even Cal. Once again though, that being said, I hope they beat Ohio State!

Get ready for a laugh, because I am sure you are all going to have a great time bashing me over this one, but I dont think the Big Ten is that much better than the Big East, and certainly not at the top.

I just hope that Louisville is getting a little more respect now after that game against WV. All I keep hearing about is "They gave up 34 points." Yeah, we did, but that was a pretty damn good offense we played against!!! And believe me, I was there, if we hadnt turned it off in the 4th quarter and gone to "run out the clock" mode, that game wouldnt have been that close. The other thing I keep hearing is "Well, if Steve Slayton hadnt fumbled twice...." Well you know what, our defense did create those fumbles, right??? Oh well, I know better than this, and I know the only way that Louisville gets any respect is if we win the whole damn thing. Because getting there wont be good enough, because if we get there and lose it, all we are going to hear about is "Well, it should have been Florida, Michigan, USC, or whoever the hell else you want to throw in there"

This is how it is going to play out for all of you who are wondering:

Ohio State beats Michigan 34-17 to advance to the National Championship game to face and also undefeated Louisville team. Coming out of the tunnel, the lights unexpectadly turn out, and Troy Smith and Ted Ginn collide with one another, both sustaining injuries that prevent them from playing, and Louisville wins in the upset!!! (I sure hope this happens, because otherwise, they eat our shitty secondary for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and 4th meal!)

The Team that is left out of all of this? FLORIDA. Because I believe that Florida probably beats Auburn 9 out of 10 times if they play that many, and it just so happened that Florida picked a bad day to have that one shitty game!

I am thankful for my week, I got to see some great football. Louisville vs. WV on Thursday, then I went to Knoxville for the Tennessee vs. LUS game, which was very competitive!

Hope everyone has enjoyed my rant, and I hope that everyone made as much money as I did last weekend!!! Good luck this week.

Dont have time to read all of this.. but i do agree the big east is just as good if not better than the big 10.
I think UL would beat florida on a neutral field a good bit.. but if they played USC or texas 10 times on a neutral field they would lose 7 out of 10 AT LEAST. USC and Texas's backups are better than anyone on UL. Just becuz u guys beat down a wvu team who has 2 good players doesnt impress me that much. You had a hard time stopping a team who has no passing game, just imagine trying to stop a balanced offense..
I respectfully disagree that their backups are better than anyone on our team. If our starters play their backups, we win 10 out of 10 times. Starters vs. Starters, it could go either way, because they are all very good teams. Once again, if you havent been paying attention, Louisville has gotten a LOT of depth, and is much deeper than anyone is giving us credit for. You can look WAY back to my last Louisville post to read about that one, rather than me find it to copy and paste, lol. Not to mention, as far as WV is concerned, who needs a passing game when you have the best RB in the country, and one of the best running QB's? When you average around 300 yards rushing per game, what you get through the air is just a bonus! GO CARDS!

By the way, I love the avitar, on top of being a BIG Louisville fan, I am also a BIG Simpsons fan!
I for one would like to be on the record as saying, out of the Miami, West Virginia and Rutgers game, before the season ever started, I said that the Rutgers game SCARED THE HELL OUT OF ME. They are a very good team, at home, and I guarantee you that this is the game they circled on the schedule when it came out after the way we DESTROYED them last year after they were stupid enough to stomp on the cardinal!!! Not a gimmie by any means. @ Rutgers and @ Pitt are the two potenial stumbling blocks. UCONN sucks ass, and after last year, South Florida better be ready, because they are going to get a hurtin put on them in our third revenge game of the year. The way I see it, we are two games away from playing for the national title!
B.A.R. said:
UL loses to Rutgers on Thursday to end any of this discussion

Here's my take on this. Mind you, I really like UL and respect this team a lot.

If you played Michigan:

-You wouldn't gain anything on ground. Maybe 50 yards. Brohm would toss 2 picks. You would score 17-21 points tops. If your defense is that good...to keep any top team uder that then you can have the national championship. I think UM woudl kill you with running all day and play-action. Would be a fun game though. Michigan 27-17

If you played Ohio State:

-This game would be different. I feel you guys could amass 24-28 points. I also feel like Troy Smith would eat you guys alive. Good game to take the points with UL getting 10-12 though. Would be a fun one. Lets say 31-26 OSU
Our Run Defense, is typically very good, although they didnt look like it the other night. Our secondary is horrible. We have playmakers on Defense, but our biggest issue that I have seen over the last couple of weeks is giving up the big play on third and long. I think the game with Michigan would be a good one, although I think we would win, probably something like 34-31, because I have news for ya, if Ball state CAN score 26 points on your defense, we can do better than that. I really like Michael Hart, but he is not better than Steve Slayton in my opinion, and Henne cant run like Patrick White. You guys would run for less yards against us then West Virginia, pass for more, and probably score around the same. Brohm showed me that he has his timing back, and with the speed of our WR's, there isnt a defense in the country that can stop our passing attack. The problem is that there isnt a passing offense in the country that our secondary can stop. I have been wondering all year long why teams dont just go 5 wide, abandon the run, and throw on us all day long, because we cant stop it!!!

Now if we played Ohio State, they would throw on us all day long, and score on us all day long. Their Defense isnt as good as Michigans, so we would score more as well, probably be a shoot out, with Ohio State winning something like 112-109 (Probably more like 41-38)

This of course is all a mute point, because HOPEFULLY, we will only get a chance to play one of them, and HOPEFULLY that is for the National Title.
If you think troy smith will throw all over you, How many yards do you think John David Booty would throw for considering USC has more weapons at wide out than tosu. They also can run the ball as well, although not nearly as good as ohio st. I dont think you guys realize that JDB's numbers are better than leinarts numbers last year at this point. UL would have no chance against michigan and or tosu..
They beat down the U and got by WVU thanks to turnovers.. but struggled against syracuse and cincy? If Bush was healthy then i would like your team. But cmon man.. not a chance here. And i am the biggest Brohm fan there is.

Lets look at some of your wins.. Temple.. Cincy.. Cuse..Kst.. Middle tenn ..Miami.. Honestly Miami and Cincy have to find another win to be even bowl elgible. Lets not get carried away with beating wvu.. thats all im saying
Well...hate to come in and piss on the parade...I have always liked Louisville. I have won a lot of money on them over the years. They WERE a fun team to watch and bet on due to them being the underdog in most games.

With all of that said, this team is still very one dimensional..that is all offense and no defense. They are just as good as they were back a few years ago when they had D Branch at wide reciever. I remember many classic match-ups with TCU when the last team to have the ball won the game. But, they had ZERO defense then...just like now.

I saw a team that lacks athletes on the edge defensively. I saw a team that missed a lot of tackles. I know White and Slayton are good runners, but the amount of missed tackles was amazing to me. Do you think West Virginia could run on SEC defenses week in and week out? How would they run against a Texas defense full of NFL speed. How would they fair against a defensive genius like Bob Stoops? Do you think Tressel or Carr would get run on like last Thursday night? If you even think for a second that they would, you are not using your head at all, IMO.

Again, you team is good...but really is no different than your teams from a few years ago. In fact, if you and Boise would play right now at a neutral field, I would cap the game at a PK.

No disrespect to you or your team...But I put your team at around 10 nationally. That is awesome considering you're a basketball school first and foremost.

BTW, do you think any of Florida, Texas, Michigan, Ohio State, LSU or a few others would be less than a touchdown favorite at Rutgers? There is a reason that line was set where it was and it is to entice lots of Cardinal money. I'm going the other way with my heart and my money :)
damn MW, your homer goggles are bigger than mine.

I do like Louisville, but UM would win by double digits..throw ball/um out..hoke and carr are best friends, UM gave up two scores with second stringers in..Brohm likes to sit in the pocket and check off receivers, he would never have time against UM or OSu's fast front and lber's.
mwwebb81 said:
Our Run Defense, is typically very good, although they didnt look like it the other night. Our secondary is horrible. We have playmakers on Defense, but our biggest issue that I have seen over the last couple of weeks is giving up the big play on third and long. I think the game with Michigan would be a good one, although I think we would win, probably something like 34-31, because I have news for ya, if Ball state CAN score 26 points on your defense, we can do better than that. I really like Michael Hart, but he is not better than Steve Slayton in my opinion, and Henne cant run like Patrick White. You guys would run for less yards against us then West Virginia, pass for more, and probably score around the same. Brohm showed me that he has his timing back, and with the speed of our WR's, there isnt a defense in the country that can stop our passing attack. The problem is that there isnt a passing offense in the country that our secondary can stop. I have been wondering all year long why teams dont just go 5 wide, abandon the run, and throw on us all day long, because we cant stop it!!!

Now if we played Ohio State, they would throw on us all day long, and score on us all day long. Their Defense isnt as good as Michigans, so we would score more as well, probably be a shoot out, with Ohio State winning something like 112-109 (Probably more like 41-38)

This of course is all a mute point, because HOPEFULLY, we will only get a chance to play one of them, and HOPEFULLY that is for the National Title.

Thanks for the response. Agree with a lot and like your hometown knowledge

One thing though, please do not look at UM-BSU as any kind of barometer. Michigan used back-ups for a long portion of the game. Michigan's Hart also fumbled for first time in 666 carries into endzone. The 26 points is a moot point to me. Michigan used this game as more of a exhibition and to let others gain valuable experience.
Well, I guess we will just have to wait and see before this argument is settled. I am still contending that we CAN play a very close game against the top teams in the country, and win those games. We DO have speed and play makers on the defensive side of the ball, the only problem is that most of them are Freshmen and Sophmores, so we have a VERY young group of solid defenders. Next year look for Earl Heyman, Peanut Whitehead, Brandon Heath (Currently Injured), and LT Thomas to lead a MUCH better defensive unit.

I have already explained why we were played close in the Cincy and Syracuse games in my previous threads.........Because Bobby P. was holding back on the offensive playbook.......and we saw that I was right in the WV game. I still dont think he broke out a lot of it in that one either........once he saw the game was in hand midway through the 3rd, he started to hold back again........I saw it, everyone else in the crowd saw it........and WV better be glad he did it or that game would have been even uglier. Im sure he has a few things up his sleeve for Rutgers.

And no.....that line isnt that close because Louisville isnt that good, that line is that close because it is a ROAD GAME, against a TOP 15 TEAM, and a REVENGE game for Rutgers, so if you think that line is any slight against Louisville, you are very wrong. Rutgers is a very good team that is well coached (Until he leaves after this season anyways), and should be taken seriously.

A PK against Boise? Are you out of your mind? We beat them a couple of years ago on a Neutral field when we werent as good, and they were better. That team, as good as it was, wasnt as fast, and not nearly as deep. This team has more speed, depth, and is better on defense (other than the secondary.)

As for this year, hell, I am just hoping that we get there so that we can have this conversation leading up to the BIG game! But for you guys to say that we would have "No Chance" against those other schools is just rediculous. And yes, I am a "Homer" and DAMN PROUD of it.

That being said, I dont feel that it blinds me from calling things like I see them. I mean shit, I am also a Cubs fan, but that doesnt mean I bet on them to win!

I think the game this week will be something along the lines of Louisville winning 41-27.


And say what you will about our schedule, but by the end of the season, if we run the table, we would have beaten 9 bowl eligible teams, which is impressive.

And no, I dont think the line would be all that different if those other "Top Notch" programs were playing at Rutgers.......but you are entitled to your opinion.

You have a very good team...so no one is knocking them.

You just said in a post that Petrino is holding back the playbook but you criticize a lackluster UM effort when they are doing the exact same thing.

Just trying to show you all sides.

ABC's....where did your USC fascination come from?
This is a thing of beauty. With the cards losing.. It allows the trojans to win out and have a chance to backdoor another title, or maybe even play in the big game. Last nights game was crazy. Never thought the cards were that good, but i didnt think rutgers could beat them.
abcs...I agree with you. My Horns were very happy last night with Rutgers winning (I won't say upset cause these teams are very equal). Florida, Auburn and USC were just as happy as us down in Texas. The next couple of weeks will be very interesting.

Expect the unexpected!
abcs said:
This is a thing of beauty. With the cards losing.. It allows the trojans to win out and have a chance to backdoor another title, or maybe even play in the big game. Last nights game was crazy. Never thought the cards were that good, but i didnt think rutgers could beat them.

Doesn't matter anyway son...as I said in this post...UL would get their loss and Cal will beat USC. Playing that game pretty big..
It's going to be Texas or Florida vs. Michigan/tOSU...

...might need to get tix to Glendale now.
B.A.R. said:
Looks like Michigan Texas.


Michigan 31
Texas 7

I see you're using drugs again.

I had the same thought last night. I think it will be either a rematch of the 2005 Rose Bowl or Horns/Fuckeyes Part III
or cal, or usc, or notre dame, or rutgers.

No, no, no, and no.

Cal beats USC but is too far behind Texas and Florida to catch up.

USC loses to Cal but beats Notre Dame.

Notre Dame loses to USC.

Rutgers loses to WVU.
rjurewitz said:
I see you're using drugs again.

I had the same thought last night. I think it will be either a rematch of the 2005 Rose Bowl or Horns/Fuckeyes Part III

I would love it. We owe yas and come prepeared with a defense this time.

The funniest scenarios would be the UM-OSU-UT triangle. Just the pissing and moaning for over a month..lol
If we get a classic game on nov. 18th I want a rematch..whether UM wins or loses.
That debacle last night just solidified the case for the big Least being a joke of a conference. LMAO To say the BL and the Big 10 are = is hilarious. I will take tOSU, UM and Wisky against any 3 teams from the other conferences. That being said BL would not even be taken into consideration. Amazing last night.
I see your point RJ, but that doesnt mean that they can will their way to a Giant vistory every week. Thet are a bad road team and they wont play for the championship. Nor do they deserve to, who have they beat?
How about Texas who should have lost to nebraska.. loses to nebraska in the big 12 game.
It's gonna be USC I have to believe, if they win out...and considering they're at home, good chance they will...

They'll have the computer rankings and could pass texas in human polls too..
I also got a good laugh outta "the big east is better than the Big 10" Ill take Ohio State, Michigan, Wisconsin against any other conferences top 3 teams and that includes the SEC and big 10 kicks the shit out of them. this could actually happen in 2 out of the 3 bowl games btw. If Ohio State plays Florida in the National Championship Wisconsin is already in the Cap one bowl against and SEC team. All 3 of these big 10 teams deserve to be in the Top 10.
B.A.R. said:
I guarantee USC loses another game. They are out of the equation in my opinion

I really hope you are wrong :shake: 30 wins in a row at the collesium.