My Opinion of the NFL


Pretty much a regular
I've become surprised when a passing play occurs and we don't see a flag. This brand the NFL is producing is a style thats hard to watch. If they're not allowing contact.
Did anyone see Julius Peppers get called for a personal foul when he slid on the grass as Flacco scrambled and slid? They bumped each other as they were sliding on the wet surface and Peppers got called for 15 yards. Peppers not only just bumped him but he pull back as he was sliding. How about this one. A Bears defender had his arm around the runners chest and his other hand behind the runners head. Horse collar call. The rule was meant for when a tackler catches the ball carrier from behind and pulls him back. Another bogus call. How about the 49ers penalty late in 4th Qrtr on 3rd down when they tackled Drew Brees? You can't hit a QBs head. You can't touch is neck. You can't go for his knees. You can't hit him late.
Another thing, I understand what Payton Manning is doing but to watch him pretend he's going to snap the ball play after play after play bores me to death. By the way, how does he get away with moving his hands to decoy a snap? He now has the entire NFL yelling "Hurry Hurry!" and there's no snap. Manning is throwing so much BS out there to decoy that it's an element of the game the fans have to deal with. Imagine this, Payton Manning is an immortal NFL QB who has become hard to watch because of his pre-snap antics.

If you're a head coach in the NFL why wouldn't you throw 2 out of every 3 plays? PI and defensive holding is being called all game long. Throw back shoulders and let the DB run through the WR. Betting against guys like Manning, Brady, Bree's, Luck or Rodgers is suicidal. They know how to take advantage of the rules and it's a big reason why the continue to win, while the others still don't get it. There are QBs who just won't throw the ball down the field unless they have someone wide open. FYI for those QBs, the PI's come from good tight coverage. Officials aren't allowing good coverage so throw the freaken ball!

Did anyone see a well played game today from both teams? I watched a lot of football and I don't recall one game being well played.
wiseplayer, you know what sends me? Let me know if you agree..

I can't stand it when WRs or TEs do the flag sign after missing a catch.. It happens at least 10-15 times a game. I hate it.. Let me know what you think.
I agree, its annoying these grown ass men cry for flags like they are little babies.

There was a play in Philly when McCoy had a nice run, and it was clear that the guy who tackled him and him are buddies or at least know each other, and mccoy gave him like a slap on the helmet, but not at all vicious or violent, it was like the way you'd tap a buddy and it was clearly just in fun. they gave him a flag on the play.

unreal. its a broken record bc weve all been saying this for awhile but yeah, the game is being pussified. but its not like its affecting ratings
don't get me wrong ..i hate it just as much as the next guy however this is what sports has to come too....calling for a flag,foul or penalty anything remotely comes close to happens...please see soccer, nba, nfl, baseball. Happens everywhere.
The Peppers flag was a joke, especially considering the weather. He put his hands up right when he went down, knowing he couldn't stop himself because of the shitty Soldier Field turf.

The players asking for the flags makes my blood boil. Most annoying to me is the quarterback asking for a flag. He is the most protected player on the field and when he is jersey is touched, I see whining. Flacco was bitching all game long.

If I'm a coach, I'd tell my WR's to harass the shit outta the DB's, let the ref make calls and bait the DB's, they are the ones more likely to get the flag. Easy.
I dont mind if a guy like Russell Wilson or RG3 or even Luck who likes to scramble takes a huge hit and wants the foul called correctly. What I can't stand is the pretty boys like Brady and Manning and them who want a flag if anyone breathes near them.
The Peppers flag was a joke, especially considering the weather. He put his hands up right when he went down, knowing he couldn't stop himself because of the shitty Soldier Field turf.

The players asking for the flags makes my blood boil. Most annoying to me is the quarterback asking for a flag. He is the most protected player on the field and when he is jersey is touched, I see whining. Flacco was bitching all game long.

If I'm a coach, I'd tell my WR's to harass the shit outta the DB's, let the ref make calls and bait the DB's, they are the ones more likely to get the flag. Easy.

glad to know I'm not the only one...
I dont mind if a guy like Russell Wilson or RG3 or even Luck who likes to scramble takes a huge hit and wants the foul called correctly. What I can't stand is the pretty boys like Brady and Manning and them who want a flag if anyone breathes near them.

This sounds more like a generational thing for you. Hanging with the cool kids and the elders can take a hike! I see it just the opposite as the guys who like to run more should be treated like any other player. ***runner beware*** The guy who stands in the pocket who can't truly defend himself bc of a blind side or in a throwing motion should always be protected. And FTR I enjoy watching the new QB transform. But don't come crying when someone pops you as you run with the football.
RG3 did it a few weeks ago and he shoulda been flagged

He faked like he was going out of bounds and crept back in for a few by him, but cant be doing that
This sounds more like a generational thing for you. Hanging with the cool kids and the elders can take a hike! I see it just the opposite as the guys who like to run more should be treated like any other player. ***runner beware*** The guy who stands in the pocket who can't truly defend himself bc of a blind side or in a throwing motion should always be protected. And FTR I enjoy watching the new QB transform. But don't come crying when someone pops you as you run with the football.

i agree with this...all in the defense of Manning and Brady..they have both pretty much missed a full season due to hits so they are more cautious..

not to mention..they both know the league needs them badly and know they will get the flags
Need I say more about this league? We watch a flag being thrown in the end zone on the last play tonight. Somebody comes in and overrules the official or did the official change his mind? Who knows and who cares. The amount of flag throwing has become humorous. Just throw it up and if 2 people run full speed side by side happen to touch, it's a foul just like basketball.
It's like this for me. I grew up watching this game since 1972. Through habit and history, I'll probably continue to watch this stuff they now call the NFL. I'm not impressed with the quality as I've already mention.

one last note, after watching all these other QBs in this league, I'm more than happy to keep thy guy I've been killing, Sam Bradford.