Multiple Double-header mlb ingame bonanza


This claim is disputed
pirates take game 1

braves lead 7-1 in game 2 in the sixth

tor/clev socoreless midway through.

lets have some fun.
i'm on clev both games. a bit too steep of a price for me normally but hard not to fade toronto's bats with 2 solid opposing pitchers on the hill. i also really like minnesota tonight
i tried to put a little on atl about 10 mins before that game but betjm didn't have it on the board!
Yup somehow the hurt of getting closed out of a game that you would have won is stronger than the good feeling of getting closed out of a game you would have lost.
Yup somehow the hurt of getting closed out of a game that you would have won is stronger than the good feeling of getting closed out of a game you would have lost.

very true. just seems you always remember the would-have-been winners:hang:
if carmona can keep the walks down this guy could be cy young material. seems that's what always gets him in trouble.
inglett grounds out of one of the few threats for either team in this day affair, game 1 of 2.

we head to the bottom of the seventh with the indians clinging to a 1-0 lead.
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what's up with the hafner/howard syndrome this year?

what ya mean ?

howard wont eat meat.
kyle whats the general trend with doubleheaders regarding totals?

liek for clev game 1 obviously going under and a pitching duel,
normally i would say i would expect the same with cliff lee/marcum dueling it out?

but do the bats tend to wake up in game 2, or just follow suit?

im already on 1st 5 and game under, but i dont know if i like a 1-0 game in game 1
wish betcrimes were here ... he likely has those trend numbers for you. i am a more conventional capper , less trend oriented. no clue one way or the other.

if i was a betting man , few doubleheaders both go over.... but that is just a guess and doesnt apply to the game 2 situation approaching.
all good

yeah BC is definitely the kind of trends, should have asked for those numbers last night, fuck
ok finals from the morning games.

atlanta 0 pittsburgh 5
atlanta 8 pittsburgh 1
toronto 0 cleveland 3

7pm eastern time games are about to start , lets keep the bonanza moving.
harang gets the double play and survives the inning giving up just two solo shots. 2-0 marlins going to bottom of second