Mr. Bandwagon thread


Fan Club of any and everyone good!
NO team has ever started 0-4 or worse and won the world series.

love that stat ESPN.

$100 million + well spent.

sorry detroit ;)
Stat ends this year.

Saying it now , with tigers banged up and 0-4 .... they win the world series.
NO team has ever started 0-4 or worse and won the world series.

love that stat ESPN.

$100 million + well spent.

sorry detroit ;)


Don't know if you follow horse racing but there was a similar blanket statement made "forever". Up until last year, no horse had ever won the Kentucky Derby after winning the Tampa Bay Downs Derby (prep race). What I'm saying is, stats like that don't carry much weight. Good teams find a way to win. The Tigers are a good team and they will win their share of games.

Don't know if you follow horse racing but there was a similar blanket statement made "forever". Up until last year, no horse had ever won the Kentucky Derby after winning the Tampa Bay Downs Derby (prep race). What I'm saying is, stats like that don't carry much weight. Good teams find a way to win. The Tigers are a good team and they will win their share of games.

Well put, PacMan. Also, I'm surprised people aren't mentioning much the fact that they are without Granderson. You cannot underestimate his value. Oh, and btw, it's 4 freaking games. :cheers:
Detroit $ 137,685,196

White Sox$ 121,189,332

cleveland is only at 78 million and yet they are the most competitive in the AL. Although, i don't know what they were thinking giving hafner a 17 mil/ a year contract last year. I think there are better DH's out there than haffner for 17 million a year.
Frank- he is not making 17 million a year...that is the life of the contract...he is only making just over 4 million this year. Last year was his worse year and he still got 100 RBI. I think he will have a solid year BUT there are a lot of holes in his swing. The bottom line, is DET's staff is terrible and that will be their achilles heel. AL is way to good for that
hope your right yessir about the haffner money. I really would like to see the tribe going far in the playoffs. I can see myself screaming like an idiot at this place in cleveland i grew up near.

Detroit's staff is really bad. I will get to watch them today. I really want to see how much they don't care according to leyland.
The thing with the Indians is they still have Eric Wedge (fuck) and Dirty Joe....I think they are the best team in baseball though. Their depth at every spot is amazing. They have major league ready players all over in the minors. Wait till Delluci fucks up and Ben Fransico get up to the big league....He can rake and is a great defender....

About the Hafner situation, I am not sold on the move but I do not mind it like others. 4 million a year is not anything if he could get back to 115-120 RBI 35-40 bombs and bat .280 or so
Comparing horses to the Detroit Tigers is a bit like comparing apples to oranges.

Im willing to say that the history of mlb is gonna repeat itself this year and the tigers will not win the world series. I mean how many years of baseball is that its held true?

The white sox payroll is 88% of what the Tigers is and we have shown in the last decade we know what we are doing with our money.

If Steriod Boy (Mags) and Frank dont go down in 04 we compete for the crown. In 2005 we won it all. In 2006, we won 90 games and didnt get in with a better version of the 05 team.

We will win 87 this year.

Who cares about the ESPN Hype Machine that is the Detroit Tigers of the AL and Chicago Cubs of the NL anyway?

I'm shocked Willis has made it into the 4th inning today w/out giving up a run. That guy is going to get clubbed like a baby seal in the AL.

Tigers will be fine in the end. World series champs seems a bit steep at the moment though. Love seeing the Rays roll over the Yanks in the ealry season. Red Sox seem to be the team to beat imo.
so if they started 1-3 they would have a chance?

If only they knew that was a must win for them :D
We can make comparisons in sports all the time..let's be real...there is always a first time for everything right?

Anyways, Willis has a no hitter through 5 lmao...he looks good today, throwing much harder than spring training. Hope he keeps it up.

Tigers bullpen has issues, no doubt, but when they get Rodney and Zumaya back they will be ok.

Not having their lead off guy is a killer too, the catalyst, Granderson. Sheffield out hurts as well.

I'd much rather start off slow than end shitty. I don't mind.
It gets better ...

Only two teams in the history of baseball have made the postseason after starting the season 0-6.

74 Pirates
95 Reds

<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=bg1 align=left><TD colSpan=28>American League Central</TD></TR><TR class=bg4 id=special align=left><TD align=left width="19%">Team</TD><TD align=right width="5%">W</TD><TD align=right width="5%">L</TD><TD align=right width="5%">Pct.</TD><TD align=right width="5%">GB</TD><TD align=right width="6%">Day</TD><TD align=right width="6%">Night</TD><TD align=right width="6%">Grass</TD><TD align=right width="6%">Turf</TD><TD align=right width="9%">One-Run</TD><TD align=right width="6%">Extra</TD><TD align=right width="6%">vs RHP</TD><TD align=right width="6%">vs LHP</TD><TD align=right width="5%">vs NL</TD><TD align=right width="5%">L10</TD></TR><TR class=bg2 vAlign=center align=right height=17><TD align=left>Chi. White Sox</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>.667</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>3-1</TD><TD>1-1</TD><TD>4-2</TD><TD>0-0</TD><TD>1-0</TD><TD>0-0</TD><TD>2-1</TD><TD>2-1</TD><TD>0-0</TD><TD>4-2</TD></TR><TR class=bg2 vAlign=center align=right height=17><TD align=left>Kansas City</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>.667</TD><TD>-</TD><TD>4-1</TD><TD>0-1</TD><TD>3-0</TD><TD>1-2</TD><TD>1-1</TD><TD>1-0</TD><TD>3-2</TD><TD>1-0</TD><TD>0-0</TD><TD>4-2</TD></TR><TR class=bg2 vAlign=center align=right height=17><TD align=left>Cleveland</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>.500</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>2-2</TD><TD>1-1</TD><TD>3-3</TD><TD>0-0</TD><TD>1-1</TD><TD>0-0</TD><TD>2-1</TD><TD>1-2</TD><TD>0-0</TD><TD>3-3</TD></TR><TR class=bg2 vAlign=center align=right height=17><TD align=left>Minnesota</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>.429</TD><TD>1½</TD><TD>1-2</TD><TD>2-2</TD><TD>0-0</TD><TD>3-4</TD><TD>2-2</TD><TD>0-0</TD><TD>2-3</TD><TD>1-1</TD><TD>0-0</TD><TD>3-4</TD></TR><TR class=bg2 vAlign=center align=right height=17><TD align=left>Detroit</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>6</TD><TD>.000</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>0-5</TD><TD>0-1</TD><TD>0-6</TD><TD>0-0</TD><TD>0-1</TD><TD>0-1</TD><TD>0-5</TD><TD>0-1</TD><TD>0-0</TD><TD>0-6</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

soon to be farther back ...

@ BOS (3)
@ CWS (3)
MIN (2)
@ CLE (2)
@ TOR (4)
boston detroit and seattle .... all in last and all might end up winning their divisions
Just doing the May 21st bump (w/standings).

<TABLE class=standingsTable id=standingsTable cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=title id=title_alc vAlign=top><TD class="" id=alc_team_title width=120>Central</TD><TD class="" id=alc_w_title>W</TD><TD class="" id=alc_l_title>L</TD><TD class="" id=alc_pct_title>PCT</TD><TD class="" id=alc_gb_title>GB</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_elim_title>E#</TD><TD class="" id=alc_last10_title>L10</TD><TD class="" id=alc_strk_title>STRK</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsE_title>vs E</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsC_title>vs C</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsW_title>vs W</TD><TD class="" id=alc_interleague_title>INT</TD><TD class="" id=alc_home_title>HOME</TD><TD class="" id=alc_road_title>ROAD</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsR_title>vs R</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsL_title>vs L</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_xtr_title>XTRA</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_onerun_title>1-RUN</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_rs_title>RS</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_ra_title>RA</TD><TD class="" id=alc_xwl_title>X W-L</TD><TD class="" id=alc_lastg_title width=120>LAST GAME</TD><TD class="" id=alc_nextg_title>NEXT GAME</TD></TR><TBODY id=alc><SCRIPT>buildRows(standings_rs_alc);</SCRIPT><TR class=data id=cws_data vAlign=top><TD class="" id=alc_team_0 width=100>Chicago</TD><TD class="" id=alc_w_0>25</TD><TD class="" id=alc_l_0>20</TD><TD class="" id=alc_pct_0>.556</TD><TD class="" id=alc_gb_0>-</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_elim_0>-</TD><TD class="" id=alc_last10_0>7-3</TD><TD class="" id=alc_strk_0>W7</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsE_0>6-9</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsC_0>11-7</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsW_0>5-4</TD><TD class="" id=alc_interleague_0>3-0</TD><TD class="" id=alc_home_0>11-7</TD><TD class="" id=alc_road_0>14-13</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsR_0>16-16</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsL_0>9-4</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_xtr_0>0-1</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_onerun_0>4-5</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_rs_0>214</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_ra_0>176</TD><TD class="" id=alc_xwl_0>26-19</TD><TD class="" id=alc_lastg_0>5/21 v CLE, W 7-2</TD><TD class="" id=alc_nextg_0>5/22 v CLE, 8:11P</TD></TR><TR class=data id=min_data vAlign=top><TD class="" id=alc_team_1 width=100>Minnesota</TD><TD class="" id=alc_w_1>23</TD><TD class="" id=alc_l_1>23</TD><TD class="" id=alc_pct_1>.500</TD><TD class="" id=alc_gb_1>2.5</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_elim_1>115</TD><TD class="" id=alc_last10_1>4-6</TD><TD class="" id=alc_strk_1>L1</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsE_1>4-5</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsC_1>13-8</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsW_1>5-8</TD><TD class="" id=alc_interleague_1>1-2</TD><TD class="" id=alc_home_1>16-11</TD><TD class="" id=alc_road_1>7-12</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsR_1>18-17</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsL_1>5-6</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_xtr_1>2-2</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_onerun_1>10-7</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_rs_1>202</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_ra_1>211</TD><TD class="" id=alc_xwl_1>22-24</TD><TD class="" id=alc_lastg_1>5/21 v TEX, L 1-10</TD><TD class="" id=alc_nextg_1>5/22 v TEX, 1:10P</TD></TR><TR class=data id=cle_data vAlign=top><TD class="" id=alc_team_2 width=100>Cleveland</TD><TD class="" id=alc_w_2>22</TD><TD class="" id=alc_l_2>24</TD><TD class="" id=alc_pct_2>.478</TD><TD class="" id=alc_gb_2>3.5</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_elim_2>114</TD><TD class="" id=alc_last10_2>4-6</TD><TD class="" id=alc_strk_2>L5</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsE_2>7-6</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsC_2>7-8</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsW_2>8-7</TD><TD class="" id=alc_interleague_2>0-3</TD><TD class="" id=alc_home_2>14-12</TD><TD class="" id=alc_road_2>8-12</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsR_2>16-19</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsL_2>6-5</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_xtr_2>1-2</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_onerun_2>4-4</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_rs_2>186</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_ra_2>168</TD><TD class="" id=alc_xwl_2>25-21</TD><TD class="" id=alc_lastg_2>5/21 @ CWS, L 2-7</TD><TD class="" id=alc_nextg_2>5/22 @ CWS, 8:11P</TD></TR><TR class=data id=kc_data vAlign=top><TD class="" id=alc_team_3 width=100>Kansas City</TD><TD class="" id=alc_w_3>21</TD><TD class="" id=alc_l_3>25</TD><TD class="" id=alc_pct_3>.457</TD><TD class="" id=alc_gb_3>4.5</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_elim_3>113</TD><TD class="" id=alc_last10_3>6-4</TD><TD class="" id=alc_strk_3>L3</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsE_3>5-8</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsC_3>10-7</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsW_3>4-9</TD><TD class="" id=alc_interleague_3>2-1</TD><TD class="" id=alc_home_3>10-12</TD><TD class="" id=alc_road_3>11-13</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsR_3>12-17</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsL_3>9-8</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_xtr_3>1-0</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_onerun_3>5-5</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_rs_3>169</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_ra_3>200</TD><TD class="" id=alc_xwl_3>20-26</TD><TD class="" id=alc_lastg_3>5/21 @ BOS, L 3-6</TD><TD class="" id=alc_nextg_3>5/22 @ BOS, 1:35P</TD></TR><TR class=data id=det_data vAlign=top><TD class="" id=alc_team_4 width=100>Detroit</TD><TD class="" id=alc_w_4>19</TD><TD class="" id=alc_l_4>27</TD><TD class="" id=alc_pct_4>.413</TD><TD class="" id=alc_gb_4>6.5</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_elim_4>111</TD><TD class="" id=alc_last10_4>4-6</TD><TD class="" id=alc_strk_4>W2</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsE_4>8-8</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsC_4>4-15</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsW_4>6-2</TD><TD class="" id=alc_interleague_4>1-2</TD><TD class="" id=alc_home_4>10-12</TD><TD class="" id=alc_road_4>9-15</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsR_4>13-25</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsL_4>6-2</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_xtr_4>0-1</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_onerun_4>4-6</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_rs_4>213</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_ra_4>244</TD><TD class="" id=alc_xwl_4>20-26</TD><TD class="" id=alc_lastg_4>5/21 v SEA, W 9-4</TD><TD class="" id=alc_nextg_4>5/22 v SEA, 1:05P</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Chicago may pass my expectation of winning 87 ... :popcorn:
I dont recognize any of those guys ...... that a hockey team ??? blackhawks maybe ??

i think the guy with OF next to his name might be the guy who played the fat guy in varsity blues.

indians tomorrow.
yup its the blackhawks. got two brothers on the team now. and they got em wearing black and white now and baseball hats.
lol brewer.

i am still taking the detroit tigers to win the world series.

can only look like a genius at this point. who cares if they continue to lose ... no one will remember my prediction then.
im not so sure. they remembered my bulls beating boston around this time prediction. lol.
6.5 game lead in the divison now and detroit is even farther back. 50 mroe wins till 87 :popcorn:

<TABLE class=standingsTable id=standingsTable cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=title id=title_alc vAlign=top><TD class="" id=alc_team_title width=120>Central</TD><TD class="" id=alc_w_title>W</TD><TD class="" id=alc_l_title>L</TD><TD class="" id=alc_pct_title>PCT</TD><TD class="" id=alc_gb_title>GB</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_elim_title>E#</TD><TD class="" id=alc_last10_title>L10</TD><TD class="" id=alc_strk_title>STRK</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsE_title>vs E</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsC_title>vs C</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsW_title>vs W</TD><TD class="" id=alc_interleague_title>INT</TD><TD class="" id=alc_home_title>HOME</TD><TD class="" id=alc_road_title>ROAD</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsR_title>vs R</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsL_title>vs L</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_xtr_title>XTRA</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_onerun_title>1-RUN</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_rs_title>RS</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_ra_title>RA</TD><TD class="" id=alc_xwl_title>X W-L</TD><TD class="" id=alc_lastg_title width=120>LAST GAME</TD><TD class="" id=alc_nextg_title>NEXT GAME</TD></TR><TBODY id=alc><SCRIPT>buildRows(standings_rs_alc);</SCRIPT><TR class=data id=cws_data vAlign=top><TD class="" id=alc_team_0 width=100>Chicago</TD><TD class="" id=alc_w_0>37</TD><TD class="" id=alc_l_0>26</TD><TD class="" id=alc_pct_0>.587</TD><TD class="" id=alc_gb_0>-</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_elim_0>-</TD><TD class="" id=alc_last10_0>7-3</TD><TD class="" id=alc_strk_0>W7</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsE_0>7-12</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsC_0>21-8</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsW_0>6-6</TD><TD class="" id=alc_interleague_0>3-0</TD><TD class="" id=alc_home_0>20-9</TD><TD class="" id=alc_road_0>17-17</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsR_0>26-19</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsL_0>11-7</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_xtr_0>2-2</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_onerun_0>6-7</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_rs_0>305</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_ra_0>235</TD><TD class="" id=alc_xwl_0>39-24</TD><TD class="" id=alc_lastg_0>6/9 v MIN, W 7-5</TD><TD class="" id=alc_nextg_0>6/10 @ DET, 7:05P</TD></TR><TR class=data id=min_data vAlign=top><TD class="" id=alc_team_1 width=100>Minnesota</TD><TD class="" id=alc_w_1>31</TD><TD class="" id=alc_l_1>33</TD><TD class="" id=alc_pct_1>.484</TD><TD class="" id=alc_gb_1>6.5</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_elim_1>93</TD><TD class="" id=alc_last10_1>3-7</TD><TD class="" id=alc_strk_1>L5</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsE_1>7-9</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsC_1>18-13</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsW_1>5-9</TD><TD class="" id=alc_interleague_1>1-2</TD><TD class="" id=alc_home_1>19-16</TD><TD class="" id=alc_road_1>12-17</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsR_1>25-23</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsL_1>6-10</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_xtr_1>4-4</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_onerun_1>13-11</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_rs_1>294</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_ra_1>327</TD><TD class="" id=alc_xwl_1>29-35</TD><TD class="" id=alc_lastg_1>6/9 @ CWS, L 5-7</TD><TD class="" id=alc_nextg_1>6/10 @ CLE, 7:05P</TD></TR><TR class=data id=cle_data vAlign=top><TD class="" id=alc_team_2 width=100>Cleveland</TD><TD class="" id=alc_w_2>29</TD><TD class="" id=alc_l_2>35</TD><TD class="" id=alc_pct_2>.453</TD><TD class="" id=alc_gb_2>8.5</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_elim_2>91</TD><TD class="" id=alc_last10_2>4-6</TD><TD class="" id=alc_strk_2>W1</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsE_2>7-6</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsC_2>11-15</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsW_2>11-11</TD><TD class="" id=alc_interleague_2>0-3</TD><TD class="" id=alc_home_2>16-16</TD><TD class="" id=alc_road_2>13-19</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsR_2>21-26</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsL_2>8-9</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_xtr_2>1-4</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_onerun_2>5-6</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_rs_2>283</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_ra_2>272</TD><TD class="" id=alc_xwl_2>33-31</TD><TD class="" id=alc_lastg_2>6/9 @ DET, W 8-2</TD><TD class="" id=alc_nextg_2>6/10 v MIN, 7:05P</TD></TR><TR class=data id=det_data vAlign=top><TD class="" id=alc_team_3 width=100>Detroit</TD><TD class="" id=alc_w_3>26</TD><TD class="" id=alc_l_3>37</TD><TD class="" id=alc_pct_3>.413</TD><TD class="" id=alc_gb_3>11.0</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_elim_3>89</TD><TD class="" id=alc_last10_3>5-5</TD><TD class="" id=alc_strk_3>L1</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsE_3>8-8</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsC_3>7-19</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsW_3>10-8</TD><TD class="" id=alc_interleague_3>1-2</TD><TD class="" id=alc_home_3>14-16</TD><TD class="" id=alc_road_3>12-21</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsR_3>17-32</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsL_3>9-5</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_xtr_3>0-3</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_onerun_3>4-10</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_rs_3>293</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_ra_3>320</TD><TD class="" id=alc_xwl_3>29-34</TD><TD class="" id=alc_lastg_3>6/9 v CLE, L 2-8</TD><TD class="" id=alc_nextg_3>6/10 v CWS, 7:05P</TD></TR><TR class=data id=kc_data vAlign=top><TD class="" id=alc_team_4 width=100>Kansas City</TD><TD class="" id=alc_w_4>25</TD><TD class="" id=alc_l_4>39</TD><TD class="" id=alc_pct_4>.391</TD><TD class="" id=alc_gb_4>12.5</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_elim_4>87</TD><TD class="" id=alc_last10_4>4-6</TD><TD class="" id=alc_strk_4>W1</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsE_4>7-15</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsC_4>12-14</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsW_4>4-9</TD><TD class="" id=alc_interleague_4>2-1</TD><TD class="" id=alc_home_4>12-16</TD><TD class="" id=alc_road_4>13-23</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsR_4>15-28</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_vsL_4>10-11</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_xtr_4>1-3</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_onerun_4>7-9</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_rs_4>237</TD><TD class=permOff id=alc_ra_4>302</TD><TD class="" id=alc_xwl_4>25-39</TD><TD class="" id=alc_lastg_4>6/9 @ NYY, W 3-2</TD><TD class="" id=alc_nextg_4>6/10 v TEX, 8:10P</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Their pitching is just a disaster. No way they make up this sort of ground with the shit they are putting out on the mound every night
They screwed me out of my RL -1 today.

Up 5-0 going into the 9th and they let the Dodgers score 4 runs. Jeezz..:hang:
Suddenly my constant drumming of "the tigers will win the series" doesnt look so far fetched. white sox lose two of three at home to rockies.

Here come the tigers !