Monday's NBA Plays...

This. At any rate it definitely couldn't hurt to ignore the hecklers, and it might be a good way to get the comeback started...

I agree as do the 'parallels' but I'll be damned if I'm gonna let someone call out my integrity on a 'public forum'.

Have used 'emkee' on these boards since 2001 and when he finally disappears from the interwebs it'll be with my integrity intact.
I agree as do the 'parallels' but I'll be damned if I'm gonna let someone call out my integrity on a 'public forum'.

Have used 'emkee' on these boards since 2001 and when he finally disappears from the interwebs it'll be with my integrity intact.

u never lied?
never posted a W to pad your record?
i had a parlay tonight of Bulls ML, over bulls, grizz, twolves and utah. just didnt post
can i please add that to my record for tracking purposes?

that cool?

We've touched on this shit over and over. Like I said rinse and fucking repeat.

I'm talking about spots that we recognize within this community.

It's been once this season from memory and one play posted in the discussion thread.

I was up double-digit units at the time in both instances.

And I notify it to all at the top of my thread, don't try and sneak it in.

What do I achieve from misleading folks here. The answer: nothing.

All it has done is give the trolls something to get worked up about.

I'm over .500 in this sport every season without any unposted plays, nothing to see here.

At the end of the day go ahead Wade, add it because no-one will give a shit.

You're not recognised on these boards as a capper nor have proven anything as one.

You're cutting your cloth as this place's resident troll.

Views and results = Haters and audits. Happens at 'Blankets', happens here and probably everywhere else.
We've touched on this shit over and over. Like I said rinse and fucking repeat.

I'm talking about spots that we recognize within this community.

It's been once this season from memory and one play posted in the discussion thread. should be never charlie

I was up double-digit units at the time in both instances. who cares

And I notify it to all at the top of my thread, don't try and sneak it in. record goes here

What do I achieve from misleading folks here. The answer: nothing. then leave un posted plays off your record
All it has done is give the trolls something to get worked up about.

I'm over .500 in this sport every season without any unposted plays, nothing to see here.

At the end of the day go ahead Wade, add it because no-one will give a shit.

You're not recognised on these boards as a capper nor have proven anything as one. hmmm.. when i post its usually okay bro. never posted multiple faves thats lost out fucking right/ and i think my record is better than yours if we cab dig it up

You're cutting your cloth as this place's resident troll. if i had a penny for everytime u posted troll

Views and results = Haters and audits. Happens at 'Blankets', happens here and probably everywhere else.
still didnt answer kid
i ride u cuz u lied. simple

Go back and check every thread we've ever gotten into shit about.

The answers are all there. No lies, no padding.

One honest unposted play on the Raps with a reference in BAR's thread.

Can produce the screenshot of said wager as referenced as well.

Google the definition of a lie Wade, you petty fuck.
still didnt answer kid
i ride u cuz u lied. simple

U ride because u hate and need the attention.

I'm actually doing you a favor by engaging in this bullshit all the time.

Have proven all I have too prove. I don't get views etc because I suck, although I admit I'm a solid fade right now.
Been tailing this cold cold streak. Hope you turn it around emkee. Best of luck

Sorry to hear that McGravy. Will turn it around, biggest issue with slumps gambling or otherwise is 'overthinking'.

Last 3 games more bad luck than bad capping. Almost there.