Monday's Milleb...I'm back, bitches...


CTG Regular
Without further adieu, time to step foot back in the baseball pond. This, even as my bankroll is diminishing like I've set fire to it and have no gainful employment at the moment. Anyone know of someone who needs good help, in any sector of life? Would prefer to stay in Costa Rica but moving back to the states is certainly an option. Must involve sports.

OK, help wanted ad out of the way, I bageled four games on Preakness Day to set me back to 65-76-3 and -22.01 units on the year. Last year I was below par for awhile before going on the best run of my life to get to over 100 units in baseball, with average plays being 1.5 to 2 units. Let's see if I can turn the same trick, although it will be difficult as I have lost a few outs and with it, the ability to shop for the absolute best number on every game.

Miller cannot be the favorite in Miami. No way, no how.

The play: Fishies -103 small 1u.

Teheran has been driven up by Q and the pokers, but no way can the Braves be this sort of favorite. Correia can keep the ball in the park, and should relish facing a NL lineup.

The play: Doyers +165 small to medium 1.5u

BUDDY Norris is very cheap in this spot; poker on Jankee but one team I will be looking to beat in spades down the stretch is the Yankees, who have won about 6 more games than they should have to this point if you look at their Pythag runs scored. All a facade.

The play: Balty -117 medium 2u.

Lean Texas at this level with poker against; figure a small stab is in order at the price.

The play: Tejas +117 small 1u

Zoolander going against Locke is a big mismatch. Det playing 19 innings ayer makes me hesistate to fire, but the price should be 40 cents, so i didn't hesitate to bet.

The play: Zoolander -109 medium to big 2.5u

GL to all!

Reeeeeeeexy back in the house.

Any back story on why you're looking for work? There are 7 Marriott's in Costa be happy to send an email for you if anything looks worth a shit at one of the properties (bartending/server/front desk?).
we were getting killed in baseball and everything else from basically the week after the Super Bowl through early June, so the jefe shut it down to get his P & C in order, visit his parents who are very old and sick, and re-open in time for football. Problem is, most of the hired help either had other jobs and were part-time, meaning they don't care enough... or had had enough of dealing with the jefe and found something else full time and don't want to re-open. I was the only one who stuck around until I basically figured out that even if we did re-open, there was going to be not much help for me and lots of 80 hour weeks. I'm over that part of my life; been here 10 years and supposedly have paid my dues. Guess it's not been enough. Back to square one. I haven't earned a penny of work-related income since our Super Bowl windfall. One way street paying all the players, sharp and sucker, for 4-plus months.

Aplous, if you can find a bartending gig at an upscale spot that has frequent repeat business anywhere in the states (and won't frown on me trying to write bets), then I'm all ears. Otherwise, don't think my Spanish would be passable down here and the salary almost certainly wouldn't be (I know what a lot of those people make in Costa Rica, I could afford rent & food but little else).
Welcome back, Mr. Rex. If you get a chance, tell us again who Poker is. From what I remember they are a group of poker players, right? Do they influence the lines at Pinnacle is what I was wondering. BOL tonight as always.
austin - the pokers are a group of bettors that had their own software and could beat sides and totals. Chip Reese was the mastermind of the whole operation, but many of them old school poker players who plied their trade against each other back before the Chris Moneymaker World Series/internet poker days had access to the file.

Now, with Chip gone, several groups of folks, whom I won't name, have access to the file and have made their own arbitrary tweaks. Last year I mashed the shit out of them; this year they were beating me on both sides of the counter (couldn't beat them writing and betting against them was equally tough, as you can see by my record this summer). They absolutely influence the lines at Pinnacle, prolly got 20-30 guys betting in there at about the same time fighting each other
Sorry to hear about your misfortunes CKR. Good to see you back but more importantly I hope things get better for you.
Nice to see you posting again Rex. Hope everything turns around for you. The next run is always just around the corner.
Good to see you posting...hope all works out for you, for some reason I believe a guy as sharp as you will land on his feet.
Keep posting!