Monday NBA...

woke up to a huge surpise, as i had these 3 in a parlay, and thought for sure it was dead.

Thats awesome man. When it was 89-77 I stopped watching. Looked back with 40 seconds left and then watched OT.

Great feeling. Those with 5 and 5.5 are mad at Parker and for GSW for giving up fouling with 11 seconds left which was curious.
Got this IM too not sure if the member is banned but they are appreciative too:

[09:24] pimster14: HEY Jump tell BAR that I love him and he's so money
[09:24] JumpOn: haha will do

This would be realistic if their were misspellings.:4_12_13:
Thats awesome man. When it was 89-77 I stopped watching. Looked back with 40 seconds left and then watched OT.

Great feeling. Those with 5 and 5.5 are mad at Parker and for GSW for giving up fouling with 11 seconds left which was curious.

I was fortunate to jump on at -4.5 the night before, phew. saved my day, it was almost a terrrible night!