Monday NBA-This ones for you Red

alright DJ

I didn;t ban all your IP's yet...I have an early work meeting tomorow and honestly need to go to bed..

this gives you an opp for an alias...and I wanna see what kinda creativity you can show...

I'll leave you with this advice..don't tail a play when you been watching from sidelines for awhile...

You'll learn
he is a gambling veteran too...hence knowing why 56 percent is bad for a gambler

<DL id=additionalinfo_list><DT class=smallfont>Date of Birth: <DD class=smallfont>September 15, 1988 <DT class=smallfont>Age: <DD class=smallfont>19 <DT class=smallfont>Biography: <DD class=smallfont>"I don't want your money, I want your bookie's fuckin' money!" <DT class=smallfont>Location: <DD class=smallfont>Myrtle Beach, SC <DT class=smallfont>Interests: <DD class=smallfont>Gambling <DT class=smallfont>Occupation: <DD class=smallfont>See Above </DD></DL>
well got bored came up with this

3 unit plays


4 unit

5 unit
-1 unit

so 3+ unit plays
27.1 units
66% picks
so what do u do for a living "the infamous" BAR. lol what u drive....where do u live? letz get this outta the way.

dude, why are you so bitter? wtf man. if a guy is up 40 units, that's pretty good. and if it's true you stiffed a guy (mogo) for 100 bucks, that's pathetic bro. :36_11_6:
cant believe you wasted this much time with this fuck
ban him already!
his arguments aren't even substance at all
Yeah DJ thats low class. You certainly dont have to praise anyone but you should always be nice to BAR and others that bother to post picks because its more stress than its worth, its not just a bet -its a bet and your reputation on the line for sticking your neck out. But its not just posting picks, its the very good info and strategies that BAR has supplied whereas he could have easily kept that stuff to himself. So instead of acting jealous and immature and waiting for the opportunity to pounce, just do yourself a favour and read and learn.
Feel like I'm in the twighlight zone reading this the second half of this thread

What a goose, not sure why you even bothered BAR.
TB, by the looks of his latest prop thread, he'll either look like a frikkin genius at game's end, or bring down the greatest level of hater wrath on his head that site has yet seen.
TB, by the looks of his latest prop thread, he'll either look like a frikkin genius at game's end, or bring down the greatest level of hater wrath on his head that site has yet seen.

I know public is all over gmen and this and that and the Pats are god but IMHO I think Gmen give them a hell of a game and will have a chance to win su.
Are you guys serious that this guy that B.A.R. is having this feud with is Mr. Bator from covers??!?!?!? If this is true I want to throw up. I have tailed that guy on NFL for 3 seasons now. But i thought he lives in LV not S. Carolina. This would seriously burst my bubble. I really respect MrBator as a capper on covers and if he is low enough to screw some guy out of $100 he has ZERO credibility. And in this business you are only as good as your word. :(
DJ FadeAWay = 5 dollar Millionaire. GG NH

Dont ban him just yet, let the wolves get at em for a minute
Look at ur record this season....ur a 56% capper. cmon dude.


Last time I checked 56% is a solid win %.You're obviously not too well-informed about wagering on sports if you think otherwise. Unrealistic goals lead to failure, which you seem destined for. It's not like he made you hit submit...

Feel like I'm in the twighlight zone reading this the second half of this thread

What a goose, not sure why you even bothered BAR.

because DJfadeaway ripped off one of our members who tried to do him a favor.

DJfadeaway should cram his head up his ass, take a deep breath, and die a pathetic death.

He is scum, and now everyone who reads these threads knows it.

DJFadeaway knows it, too.
Surprised I didn't see burning money bags in here after all that I just read. :)

Just a quick biography on DJFadeAway. BAR is obviously nicer than I am because exposing this kid is pretty easy.

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by DJFadeAway
i'm! u have no clue bro. too bad we can't see who lives where and who does what for a living.

Doesn't really seem like you do much for a living when you start threads like this. I Need $$$$$$$$$.

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by DJFadeAway
yo ur a funny guy with all the quotez. you can only WISH you'd have the girl i got bro. how's your girl situation anyway. WONDERFUL i bet. lol!!!!!!


Not sure about his girl situation but he plays a third wheel pretty well.


I gotta say you probably spent that last 5 bucks in your hand on the Spurs ML and had a shit fit last night about it. Sorry about your losses man.

Good luck with moving out of your parents basement.
Why does anybody respond to this prick? He obviously wants attention. Just ban him, let him suck his mom's dick and then hope he loses his cardboard box he lives in.
i dont think its about attention.
i just think he dropped the whole bankroll on SA ML following BAR and he got assraped, and now he needs someone to blame.
Are you guys serious that this guy that B.A.R. is having this feud with is Mr. Bator from covers??!?!?!? If this is true I want to throw up. I have tailed that guy on NFL for 3 seasons now. But i thought he lives in LV not S. Carolina. This would seriously burst my bubble. I really respect MrBator as a capper on covers and if he is low enough to screw some guy out of $100 he has ZERO credibility. And in this business you are only as good as your word. :(

LOL, I was kidding when I said hat dj=bator..
He's gone guys and its all over. Yes, felt like a flashback but I was just laughing the whole time. Its all good.

LMFAO Jpicks
haha good shit with the pic jpicks... i was gonna post to see if anyone could dig them up cuz i thought it was hilarious a clown like that acts so 'hood'
This thread is terrific, nice work with that sweet pic Jpicks. I imagine that 5 dollar bill was his down payment on an all bills paid apartment so he can move out from his parents' basement. I just assumed with his articulate points he was probably a high rollin' lawyer.
This thread is terrific, nice work with that sweet pic Jpicks. I imagine that 5 dollar bill was his down payment on an all bills paid apartment so he can move out from his parents' basement. I just assumed with his articulate points he was probably a high rollin' lawyer.
Everyone is a lawyer or doctor on the internet:tiphat:
This thread was hilarious. DJ I want to suck your tiny cock. Yay.

The guy is so jealous it hurts me over here in Europe.:36_11_6:
Surprised I didn't see burning money bags in here after all that I just read. :)

Just a quick biography on DJFadeAway. BAR is obviously nicer than I am because exposing this kid is pretty easy.

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by DJFadeAway
i'm! u have no clue bro. too bad we can't see who lives where and who does what for a living.

Doesn't really seem like you do much for a living when you start threads like this. I Need $$$$$$$$$.

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">Originally Posted by DJFadeAway
yo ur a funny guy with all the quotez. you can only WISH you'd have the girl i got bro. how's your girl situation anyway. WONDERFUL i bet. lol!!!!!!


Not sure about his girl situation but he plays a third wheel pretty well.


I gotta say you probably spent that last 5 bucks in your hand on the Spurs ML and had a shit fit last night about it. Sorry about your losses man.

Good luck with moving out of your parents basement.

OWNED :tiphat:

you guys rock! BAR is the man! :tiphat:

hahaha i guess you miss alot when you don't login to CTG for one night....
is this guy serious or is he joking?? Supposed to be a freindly forum. Everybody loses now and then and some people are just LOSERS. Keep it up BAR. Good work. I definately appreciate your threads.
:tiphat:His new profile pic is just terrific.

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