Monday (MLK day) 01/18/16 NBA discussion thread

Dubs doing what they've been doing a lot lately: smash the better teams and play less then stellar ball vs the sorry teams.
I'd sit Lebron for the 4Q if I was the cavs. At the same time I'd sit every warrior starter. Dova is out there, don't need an unnecessary injury with his diving at the knees ass.
Curry is so sick..
If love is a no show in the finals cavs have no shot.
Dubs a great team but not sure I'd want to keep running up the score. Gotta maintain a degree of class and show some respect for the opponent.
Curry is so sick..
If love is a no show in the finals cavs have no shot.

Can't see Love changing his act. When your inclined to be somewhat lazy by nature then I don't believe you just turn it around come finals time. Kyrie and Bron will carry the finals.
Dubs a great team but not sure I'd want to keep running up the score. Gotta maintain a degree of class and show some respect for the opponent.
They're too young to realize this. They feel invincible. Fresh off a championship and the season they got going they'll just keep scoring. Curry is just entering his prime, and he feels slighted the way everybody said they wouldn't have won had the Cavs been healthy so he's on a mission to crush teams. Especially teams like the Cavs. I agree though.
There is absolutely zero reason they need to stop running up the score. What they're doing is exactly what you do when you're disrespected, as the entire team thinks they were. Theres no class in deciding to play less than your best just to not hurt the opponents feelings. A win is a win. A loss is a loss. There's nothing wrong with it. Now overreacting to this would be a big mistake. The scheduling spot tonight is the major reason for what we saw from Cleveland. They did not bring the intensity from the get go and the game was basically over in the first 5 minutes. It is what it is. The Cavs don't give a shit about regular season games in January. Lebron definitely does not. I saw so many mental mistakes that just snowballed.

The Cavs aren't winning shit with this bench. Sorry. Richard Jefferson isn't going to be helping any team win a ring.
There is absolutely zero reason they need to stop running up the score. What they're doing is exactly what you do when you're disrespected, as the entire team thinks they were. There's nothing wrong with it. Now overreacting to this would be a big mistake. The scheduling spot tonight is the major reason for what we saw from Cleveland. They did not bring the intensity from the get go and the game was basically over in the first 5 minutes. It is what it is. The Cavs don't give a shit about regular season games in January. Lebron definitely does not. I saw so many mental mistakes that just snowballed.

Running up the score will only enrage the Cavs more, this Dubs team is a dynasty in the making as I've said before but they've given Cleveland even more ammo.

Class is as much the sign of a champion as anything else.

Curry running up the court and launching 45 foot 3's to start an offensive set is not cool.

Love the Dubs and rode this team all the way last season but you have to draw the line somewhere.

Cavs never said anything disrespectful.
I wouldn't look that deep

If it's a rematch, Cleveland might win one game. Hope you figure out which one. They lack class.
Warriors have so captivated the basketball world that nobody has noticed that at the halfway point of the season the Spurs have what would be a record in biggest defensive effeciency over the next best team and over league average.

Spurs also have a greater margin of victory than any team in history.

Doubt the margin of victory holds as it's been an easy scheduele so far but the defensive stats probably will...they are ridiculously good this year.
What the fuck are the Cavs gonna do if they're "enraged more"? Try to injure curry more often like Mozgov was doing? The Warriors aren't scared of anyone. Some people thought their championship was a fluke. They're out to prove the world wrong. That's the point. I really just hate the idea of going easy on an opponent in professional sports. In college ok I get it. In pros no way. If you want to stop the pain do something about it. The Cavs are no match for a healthy Warriors team.
Warriors have so captivated the basketball world that nobody has noticed that at the halfway point of the season the Spurs have what would be a record in biggest defensive effeciency over the next best team and over league average.

Spurs also have a greater margin of victory than any team in history.

Doubt the margin of victory holds as it's been an easy scheduele so far but the defensive stats probably will...they are ridiculously good this year.

January 25th. Line prediction? Warriors -3?
January 25th. Line prediction? Warriors -3?

GS -4 would be my guess. Last year Spurs were +8.5 and +7.5 @ GS...won the first by 13 and lost the 2nd by 11. Killed GS at home late in the season at home as 4.5 favs.

I can't open that attachment btw.

Kyrie has to get back into top gear if the Cavs are to have a chance...plenty of time for the Cavs to do and as is they still come out of the East no matter what.
What the fuck are the Cavs gonna do if they're "enraged more"? Try to injure curry more often like Mozgov was doing? The Warriors aren't scared of anyone. Some people thought their championship was a fluke. They're out to prove the world wrong. That's the point. I really just hate the idea of going easy on an opponent in professional sports. In college ok I get it. In pros no way. If you want to stop the pain do something about it. The Cavs are no match for a healthy Warriors team.

Bro, I was the biggest Dubs supporter on this forum last season.

Only Stephen A Smith, a few other dicks at ESPN and probably Tip thought it was a fluke.

Even believe you said they were fortunate because of other teams injuries.

Still think they win it all this season as well, got a future riding on it. Just respect your opponent.

Tonight was just another regular season game out of 82.

Winning another 'ship will prove it's no fluke more-so than blowing out a road-weary Cavs tonight.

Not saying go easy but come on with all the stunting after every shot, and the pull-up 45 footers.

Arrogance is this teams only weakness.

Now everyone will be thinking it's a given they repeat with the same approach as yourself.

Sets up a buy-low on the Cavs and keeps the Spurs quietly under the radar.
Issue with the Spurs is LaMarcus goes missing in big games vs the better teams and Tony Parker vs younger, faster PG's after an 82-game regular season.

Kawhi is the best player in the league without a doubt, imo. So they have that going for them.
When a great team, catches a great day... you saw the outcome... GSW just came and felt like they can do no wrong. Cutting, shooting, defending... It was amazing, but that's just one game.
If the teams will play again this season, it will be only in the Finals and I honestly believe, that if you need any extra motivation to play in the Finals, you shouldn't be there in the first place. I do think that it will help Cavs get ready for the match up, if it happens (and GSW still got Thunder and Spurs).