Monday In Game

  • Jon Krawczynski@APkrawczynski <small class="time" style="font-size: 13px; color: rgb(187, 187, 187);"> 10m</small>
    Kevin Love: 16 pts (5-5 FG), 3 rebs, 2 assists in 4 minutes.
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Here are my ATP plays

Gilles Simon -182
Michael Llodra +125
Marcel Granollers +1.5 Sets (-115)
Philipp Kohlschreiber +194
Guillermo Garcia-Lopez -1.5 Sets (-250)
Albert Montanes +1.5 Sets (+565)
Fernando Verdasco +155
I also took Pliskova over Babos in WTA. -135 is a steal but worried it's a baited line. Playing smallish on principle but great value IMO.
West Coast yo, care more about our tomorrow than the result of an event

Never thought I'd be that way but have come around to it...slowly
Beat the traffic, I suppose... Or, try and catch what's left of the Disneyland fireworks show, just down the street.
So the Padres, down 4-3, score the tying and winning run on one wild pitch (coupled with an error on the same play) with 2 outs in the bottom of the 8th. Diego wins 5-4