Monday Discussion Thread

Good call earlier about Buccos being able to stack lefties

I noticed it last month or so after call ups in sept they had a ton of young lefty bats or switch hitters. They can be a real problem for crappy righties w bad splits. Playing lhp k props against them was money too.
All that said, I love this new version of MLB

I don’t like the pickoff rule, I think that sucks. Teams stealing successfully at over a 90% clip is freaking redic. I like the clock but any baserunner worth a damn is gonna use that to get monster jumps, only letting pitcher throw over twice making it practically impossible to hold guys. I know it sucks shen pitchers throw over for hell of it when guy don’t even have a big lead, I know they would prob do that to give themselves a break if they needed it, but man, you gotta give catchers a chance to throw guys out, right now they have none.

Everything else great tho.
Kc can’t score all weekend so of course they smash Berrios, lol. That another guy I find difficult to cap, that why didn’t mess w that game.
No clue what David Ross is doing in this game. Maybe @Ryno14 is watching this too? Having Wisdom bunt (who’s never bunted) who just got hit in the wrist on a HBP, against a pitcher who can’t find strike zone? All with 2 men on no outs down 1. What are we doing?
Another one, just took out Barnhart, former Red, with bases loaded for Yan Fucking Gomes….
Now I just need cardinals to get me 1 more freaking run before 5th and need 2 more total to smash the night games
It be really sweeet if pirates leadoff hitter would get a hit, rest the damn team has them, it be one my highest odds hits on a sgp if he would just get 1 little hit!