Monday bases

Fucking damn it, if I could just get a couple pushes I would be okay. Guess I could get a push out of the Braves game. The fucking Royals I don't know.

Yeah Johnny could get the push I hope in Atlanta.

Fuck the Royals were up 5-0 and blew it, ha, that is what happens with me though.
That is fucking bad, up 5-0 and you fucking blow it, what the hell. Vargas has his worst game of the year, at a real opportune time for me, lol, everything is going my way ha. I thought on that game I had a win after a 5-0 start, nope.
Fuck I am going to bed I guess. This shit isn't gonna go any better. Gotta figure out a fucking trucking class maybe, get a CDL or something I don't know. Am a real fucking moron that is for sure, nobody will hire me for shit. Oh well, guess I will figure it out tomorrow as to what I'm doing. Think I will apply for that truck driving course.
Ha I just made the move to take out all my stock money about 20 k, and I'm going to Vegas, lol, that is really stupid, yeah but damn it I am gonna have a good time anyway, haha, oh man this is dumb. I'm not even sure if my crap ass Explorer can make it, will have to go slow. Time for the budget suites I think, that is where I used to stay. Think I will take tomorrow off betting got to get prepared, and then take off. May just take a few days off betting, that should help anyway, cuz I haven't been seeing things well here lately. Once I get to Vegas I will post again, well in between fucking 16 year old black chicks ha, don't think that will happen again. Man even though it looks like I lost today, and an 0-2, and I got fired, I am kind of fired up, lol, well I think about when I was 26 in Vegas, and I think damn that was a great time. And hell, maybe I can find L.A. Ray, Big G, and Mad Mike, and they can hook me up. Guess not sure on that, they were my niggaz, but not sure if they would hook me up in that shit, maybe not. Oh the fuck well I'm going for it again, man this is dumb.
Too bad my house isn't mine, it was bought by my dad, so can't sell the house and get money. He bought that for me, too bad he won't just kick me a million, he could but he won't. He is pissed at me right now for this Vegas idea. I told him about it, and he said well don't come crawling back to me when your broke, I'm not helping like last time, uh oh for me, shit if I go broke I don't know what the fuck I will do.
Shit I am down for slanging rocks, ha, it is my only hope now. Maybe L.A. Ray can hook me up and get me started out in Vegas.
Just relax and think things over tomorrow. You said yourself all winter when you were slaying college hoops that MLB wasn't your strong spot. Hang in there, I've had tough stretches so I can relate. Gl man
Hang in there tuck. You will bounce back. Keep that mind sharp. Try some Heat Pacers action 2morrow. I haven't seen you play any Nba yet. Maybe you should try a change up.
Yeah twins fan this may be a crazy maneuver here, but I already did it, got all my stock money coming in tomorrow. I am gonna ride to Vegas, lol, it is Tuck at 26 again. Fuck I'm probably screwed on this, sure I won't make it, I didn't before don't know why it would be different. My dad is really pissed about this, I called him and told him I was taking out my stock money and going to Vegas, and he was fucking going off on me, ha, well it is stupid for sure. But I am gonna have a good time damn it, fuck, it is what it is. Tuck party time baby. Got about 20 k to work with, that is gonna be a challenge here in the MLB, but I had shit working there until May happened. Off to Vegas tomorrow. Think I may cut my hair, I have the old school Lincecum going it is long, this is like back when I was 19 now. Does kind of look like Lincecum back a couple years.

Woooooooooooooo Vegas baby, yeah!!!!!!!!!! Ha ha, I am gonna blow my money and be fucked, lol, oh well, it is gonna be a good time anyway.
Shit I better go to bed I have a long day of Explorer problems ahead of me, ha, I don't know if that piece of shit can make it to Vegas. We'll see I guess I'm gonna give it a shot, I think if I don't go too fast I should be okay.
Ha ha, this is pretty funny just taking off for Vegas, well I don't know what the fuck kind of job I would get anyway. May as well take a chance.
Guess I may as well make 1 bet tomorrow. Gonna look over the card. Will put up one bet I think. Not gonna do much, gonna find one real solid game.