Monday bases


Pretty much a regular
Damn, was on the brink of a total disaster there Sunday, whoa, all hell broke loose. Luckily I got out of it with a 2-3 and lost 1030, oh well, didn't have a good week again, but it's a new day. Time to roll ass, should happen this week I think. At work today I was thinking about the top Husker running backs of all time. Decided on the top 3, other than those guys I had a real debate after the top 3. These 3 stand out above the rest. Here are my top 3 Husker RB's, ha, like anybody gives a fuck, this is my thread so I will do what I want.

1. Lawrence Phillips- The best no doubt. He could make a cut full speed, and he wouldn't lose any speed, just blast through the cut. Guys would just bounce off him, a fucking beast. Remember the Fiesta Bowl title game vs Florida in the 95 season, well 96 Fiesta bowl, they showed Phillips coming out of the tunnel and he was just bobbing his head smiling, I was like uh oh Florida, Phillips looks like he is in beast mode, and I was thinking hell yeah I got fucking 1000 on this one, that was a lot back then for me a shitload, ha I got screwed on the line too, cuz I had a local and he skewed the Husker lines big time. Didn't matter there. I know like the USA today Danny Sheridan line in the paper was Florida -3, I didn't get the Huskers +3. Got em at -4, ha, the local skewed the line 7 points. Justified there, fuck I was thinking about trying to get more down, but didn't.

2. Mike Rozier- My favorite player back when I was 7. My dad bought me a #30 jersey his number. He would take me to the games back then. Remember the UCLA run at home back in 83. My dad would lift me up when we were close to scoring so I could see, cuz everybody would stand, or when we broke a big run he would grab me and lift me up, that happened a lot back then, oh yeah, a lot of big breakaways. But anyway that UCLA run that was the shit, was at that game. Huskers were at the 2 yard line, and Rozier took a toss sweep to the left, fucking the defensive end was in the backfield and hit him, but he just threw his ass off. There were other guys over there, and he just reversed field and ran back to the 20 yard line almost, then cut it back up, juked a guy big time oh man that was the shit, then ran it in right inside the pylon, TD. I watched it on youtube, just a second ago. Just enter Mike Rozier highlights and it will come up. The Mike Rozier tribute is what I clicked on, that has that run as the 3rd play on that video. Right after that play he fucking smacks a DB on Syracuse, oh man that guy got fucking run over, whoa.

3. Ahman Green- He was the fastest RB we ever had for sure I think. Straight speed there, fuck nobody could hit the corner like him. It was crazy cuz he was on the same team with Phillips. He backed up Phillips and then took over after he left. Those teams we were playing were probably like, oh good deal Phillips is coming out. Then Ahman would come in, they were probably like oh my goodness this guy is fucking awesome too, ha. That had to be the greatest running back tandem ever.

Anyway onto the picks, ha, sure nobody cares about my Husker ramblings.

Brewers at Braves under 7, -117, risking 1170 to win 1000

Peralta is rolling at the moment, don't know if he will keep it up. I will go ahead and say he will here vs Atlanta cuz they have weak sticks. The Braves have been hitting at times lately, hope they go back to sucking ass, think they should. Minor is the man for sure, he will shut down the Brew crew, Gomez may not play either.

Gonna look at some more now.
Chi Sox at KC, -1, risking 1169 to win 1000.09, gotta include that 9 cents ha.

Well I tried to calculate the -1 to 1000, and I didn't quite get it right, but close enough. The betting the ML and the run line was a bit of a headache, but got it figured out there.

Carroll is a total bum, man this guy I don't know what the fuck the Chi Sox are thinking, well I guess they are just out of ideas or something. Man he blows, even the Royals will light his ass up. Vargas has at least been pretty good this year, he is kind of a sketchy option normally, but against Carroll I like him. Shit Carroll is terrible, Vargas is okay at least.
Oh shit, I'm a hammer head right now. Better go to bed, I need to get fired. Let's just put the pressure on, and go up against em without work, ha, that is a great idea. Would help, I think the rushing myself on Sunday is fucking me up some, an excuse there, lol.
Well I fucking said it, about getting fired. Just did this morning. For a speeding ticket I got a while back. I didn't think I would get fired over it, but oh the fuck well. The pressure is on now. Those 2 games better fucking win. No horses for sure was going to today, can't afford that shit. Well once again it's on, back to the old days, ha, wonder if I can do this, fuck it didn't work out last time. Will help my betting probably without having to work 60 hours a week. Ride or die niggaz, fuck I am somewhat nervous/excited about this, and pissed cuz it was a good job. Got to go out there and sign some exit interview or something and turn in my key to the place.
Yeah kj, it wasn't his call though. Well it is a big national corporation, and somebody above Marty in Minneapolis said they had to let me go cuz I had a speeding ticket over 20 mph over the limit. I know the guys name and where he lives, uh oh, may be making a trip to Minnesota, ha, go get medieval on his ass. That was a mistake by Marty telling me the guy's name. Man they don't know how crazy I am. Guess I can't do that, would get caught for sure if I went there and rolled his ass.
This calls for some geto boys for sure. Got assasins on now, you know who you fuckin with, geto boys, geto boys, geto boys, don't fuck with me.

Got to roll tonight, gonna look at those other games a bit more and see if there is anything I can do there.
Fuck it's a damn good thing I bet the Royals last night and figured up the -1. Today I would be paying a helluva lot more on the -1, its -133 now, whoa. Well everybody knows how bad Carrol is now, man he blows seriously. Throws his heater at 88 usually, and his breaking stuff is awful. Bring that weak shit chump.
Damn it, this is a fine time to get fired, shit. Right when I'm on a bad run, gotta get it turned around here quickly. Start rolling again, I called my dad and told him about it, and he was like well you better quit that gambling you always do and find something quick. I was like yeah okay, ha, no way, not doing that. Right now for me, I'm thinking time to ride, let's get it rolling and move to Vegas, lol, Tuck is in control.
Well you know this is nice, I get to sleep in tomorrow, fucking I can wake up whenever the fuck I want now, that will be great, lol. Damn it feels good to be a gangsta, gonna wake up at 10 or 11.
Man that Detroit at Cleveland game has setup written all over it. Everybody piling on Detroit cuz of their streak, and there is a Kluber waiting for em that is pretty good, he is hot too at the moment. That may be an ambush there. I wanna take Cleveland, but I can't risk going against Detroit right now. Better lay low on that one.
Man that Detroit at Cleveland game has setup written all over it. Everybody piling on Detroit cuz of their streak, and there is a Kluber waiting for em that is pretty good, he is hot too at the moment. That may be an ambush there. I wanna take Cleveland, but I can't risk going against Detroit right now. Better lay low on that one.

Yeah dude, with no job and MLB betting being your source of income I would not be putting any $ down on this Cleveland / Detroit game tonight...much better spots to pick my friend.

Good luck with your wagers tonight
Ha fucking unemployed, it has been a while since that has happened. Yep unemployed and we got over 2 k on the line, lol, oh man this is gonna be intense tonight. I may be breaking a lot of things if they aren't going well. Need a dog to kick, or a woman to beat, go Lawrence Phillips on that ass, ha, no never done that just kidding.

Yeah the king, that is kind of a fucked up game. It seems like a public setup where everybody is piling on Detroit, and the Kluber throws a gem and the Indians pull it out, and everybody takes it in the ass.
Man those bastards aren't even gonna pay me for all my unused vacation days, fuck. They are paying a portion of em to me on my last paycheck, I had 11 left for the year but they are dividing that by how much time I worked this year. So I'm gonna end up getting paid for like 4 of em, ha, those mothafuckas, man I'm fucking pissed.
Fuck,what sort of place do you work where they fire you over your personal life?,that is complete bullshit,aslong as it isnt affecting your work(whatever you do).
A speeding ticket ffs,they must have wanted you out cause thats a bs excuse right there.....

anyway,stop betting dimes now dude :)
GL,Ima rooting for you tonight

Yeah Manchester they fired me cuz all of us besides the managers have to drive around and deliver and sell things so they couldn't have that big a speeding ticket. Probably cuz of insurance I guess I don't know. Yeah hell maybe they did want me out. I was kind of a mess I guess. Well and late a few times cuz I didn't wake up on time. I did do well selling things though, and the customers all liked me it seemed, so I don't know, don't think they wanted me out. Marty said he didn't want to do it, but they told him he had to.

I'm not stopping throwing dimes no way, ha. If I lose my ass and run out of money I can always take money out of my stocks. My dad invested some money for me in those, and they are kicking ass so can go there if need be. Good thing I have that to fall back on. There is about 20 k in there a little more than that.
The taxes on those stocks though when I take the money out, ummmm, I'm not getting all that. The taxes here are fucking insane, I need to move to Canada. Shit no way, I hate the weather in Nebraska, fucking Canada that would really suck ass.
I dunno what the laws are over there,but here,you have a points system,you get so many points for a speeding ticket.... it takes a few tickets to get enough points to equate to a driving ban,heck they give speeding tickets out like confetti here,seems a bit lame but w/e

youll have more time to put into capping the bases now,so give it a shot,it prob wont come off but you never know

Yeah manchester I only had one other one, but they said this was excessive cuz it was 22 over the limit. I was going 82 in a 60, ha, I was trying to get back quicker cuz then I was done for the day. That highway there on the way back from bumfuck Columbus there aren't ever any fucking pigs, but damn it this day there was one. Was coming over a hill, didn't see him, he clocked me with rolling radar, I was like ahhhhhhhh fuck!!!!!!!

I'm gonna pull it off with the bases damn it. Shit starts tonight, time to roll. Like my 2 bets quite a bit that I have, think I will stick with those.
Oh shit, a little over an hour and a half until the Atlanta game. I am drinking heavily, ha, this sucks, man I know like now I have to win. I mean I have had this pressure before when I quit working and moved to Vegas at 26, but it has been a while. This is kind of fucked up. Haven't been fired ever.
Think I will just stick with these 2 games. Really looked a long time at Houston at Angels, but I don't see anything good there. Shit it may go over late when the pens come in, can't really make a great case though for the over bet. I do like the Angels offense, and Houston has kind of been hitting lately. That isn't worth the fucking risk. Richards and Keuchel have been dealing so you may be fucked on the over.
Damn this has been a fucked up day. Need a couple burritos now. Mexicans are good for something anyway, they make good burritos, cut my grass, and put a roof on my house. Yeah whenever I need something done with the house or the yard, just call up the Mexicans they do a great job. Wonder why everybody hates Mexicans so much, ha. I don't know if I can pay for my grass now, may just let it grow, it will be out of control then.
Ive just seen we have the Detroit/Tribe game on tv here at midnight.I havent followed baseball as close as I have in the past this season,gonna have a close look at this game
Man that Detroit at Cleveland game has setup written all over it. Everybody piling on Detroit cuz of their streak, and there is a Kluber waiting for em that is pretty good, he is hot too at the moment. That may be an ambush there. I wanna take Cleveland, but I can't risk going against Detroit right now. Better lay low on that one.
Tigers had bad travel,plane was fucked....
Yeah I saw that too, there Manchester. Some tough conditions there for Detroit to pull off the win. Man I wanna take Cleveland, I would if I wasn't in this dire situation ha, but going against Detroit probably not a good idea right now. Considering how much they are kicking ass.
Oh fuck the countdown is on to me resuming my professional gambling career about 10 minutes now, lol at that, my career lasted about 7 months before. Well gonna give it a shot anyway. We'll see how it goes. I think if I get rolling it may go okay.

Maybe I should see if I can hook up with my homiez out in Vegas and start wheeling and dealing with the drugs. Fuck that's all I need, to get involved with that shit. Those guys could probably hook me up though if I wanted to, L.A. Ray, Big G, and Mad Mike. Fuck maybe I should just go for it, ha, I am crazy enough I might.
Yeah I saw that too, there Manchester. Some tough conditions there for Detroit to pull off the win. Man I wanna take Cleveland, I would if I wasn't in this dire situation ha, but going against Detroit probably not a good idea right now. Considering how much they are kicking ass.
I took the tribe ML.
GL :shake:
Here we go, fucking I am more than a little nervous. Think if I settle in and things go okay tonight I will feel better tomorrow about this situation. Figured with what happened today I shouldn't add any more games.
Yeah not a bad idea there Manchester, I wanted to take em, but laid off. Detroit could do it, but it isn't a good situation there. A lot of people are strolling in with the Tigers, man I would never go there tonight. Would be Cleveland or nothing for me. It is gonna be nothing I guess.
Oh man, that was a rough bottom of the 1st. Got out of it with one run only. A stupid bumfuck throw by Maldonado the catcher cost me a run, ha, of course something retarded happens early. Oh well only 1 run on that error.
Think Peralta can settle in now. He was kind of fighting it, with the control so far. Minor for the Braves is wheeling and dealing. Just need Peralta to settle in and this will be okay I think. Fuck that last inning I was sweating it. I think if Minor didn't offer at that 3-2 pitch it was outside, so lucked out there.
Fuck this reminds me of Vegas now. I love this shit, with no fucking work to worry about. Goddamn it I can do whatever the fuck I want now, ha, but I better win, or else. Well that is what I'm all about doing what I want, don't wanna have anybody telling me what to do. Yeah good thing I got fired, now it's fucking on baby.

Minor a good inning, he is really dealing tonight. Think I'm fine on that side, now we need Peralta to settle the fuck down.
Freeman with a homer, man I'm in a tight spot now. The Braves need to quit it, they need to keep sucking with the bats. We had a good thing going, now they are fucking it up.
Boom Royals 5-0, scored 5 runs in the 1st there we go, Carroll that bum ha, that guy blows.

And gunned down Heyward at the plate, things are going my way here now. Just needed to get fired I think, now everything is coming up Tuck.
Some guys take orders and shit, we don't take orders, we give orders. Respect to the crew, Tuck and CTG come rough.
Damn it Minor served up a fucking meatball to Davis, what the hell was he thinking. Oh well, could still get out of it with a push maybe. That is gonna take some fucking work. Got 2 runs to give, well hopefully there will be a shut down now by the pitchers.
I'm in a huge mess in the Braves game, oh my, that is trouble everywhere. Hope I can get out of it.

Yeah thanks Gorgolon, has been a rough day, ha, oh the fuck well gotta deal with it now. Shit went down this morning, I could really use a fucking 2-0 tonight and plus 2 k.
At least tonight I get to stay up until whenever the fuck I want breaking down tomorrows games, yeah that's a plus. Fuck I am not gonna make it gambling on games I don't think. But I don't know what the hell job I'm gonna get after getting fired.

Fuck Chi Sox only down 5-4 now, came back from down 5-0. Fuck I better go apply to McDonald's lol, nobody is gonna hire me for shit after getting fired from this job. No more betting looks like, son of a bitch. Would be the smartest Mcdonald's employee, gonna make my 8 bucks an hour. The problem is when you get fired everybody is hesitant as hell to take you on, fuck nobody will.
Guess maybe I could take the 4 week course at Southeast Community College for truck driving. Get the CDL, and drive a fucking semi, suppose that is an option that could be quick and get me a job fast that pays decent. Well I think truck drivers make around 50 k a year, not as good as what I had, but oh well.

Yeah play ball they are both winnable, but they could both lose. Man I just want one to win at least. Can't believe the Royals blew a 5-0 lead holy shit.
9 more outs until Kimbrel time....

fwiw...I think Brewers are a fade team right now. They have scored twice in last 4 games (since 2nd inning of Sat - so 23 innings and counting)...both on two run homers....also...notice Braves bats heating up...nice win yesterday and followed up with 4 runs today, though could have had more.
I love Hale in this role. He needs to come out for 8th. I'm pulling for you, plus that would mean braves win. Let's shut this motherfucker down.
Yeah play ball you may be right about going against the Brewers. Still think the Braves bats may settle down again, although they have been hitting lately. We'll see on that.

Johnny think I'm gonna do it here, fuck this shit is crazy cuz I don't know what the fuck I'm gonna do if I don't win and make money this way on gambling. Nobody is gonna hire me after getting fired.

Crap the Chi Sox got something brewing.
It's fucking Wacdonalds for me looks like. Ha that would be great, don't really know who would hire me now after this. Maybe I could apply to one of the car lots here in town. Could sell cars, I could do that I think.
Fuck Vargas has his worst game of the year when I bet him, of course. There is another homer. Royals down now 7-6, that happens a lot to me lately, I bet a guy and he has his worst game of the year. Had that with Samardzija too.

Yep, looks like I'm gonna lose em both, better go apply to Mcdonalds. Not gonna see me here anymore.