Monday bases

Thanks there Ut.

Starting off a little slow on my games. Hope we get it going here soon. Guess it is early so no need to panic yet. Cubs at Reds got called off, figured it would.
That Oakland at Texas game looks pretty bad at the moment. Not for sure though, but it seems like it is looking like a pitching duel.

The St Louis game I think that will work out. The Cards got a run, but Wacha isn't giving up anything tonight, not gonna happen. As long as Gallardo doesn't get his ass rocked we will be okay.
Gotta get some more vodka, am about out. Don't know if I should go to the liquor store to get the 1.75 or the grocery store. The liquor store is farther away, but that is cheaper buying the big one. Then I pour it into the small bottles to know how much I'm drinking, lol, otherwise I just keep pouring and then I'm fucked in the morning at work, like whoa, I drank way too much, fuck.
Well if Texas can get anything going offensively should have a 2-0 night. The Cards game is looking pretty solid, guess it is still early tough to be sure about it. Texas has to at least put up a couple I would think. Oakland is gonna put up some more I'm sure.
Shit Sunday night baseball Wacha at the Cubs, already know what I'm doing there, lol at the Cubs. St Louis -1 for me there for sure.
I am damn close to quitting my job right now, ha, that would be stupid. Probably shit would go off the rails at some point with the betting. When I'm drinking though and Tuck is in control who knows what will happen. Tuck could screw Matt over, the good solid job Matt secured is gone, lol, Tuck decided to go for it in Vegas gambling ha, it is getting close to that. If I keep rolling stacks I'm sure I will bolt. That was such a good time, back in the day, oh man, there is no comparison to now and working all the time that shit blows.
Even fucked a 16 year old black chick in Vegas, doesn't get any better than that, ha. Now there is no way I could pull that off, I am fat and old. Well I wasn't in great shape back then, but not terrible like now, hell I'm 220 lbs about, and only 5 foot 9, not good. Fuck a 16 year old black chick I would be invisible to them now.
Damn it Texas needs to get some damn runs. Oakland isn't gonna be able to get the over by themselves. Think Texas can do it, get a few. I don't know though they are sucking against Gray.
58 posts on the day, lol at that. I am a lonely drunk, and I need somebody to talk to, even if it is myself. Yeah sit the fuck down Brewers, good deal Wacha got out of that jam. That one looks like a winner. Need Texas to put something together here. Fuck off Gray!!!!
Fuck things look terrible at the moment. Can't get a hit with runners on in the Texas game, and then in the Cards game there is always a hit when guys are on. Sometimes it just goes that way I guess. Hope I can get a 1-1, and get out of this mess. Doubt I will go 2-0 now.
Shit things are going from bad to worse. A big catch for Texas, and then a double play. This shit couldn't be going any worse. Oh well, hopefully I will make some better picks tomorrow. Thought about the White Sox but pussed out on that. Guess could get a push on the Cards game if it ends 4-3, so then 0-1-1, and lost 1200. The Texas game is done for me, no way they are getting to 8 runs now, fuck no. Well unless there is some crazy bull pen meltdown by Oakland.
I doubt the bull pen will even come in for Oakland, would be Gregorsen I think if they went to the pen. Oh the fuck well, lost my ass I guess today, get em tomorrow. Just hope the Cards game ends 4-3, shit Gray is kicking my ass, I thought Texas would at least get a few off him in this park.
Having some tough days lately in the baseball. Should go better tomorrow with more selections I think.

I'm out, fuck this shit, pretty fucking pissed off. Texas brought nothing at home, figured they would do something. Gray is good, but at Texas in that park I thought they would get something done, guess not, oh the fuck well.
Hopefully the Cards can get the win here, and end it, 4-3 final. I'm not gonna be worried about an 0-1-1 day, shit happens. The 0-2 day would be a problem however. Fucking Gray, that bastard, I knew he was good, but I thought looking at his game logs he may have trouble tonight, since he has been at cushy Oakland and a bunch of pitchers parks always, guess that was a stupid thought, ha, sometimes maybe I out think things. Try to make a big deal out of something that isn't there really, thought it made sense, guess not.
Shit hopefully tomorrow there are some better options. Taking Rienzo is not something I wanna do, put 1 k on that bum ha, damn it, should have, the Chi Sox are rolling. The 2 games I did bet weren't really bad selections it is just shit didn't go right. Well that Cards game could have easily won. Guess the over in Texas wasn't the best choice, but Gray looked like he was gonna have problems to me, he didn't though.

Shit, I better go to bed, got to wake up at 3 am, that ain't easy mothafucka. Need to quit and just roll to Vegas, could but that would be a bold maneuver there.