Monday bases


Pretty much a regular
Had a bit of a shit day Sunday, 0-3-1 and lost 2361, well fuck it. Lost 1650 then for the week. Not gonna worry about it, just fucking pissed me off, now the bookie is gonna pay this week. Gonna put a foot in that ass. Well today there was a lot of crazy shit that happened. First off the Cards blew a 2-0 lead late. Then Ventura got ripped, which was very unexpected with his 99 mph heat or 100 at times, slowest is 97. Well and Hughes bumfuck ass was decent, that was a surprise for sure. Then had the Rocks game looking good up 6-3, then the Rocks bull pen imploded, and they have been very good, especially recently, and Howard's bitch ass ripped me and blew up, ha, that guy is always terrible now, at least for the last couple years he has been a bum. At least I got some luck with Boston, and got the push there, that wasn't looking too good for a while. Fuck enough about that shit, moving on. Gonna look at some of the games now. Just bet one, rolling the dice taking Baltimore tomorrow, don't like betting against Boston on this day they usually kick ass, but oh well did it anyway.

Baltimore +146 at Boston, risking 684.94 to win 1000

Buchholz has not looked good for a while going back to the end of last year and the postseason. His velocity doesn't seem to be the same as it was earlier last year. Guess his last game was an improvement, but it still wasn't good in Chicago. Shit I only got put up 684 to beat him, I will go ahead until he shows me something. Chen is at least well above average, not great, but he is better than most guys. Fuck with the way Buchholz has been pitching lately, Chen could roll away with this. Guess betting against Boston on this day may not be good though. Fuck who knows I don't have any stats on it, or what the hell they do on this day, but it does seem they win more often than not.

Gonna add some more. Not going to bed yet, still early. Barely got to drink at work, so gotta swig some vodka now.
Not really sure about that Cincy at Pittsburgh match up. Could go either way. Suppose Pirates will win at home, but the -132, not fucking with that.
Don't really know about that Cards at Mets game either, was looking at it for a while, who knows. Tough call there.
Gonna look at the later games while watching this one. It is fucked up having a game on this early, guess okay with me, don't have anything else to do in the morning, since I have Monday off. Nothing going on yet in Boston, a couple walks so far.
Damn, looks like the under was the way to go, still early though. These 2 offenses are struggling pretty badly early in the year. Nobody has even made good contact yet, ha, they both blow.
Adding one, and I just laid the most juice I have all year, whoa, was debating just betting the -1.5, but a loss here is not likely, wanted to take -1 for the push.

Miami at Atlanta -1, -134, risking 1340 to win 1000

Koehler is hot right now, but that isn't gonna continue, it ends tonight with a thud. Atlanta hit him well last year especially Freeman, he really crushed his ass. Justin Upton also 2-4 with a homer. Guess that is nothing to get fired up about in limited at bats, lol. Anyway though I've seen enough of Koehler to know he blows. Average at best, well his stuff isn't even average it's worse. The Braves do appear to kind of be starting to hit more. Tonight going home I think the Braves bust out the lumber. Teheran is very good don't really need to talk about him. Did pitch well vs Miami too, 4 games went 3-0 with a 2.84 ERA, just a .224 BA allowed. 24 k's in 25 innings. So those are all good numbers there. Atlanta will probably sweep Miami I think, not sure about that.
Lol, at Buchholz ha he is getting his ass ripped now. 6-0 Baltimore, wooo, good start to the day unless Baltimore blows it again. Wouldn't think that would happen 2 days in a row, fuck, hope not.
Added another one

Arizona at Cubs -1, +124, risking 806.45 to win 1000

Took the -1, just cuz I don't totally trust Wood enough to lay -123 with him. Arroyo just blows right now, man, he sucks this year so far. He was decent last year, hell I don't know maybe he just got old. He is 37 so who knows maybe he is just falling off cuz of age. He appears to be in pretty good shape so don't know maybe that isn't it. Whatever it is he is suckin for sure. Think even the Cubs weak sticks can do some damage. I just hope Wood doesn't explode on me, well he just has to pitch decent and it will be fine. I wanted to take the Cubs runs over, but that is 3.5 at -130, don't wanna lay -130, fuck I already laid a -134 tonight ha.
Adding another one, kind of like my last bet here, in a way

SF at Colorado -1, +114, risking 877.19 to win 1000

Took the -1, cuz I don't trust De La Rosa. Really don't like Vogelsong however, so I'm betting it. I thought about over, but De La Rosa has potential to pitch better. Guess his last game was an improvement at least, maybe a step in the right direction. It was at Petco vs the Pads though, so who knows maybe I bet a shootout then. Rockies have been pretty tough at home, and are coming off a loss, so they should be ready. Think the Rocks are gonna be pretty tough at home all year with those bats they have in that park. Giants are bringing some sticks as well though. Fuck maybe I'm reaching a bit on this one. Cargo may not play, not sure. I am sort of talking myself off this one now, ha, oh well already bet it.
Yeah the -1, just cuz I didn't wanna risk a -125 on De La Rosa he makes me nervous. But Vogelsong sucks so had to take a shot, for a little less money. Didn't wanna drop 1250 if De La Rosa blows ass.
Nothing on that Philly game, Lee is a lot better than Maholm, but Lee isn't really locked in yet. Whew, fucking sweating out a rally in Boston, shit, this is making me nervous. Would be nice if Baltimore could add a run or 2.
Woooo, winner, somehow lol, that was a real battle late. So 1-0 and plus 1000. Probably should not rely on the Baltimore pen ever again. Go 1st 5 innings when I like em.
Not really too sure on that Chi Sox at Detroit game. Sanchez is not looking great so far, not like last year. Who knows, maybe that was just a fluke. Guess have to pass. Not gonna back Danks, no way.
Well 546.45 does win 1000 on Danks, there are probably worse bets, ha, shit I can't take that. That is probably money gone, but can't take Detroit or it would have to be -1.5. Not confident in that. Detroit has really smashed Danks a lot though. Fuck it, moving on.
Can't find anything else I wanna do damn it. Guthrie vs Mcallister, who knows there. Don't trust either of those guys. Total 8, hmmm, don't know. Wouldn't want over with the bats of both teams.

Guess moving on to Texas at Oakland.
Texas and Oakland nope. Darvish is really on fire here early, but Oakland may be able to get to him. Darvish hasn't pitched well in Oakland, but it was just 2 games. One last year, one in 2012. I know the one last year was a day game, and the ball flies better in Oakland then. I remember that one well I had Oakland, and they ripped him all over the yard.
Ha the team total for Houston tonight is 2.5 and the under is -135. Well it is the king, and Houston probably won't get to 3, unless the pen comes in and blows it.
One more game to look at. Can't really tell what the hell Keuchel is gonna do for Houston. The under 6.5 could be good there, not sold on it though. Can't bet Seattle -1.5 cuz their sticks aren't good enough. Plus their pen you never know about those guys they could blow the cover late, and win by 1.
Tuck sit back grab a cocktail or 10 and watch the Wild pound on the Avalanche. One of the only playoff series ever where neither teams name Doesn't end in S and isn't plural.

The play MN Wild -120

Good luck, love reading your plays.
Adding one more, this will be it for tonight.

Angels at Nats over 7.5, -115, risking 1150 to win 1000

Both these teams have really nice sticks. Guess Nats don't have Zimmerman anymore, but there are plenty of other bats. I don't really like the 2 pitchers here Richards and Roark. I thought about taking the Angels cuz I like Richards a little better than Roark, but not sure on that the Nats may hit Richards pretty well too. Think the Angles win maybe 6-4 or something like that. Wind isn't gonna be much of a factor looks like about 5-10 mph out to left. This isn't a real hitterish park, but I think 8 should happen with these 2 pitchers. The pens for both teams are decent not great though. Well the Angels sometimes have some problems late with their pen.

Yeah it will be about 15 or so younggun, ha, I have been drinking for a while now. The Wild you like them heh, I don't ever bet hockey well I do occasionally, but not much. Haven't bet any hockey this year yet.

Suppose I could add on the Wild, not gonna put 1 k on it though, lol, I have no idea about it since I'm not really watching the hockey or following it. Well, the baseball is for serious money, so can't be fucking around too much ya know.
Shit 15 drinks is way off, more like 20+, lol, well just keep drinking vodka all day and night. Don't really keep track of how many shots I have. Got to get more vodka in a bit, almost out.

Guess I will summarize the baseball picks, all 4 of the night games.

Wooo hoo bouncing back today, good start earlier with Baltimore 1-0 plus 1 k, they gave me a fucking heart attack though.

Miami at Atlanta -1

Arizona at Cubs -1

SF at Colorado -1

Angels at Nats over 7.5

All for 1 k, just summarized since they are kind of scattered about the thread.
If I don't hit that Atlanta game that will blow, cuz that is -134 juice on that. Well if things go crazy in Atlanta, I will still get out with a push I think.
Time to get more vodka. Don't know if I wanna take the Wild ha, better not on that. Well I don't know shit about the hockey. Gorgolon would suggest an NBA game every now and then, and I didn't ever take any. Well I took an NBA game once this season just cuz I knew the Bulls had no shot. It was Chicago at Indiana -3 early in the season, that was an easy winner. The NBA and hockey I really don't ever bet much, it is rare.
Hey gorgolon I was just talking about you there in my last post, lol, that's funny shit didn't even see your post.
Yea that is ironic. I am picking up some Kettle One tonight. I switched to Titos there for a while, but I realize Kettle One tastes much better for my needs. I drink vodka/club soda with heavy vodka pours. How do you drink the goose?

FYI: I think I'll be on OKC tonight. I stopped betting MLB after that loss Chris Sale took last week.
What a deal the 750's of goose were only 26 bucks today at the grocery store, so I got 2. Well a lot of times I buy the 1.75 the big one, and then I pour it into the 750 bottle, that way I can keep track of how much I'm drinking, lol, if I don't do that then sometimes I get really smashed and then I feel terrible at work. The grocery store is closer than the liquor store, and the liquor store has the big one the 1.75 which is the cheaper way to go, but didn't wanna drive that far to the liquor store tonight. Ha, don't know why the fuck I posted this, who the fuck cares what I paid for my grey goose tonight.
I just drink the vodka straight up there gorgolon, just pour it in a glass with ice. Then I usually have some gatorade just to wash it down kind of. The gatorade keeps me from waking up with serious fucking leg cramps, noticed it helps. There were times I would wake up with a fucking rock in my leg, ha, I would be like aahhhhhhh, fuck!!
OKC there gorgolon, I probably shouldn't do any hockey or NBA, but I could put a small one on em if I decide to go nuts.

Yeah that Sale loss was a tough one, but Lester is a pimp as well. He doesn't take a back seat to many.
Yeah gorgolon I don't blame you for quitting baseball, I really took it in the ass the last 2 years on it. But that was Matt betting, this is Tuck drinking heavily now, so the bookie is fucked ha. I just am too nervous and a scared bitch when I'm not drinking, about my betting anyway, other things go fine.
I'm trying real damn hard to stay away from Turf Paradise. It is calling me, come bet the horses Tuck, you know you want to. Games don't start for an hour and a half. Come bet some trifectas. Shit, may have to, lol. I'm such a crackhead.
Won't be long before I will have you hammering out some Canterbury Park plays. Shit there is even a Casino a mile and a free shuttle away. That would be an epic weekend for you in MN. If you play the Wild they will lose, if you dont you will be kicking yourself.

Get the confidence up on the ponies and take 4 horses and box them on the exacta and the tri.
Yeah Younggun I am still kind of thinking about maybe coming up there for a weekend like a Saturday and Sunday maybe, I will let ya know if I am gonna. Probably can't get too many days off, but I do like live horse racing, sitting down by the finish line that is the shit. It is way better than watching em on the computer, or at a simulcast place.

Turf Paradise race 5

$2 tri box 3,5,6

About post time, no time for my crappy race break down, lol. Well I am worried about the 1 horse fucking me, but she did just break maiden and it was the bottom at TP, 5000 claim, so a lot of bad horses in that. Winners now for her.
They had a deal on Kettle One for 23.99 here. I think I've only had goose a few times. I like how smooth it is, but it doesn't have enough bite for me. You ever try Russian Standard? I had a shot of that...It is the most interesting shot of vodka you will ever have. It goes down real smooth and you don't need a chaser. Then after about 30 seconds you feel a burn. It's not enough to make you sick or anything, but it's funny how the burn comes up on you without expecting it.
Damn it I suck at Turf Paradise. That 1 horse did fuck me on it. I couldn't decide on the 1 or the 6 which one to get rid of. Wrong choice the 6 got fourth. The 1 got 2nd.

Yeah have had Russian Standard, it isn't bad, I don't mind it. Cheaper for sure. The goose is costing my ass a fortune, I am spending over 1000 on it a month, lol, that is nice, it may be more like 1200 or so a month not sure. I don't keep track of what I'm spending on vodka a month.

Remember in Vegas they had grey goose 750's for 18 bucks at the Gold Coast, that was the shit. They probably figured sell the booze cheap, and then get people drunk, and take their money at the tables ha, good strategy there, although it doesn't work with me.
Shit, that can't be right 1000 a month on goose, ha, probably was off on that. I know it is a helluva lot though, it's not good. 1000 a month I would really be hammered all the time then, can't be that much. I would never make it to work.
Turf Paradise race 6

$20 win on 3

A bold maneuver at 13-1, ha, probably more like a dumb ass maneuver. Well I think there isn't a lot of speed in here none really at just 6 furlongs. He has some speed in the past anyway. And he ran great off a layoff before, he won off a big layoff. He has the most upside too, cuz most of these have ran forever and not won a damn thing. He has only 10 races won 2 got places twice, got the show once. So what the hell, taking a stab.
Woooo, 16-1 now on the 3 horse. Fuckin I have seen worse long shots, we'll see I guess. It won't be easy probably. Just hope he breaks well and gets out there, then we fucking steal this shit on the lead.
The 3 horse sucked ass, broke okay, was in the lead. Fell apart quickly. Guess I will make one more stupid horse bet. Shit I suck ass at Turf Paradise.
Probably need somebody to give me some picks on Turf Paradise I blow at em. Well what I really like are the horse match ups in the big races just head to head one on one, am okay at that. The books don't have those much though. Cuz I can't pick a winner for shit in the horses, but I can pick out an overpriced favorite that is gonna suck ass. Ha, I always can pick out a crap favorite and am like man, that favorite is gonna run terrible, but then I pick the wrong horses in my bet.
Turf Paradise race 7

$2 tri key 3/4,6,9

Think I have something here. The 3 horse sucked in Cali, that is okay, he ran a very nice 2nd here at TP, so figure he can step it up again and win. Diodoro is the trainer, and he is the best at Turf Paradise, Carreno the jockey, those guys team up, and they take it down quite a bit. I only have to worry about the 1 horse fucking my bet. I left him out cuz I don't think he is that good and is 5/2 odds. Put in a couple sleepers the 4 and 6 horses. Both of those don't look bad, and they are 9-1 and 14-1. Guess we'll see here in a bit. 2 minutes to post.
Thanks ut, already took down a g earlier on Baltimore, so feeling like it is my night here. The horses sucked ass like usual. Fuck just lost again on those.

Done with the horses, time for the important shit baseball baby woooo. I do like watching baseball for some reason, it is kind of slower, but I like it. Don't know why nobody seems to like it anymore.
Oh man, I have big 10 network on, and they are showing a replay of the Michigan St at Nebraska game. Gonna have to turn that off. I was so pissed about that game, the Huskers out played em that day, but lost. Was at that game, it was a pretty raucous crowd. Fuck we were busting em up, but had too many turnovers. That sucked ass, ha, and I had a bet at +6.5 that never should have lost. The Huskers kicked their ass, but had I think it was 7 turnovers, lol, can't win with that.
Kind of a shit start to the night. That over in the Angels at Nats is really looking bad so far. Atlanta will probably get going. Guess I shouldn't start panicking yet, lol, it is pretty early.