Monday bases

Fucking I don't know about this shit. Uconn looks decent at half, but not sure on it. Tampa had a shot last inning but they grounded out. That Tampa bet is looking bleak, they can't hit tonight. Doubt they can get a run here the last 3 innings. Ollie the coach for Uconn, he talks ghetto, lol, whenever I hear him talk I kind of laugh about it. No other black coaches talk like that. He is like, we was doing this right. Just total ghetto brother talk by him.
I also love dreaming doing better in life and have goals i'd like to achieve but Alex says life is just a dream so we are all fucked..oh well
Gorgolon I am hoping I will pull it out on Uconn.

Well Play Alex is wrong, I dreamed that shit, and it's gonna happen, lol. No probably not, but hey I can think about it, and maybe it will happen. Alex, I called him out in one of my threads, like a dumbass when I was blacked out drunk. Fuck, that was really retarded, I barely even know the guy.

Looks like Tampa is done now for sure. Fuck if Uconn doesn't cover I have a huge debacle today.
Damn, Uconn, hope they can do it. Should be okay I guess. My baseball today was awful, whoa, should maybe reconsider betting 1 k on those. I was thinking though I'm due for a good year on the bases. Had two really bad years in a row.
Yeah at least Uconn won gorgolon. Fucking nothing else went right today in baseball, crap I lost my ass there.

Just checked my account lost 2380, whoa! That is not good, fuck I got my ass rolled today. With the baseball I don't know if maybe I should lower my bets down, and see what happens. Cuz I know I have caught a beat down the last 2 years. Fuck with baseball it isn't like I don't know the pitchers or the teams I do, I watch all that shit, but it seems it is fucking impossible to tell what is gonna happen. Guess I had a winning year 3 years ago, maybe I can get my shit together, lol. Think I am still up a little for the year so far on baseball.

Better take my ass to bed, early wake up as always. Got to decide what kind of money I am gonna put on these baseball games. Not sure if maybe I should lower it down to 100 or 150 or something. The 1 k, is really stupid, cuz I am not good enough at baseball to be doing that.
Fuck, I may just throw down 1 k on em, lol, I am a reckless drunk. Moderation or limitations are not happening with me. Nope, gimme a bottle I drink the whole thing. Gimme over 10 k in my gambling account I bet 1 k a game. Guess I am betting 1 k tomorrow since I have over 10 k in my account ha. I took a little out, but still have quite a bit in there since I have been rolling ass.
One shining moment is on, haha, pretty Yag. Fuck I don't know why I'm staying up, oh yeah cuz the bottle isn't gone yet, lol. Probably gonna puke at work tomorrow. Guess I didn't hit it too hard this weekend, well sort of did. Probably not enough that I will puke at work tomorrow, like after the 1st weekend of the NCAA tourney.
At least I get off work early tomorrow. So will be on here at 1 or so, or before. This baseball I don't know, fuck, hopefully it will go okay. I don't really have any big expectations after the last 2 years. Well who knows, had a couple good years a while back so maybe I can get it. Should probably just take a knee, and find somebody to follow. Should probably just see what gorgolon likes and bet that, my bets on baseball are not always the best.