Monday bases


Pretty much a regular
Gonna roll that ass today damn it. Just put a bet in, but they didn't let me bet 1 k, so am waiting on that, lol, scared niggaz. Will put up what I get here later, they always make me wait like a half hour or so to get down 1 k or more. Not sure why, that doesn't seem like such a big bet to me, but I don't know, suppose it is. Not gonna call out anybody yet, lol. Fuck I remember at covers back in the day, there was this guy Vanzack, he really pissed me off. Well he thought nobody knew anything about sports or gambling besides him. Ha, don't know why I'm bringing this up, nobody I'm sure knows who the hell he is, maybe Al does. That guy Vanzack it was funny cuz he came in my thread and was just dogging me, saying I was delusional on all this shit. Then he said I'm fading all your bowl picks, and I was like, well if your so good you shouldn't be fading anybody, you should be just making your own picks, lol. He didn't have much response to that shit. He did proceed to lose his ass fading my bowl picks however, cuz I rolled ass, haha, Vanzack what a bitch. Fuck, he is probably a member here for all I know, lol, that guy was a real douche. He always claimed to be a big deal professional, but I never saw anything from his ass. Anyway on to the picks, sure nobody knows who Vanzack is, and my days at covers way back when, haha, don't know why I brought that up, it just came to me.

Cincy at St Louis under 6.5, risking 490.20 to win 500, they won't let me bet 1 k yet, am waiting on that, guess it will happen sometime

These 2 guys are both fucking serious, doubt there will be more than 2 runs off of these guys. Then gotta just hope there isn't a pen meltdown, shouldn't be. Should be a lot like the last game they just had. That under was 7.5, I bet that too. I think it was higher cuz it was at Cincy, that park is a bit more hitterish, Busch is not. Another pitchers duel, these 2 young guys can sling it, both are very good.
Fuck I don't think of myself higher than anybody on here, there are a lot of guys that know what they are doing on here. Fucking Vanzack, haha, that guy was a piece of work. That would be funny if he was a member. He is probably gonna come in here and rip my ass now, lol. Covers had a lot of dumbasses that would come in and talk shit for no reason to you, I sort of liked putting their ass in check though.
Fuck, I'll be damned, 5 dimes is still not letting me bet anymore. This is really strange, usually they just make me wait a little bit. Maybe by 3 I will have the rest of my bet in ha. I may need to switch books. This is pretty stupid, am sitting here waiting to put down another 500 bucks.
Shit it has been an hour about, and they aren't letting me put another 500 bucks down. What the hell, those bitches, that isn't that much to them I wouldn't think. Guess maybe they don't like people betting bigger early, don't know.
Adding on a couple, now they let me bet 1 k, ha, don't know what the fuck is the deal there

Cincy at St Louis under 6.5 +102, risking 490.20 to win 500

Finally got that in. What the hell, that was some shit, how they weren't letting me bet it.

Baltimore +142 at Yankees, risking 704.23 to win 1 k

Taking a shot with Baltimore, well I think the Yanks suck, and Jimenez is pretty good. I'm not sure, but Kuroda may be kind of declining, he is kind of old 39. Guess he did have a good 1st start. We will see here, I am going with the younger guy, fuck I am almost 39, and I know I am in trouble if I have to pitch an MLB game, lol. Fuck I am lucky to wake up in the morning at this point, let alone pitch an MLB game.
Adding another one, think that will be it for tonight, am about done, well about to pass out again, like on Saturday

LAA at Houston +141 risking 354.61 to win 500

Taking a shot with Cosart, not sure if this will work out. Houston has been playing decent ball so far. Fuck Wilson is not very good either, don't think he should be laying this road chalk anywhere. Maybe at Nebraska playing my Huskers, haha, Erstad would kick his ass though, he is the manager, Darin Erstad for the Huskers. Don't know why I brought that up, lol, getting pretty drunk now that's why.
Added on more it is kind of fucked up how they don't let me bet 1 k at once, it is 500 and wait.

LAA at Houston, +138, risking 362.32 to win 500

Fuck, I am out. Will look at the rest of the games tomorrow. I am not sure about the Oakland at Twins game, I would think Oak would win, but the Twins could pull of the sneaky win. Shit I am not laying -140 with Oakland for sure, think the Twins could pull it off maybe.
99 pigs on the block with me, not a mothafuckin cop wants to knock with me. Cuz it's 187 on an undercover cop. I keep worrying about the cops coming for me cuz of my posting, lol, probably should not worry about it. Can't quit posting though, I need to talk to myself on here ha, fuck nobody reads all this shit.
Fuck I don't think of myself higher than anybody on here, there are a lot of guys that know what they are doing on here. Fucking Vanzack, haha, that guy was a piece of work. That would be funny if he was a member. He is probably gonna come in here and rip my ass now, lol. Covers had a lot of dumbasses that would come in and talk shit for no reason to you, I sort of liked putting their ass in check though.

Van pops on here and there...not sure last time when.
Ha Al, Vanzack is a member. He just got after my ass on covers, don't know what set him off about me. He was like so are you a professional then, looks like that's what your saying. I said no, didn't ever say that, I have a job not a good one, but a job anyway. Well I was 25 back then, nobody makes any money when they are 25, not usually unless you are the man. Guess I did quit work and bolt for Vegas after the football season, was a professional bettor for a little while, lol, sort of. Then baseball checked my ass, and I left with my tail between my legs.

Steed thanks.

Am watching my Orioles bet now. It was a real tussle with Cablevision to get this MLB package, lol, they are the biggest fucking morons over there. I tried to set it up last week, and they couldn't figure out how to add it. So today it took about 20 minutes to get it, the guy was like is it on now? Ummmm nope, try again dummy.

Want to start drinking now, but better wait a little bit or I may have to run to the bathroom at work and puke my brains out tomorrow. Ha, that was funny the week after the NCAA tournament started that Tuesday morning I puked at work from hitting the bottle too hard during that first weekend of the tournament. Yeah I'm 38 going on about 18 I think. Puking from drinking, lol, usually that is reserved for teenagers or college kids.
Well Jimenez looks good so far, throwing some gas baby, sit the fuck down. Think eventually the O's will get to Kuroda, we shall see.
Fucking Vegas at 26, that was a great time, for the 7 months it lasted until late August when I busted. Not working and drinking all day, oh man, that was the shit. It is depressing me thinking about it, lol, cuz it was so much better than what I'm doing now, fuck. I mean there is no comparison there, too bad I can't just roll ass all the time on my bets. There is always a big losing streak I get on for a while at some point. A lot of the time I just kick ass, but when it goes bad it goes really bad.
Crap looks like the Yanks are gonna take the lead. Kuroda is looking pretty tough as well, may be a loser here.
Wooooo tied at 1, there we go Orioles.

It's funny cuz right above the MLB package on my cable guide is the manhandle channel, Yag porn, ha. Right now they have Ranch Hand Wranglers on, lol, what the hell am I doing watching baseball? Fuck, Ranch Hand Wranglers is on. Well I am getting pretty fired up watching hot guys in tight baseball pants, lol.
Looks like I am getting manhandled in that Houston game. Should have known better than to ever bet on those turds. I try to never do it, no matter how big a home dog they are. Guess maybe Wilson will suck ass, hopefully. Damn, now the Yanks scored again. This could be bad. Maybe the death spiral is coming for me. Have been pretty hot lately.
Manhandle that is a good name for a Yag porn channel, ha. Maybe I will go get manhandled later at the Q, the Yag bar here. I remember when my brother lived in Chicago, he lived kind of right by the big Yag area down by Wrigley. It was pretty nice though, I would have liked to live there. There was a Yag bar real close to him so there would be Yag guys hitting on him all the time, lol. Think the Yag bar was called bangcock, or maybe it was bangkok, ha, I don't remember. Pretty good Yag bar name.

Fuck I'm just typing on here cuz I am resigned to a couple of losers at this point. Looks like they are both fucked, suppose I could get lucky and pull one out of the fire.
Ha, Jeter got a hold of one, but couldn't get it over the 318 mark down the line. That is like me getting a hold of one now, well shit I kind of doubt I could even make contact vs a MLB pitcher, a dribbler back to the pitcher is the best I could do at this point. Back in the day though I could knock one out down the line barely, lol, never hit many homers, but I was like Ozzie Smith, played shortstop, no power, played good defense and hit singles.
These games are losers. Bad bets, at least they were both big dogs so I didn't lose as much. Hopefully that under will go better. Kind of need that one to limit the damage.

Gonna look at the late games, and may make a bet on the NCAA title game, was thinking I may go with Uconn plus the points. Fuck not sure what to do there. Well don't know how the hell you could lay -2.5 with Kentucky considering they can't put their foot on a teams throat and finish em when they are ahead. It is probably a 1 or 2 point game either way. I'm not counting Uconn out though they could win it, not sure. Probably shouldn't lay 1 k on that game, but think I will anyway. Ha, getting reckless here, laying 1 k, on a game I'm not sure of. Getting +2.5, and thinking it is a 1 or 2 point game one way or another, lol, that is a great bet, have a lot of room to spare on that line, oh the fuck well, can't not bet the final. Have to bet big money too, always do. I remember one title game I was so sure of, and I put 4 k on it and lost. Memphis with Derek Rose, oh my, that was a debacle. Memphis couldn't make a damn free throw, they were way ahead the whole way and blew it, that sucked ass. Chalmers hit the 3 at the buzzer to tie it, then in OT Kansas won.
Adding the big game. Fuck it, Kentucky can't put anyone away, so I will take the +2.5. Those kids don't know how to finish someone.

Kentucky vs Uconn +2.5, -103, risking 1030 to win 1000, got a nice reduced juice line there at 5 dimes, they do make ya wait forever though, can only put down 500 at a time

Damn it, Baltimore had a shot to tie it, needed a base knock. Nope, looks tough there. Houston is done for sure.
Adding an MLB, rough start to the day 0-2, but we're gonna finish with a rally here.

Tampa Bay +102 at KC, risking 980.39 to win 1 k

This seems like a pretty good deal to me at +102. Well Tampa was 14-2 last year when Moore started on the road, 14-2 whoa!!! And they are dogged, ha, I will take that shit all day. He pitched better on the road, had a 2.74 ERA on the road, was a bit over 4 at home. Vargas, he has had a couple good seasons with the Mariners, but that is probably aided by Safeco. Usually in his career he is just your run of the mill average type guy. Not great, but not terrible. He did have a real nice first outing, so hope that doesn't happen. I have to go with the Rays considering their record on the road in Moore starts, that shit is unbelievable. I mean with those odds, I don't know how you can't take em. Not like Tampa is that much of a changed team from last year, about the same.
Fucking damn it, Molina just put one in my ass. Gonna be tough to recover now, 3 runs in the 1st ouch. Am not faring too well today so far. Well, maybe Cingrani can settle in now, hopefully.

Was thinking a little bit about the Indians -1, but that is off the board now. Maybe it got cancelled, don't know.
Not really sure what to make of that White Sox at Rockies game. Would be on the over if the weather was more favorable, but 40's, and wind blowing in a bit. Not doing that. Those 2 pitchers do blow however, and at Coors you would think there would be runs. Yeah, that is a no bet for me. Shit the under could come in just cuz of the weather maybe, even though the pitchers suck ass.

Got out of a big jam in that under in the Reds game, damn guys on 1st and 3rd nobody out, no runs, woooo woooo, like that shit.

Guess this will be it for me today. I'm not real sure about that Rangers at Red Sox game either, was looking at it for a while. Line is about right I suppose.
I may be on pace to break a CTG posting record, man I am a loser. And it is pretty much just posting to myself. I'm not even talking to anybody, lol.
Just looked at manhandle on the guide again, it is funny that it is right above the baseball package on my cable. Guess if your watching baseball you probably like Yag porn, lol, don't know why they put it there, ha. I like the titles of the movies on there. The one going now is called In His Backdoor. The description below it says a late night trip to a porn shop yields hot man on man action. I better rent that one, sounds good, lol. I don't think there are a whole bunch of porn shops now, there aren't any here. Don't really know why you would pay for it, when it is online for free. Fuck, you would have to pay me quite a bit to watch 2 dudes going at it, that is pretty disgusting. 2 chicks okay, like that.
Fuck, I'll be damned, 5 dimes is still not letting me bet anymore. This is really strange, usually they just make me wait a little bit. Maybe by 3 I will have the rest of my bet in ha. I may need to switch books. This is pretty stupid, am sitting here waiting to put down another 500 bucks.
They've always let me double down right away although, in their defense, I think it's because they know I'm probably going to lose... LOL.

Good luck tuck.
Good somebody reads it there Ut. I do post a bunch, and a lot of times it is just drunk rambling about stupid shit, guess it is kind of funny sometimes.

Yeah Hugh I don't really know why they make me wait always it is pretty fucked up, I'm not that good or anything. Well I don't know I kind of kick their ass for a while, but then the death spiral happens. Hope I'm not on one now.

Fuck it I'm adding on, this is probably stupid. Adding another 500 bucks to both my games now. So I can come out ahead for the day. Am down 2401 right now for the day 0-3, ouch.

Adding on

Kentucky vs Uconn +2.5, -105, risking 525 to win 500

Tampa Bay +100 at KC, risking 500 to win 500
No special horse, is during AM works @ Saratoga which is a big part of my summer months
Yeah didn't think you knew who that was or anything. Saratoga is a big meet, I don't really ever bet it. Sometimes I do, but not that much.

I was gonna put a picture of Cigar up on mine, but I couldn't figure out how to do it. Computers and technology, ummmm, nope, I don't know what the hell I'm doing. Well I'm 38, so fuck there was no internet even when I was younger.
I live only 30 miles away from Saratoga and have been going since a very young age..7 yrs old is what i remember, was going at younger age though..will be 35 in kid went everyday with pops now i take most of my time off of work in summer and go at least every Fri thru Mon and sneak in a few other week days if i can
other tracks i've been to Aqu, Bel, Mth, Gulfstream all 3 Breeders Cups they hosted, Calder, Penn National, Philly Park, Suffolk, Meadowlands, Kempton Park (England), fair circuit Great Barrington, Northhampton..Finger Lakes, too young to remember track Green Mountain and Hinsdale closed now but were located in Vt and NH..harness Saratoga, Meadowlands, Vernon Downs
I've never even been to Turf Paradise and I'm no more than 10 minutes away, driven by it a bunch but need to do a lunch there or something before it gets to be 100 degrees
good to hear YoungGun other good horse cappers Lloyd and Gandy do work in other sports forum, think its like golf, tennis, horse racing, boxing, etc..too bad we don't have separate horse racing forum but sure fans of those other sports (which out number us here) also wish their sport had own forum, oh well
Fexas: Glad to see you in the MLB forum. Looking forward to a big year, hope you stick around. I'm looking at the Colorado Rockies tonight. I think I'll be with you on UCONN also.

I want to recommend a scotch to you. It's called Chivas regal. The 18 year is good, but pricey. The 12 year will still set you back a bit, but it's worth it because this is great to drink on the rocks.

I'll have some in-game thoughts on the CBB tonight in here.

I wish you all the best,

I had to work late tonight, just got home. I was drinking the scotch in work at the office, and I am pouring another glass on the rocks.
seems like im missing a few other tracks, oh of luck tuck and others and Go UConn!!!
Damn my thread is blowing up now, not used to all this, lol. I am not the best at horses I will admit it, but I'm winning the Lincoln Racecourse handicapping contest on Fonner Park in Grand Island damn it, lol, I want that title, this is my town damn it. It is pretty funny cuz the top prize is only 1k, ha, 10 buck entry fee. Oh damn, April 26th it is on mothafucka, haha. Gimme my Lincoln racecourse championship belt.

Play maybe I should just follow on some Saratoga, guess I don't really bet it too often.

Gorgolon I am not sure about the Rockies, but you could be right on that. The scotch I don't usually drink, but that might be okay for a change from the vodka.

Fucking this Tampa game is pissing me off. Well I don't know what the hell Tampa was doing in the 1st inning. Aoki was leading off for Kc and tripled, but I don't know what the fuck Tampa was doing on defense. It was like little league, when the coaches yell everybody in to the outfielders, when there is a little puss up to bat, haha. My left fielder for Tampa was playing almost at shortstop, fuck Aoki didn't even hit it very deep and it went over his head. What the fucking hell, guess the Tampa coaches yelled everybody in on that one.

Fuck what the hell, my left fielder was nowhere near it. When he hit I was like okay, we're gonna catch that one, nope, my left fielder was playing fucking rover or something haha, god fuck what the hell.
Yeah Kj if I lived right by Turf Paradise I would be there everyday. I love live racing, it is the best. There is nothing better. Fuck the Lincoln races got me hooked. Well I was 17 when I found out about em, then we were there everyday. Cuz fuck they let us bet and sold us beer, it was the shit. I made a bet, and was thinking well I hope they let me bet. Then I thought may as well go see if I can get a beer, yep, sold me a beer, ha, the Lincoln track was the best.
It was pretty funny the other night I had a dream I won the Lincoln Racecourse contest, and then I was about to fuck the black chick ticket writer I like there, ha. I was all chubbed up when I woke up, and then I was like fuck, time to go to work, damn it, that always sucks when you wake up from a dream when your about to fuck a chick. Had to rub one out of course at that point.
Maybe that's part of the prize for winning the Lincoln Racecourse handicapping contest. You win 1 k, and get to fuck the ticket writer, or waitress of your choice, lol, hope that is the deal.
Ha damn I hope my dream is gonna happen, that would be the shit. I do have dreams about things and then they happen sometimes. I make it happen damn it.

Uconn is looking good right now. Not sure about my Tampa pick in the bases, well one stupid ass play wrecked me, when Tampa had the left fielder playing rover behind shortstop, I couldn't believe that shit.