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Monday April 22nd-Tuesday April 30th MLB Picks

The question is Pirate have you ever had a losing season in any sport in real money? You are the best when it comes to digital key strokes always a winner, never a loser. Great system.
I was thinking earlier about that guy and was gonna say something but I dont really post so kept quiet but he should stay out of your thread cause i havent seen where anyone asked for his help. I also came here from the RX with the help of G-Man so keep up the good work.
I actually checked with the administrators and was told at the start of the season I was doing nothing wrong and could continue it. Everyone else keeps units and records and units in bases so not so sure why it is a problem. I will mull this over and possibly continue it all season long. Just will grade plays when I get back from getways and such.
The question is Pirate have you ever had a losing season in any sport in real money? You are the best when it comes to digital key strokes always a winner, never a loser. Great system.
Big Lou-Ser..Why didnt you re-register at theRX with a new alias name after you were banned there and continue bashing over there?
You need to be banned here now.
Enough of your shit!
I actually checked with the administrators and was told at the start of the season I was doing nothing wrong and could continue it. Everyone else keeps units and records and units in bases so not so sure why it is a problem. I will mull this over and possibly continue it all season long. Just will grade plays when I get back from getways and such.
I wish you would take two years off. I really know what this is all about. I've graded a million essays, journals, and papers in 35 years of teaching. You expressed frustration with a poster (I know it is Pirate) in another thread. I believe it was started with the Super Moderator. You said something about a poster (again Pirate) bragging about success the night before without having proper documentation (units)...according to you. Then, earlier in the week, you used the word "humble." This is a personal or personality thing with you. WTF does being humble have to do with posting plays? His style of posting rubs you the wrong way. Instead of letting it go, or moving on, you feel like you have something to prove. Even when others tell you to stop you continue. Quit being a Richard Cabeza...Do you need a translation? You also pretend to be his buddy when he wins. I see you.

Here is my transparency. This is my first-year gambling. Ohio just made it legal. I'm not good enough to post yet. I would be wasting everyone's time. I am really good at reading, research, deciphering and retaining information. I get up early every morning and write the original lines of every game. I then start playing podcasts while I'm visiting threads from various sites. I want to hear and see what games people are looking at or/are picking. I then go to the gym and listen to more podcasts while I work out. I then come home and look at more posts from various web sites and look at lines moves. I also try to read injury reports. After spending 3 to 5 hours of this process I MAKE MY OWN DECISIONS in what I play. I don't need Pirate to tell me units or any other nonsense that you demand. Pirate is a huge resource for me, but he not the only one, and he is not end all be all. Yet, I ALWAYS look to see what he is doing or playing. I've been pretty successful lately doing this. Pirate has helped me win money. I don't know him personally, but I do respect his work and efforts. How could you not?

Why can't you just back off? Again, if it bothers you so much then don't read his posts. It really is that simple. You remind me of the "class spokesman" that feels he needs to speak up to represent the class. This is a gambling web site and we all should be helping each other gather information and share ideas. You are busting someone's chops about their units when people like me don't care. I cannot be clearer. I hope everyone reads this, including moderators. Pirate attracts many people to this site. He is an asset. He even ranks his plays and answers questions about picks when asked. Holly crap!!! Do you know how many posters are egotistical and do not do this???? He also isn't the only one to not post units in this forum. Give me a break. Please give it a rest. You are starting to make me hate the Dodgers...

I wish I could post a middle finger so you could "mull this." I'm also pretty damn funny. I was also a high school football coach and can tell many stories! Please don't ban me or put me in the box. I mean no harm to anyone, but dang, someone set this dude/cat/boy/bro/punk straight. Not sure what the correct term is anymore.
The question is Pirate have you ever had a losing season in any sport in real money? You are the best when it comes to digital key strokes always a winner, never a loser. Great system.

The question is, why do you care so much and what do I owe you? NOTHING. It makes you trolls jealous when I keep winning consistently in all 6 sports I post. What is your other alias? Looks like you're the typical troll who came from across the street with another alias to carry on with your nonsense. YOU TROLLS ARE ALL ALIKE, stalkng me and my posts everywhere to start your beef you have with people who win. Where are YOUR plays, Dude?? Lets see your plays, oh that's you're too chicken to post your plays, so you just troll winners who do.

Now move on and don't comment further in my threads. you and your clown friends aren't welcome. Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach. Those who can't do or teach, criticize. Obvious to see the bucket you fall into along with your troll buddies/aliases.

I actually checked with the administrators and was told at the start of the season I was doing nothing wrong and could continue it. Everyone else keeps units and records and units in bases so not so sure why it is a problem. I will mull this over and possibly continue it all season long. Just will grade plays when I get back from getways and such.

Why dont you post your plays everyday and have someone else grade all your plays? I'm sure you'd find that a bit odd, stalkerish. Obviously you cant see that the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY do not like you or what you are doing. Good grief, talk about self-awareness or lack threreof. Adding to what another poster observed, I saw the same comments from you in a few threads directed at me, so it became very obvious what your intention here is. You're actually rooting for losses and keeping score.It's just backfired on you because almost all dont care for what you're doing, and everyone who follows me knows I win consistently, just like I've proven with your BS tracking. People can follow, fade or move along, we all have choices, but we dont all have to be hall monitors and board police of other's posts and picks.



**Thank you Cards and Dodgers, top 2 cash in MLB, good day so far.
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For the record..

Any reputable capper in MLB posts units or dollars.

That's not an opinion, that's a fact.

You can suck it up buttercup if that offends you.

I'm not trying to disparage Pirate whatsoever. He's a helluva capper. That's absolutely my read over his 2+ months here.

But, that being said, posting just a record in baseball is ridiculous. Hey, if you want to post plays and not keep a record, fair game. But, leaning on a W/L record is silly in this sport.

As I always say though, we aren't requiring anything. Record fudging will be dealt with though if given proof.

As far as this particular instance... No bashing please. But, we're not going to ban people simply because they question things. I understand both sides of the equation. Bookkeeping is a HUGE part of gambling. Also, if posters want to mention unposted wins or speak of plays being higher staked after completion -- be ready for others to question that. That's pretty simple. We've had many posters before that hit around 90% "unposted".

Whoop de dam doo. No one cares.

We care about though process and finding the best numbers.

I'm off my soapbox, but I'm done with this constant back and forth.

No one is going to be happy here. I won't admonish members though that get frustrated that there are always unposted winners or certain plays were actually higher than others. I can't. That's not fair to those members. I won't require units. We should, but this isn't 2010 anymore unfortunately.

Pure basking obviously is a ban or suspension. Those contributing nothing but bashing, see ya.

Parameters have been set, act like men both ways.
Thank you, I'll keep doing me and posting my plays. Anytime someone has had a correction to my record I always correct, so no worries there as I do keep things simple and honest as those who have followed for over a year know. Good luck to all and lets make some money
Thank you, I'll keep doing me and posting my plays. Anytime someone has had a correction to my record I always correct, so no worries there as I do keep things simple and honest as those who have followed for over a year know. Good luck to all and lets make some money
Hey Pirate. We've talked for a bit somewhere else for some time and had our ups and downs. To get rid of this BS just maybe take this into consideration from BAR.

"But, that being said, posting just a record in baseball is ridiculous. Hey, if you want to post plays and not keep a record, fair game. But, leaning on a W/L record is silly in this sport"

Most old timers at this forum, before you, I and many others who came here recently, aren't blind followers, hence the name of the forum. They more than likely are in the upper class of "normal" everyday gamblers. Sure you'll have people who came here from another forum who like and dislike you for whatever reason but let's not forget what this forum is all about. Sharing info and helping each others. With that being said your daily picks are an asset to the forum no matter how someone chooses to use them.

Nobody here needs, "We did great tonight, we won etc etc, when no units are recommended with your picks. I know it's not your responsibility to tell someone how much to bet but with that being said just post plays and that's it. People can use them as they wish, if at all. Everyone knows that who may follow you by what their roll tells them.

My opinion is just get rid of the records in MLB if units aren't kept with each posted pick and in a record. That will eliminate all the other stuff that will continue.

We're all, I would hope most of us are, grown men looking for info and an edge to beat the book, not all the drama that is followed by in- fighting.
Thank you, I'll keep doing me and posting my plays.
That's awesome, keep doing you but get rid of the record if there's no unit or monetary system with it. Without that there's no logical reason to even post a record which has been said multiple times. Continued success.
thank you for the input L2K. The overwhelming majority do not care if i post units, I've gotten MANY messages saying continue exactly what i am doing, only 2-3 that have a problem with it. I've always explained the crap in my own life and why I wont post units for now, I did before a long time ago across the street and that still started nonsense, so I've seen it both ways.
Far more have said they prefer and like the way I post and dont care about units---Because as one poster pointed out here in this thread: "I do enjoy the ranking system. It shows your strongest leans/picks. Hopefully everyone can just chill, move on and finally let it go..."
and another: "I love your picks/posts just as they are. Thank you for sharing!!" and: "Pirate. Came from across the street and been following you for quite sometime. Keep doing you. Thanks for sharing"
This is but a very small sample size, but have received a bunch of messages saying the same as well.

I'll do me (I dont worry about others, wish everyone good luck and go on), and continue on the way I have, as everyone who follows me has even said to continue doing. Appreciate the advice. Good luck to you and continued success.

⭐Yanks/Brewers Over 8-120-W
⭐Cleveland/Atlanta Over 8.5-115-L
⭐Arizona/Seattle Over 7.5-115-L

Oakland/Baltimore Over 7.5-125-L
Philly/San Diego Over 7-120-L
Tampa/Chicago Over 8.5-120-W
Cubs/Red Sox Over 8.5-125-W
Houston Colorado UNDER 17-120-W

Pretty good saturday, 13-9, 6-4 top plays and hit 4 of the top 5. back later for Sunday.
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Keep doing it the way you post it. In my opinion everyone should be doing there own plays and coming to see if your plays are the same. Like I said once I have never really played baseball just basketball and football. I handicap my own games in those sports and come to see what you have also. Thanks for posting.
thank you for the input L2K. The overwhelming majority do not care if i post units, I've gotten MANY messages saying continue exactly what i am doing, only 2-3 that have a problem with it. I've always explained the crap in my own life and why I wont post units for now, I did before a long time ago across the street and that still started nonsense, so I've seen it both ways.
Far more have said they prefer and like the way I post and dont care about units---Because as one poster pointed out here in this thread: "I do enjoy the ranking system. It shows your strongest leans/picks. Hopefully everyone can just chill, move on and finally let it go..."
and another: "I love your picks/posts just as they are. Thank you for sharing!!" and: "Pirate. Came from across the street and been following you for quite sometime. Keep doing you. Thanks for sharing"
This is but a very small sample size, but have received a bunch of messages saying the same as well.

I'll do me (I dont worry about others, wish everyone good luck and go on), and continue on the way I have, as everyone who follows me has even said to continue doing. Appreciate the advice. Good luck to you and continued success.

⭐Yanks/Brewers Over 8-120-W
⭐Cleveland/Atlanta Over 8.5-115-L
⭐Arizona/Seattle Over 7.5-115-L

Oakland/Baltimore Over 7.5-125-L
Philly/San Diego Over 7-120-L
Tampa/Chicago Over 8.5-120-W
Cubs/Red Sox Over 8.5-125-W
Houston Colorado UNDER 17-120-W

Pretty good saturday, 13-9, 6-4 top plays and hit 4 of the top 5. back later for Sunday.
So pretty clear you wont be listing units after I am done then?
Based on star plays being 2 units and others 1 unit. Picked up 2.71 Units yesterday

Overall. 299 - 230. +43.89 Units.

Here is to a huge Sunday

If people don’t understand that what you’re doing is value added and actually a testament to Pirate’s season then they are lost. Unit tracking is essential and this is important for newcomers and guests on this site.
No, the majority have continued to like the way i post, so I'm just going to post my games, as i do with record just for form and recency. My friends in our tg group have been making money playing only top plays and none others, a couple play only those and none of the rest. One was a mod across the street who is on here as well. I dont have to tell him how much to put down nor does he ever ask. As all by now know I dont start drama or troll anyone, i wish everyone good luck and comment about a pick I like and move on. But no matter how I post, whether i add units or dollars, or do a different ordering system, not spray the board, etc etc it wont ever make everyone happy. That's just life. But also in life it is said that the biggest winners bring on more attention and scrutiny from critics and that haters and criticisms are just reminders you did something worth celebrating, so I'll take that as a compliment from all my critics. Thank you.

307-245 YTD/ (163-106 Top plays)

*All plays are standard bets unless adorned with a star. Those adorned with a star are TOP Plays.*Top plays are listed in order of strength.

⭐Red Sox-119
⭐Twins/Angels Over 7.5-125
⭐Washington/Miami Over 8-120
Minnesota Twinks-105
Dbacks/Mariners Over 7-105
STL/NYM Over 7.5-125
Pirates/Gigantes Over 7-130

Almost forgot to hit submit, been sitting here an hour. GL to all. (Sundays are usually wacky, so tread a bit lighter)
If anyone does the units for Pirate, thats fine.

IF you guys want the numbers - they are here. They've been here all along.
Just because Pirate didnt do them himself is his choice.

I thank TheDodgers for doing it.
Its that simple.

There is NOTHING to complain about because you dont want to track and grade the plays yourself. Track them yourselves.
He takes the time to cap, but most who follow dont cap games themselves.
Keep your OWN record of YOUR bets and that will tell you how he is doing if you tail him.

Do your own math on his plays or anyone else if you really want to tail someone.

Its no different if the bashers want to point out a mistake? They hawk the threads just trying to find mistakes so they can say the guy is fudging his play record - when its always an overlooked mistake, but they need attention to themselves because they are losers and only jump in threads to bash.

Too much drama is going on here with the leading poster of the site who is winning.
Stop complaining - or don't follow.
If anyone does the units for Pirate, thats fine.

IF you guys want the numbers - they are here. They've been here all along.
Just because Pirate didnt do them himself is his choice.

I thank TheDodgers for doing it.
Its that simple.

There is NOTHING to complain about because you dont want to track and grade the plays yourself. Track them yourselves.
He takes the time to cap, but most who follow dont cap games themselves.
Keep your OWN record of YOUR bets and that will tell you how he is doing if you tail him.

Do your own math on his plays or anyone else if you really want to tail someone.

Its no different if the bashers want to point out a mistake? They hawk the threads just trying to find mistakes so they can say the guy is fudging his play record - when its always an overlooked mistake, but they need attention to themselves because they are losers and only jump in threads to bash.

Too much drama is going on here with the leading poster of the site who is winning.
Stop complaining - or don't follow.
I’m surprised how long this has been allowed to go on without removals.
damn, I must be really busy in life. I pop in, look at his plays, choose which ones I want to play, and then,,,, go on with my life. Some of ya'll must not have much of a life to take the time to come in pretty much every thread and instigate. Get out guys, and live life!

Tracking units saves casuals a lot of time. Most don’t have the time to cap cappers without it.
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Great job, Pirate. I could give two $hits what your units are. There is so much jealousy around here. Your picks are what keeps me coming to this site. Hands down the best capper on the site. Most of the guys that are critiquing you are cappers who lose their a$$. I've been on this site for years and lost my butt tailing others. You are one of few who have made me money. I don't see him grading other cappers! Why? J e a l o u s y.
Great job, Pirate. I could give two $hits what your units are. There is so much jealousy around here. Your picks are what keeps me coming to this site. Hands down the best capper on the site. Most of the guys that are critiquing you are cappers who lose their a$$. I've been on this site for years and lost my butt tailing others. You are one of few who have made me money. I don't see him grading other cappers! Why? J e a l o u s y.

Glad he’s helped you make up for your massive losses
Great job, Pirate. I could give two $hits what your units are. There is so much jealousy around here. Your picks are what keeps me coming to this site. Hands down the best capper on the site. Most of the guys that are critiquing you are cappers who lose their a$$. I've been on this site for years and lost my butt tailing others. You are one of few who have made me money. I don't see him grading other cappers! Why? J e a l o u s y.
If your intention is to blindly follow someone then you may have a point. This site has a wealth of "information" to help others make their own informed decisions on who to bet on. The amount individuals bet is solely up to them depending on their bankroll. I can also tell you there's probably very few people who blindly tails anyone on this site. GL today Pirate.
Great job, Pirate. I could give two $hits what your units are. There is so much jealousy around here. Your picks are what keeps me coming to this site. Hands down the best capper on the site. Most of the guys that are critiquing you are cappers who lose their a$$. I've been on this site for years and lost my butt tailing others. You are one of few who have made me money. I don't see him grading other cappers! Why? J e a l o u s y.
thank you, glad to hear I've been making you some money and you are correct, I've never graded other cappers or critiqued how others post or play their games. Not my place or anyone's to judge others in any capacity. I try to bring positivity and not negativity.

already played sox big tonight but do love the over too, just not as much as Sox. Every one of the 3 games this series has gone over the total, 41 runs so far in this series. Cubs pitchers have been struggling since the beginning of the year, posting a 29th ranking in MLB for ERA at 5.10, with a whip of 1.47, ranking them in the bottom 10 as well. I dont see a pitchers dual with the way the bats have been going and cubs bad pitching.


Cubs/Red Sox Over 9-118
Small plays sure stunk with a few layegame disasters and blown leads (marlins 6-0). Thankfully more of the top plays hit and my #1 or it would have been ugly. 7-12 overall/6-4 top plays. NBA and nhl carried my Sunday to a good +.

Back a bit later for Mondays games.
Sundays are always wacky as I said above-on to Monday--Top plays have been making the money so far, disaster for small plays sunday.314-257YTD/ 169-110 Top plays 2024

*All plays are standard bets unless adorned with a star. Those adorned with a star are TOP Plays.*Top plays are listed in order of strength.

⭐LA Dodgers-131
⭐Toronto Blow Jays-136
⭐Marlins/Nats Over 7.5-128
⭐Orioles/Yanks Over 8.5-130
⭐Dodgers/Diamondbacks Over 9.5-120
Reds/Padres Over 7.5-125
Philly/LAA Over 8.5-120
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If your intention is to blindly follow someone then you may have a point. This site has a wealth of "information" to help others make their own informed decisions on who to bet on. The amount individuals bet is solely up to them depending on their bankroll. I can also tell you there's probably very few people who blindly tails anyone on this site. GL today Pirate.
I am a very small player. I do appreciate your concern. I came to this site because I got sick of Covers. I came here because I felt like it was a family of people who cared about making people like me money.

The bottom line is, Pirate is one of the most if not the most consistent capper on this site. I have tailed many other cappers who don't keep records and or do not win very often.

All the people nit picking will eventually run a good capper off this site. If most don't blindly tail his picks then it really shouldn't matter what his profit units are. At least he posts his plays daily and most days they win.

My issue is why aren't all cappers on here being graded and critiqued? The answer is simple. This guy wins.
I am a very small player. I do appreciate your concern. I came to this site because I got sick of Covers. I came here because I felt like it was a family of people who cared about making people like me money.

The bottom line is, Pirate is one of the most if not the most consistent capper on this site. I have tailed many other cappers who don't keep records and or do not win very often.

All the people nit picking will eventually run a good capper off this site. If most don't blindly tail his picks then it really shouldn't matter what his profit units are. At least he posts his plays daily and most days they win.

My issue is why aren't all cappers on here being graded and critiqued? The answer is simple. This guy wins.

I think we need to stop with these nonsense posts. If someone wants to take up 2 lines and track units for someone who doesn’t despite being strongly encouraged to do so, then that is what it is. We can talk about it forever but this is spam at this point. Sorry you lost so much tailing others on this site.
Sundays are always wacky as I said above-on to Monday--Top plays have been making the money so far, disaster for small plays sunday.314-257YTD/ 169-110 Top plays 2024

*All plays are standard bets unless adorned with a star. Those adorned with a star are TOP Plays.*Top plays are listed in order of strength.

⭐LA Dodgers-131
⭐Toronto Blow Jays-136
⭐Marlins/Nats Over 7.5-128
⭐Orioles/Yanks Over 8.5-130
⭐Dodgers/Diamondbacks Over 9.5-120
Reds/Padres Over 7.5-125
Philly/LAA Over 8.5-120

Solid card.
I think we need to stop with these nonsense posts. If someone wants to take up 2 lines and track units for someone who doesn’t despite being strongly encouraged to do so, then that is what it is. We can talk about it forever but this is spam at this point. Sorry you lost so much tailing others on this site.
So it's a non sense post because we disagree? Didn't know your opinion was the law.
322-265YTD/ 175-113 Top plays

*All plays are standard bets unless adorned with a star. Those adorned with a star are TOP Plays.*Top plays are listed in order of strength.

Busy morning with wife's oncology stuff, kid's Doctors appt, etc. Here's what I played this morning, lot of interesting matchups/Close games expected. Hopefully no more walk off losses like Braves last night.

⭐Tigers-116 (Game 1)
⭐Royals/Blow Jays Over 7.5-115
⭐Dodgers/Dbacks Over 9.5-109
⭐Clev/Houston Over 8.5-125

Twinks/White Sux Over 8.5-118
Reds/Padres Over 7.5-110
Washington/Texas Over 8-125
Rockies/Marlins Over 7.5-125

GL to all.
322-265YTD/ 175-113 Top plays

*All plays are standard bets unless adorned with a star. Those adorned with a star are TOP Plays.*Top plays are listed in order of strength.

Busy morning with wife's oncology stuff, kid's Doctors appt, etc. Here's what I played this morning, lot of interesting matchups/Close games expected. Hopefully no more walk off losses like Braves last night.

⭐Tigers-116 (Game 1)
⭐Royals/Blow Jays Over 7.5-115
⭐Dodgers/Dbacks Over 9.5-109
⭐Clev/Houston Over 8.5-125

Twinks/White Sux Over 8.5-118
Reds/Padres Over 7.5-110
Washington/Texas Over 8-125
Rockies/Marlins Over 7.5-125

GL to all.
Let's cash PA
I will say this:

1) I think pirate is a winning capper
2) drama follows in every forum you are on

I go to a lot of forums, lookin for particular things. In every forum you are on, from Reddit to others. Drama follows. I don’t know if you enjoy it or not. If you do, you are being successful in achieving such.

It would seem, like others have suggested, to come up with a unit system and shut up the entire group of so called bashers.

You unlike many others, and a few major ones, actually have the ability to do this (shut the bashers up). They don’t.

The constant losers who claim to be winners and whine and moan all the time are people you shouldn’t associate with… yet it seems you do.

Again I go to many forums looking for fades. They are easily found. Winners aren’t. I would really urge you to come up with a posting system that puts all this to bed, and again you are good enough to do that.

That is truly sincere. No sarcasm at all. I’d go shut them up.. and separate yourself from the wanna bes that fudge record and false market wins and losses. Scream the winning seasons, but hide from the losing ones.

Just my 2 cents. I’ll be out for about 4 days so certainly not trying to stir anything up. I won’t even see the response. Best of luck
thank you, I've found drama and haters follow winners regardless (luckily here, unlike other spots on the web, bashers are taken care of quickly so i dont have the problem here). As said above in post #67 it is said that the biggest winners bring on more attention and scrutiny from critics and that haters and criticisms are just reminders you did something worth celebrating, so I'll take that as a compliment from all my critics. I've had far more in support of how I post, with only a handful demanding units, or me to change one thing or another., but alas, I can't please everybody. I'm glad you think of me as a winning capper, as I know you're always on the look out for fades (i've never had that in my capping strategy but whatever works, let alone follow another unless it was tennis or some sport I know nothing about as I dont have the time or energy other than make my bets, and post them to the forums for all to see and use).

Ive been told by many not just in this thread but in this forum, reddit and other places (and i'm sure you've seen the constant praise and comments after people win about every day) that many are making money off my picks and thats without units. If it ain't broke, dont fix it, it's working for the majority and many more have been winning than losing. Thank you for your input Doc, and good luck to you.
thank you, I've found drama and haters follow winners regardless (luckily here, unlike other spots on the web, bashers are taken care of quickly so i dont have the problem here). As said above in post #67 it is said that the biggest winners bring on more attention and scrutiny from critics and that haters and criticisms are just reminders you did something worth celebrating, so I'll take that as a compliment from all my critics. I've had far more in support of how I post, with only a handful demanding units, or me to change one thing or another., but alas, I can't please everybody. I'm glad you think of me as a winning capper, as I know you're always on the look out for fades (i've never had that in my capping strategy but whatever works, let alone follow another unless it was tennis or some sport I know nothing about as I dont have the time or energy other than make my bets, and post them to the forums for all to see and use).

Ive been told by many not just in this thread but in this forum, reddit and other places (and i'm sure you've seen the constant praise and comments after people win about every day) that many are making money off my picks and thats without units. If it ain't broke, dont fix it, it's working for the majority and many more have been winning than losing. Thank you for your input Doc, and good luck to you.
Yessir PA 🤝
thank you, I've found drama and haters follow winners regardless (luckily here, unlike other spots on the web, bashers are taken care of quickly so i dont have the problem here). As said above in post #67 it is said that the biggest winners bring on more attention and scrutiny from critics and that haters and criticisms are just reminders you did something worth celebrating, so I'll take that as a compliment from all my critics. I've had far more in support of how I post, with only a handful demanding units, or me to change one thing or another., but alas, I can't please everybody. I'm glad you think of me as a winning capper, as I know you're always on the look out for fades (i've never had that in my capping strategy but whatever works, let alone follow another unless it was tennis or some sport I know nothing about as I dont have the time or energy other than make my bets, and post them to the forums for all to see and use).

Ive been told by many not just in this thread but in this forum, reddit and other places (and i'm sure you've seen the constant praise and comments after people win about every day) that many are making money off my picks and thats without units. If it ain't broke, dont fix it, it's working for the majority and many more have been winning than losing. Thank you for your input Doc, and good luck to you.
Plenty of winners in forums that don’t have drama. I’ve seen the praise you receive. I also see the drama and hateful posts as well. I’ve seen you kicked off forums. You mentioned Reddit. There are an awful lot you have to clean up daily there.

As stated, I don’t think anyone is going to change your ways. I think you enjoy it personally. However a small simple change would leave no doubt to anyone that observes… and again separate yourself from the scum out there.

I’m not here to convince you one way or the other. Just offering a view from someone that again has seen lots of forums.. and seen people who aren’t as good as you are. I’ve seen those people who are no doubt easy fade losers, post in such a way to make themselves seem better. The way you post lumps you into that group by many.. and again.. you are better than that imo… if you don’t care, that’s fine.

Best of luck. Didn’t think anyone would respond that quick. I’m jumping on a plane
No reason to continue beating a dead horse. Strong recommendations have been made in Pirate's posts and everyone's posts about keeping units and that's that. If someone else wants to for him than more power to them. This is 10-15 years ago stuff in forums that the established and seasoned bettor reads and looks right past, paying no attention.
ahh yes, by kicked off you mean for defending myself in my threads by several trolls, one of which is a tout (pissed at me his clients stopped paying him and use my picks for free) and was banned (used another alias), and a rogue mod---the head mod immediately invited me to their other forum that same company operates and runs and puts more $ into, and admitted what that new mod did was wrong (that owner doesnt even care about that old forum, just the new one). So yeah, kicked off if you want to call it that. and drama on reddit is nothing new, a lot of users are college kids gambling pennies/college book money and there's a bunch of spam bot trolls (confirmed by a mod of one subreddit i am in this is happening and now as a mod myself in a few communities, I've seen it myself---once these bots appear they go in full force). Out of the 6,000+ gambling degens that now follow me on reddit, 95% are great and havent complained once on how I post. Had to expand upon/correct some of your statements of facts. Good luck and thanks for your input. And glad to hear I am not a fade....."yet."