Monday (5/6/13) Discussion

Sorry guys, meant to stop by yesterday but just had a long Sat nite. Only made 2-3 late plays yesterday and nothing really interesting me all that much today. For now just took a shot w Indins ml and under for a few unites each and played twins +1.5 earlier ...lean cubs and jays but didn't pull the trigger...

Just trying to avoid "forced" action ...easier to do when I sty away from the forum. Good Luck, wish I could be more helpful
If anyone cares...liked Indians ml because of Ubaldo 's last start + cleveland was offensively on fire. Why under then? Because the oaklnd over angle imo has become to public and 2 SP w 7 ERAs off encouraging starts

The Twins was one of those mental note plays from last week. The whole spitter / foreign substance crap ....wondered if it would just be a negative mentally -- maybe try to disprove by pitching well w all eyes on you BUT that kind of self presure can backfire I said justa guess

Jays broke out so thought about riding them after a win ....

Cubs -- had feldmn vs his old team but off his best or 2nd best career start scared me away.....a likely letdown spot for a guy like feldman more then step up ...
Some people could even probably guess my few plays yesterday..only started on the 4pm games....I talked about Volquez last few weeks and w Kennedy's history vs sd had the under and played rays fading Chacin off the dl ....something I tend to do --- fade SP off the dl especially when they have such nice stats....last one was 1st 5 under at sf which pushed....after struggling to find much worthwhile sat also just decided toi lay low....its just been such a good start to the season why ruin it
Lean philly later ---and maybe some interest in sd. Crazy price at sd but anytime a pitcher hits the dl, there last statt s certainly thrown out the wndow. So yeah, flukish output yesterday ...Leblanc former team though....tough to ride philly vs a LH and fade sf vs one when u take int account recent history vs LHP for both
Playing Philly...Lee has the 5 great career outings v them, I hve to thi k they are embarrassed after yesterday's loss, baumgarner weak opponents to date imo, and sf just won 3 1run ganes from division rival dodgers and swept 6 divisional games last week....playing F5 too
Small lay on dodgers ml ...couldn't resist fading zona vs a LH--- Cap off the DL but little expectations for him imo in general. Even smaller play on sd -1.5 and sd over tt
terrible AB rollins! take a first pitch strike down the middle n then AHHH
fucking Rays. way to steal defeat from the jaws of victory. you gotta be fucking kidding me. fml.
ump squeezing both pitch in sf/phi
lee had pence k'd n was called a ball, then pence goes deep
under fucked here for me