Monday 01/25/16 NBA discussion thread

Hard to make a Finals with no team chemistry but LeBron could will them too it.

I can't write them off just yet.
I'll give you nbafan, or anybody else who wants to side bet, the other 7 teams. I say the Cavs make the finals, therefore you can have the rest of the teams. IMO the east is that weak. Chicago, Toronto, ATL, Boston etc can make some noise but no way they take the Cavs out.
Kawhi guarding HB early. Thought he would be on Klay. Probably a good thing so he doesn't have to run off all these screens.
Last year... 25.01 (like today). Bulls play at home, off a rest, off a road win as an underdog, 8 points favorites against... the Heat... Result? 84 - 96 in Heat's favor...
Will history repeat?

Yeap... as expected...
Curry is amazing, but Timmy is important here. LMA is getting killed there. Another huge problem for the Spurs (and Duncan won't solve it), Parker got no one to guard - only Bogut, but then Spurs might get killed on the boards...
Curry and Green really great and create so many problems for the Spurs. Green on the defense, closes the paint all by himself and Curry... the way he plays this season... no one seen anything like it in the NBA history...
I really like Diaw on Curry as an option. He obviously not quick enough, but he is big enough to bother Curry with his size...

And btw... I'm more impressed with Warriors amazing defense, than their offense. We all know that the Warriors are great on defense, but it was hard to expect them to be that good against the Spurs...
Agreed. I still can't get over the fact they gave Lue a 3 year contract. What in the world was that even necessary for at this point? Said it before, the issue with that team is Gilbert and will be until he sells the team. It ALWAYS starts at the top.

Yeah... really don't get it. If they are in win now mode, shouldn't they wait till the end of the season, to see how Lue is doing and if he is bad, to look for more proven coach? I guess Gilbert doesn't mind to pay three coaches at once (Lakers been doing that as well).
i don't think Diaw can check him, curry is too quick. maybe patty mills to stay with him?
He is too small. You need a player that can bother Curry's shot. At this point, you need to force him to go inside and bring help on him and pray for the best, instead of taking any chances on Curry behind the arc...
Love will be traded soon, you can smell it. Wouldn't be shocked if they explore offers for Kyrie as well.

LeBron is Chip Kelly, good thing for him the East sucks.

That would be sick... Kyrie is so much better than LeBron at this point of their careers. Wade understood that he can't do it alone and that he needs to be more humble and give other player the spot light to win more titles... Bron can't do that I guess.
If I'm Cleveland, I trade Bron before I trade Kyrie. Bron will be 32 next year, he lost his jump shot (not to mention three pointers) and build just on his strength and at 32... you could see it in Miami already... he is getting tired much faster, he rests on the floor more often... Bron has so much mileage on him...
Kyrie is the future of the Cavs. I honestly don't get why they give Bron so much power... Maybe they can trade Bron and Love to Minny to get Wiggins back?
I want to see Boban facing GSW when there is something play on. I doubt he can manage, but if he can... He can close the paint by himself on size alone...
I don't know... I think Cleveland need to stay with Love. A team that wants a title, doesn't usually change coach and trades one of their stars at half a season... Till the system will get adjusted, Cleveland will be out of the playoffs...
Unless they get some amazing value on him (and I doubt that), losing Love can easily mean not making the Finals in the East.
Btw, I do wonder, with Spurs and GSW on the Western Conference... Will that effect Durant's decision to stay in Okc or to leave and if so, Wizards should be in the Finals in the next 1 - 2 seasons...
Statement fucking game.

that was a tough loss for the Kings. up 2, you can't give up the 3. at worse you give up the 2 and go to OT. but they took the shot so early and fast in the possession i think it took the kings by surprise.
that was a tough loss for the Kings. up 2, you can't give up the 3. at worse you give up the 2 and go to OT. but they took the shot so early and fast in the possession i think it took the kings by surprise.

It was really smart on Clifford's part. They couldn't play another OT. Kemba could barely walk. I think Troy went into the TO and told the coach to make a play up for him. Absolute fire today. Didn't even know he was on the hornets tbh.

Kings should get beat tomorrow. Blazers are playing well.