MNF play


Pretty much a regular
I don't know what happened yesterday, but they wouldn't let me post. Maybe I got too outta hand Friday night. I was just doing some drunk rambling in my own thread, stupid shit, nothing inflammatory I don't think. Anyway, did do okay on my Sunday NFL 3-1, took all favs, Tampa -2.5, Pitt -3, that was a tough loss, blew it pretty late, Arizona -4.5, and Saints -3. Saints at home at night and only 3 that's pretty insane, should have doubled up, but pussed out. Anyway here is my Monday night pick.

Dallas at Chicago over 48.5

I'm not super high on this game, just betting it since I had to have a bet tonight on something. Two of the worst defenses in the league, and pretty solid offenses. The weather is somewhat of a concern, which is why I'm not super confident. It's gonna be cold and looks like a little windy early on, but 15-20 mph early, they should still be able to throw in that I think. Don't know who will win the game. See it in the 50's, it sucks I looked at the line earlier and it was 47.5, and didn't hit it, so I'm stuck with this. Probably everybody is on the under cuz of the weather, but you saw how that played out yesterday. When you just make a bet based on weather, sometimes you get fucked. I think these 2 defenses could give up points in any weather.

Not alot of football this week which blows. Gonna have to hit the college hoops. Early season hoops is ummm, sketchy at best, but oh well, will be in that forum a bit this week. Couldn't go any worse than my college football did Saturday, haha, the bookie bent me over. Did make a drunk addition and doubled up on the over in Ohio St and Michigan St. I didn't even know since I was blacked out. Looked at my account late Saturday, and I was like what the hell? Why do I have more money in there than I should. I am undefeated in drunk blackout bets LOL. What the hell am I doing talking about this in the NFL forum, I'm not even too drunk yet, and I'm rambling on.
We didn't do anything with your account. You were prolly trying to login at SportsDegenerates ;)
Yeah, don't know maybe I was too hungover and was lost BAR. I got absolutely trashed Friday and Saturday night.
GL Kowboy, drinking a little vodka, I started in at 1, got goin early. Since I have to go to bed so damn early now, waking up about 3 to go into work at 4. God, the new bosses blow, I can't stand this shit. Gonna have to go to bed at halftime I guess, and hell, even that is gonna hurt. Good thing I have goose and not barton's or I would be seriously hurting.
Not gonna be able to afford the goose though if I don't start winning more. This new work thing just started so I've been getting goose, cuz the hangover is much better than with the cheap shit.
I couldn't figure this one out Tuck. Nothing in this game would surprise me. I took a crack at first quarter under 9.5 and hoping the wind will hold them to one score in the first 15 min.

Then, hopefully the onslaught of points will come your way. Good luck. Glad to see your posts again.
Yeah it is a tough call. Gonna stick around as long as I keep drinking. Don't know how long that will be. Will have to get back on the wagon eventually or my liver will give out.
I had to quit drinking for six months a couple years ago. Everyone told me how great I would feel.

They were wrong big time. Walking around cranky all the time, just wishing I could get torn. It was the toughest six months ever.
Yeah sc, it is not good, I went through about 4 years. With me I kind of am gonna have to do it again for a while, cuz I just go off, once I start, it's everyday. Feel alot better now than I did.

Really think I need to quit my job, even though they pay me well, it's not 6 figures like all you guys probably make, but for me it's good. Need to go back to a part time job, and paying the bills with that, then gambling for food and vodka. That it is some motivation, if I don't win then I'm sober and hungry. Can't really quit working though cuz that ended badly in Vegas. Had to beg my parents for money to get back to Nebraska haha, I was broke as hell, and had a credit card all maxed out.
Nice hit on that Ohio st- Michigan st over tuck. Damn it most be cold as shit getting out at 4 in the morning in Nebraska. GL tonight bro
Yeah sigo, that was all I hit, had a rough day. Yeah it was 20 below wind chills last night, with a temp of zero. Gonna be about 5 tonight when I go out. This is what I hate about Nebraska. I like it otherwise, but the weather is terrible.
Good Luck. Last 3 Boys/Bears games have gone over. However, I think the trend this year on MNF has good for unders.
Oh my goodness headache, hurtin pretty bad, but a winner helps. It wasn't even close, guess the weather concerns were no problem. And good news its a balmy 17 degrees out, woo hoo, a heat wave. About time for work, fuckin Marty, damn it. Guess its hoops the rest of the week, aside from Thursday, don't even know if there are many games, haven't checked.
Think nothing of it lesser tuck.

A careful review of last wks discussion and in game threads makes it clear the NFL forum is all about drinking.

There really should be a feature to check the number of beers and/or shots you're on at the beginning of posts.
Think nothing of it lesser tuck.

A careful review of last wks discussion and in game threads makes it clear the NFL forum is all about drinking.

There really should be a feature to check the number of beers and/or shots you're on at the beginning of posts.
Yanks said something similar years a PBT on your laptop.