MNF bets

I'm not sure I understand why that yg guy is stalking me. He is in my browsers again, guess whatever. It is stupid the whole thing, I mean he can press charges on me if he wants, but I am pressing internet fraud charges on him, so whatever. Cuz he obviously did that, and if I explained it and showed the cops it they would know, yeah he did. He was trying to gamble for free, with no intention of paying ever, pretty obvious, don't know how it wouldn't be, unless the cops are completely retarded and not understanding me, no idea how they would be that stupid to not see what I'm saying.
He must think he's getting something out of it is all I can gather, he isn't so I don't know what he's doing. I mean I don't have shit anyway to get ha, no, maybe a damn bottle of vodka in my name ha, and then plus he says some slander or defamation of character cuz of what I said on here about him, but there is no slander, I fucking said what he did, he did it, and then I said what he did. Fuck slander is when you claim something that isn't true about somebody, I didn't do that at all. Then after all that he would have to prove damages, haha, good luck there, I have damages to my internet handle haha, okay dude whatever, nobody is gonna give you that shit. Plus you were wrong anyways, you took money from me, not the other way around. Well and good luck taking my last vodka bottle and 20 bucks from me, shit there is nothing to be had here.
I mean, I could explain the whole thing to anybody, and they would know how he is wrong, and what he was doing to me. It is damn obvious. It really just pisses me off how some people do crap like that, and I mean he is probably trying to get money I guess, but I don't have any, so good luck. Ha, bitch ass *****, you better go try and get a Viking to punch you in the face if you want money haha, there isn't anything here bro. Only time I'm gonna have any money is if I live til I'm 65 or some shit until both my parents die, which isn't happening soon cuz they are healthy, well my grandpa lived to 102, so shit I figure I need to at least make close to 70 to have anything, there is no way on that, shit I'm 38 and making 45 will be a real challenge fo sho.
Eat a dick up til ya hiccup yg, I fucking hate you, you cock sucker. Fuck off, I don't wanna see you in my browsers here.
Yeah he is one of those guys, a guy that tries to sue people for money. He better look elsewhere if he is looking for money, I don't have any, I am blowing what I do have left. Ha ha the guy can ya know keep stalking me and harassing me on here, but it doesn't do anything for him. Like I said before if he wants to sue people for money get one of those Vikings to punch you in the face, he is right there in that city, so there ya go dumb fuck. Or there are a lot of big CEO's there but they wouldn't be that stupid to punch you in the face. YG the suing fucking cock sucker, ha, it is funny though cuz he thinks he may be getting something but he isn't cuz I don't have shit, I mean I have a couple thousand bucks at the moment, but that will be gone soon.

But the thing is he owes me money and ripped me off, but he is trying to get after me about threatening him over the phone, haha, I mean I don't think there is any question what is happening here and who should pay, and be in trouble, but oh no, I threatened him on the phone ha, so now I'm the bad guy. Yep I'm the bad guy, for trying to get the money he owed me, and hell yeah I threatened his bitch ass, who the fuck wouldn't? The whole thing is retarded, I mean and I get worried cuz he claims since I threatened him he can press charges on me. Well I wouldn't have threatened him if he would have paid what he owed me, pay your damn bets *****, shit that is what it is. You can fucking say whatever you want, but bottom line you didn't pay your bets, and you are the bad guy, not me. Just cuz I got pissed at you doesn't make me wrong, you fucking didn't pay you big bitch, and then claim I'm the bad guy and wrong, FUCK YOU!!!! You owe me 636 bucks and you didn't pay, you are wrong and you know it, fucking pay this shit you big vagina, I'm waiting.
WAITING!!!!!!!!! Pay up you big bitch, ya know you won't, that's what it is. Hope you fucking text me or call me, and man up and pay what you owe, but you won't I'm sure. Well, ya know, good thing you aren't here in Lincoln bud, no threat, just saying. Fuck can't make a threat, cuz this fucking guy is one of those sue happy guys, that hopes to make money for nothing, well good luck here bud, you aren't making shit off me, I don't have shit. I think ya know go down to the Vikings practice facility start talking shit to one of those big dogs, and hope they punch you, there ya go weasel, make your money there.
Ha I'm all pissed since I'm losing tonight, but I am right about that whole thing, anybody that says anything different is totally retarded, shit he owes me that 636 bucks and won't pay. Shit what am I gonna do, fuck nothing, go up to Minneapolis no, won't do that. I mean it isn't enough money I should carry on about it, but then when I see his name in my browsers stalking me it pisses me off, especially when I'm losing, fuck, damn it.
The whole thing is I paid him when we won, then oh no, he bitched out when we lost, yeah fuck, I mean I am not gonna say anything, but oh man if he was here uh oh then. Shit I won't say, but I'll say. He may be meeting a 6 foot 4 and 300 pounder then, but hey he isn't here so it won't happen ha.
Fuck that bitch he deserves to get his ass kicked, goes into an agreement then doesn't pay. I mean oh well, lucky he is in Minneapolis that's all I will say, fuck he would be paying if he was here, that 636 bucks ummm yeah I would get that, fo sho. Shit he could try to not pay, but it wouldn't happen, ha no.
Ha that guy and his fucking threat crap, I mean what the hell, do you expect a guy to not threaten you, when you owe him 636 bucks? I mean if I owe a guy that type of money I expect a threat coming my way if I don't pay for a month.
Straight outta Compton is a brotha that will smotha yo motha, and make ya sister think I love her, dangerous mothafucka raisin hell, and if I ever get caught I make BAIL!!!!! Ha fucking take notes, you fuck, I will be out in 2 seconds with shit coming at you.
Shit you are lucky as fuck you piece of shit, that you don't have to see my brother, cuz he is a beast, fuck battled a Oakland Raider in practice in high school on the line Chris Cooper, oh my you would have to run and hope you get away baby, shit, that would be an ass kicking there. Ha I am kind of a puss, but hey I got my niggaz to help me out. When me and my posse steps in the house, all the punk ass niggaz start breakin out.
Ha it just pisses me off so bad, I should forget about it, cuz it is only 636 bucks, but then he shows up in my browsers and I get all pissed. It is true though if he were here I would collect, shit I got bad ass mothafuckas to roll for me, shit my bro is a beast 6 foot 4 300 he is pissed about this crap, you know the color the vilian's in black always down to make noise and attack, so you better get back and make your face like a target, when my bro decides to hit it.
Yeah that guy can suck a dick and ya know it is pretty stupid of me to think that a guy would be honest and pay if he lost. But ya know I am kind of a trusting guy, that thinks people I talk to over and over will pay up, shit I talked to that guy a bunch haha. I mean my friends would here, pay up, but this guy no, and man he is lucky I will tell ya. Fuck if he was here there would be trouble then, but you know he isn't so lucky for his bitch ass.
Fucking damn it, if it ain't rough it ain't me is getting cut off and delayed, ha pages unresponsive, but you pussies can get it, just come on try and do something in real life bitches, nope, that is like all this shit, ha, there is no way anybody would. Cuz I can tell from the jump your too nervous to go.
Well sometimes shit goes badly. I didn't do too well here tonight on my bets. That mothafucka though yg, he owes me, and it is a thing that I'm not gonna go after him, but if he was here he would pay, shit he couldn't get away with that crap if he were here. Guess he is lucky he is up in Minnesota that bitch. Shit I am not gonna go up there for him, but it is pretty bad, I mean he is a big bitch, back stabber. Nothing like talking to somebody and claiming you are their friend then just oh I'm not paying stab em in the back, fuck you, god damn it, I would like for my bro to hold you then I just punch you in the face, you fuck.
If it ain't rough it ain't me, scared to speak with the thought when their chosen, the sound of my voice in their ear and their frozen.
Shit I wanna beat that yg guy's ass, that fuck, he can suck my balls. I mean I could leave it to my bro which he surely would cuz he is a bad ass a big dude an o lineman, but man I want that mothafucka, I want to beat him, I am really pissed cuz he keeps showing up in my thread browsers, fuck my blood is boiling now, that fuck I wanna kick his ass.
Fucking got some Ganksta Nip on now. Fucking H town bitch, he is not to be fucked with haha. The south park psycho baby, shit get out the way bitch, haha, damn right.
Fucking Ganksta Nip is the shit, fucking H town bitch, ha, shit they find you floating in a bayou, bitch, fuckin yg, fuck you.
Gotta get out the game slangin mothafuckin cane.

There go that ***** who owe me money that didn't pay, he heard my voice so he bailed down the street, cuz he know his ass fixing to get beat.
Ha that was appropriate that song. Shit if you listening to Ganksta NIp you got some hard core shit on bitch, fucking they are h town, fucking 5th ward
Ganksta Nip is the roughest mothafucka in south park, haha, guess it is south park in Houston, not the 5th ward. I know my boy Dedric was from 5th ward, and he was a rough ass mo fo, no fucking with him. I remember though he said South park and there were some other rough spots in Houston.
Damn I wish fucking yg was up here with my bro and Dedric up here, oh shit, man he would be in serious trouble, haha, oh my, fucking run bitch, and you wouldn't get far baby. Shit Dedric a fucking marine, good luck there haha, fuck I wish he could get a hold of your bitch ass.
your obsession with this guy is disturbing tuck, why do you keep bringing him up?

move on
Yo yo yo gangsta Nip is in the house. I'm the gangsta mack, keep counting the stacks, keep counting the stacks, keep counting the stacks, haha
No I wouldn't kj, if he wouldn't show up in my browsers, but he does always, but if he showed up here, shit he would get his ass beat, but it is only proper, I mean it is appropriate
Great, he's probably jerking off to the fact that you bring it up all the time

Calling him out consistently isn't healthy
Ha Kj, yeah maybe that pussy, fuck he can blow me, I mean I just wanna punch him in the face a bunch haha, but it is an obsession now, I wanna kick his ass bad.
Shit he probably is jerking off to it, haha, I mean well some guys like to jerk off considering I'm bringing em up, but ya know that is how it goes, shit I am the man baby.
Ha I don't know if I am so much the man that guys get off on me bringing them up in my threads, haha, I don't think I am that much of a pimp.
H town niggaz aint soft bitch, I will bust you in the mouth with a brick a bitch!!! Ha I love this song, H town bitch, it is Ganksta Nip.
Fuck H town bitch, ha, this is a great song, H town, bitch, say Houston is weak I'm cuttin everybody's throat.
Step up and you'll get beat down, H town bitch, H town bitch!!! Fuck that is a good track there, fucking ganksta Nip, shit you all fucking little kids on here shit you gotta check out this mothafucka, he is the shit, and I already told ya about NWA, those guys are the shit, fuck bow down, fucking slit your throat there.
Ha I am about to go to bed, but Ganksta Nip, and anything else, fuck I'm done, gonna act like I'm scared and drill some scissors in his fucking head haha, the police are gonna have to come and get me.
Shit, well I sucked ass today, and well the shit I was listening to, was the shit, but you can listen if you want, fuck I will say some niggaz that are the shit, and you can listen or no haha.
Shit ya wanna go baby, I am ready to beat that mothafucka, shit he can come up with whatever he wants, fuck that guy.
Ha I kind of talked shit and was not coherent at all, but ya know what life aint nothing but bitches and money