MNF bet

Fuck if Abdullah was 100% like at the start of the season, then the Huskers could win, but no they won't now, cuz he is not healthy, but okay my Huskers get rolled I get a new coach.
Fucking think I better call it a night, I am getting too fucked up at this point to look at games. Did a lot of good work though, and fuck off yg, I mean I don't know why you hang around my thread all the time ha, I see you in the browsers always. Is it not enough that you ripped me off, I mean what more do you want from me. Guess okay if you just wanna torment me, I have no idea why.
I mean I don't really care if I get banned fucking fuck off, I mean fuck that guy, guess you guys don't know what happened. I am right, and he is wrong. Okay that is the deal, and I know you don't know what happened, but it is not right. Guess nobody here knows though what happened so, what the hell, guess if I'm here I gotta deal with that guy ha, well if people knew then he would be banned not me. But now I will be just cuz of bullshit. Well it just pisses me off to see the fuck on here and ya know people like oh yeah good card kick ass dude, well fuck that, so nobody cares he ripped me off. Guess fuck it ha, like anybody cares about my shit no. The first time anybody gives a fuck about me ha, that will be great, I need somebody to care ha. No I understand completely my banning that will happen now, but that guy is a fucking douche welcher, I don't care, you ban me if you want, I don't give a fuck.
The old usual I am used to it, somebody is wrong I am right, and then I get in trouble, or banned whatever. I accept it, it happens all the time for me. Fuck at work the same thing, then get fired ya know, it is the usual. Okay, don't care, see ya.
I am just pissed off, fuck I will be okay tomorrow. Probably will be banned now though. Well it isn't without good reason. Oh the fuck well.
Well there is probably some other place I can go. Not sure where, well covers banned me, will have to find another venue. I don't know will have to look around I guess.
I don't even understand why this guy is stalking me, he is still in my browsers. What the hell dude? You already ripped me off why don't you leave me alone, I don't get it. I mean good for you there buddy, what in the hell ha, I guess some people just take pleasure in others misery, that is the deal here.