MNF bet


Pretty much a regular
Broke jobless Tuck is back in the house, yeah for the nine deuce ha, yeah I am stuck in 1992 I think. Dad gave me more money, my broke ass. So made a wager. I may just have to go to the damn gas station and get a job there for 8 bucks an hour and have a roommate somewhere ha, 38 year old living with another loser dude. I meet the neighbors, and he just says oh yeah what's your name, I say it is Tuck, good to meet ya. Then he says well I saw your boyfriend the other day, but I didn't get a chance to talk to him. Oh no no, we aren't banging each other, we are just 2 losers that can't afford rent on our own, and don't have chicks. Yeah I work at the Kwik Shop they pay me jack shit, and he works at the grocery store down there the Hyvee, so he makes jack shit too.

I saw a kick ass car today, oh my, it is the shit, my favorite now. I got a huge stiffy watching this video thinking about driving it.

Here is the link

Now that right there oh my. I think I would die if I owned that or be in jail for a long time for going 200 on the highway to Beatrice, NE, hwy 77 that was my drag strip. That shit would completely smoke my Camaro I had when I was 16, oh it wouldn't be close there to say the least, 0-60 in 2.9 seconds. My bro and my nephew stopped by for a drink and I showed them, and my nephew who is 3, was just like wow, uncle Tuck you need to get one of those since you don't have a car now ha. And I said well buddy it isn't gonna happen cuz your uncle Tuck is broke. Yeah I can lay down 79 k for a Corvette. I was thinking about if I did have one, that would be a disaster waiting to happen. I have a bad night gambling and all drunk, then just think well I got this kick ass Corvette I can go tear shit up ha, I know I would. It is great at the end of the video when he is just doing a brake stand and smoking the shit outta the tires. I used to love to do that in the Camaro, yeah tires wouldn't last long with me driving oh no.

Fucking jibba jabba, better get to the pick.

Baltimore at Saints -2.5 got a -110 at 5 dimes, risked 165 to win 150

The Saints aren't losing tonight, just fucking book it. 3 in a row at home, na na, it ain't happening. This is their night tonight, just know it.
Shit I am fired up after watching the Drew Brees pre game chant he does, woooooo!!! I am ready to play some linebacker now. I do like that pre game deal he does there.
Bad start here. The Saints should have thrown it when they got close. Stupid play calling. Should be 7-7.
Man I want one of those new Corvette z06 cars so bad. Those are the shit, damn, I have never wanted something so much, and they don't cost that much. Well 79 k, or if you get the special package 89 k. Money well spent ha, well yeah if your my dad. Shit he wouldn't even want one, he could afford it, fuck if I was him I would. Go fucking tear shit up in that, 0-60 in 2.9 seconds whoa.
Then I can get a bunch of speeding tickets and another DWI ha. Just like when I had my Camaro same thing.

Fumble there baby, Saints ball, unless somehow I get fucked like always. No Tuck you can't have anything, fuck you, play stands as called of course. I am just used to it at this point.
I remember when I was in Vegas they had this dream car rental thing, and I almost rented a Dodge Viper there for a day. That shit would not have been as kick ass though as this Corvette no way. Still I think that Viper would have been great, it was a v-10 in there. I was talking to em, and they wouldn't come correct, they were trying to rape me on the rental. I don't remember how much they wanted, but I was like oh no way.
Damn it I suck ass. Baltimore TD, not looking good again. Think now I'm waiting for LSU on Thursday, then Iowa on Friday, both of those are good bets.
LSU on Thursday is a good one, but until then I don't know what to do. It sucks cuz I really can't stand sitting here just jerking it for 2 days, which is what I will be doing. Guess I can just jerk it 6 times a day on Tuesday and Wednesday yeah okay. LSU though I am pretty sure that is the match up they have been waiting for, it is a perfect match up for them. You couldn't plan anything better to bounce back and get off the slide.
Boooooooooooooooooooom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah bitch ha ha, throw one in em Brees, fuck yeah. Saints are gonna win this shit, oh yeah no doubt.
Hell now I have no reason to ya know make it bigger I suppose when I'm jerking off no, my hand doesn't care about my size, no she is okay with whatever I have.
I wanna be able to just fucking cut glass with it again it is so hard, yes. Yeah I probably could use the viagra just so I was pumped like ya know 18 years old ha, maybe not a bad idea if I actually was getting some.
Brees whoa, that was fucking bad.

Damn it, another debacle. Well thing is the Saints should have had one a pick 6, but the guy dropped it of course.
Shit I could probably use the viagra boost with my small ass ha. Well I am not Asian, but when I watch porno I always think oh my, I am really inferior, unless I'm watching Asian porn then I think oh yeah I'm the man baby.
Damn it, I really can't stand anybody's boner % being double my win %, son of a bitch ha. Not sure what that meant, still thinking about that comment, guess who knows there. Well that got erased who cares, yeah, that is really not shit talkin at it's finest, but okay.
Yeah I won't say crap about that guy as long as he doesn't say anything about me. It's not right I know. They should just let it be a free for all. I remember on covers back in the day it really was back in ya know 2001. Fuck it was anything goes. The verbal throw downs would ensue always, I kinda like that approach. I mean fuck I don't care, I guess it is kinda stupid but oh well.
I can't remember who it was, there was this one guy on covers that would always come around talkin shit, and he was decent at it. Oh yeah cruzer, man we just had it out on there, it was just a back and forth verbal assault ha, I don't know I guess I would probably prefer not to have that.
Yeah probably gonna get banned tonight again, I'm sure. Well I guess I don't care anyway. Gonna check out some more college football here coming up. Will post ya know what I'm thinkin. Fuck I don't have any bets for Tuesday or Wednesday. Now Thursday it is on baby, LSU has a great match up there. Then I kinda wanna do Texas, but I don't know about that Swopes guy. Every time though I watch Texas their defense oh my, those guys fly around and they bring a damn wallop. We'll see on that game.
Pelini is thinking about staff changes I saw there, not sure where I read that. Well if he makes it through to next year he can put me on the staff, yeah I'm available. I really think Papuchis the d coordinator and Beck the o coordinator they need to go if Pelini is still here. There we go my job problem is solved, Tuck as d coordinator boom. My bro too they need to hire him as o coordinator yes, ha, well I think he's pretty good at calling the plays in the stands anyway, on what we should do.
I need cruzer to join here, we can just have an all out old school 2001 covers war yes. Well I am pissed ready for a throw down, oh man it would be too. Wonder if he does post here. Or Vanzack ha, man he was relentless on covers back in the day. I know he is a member here cuz Al told me.
That East Carolina at Tulsa game I don't know, I was lookin at it for a while, and who the hell knows. Tulsa may be able to put up some points throwing the ball on em, but I don't really wanna bet that crappy team.
Houston at SMU, well I woulda been on Houston until their last 2 games now ummm no. There is really no time I would ever put money on SMU though no no no, that is not a good idea. So pass.
Fuck what the hell do I wanna put on now while I look at these games hmmm. Better go Ganksta Nip, yes the South Park Psycho, full album on youtube. Nobody probably has heard of him, yeah but it is the shit. Well it is just kinda random craziness, I like it.
Fuck no line on Arkansas at Missouri, gotta be cuz Brandon Allen is a ? for Arky at qb, yeah that is kinda important before you line that game.
I like UCLA quite a bit, will be betting that one fo sho. They are the better team and at home. The -4.5 isn't enough there, fucking Stanford their offense is just horrendous really. UCLA has too much firepower for those guys.

If business is slow that's a bitch in a ditch. One of my hoes didn't reach her quota, she was last seen bleeding in North Dakota, ha, got Ganksta Nip on. Oh Nip that is cold, fucking North Dakota and shit oh nobody wants that ha.
No line on Arizona St at Arizona, guess cuz Anu Solomon is a ? for Arizona at qb, so skip that one, until later.
I like Air Force +7 vs Colorado St, oh yeah. Colorado St shouldn't be laying that kinda road points here no way on that. Not that many maybe 2 ha, fucking 7 whoa. Thing is Colorado St they are gonna probably have a hard time stopping the Air Force option I think. Guess Colorado St will be able to throw it pretty easy on Air Force, but I mean at home for Air Force I would think they would make this a real tight game.
Shit I gotta take a break, watch my link I posted here again with the Corvette z06, fuck that car is awesome, oh my, I would tear up shit with that. The guy in the video is like, but where can you use all this power and go so fast? Haha, I will tell ya bitch go out to the highway here and just fucking floor it, I would be all the time here. Yes, fucking hit 200 last night bang, I mean that would be a rush, I have done 150, but my Camaro could not go 200, really I don't know that Corvette could maybe hit 210 or 215 or so, not sure, regardless that is my dream car there oh yeah, that is the shit bitch.
Okay back to the games now. Need to put on some more music, ummmm, I love Tha Dogg Pound, Dogg Food album it is pretty great, maybe put that on now.
Fuck I forgot there is one link on youtube there that is wrong. Gotta click on the one with 7000 views, the other one is all fucked up for Tha Dogg Pound.
I have no idea on UCF at South Florida, who the fuck knows there. The -12 ummm, could be close I think, I would say.
I like Kent St a little bit at +4, vs Akron, well I don't see a whole lot of difference between em, Akron a little better. Figure the +4 at home is okay there. Not sure if I wanna go on that one, maybe not. Yeah I may avoid this game, but that line seems off to me, should be more like a pk. I guess though what kinda points are you giving for home field for Kent St, ummm, not sure what their home field is exactly worth, maybe not enough.
I don't really know about Michigan at Ohio St, fuck I would have to take the points if I decided to go, but Michigan oh my, they are in a downward spiral like the Huskers. Why the hell is this guy stalking me, yg, I mean he is in my browsers every time I log in on here, what in the hell, go fuck yourself dude, get off my ass.
I am not saying anything else about it, I just want to not see the guy in my browsers or posting, just leave me alone that is all I ask. Not a big deal really, not sure why that can't happen.
That Cuse at BC game is a real tough one there. Well BC can run the ball pretty damn good, but I don't know that -11 seems a bit high to me. I may take a stab with the Cuse, fuck I don't know they are not good, but they do play decent defense. May take a stab with the fucking Cuse. We'll see, I don't know that may be a bad idea Cuse has a bunch of guys that are ? for this week. Just BC -11 just I don't know about that. Seems like it should be more like 7 or so to me.
Dogg Pound is over, so now what, suppose I have been on the Primus bandwagon lately, maybe do that again, I get stuck in a music rut ha. Yeah Primus the Pork Soda Album, you really can't beat it, that concert was pretty good. It is funny though on youtube quite a few people rip on em, they fucking suck. No no, they are the shit, you suck a dick bitch.
We had our words, call it a spat, so I kissed him upside the cranium with that aluminum baseball bat my name is mud, yes, I got somebody in mind for that haha.
I like Old Dominion a little bit, I was looking at that game and it seems to me Old Dominion is the better team there catching +4, fuck Florida Atlantic their home field advantage is worth jack shit pretty much, fuck nothing maybe 2 or 3 at the most. Old Dome is a better team I think, I mean they can at least throw the ball, fuck Florida Atlantic they can't do shit.
Fuck I have no idea on Wake at Duke, no, 18 points Duke is laying well, not sure there. No not gonna be involved in that game at all. My genitalia and my pectoral muscles are not quite what I would like them to be, ha, Primus I like em, yeah, man mine aren't either I hear ya ha.
The mods are gonna get pissed here soon cuz I'm posting at 430 am here my time. Just wanna say I don't like the Minny at Wisconsin game, hope Minnesota gets destroyed, but I don't know there.

Put on Tool now, the undertow album, that is a good one. Fuck all I listen to is shit from the 90's, well everything now is terrible, there isn't any good music now it all sucks ass.
I love this song by Tool, why can't we not be sober, I just want to start this over. Why can't we drink forever, oh it don't get no righter, I love this song. It is just me exactly.
Pitt at Miami I don't have a line there, must be cuz of Conner being a ?, well I suppose that is a pretty big deal cuz he is pretty good, usually RB's don't make em not put up a line, but yeah the good ones do. I mean if Abdullah was a ? that would make em sit and wait. Abdullah though at this point, well yeah he is gonna play, but he is gonna be pretty fucking far from healthy and 100%, oh no, not close, he got banged up yet he is still playing.