MNF bet

Crap, a fucking debacle, yeah I'm done betting for tonight. There is Maction tomorrow, will do that. I am not betting anymore hoops no way. I will come fucking January until then no.
I am out, this shit is over fo sho, no doubt. New Mexico St is gonna lose by at least 15 from what I've seen.
Gotta listen to a little Tha Dogg Pound, Dogg food album, man I should not have been on here, then I wouldn't have lost more money. Fuck oh well, guess dad will give me more money I'm sure ha, yeah, wish he would just give me 25 k, and I could party in Vegas, yes, that would be the shit. I'm sure I would end broke pretty quick, fuck I suck ass, I am not good at anything besides drinking and whacking off, fuck I am great at those 2 things ha. Man if there is some job where you have to be kick ass at drinking and whacking off, oh oh oh, I am in there, nobody beats me at that, ain't nobody better ha.
I mean what in the hell New Mexico St, I mean those guys are terrible. They can't grab the damn ball ever, I don't know, they are just lucky they don't play in a better conference. Fuck me and my bro would kick those guys asses back in the day. Fuck they suck ass, come on ya know grab the ball, don't fumble it away defensively, and take care of the ball offensively. Man they are totally inept.
I just made another bet some Maction for tomorrow. I am not betting anymore hoops no, that is stupid, who knows right now it's early, and I have no idea. I would like to bet the hoops if I could win, but that isn't possible I don't think, so I won't bet em, fuck that shit. Got the MAC okay, will do that.

Umass +7 at Akron, got a -110 on that, so risked 350 to win 318 or so, just put the whole account on it

Like this just cuz Umass has a pretty good passing game. Akron doesn't do anything great. Guess Akron has a better defense, but that is not gonna get them a 7 point win or more I don't think. Umass is gonna be slinging it, and stay in the game. Fuck no way Akron is winning by more than 7 oh no ha, I am pretty sure. Wonder why it is 7, that seems crazy to me. Akron has no damn offense, they don't do anything well on offense I know that.
Don't care anyway, not my money ha. Dad will give me more money to bet if I lose so who cares, I could give a fuck.
Put on some Spice 1, that is the shit bitch. Spice 1 the album 187 he wrote, oh you can't beat it. He has a gun pointed right at you on the album cover on there, with a pipe in his mouth yes, fuck yeah.
Although I would smoke his damn Mustang back in the day, ha, we have a rivalry there. Fuck I would kick his ass with my Camaro Iroc Z, oh the 5.7 liter v8, TPI, he can step off there. Shit that would rumble motherfucker, and I would just be shifting that shit chirping into 2nd gear, oh yeah, fuck anybody race me they get their ass whooped.
Oh wow, a fucking air ball on a free throw. Man that is bad when you play basketball everyday, and practice everyday, you air ball a free throw, I mean how could you do that when you are on a division 1 team, that is just beyond me. Fuck I would not air ball a free throw even if I was blacked out drunk ha, I would hit the rim at least I think.
Oh shit, look out baby, we could back door this crap. I may cover here, ha Saint Mary's fell asleep at the wheel.
I mean fuck he elbowed my guy in the face, that is always a flagrant foul when I have the team that does it. But oh no, when I have the other team, it is not. I don't know what the fuck they were looking at, that guy elbowed him in the face, guess whatever, far be it for me to get a break.
Good keep fouling don't give up. Stupid fuck chewing his mouthpiece didn't make em both. Don't give up, make both and foul you never know ha.
Damn it fucking ball game. Unless something crazy happens. No better call it night. I am on here posting to myself all night ha.
Fuck I really wish Braves wouldn't have mentioned the hoops. Well I don't usually ever bet em this early. Hoops are kinda different cuz you have so few players there, and then a guy or 2 is gone it completely changes your team. I just don't like betting college hoops until January.
And ya know I won't bet it from here on, no fucking way. There was my one hoops bet until January right there ha, no fucking way I'm betting that crap ever again.
Yep bed time, I hope Umass works out tomorrow. I just am so tired of everything right now. Really I am about to the point of capping myself in the head. I said I wasn't gonna do that, but it is somewhat hopeless. I mean I could get my inheritance, but shit that is 25 years away, I am not gonna live that long. And fuck no way he will just give me like 25 or 30 k, my dad, ha no fucking way. He is like you gotta get some damn work ethic, come on ya know take some classes and shit, and do something for yourself. I mean just fuck off, just give me some money, you have plenty I don't understand it. If I had a kid and I had millions I would give him some money if he sucked ass and was broke and a huge loser.
Fuck listening to Eazy E, Eazy duz it. The 2nd song I like that nobody move nobody get hurt. Anybody move I blow yo fucking head off. Can't do that, they have my damn DNA now. Well if you commit a felony they swipe your mouth, and then you are in trouble if you do anything ha. Fuck I was like what, you are gonna swipe my mouth and get my DNA fuck!!!!
That was great, I was in jail, and they go we are gonna get your DNA, on file, swipe your mouth with a q-tip ha. I was just like fucking fuck you, but I couldn't do anything they swiped all around in my mouth. I was just like fuck, now I am fucked. Well if I do anything I will be cuz you leave DNA just on about anything for the most part.
I wonder how that works with DNA. Ha I guess I am not gonna test it. Well it must be somewhat like finger prints I suppose. I know they have that from me, the DNA from my mouth. Who knows I guess, better just not pull a robbery, then I'm goin to jail. Just gotta hope my dad gives me more money. Well I would like to be self sufficient, but I have no idea there unless it is something illegal, which I don't wanna do. Could start my own business, not sure what the hell that would be ha.
I better just get a job at the grocery store, and then try and hook up with a chick, if we pool our money together we are good on rent ha. Well that one chick in the liquor department seems to like me, and talk to me, but she denied my advances ha. She may be a lesbian I guess, or just think I'm ugly, that may be the deal, ugly yes.
Who the fuck knows with chicks, I mean you can think oh yeah this chick likes me, and no no she doesn't at all. I was thinking I had a good thing going there, guess not, who knows ha. I may just talk to myself until about 7 am I am so pissed ha. Well ya know I can cap myself in the head here soon, just end it, I am about to that point.
And how the fuck does anybody pay rent working for 8 bucks an hour? Guess they must be pooling their money together, then okay, if I am by myself working for 8 bucks an hour, hell I can't pay damn rent anywhere. Well if I don't spend any money on anything maybe.
Got about 100 posts to myself, ha, they are probably gonna ban me. I would ban me, I suck ass, I am worthless and annoying as hell. I don't know why anybody would let me on their website really, fuck I wouldn't let me on anywhere.
But if they let me post I will. Man whoa, I just posted it had to be 100 times to myself, or no wait, it says 75 up there, and those aren't all mine a couple people posted in here. First stupid defaz, which I wanna kick his ass ha, him and yg both of em, they can just show up Saturday at Memorial Stadium row 43 North End Zone behind the goal posts, you will get a fucking beating of a lifetime fuck I want both of em there, me and my bro will take care of their ass. Well right now I am so pissed at my situation, I don't think anybody wants to see me there, if they are talking shit, oh no, lay you out, then run from pistol Pete, that cop ha. He is real close to us, so I don't know how that will work. Fucking pistol Pete, me and my bro dog on that guy, but he is a cop, and has a gun, and I don't know there.
Fuck I am not gonna talk about any posters here, who cares. Fuck I have damn stalkers at this point, I go out and take the garbage out to the street and get yelled at ha. I know I provoke people, guys read this shit and wanna stalk me haha, it is true. I just got stalked by some dudes, ha, I was thinking well I hope they don't get out and start shit, cuz there was 2 of em, and I was by myself. I mean I can handle myself, but 2 dudes that is not a good thing there, I would have my hands full fo sho.
But if they let me post I will. Man whoa, I just posted it had to be 100 times to myself, or no wait, it says 75 up there, and those aren't all mine a couple people posted in here. First stupid defaz, which I wanna kick his ass ha, him and yg both of em, they can just show up Saturday at Memorial Stadium row 43 North End Zone behind the goal posts, you will get a fucking beating of a lifetime fuck I want both of em there, me and my bro will take care of their ass. Well right now I am so pissed at my situation, I don't think anybody wants to see me there, if they are talking shit, oh no, lay you out, then run from pistol Pete, that cop ha. He is real close to us, so I don't know how that will work. Fucking pistol Pete, me and my bro dog on that guy, but he is a cop, and has a gun, and I don't know there.

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