MNF bet


Pretty much a regular
Man my bro's wife just looked spectacular last night, the half black chick. Well when she gets all dressed up and makeup and everything, whoa, I just wanna give her a rogering ha, a rogering. Yeah I think that is what I would call it. I would get done, and she would be like you done yet Sparky, then she would say okay that was pathetic get off me, and slap me in the face. Well I don't have a huge baton like my big ass bro 6 foot 4 300, she says he has a good 11 inches or a foot, which oh no way for me there, I mean I'm not Asian, but hell no on 11 inches. I think though I just like her so much cuz me and my bro in our minds we are exactly the same. It was funny cuz back in the day we could beat anybody in the city in 2 on 2 hoops. We would know exactly what each other were gonna do at all times. It was like damn White Men Can't Jump. Not sure who was Wesley Snipes or who was Woody Harrelson. Think I was Woody, I had a sweet j, bang from Ghana, just launch from anywhere, oh you ain't gonna check me out here, free throw baby, it's pretty it's so pretty. I would just talk a gang of shit the whole game. There would be a fight a lot of times after it. One time a kid came after us with a pool cue, yes.

She does always rip on me though my bro's wife, I could never bang that, oh no no. Last night she really laid into me. She showed me this on youtube, and goes look familiar you bum. Here is the link That was kind of just set up that video, not real, but it was kinda funny. Somewhat like me there ha. No dad, don't run over the computer, noooooooooooo!!!! Ha ha, yes. Well anyway here is the pick, hoping to get to 20 k, then I'm going to Vegas. Got a lot of work to do only at 790 bucks in the account at the moment. Good old loser Tuck, no job, no prospects, but I'm gambling with my dads money, booooooom!!

Pittsburgh -6.5 at Titans, got a -115 at 5 dimes, risked 230 to win 200

The Titans completely blow. Suck huge dongs. Now so do the Jets that the Steelers lost to last week, but that was a freaky game I watched all of it. Pittsburgh dominated really I thought, but had 4 turnovers, and some red zone issues. Think Pittsburgh has a bounce back effort tonight, and just mops the floor with the Titans.

Time to walk my ass to the store get some more vodka, and a walking beer for the walk back, bang. It was funny the other day some guy was walking by me and goes hey you can't drink a beer on a public sidewalk. Then I turned around and said, well looks like I am, so I guess your wrong ha.
Have a great MONDAY tuck and best of luck with the girls- you deserve a sweetheart sweetcheeks
Ha defaz, don't think its happening well I mean I could put up a thing on those dating sites. Not sure I would get overwhelming response there, probably something I don't even want. 38 year old puffy drunk, well you know how you get when you get drunk, the next day your face looks a bit puffy and shit. Yeah that's how I look all the time.

My dad running over the computer cuz I won't get a job ha, that would be great. I'm out in the yard, but dad come on I'm really good at gambling ha. Get a job, get a life loser.
Oh shit, my parents just sold their farm they inherited for almost a million bucks whoa. I didn't think it was worth that. Hell maybe I can see if dad will just give me 25 k to go to Vegas. Man I am a damn bum. That link I put up that is just the same ha. I'm out in the yard just losing it. Guess I could still bet on my phone and post that way, but I really hate doing that. I like the computer better.
I think I was Wesley Snipes, I had the handles, and talked all the shit for the most part. I don't know I can't classify us that way. Well I would be bombing 3's and crap. My bro would just thor around under the hoop with his big ass, just tossing people around.
I did really like that movie. The basketball hustle ha, maybe we should have done that. I don't think anybody would have played for money ha, no. The Lincoln basketball hustlas, ha yes. Shit we woulda made a lot of money fo sho.
Don't need to worry about that now, cuz I am not winning against anybody in hoops now, my fat drunk ass. I haven't even played in ummmm over 10 years I think. My bro could probably still do his signature little flip hook in the lane. I would be terrible though now.
The Lincoln basketball hustlas, got a big money game today. Well we wouldn't ever lose to anybody. Now if we went to Omaha we may have trouble then. Lincoln isn't a hot bed of hoops talent ha no.
Man I remember out at Prairie Life, that gym. We would destroy all of the Lincoln East basketball players, man they sucked ass. It is funny though my bro didn't make the High school team, and I couldn't understand it, he was damn good. I was like what, you didn't make the team? What in the hell? He goes no they cut me. Those morons, man he woulda helped em out a bunch at ya know power forward. High school coaches though are stupid in general, for the most part, a lot of em.

Yeah thanks there UT, I think they will, but who knows. I have been very erratic this year in the NFL. Won yesterday at least, not a bunch though.
I hope I can talk my dad into giving me 25 k a roll for Vegas. Fuck that would be the bomb bitch, oh yeah, woooo, yes. I just wanna hang with the homiez again in the book, that is great, cuz they are hilarious. They have all these hustles going on L.A. Ray, Big G, and Mike, from Compton. They aren't the best at sports betting though, decent not great, breakin even. Then they can hook me up with a black hooker, boom. There they are every damn where pretty much though. Here in Lincoln, no, I mean I could try that Lincoln backpage deal, but I have heard people get busted doing it. I guess ya never know there what the hell your getting anyway.
It would kind of suck not having a car there though, cuz I don't now. Well don't have a license either the DWI I got a while back. I suppose I could spend a little of the 25 k on a beater when I get my license back. Fuck I am dreaming, my dad is gonna be like fuck you, get a job get a life loser. I mean if I have a big roll out there 25 k, I would have a shot ya know. Who knows it hasn't ever worked out before. You guys have all seen it, I roll up 25 k in a month and a half then lose it all back to the bookie. Over and over again, never changes. I don't care though even if it didn't work out maybe I could just get a job in one of those sports books or something. Ha yeah right, hire a felon, good luck Tuck your gonna need it. None of those casinos would hire a felon no way.
Whoa, Jacksonville CB, Dwayne Gratz was arrested on drunk and disorderly charges early Monday morning for trying to buy things at a grocery store with bubble gum, ha. I mean I get drunk and all, but I would never do something that stupid. Come on baby I got some damn bubbalicious what more do you want? I don't have any damn money, but I got a pack of gum ha. I mean what the hell, my currency is no good to you?
I think I am gonna go to the grocery store tomorrow and start bartering ha yes, like Dwayne. They are like it will be 22.50. Well ya know I don't have any cash, but I have this old baseball glove, will that work? Come on let's barter damn it. That is great, trying to buy things with gum, oh man I am just lmao.
Yeah just gonna bring a bunch of gum to the grocery store tomorrow to buy my vodka ha. Fucking Dwayne you retard. You would think being in the NFL he would have some damn money, guess who knows.

Time for pre game Rage Against The Machine, the London 2010 concert. It is a time honored tradition for me now. Fuck I love that concert, and it is good video too on youtube. It isn't crappy cell phone shit or anything.
Gotta get it schrute. Man I am always just pumped as hell after watching Rage I wanna break things. Wooooooooo, yes. Get this bitch outta here who is this Monahan guy singing the anthem ha, get out. We need Rage doing the anthem ha, no they wouldn't be that lame, oh man that would suck if they did.
Rage doing the anthem before the game. The announcer now it is time for our national anthem. Then Rage just busts into Killing In The Name Of, ha that would be awesome.
Yeah the anthem is really terrible, and that stupid God Bless America, I hate both of those songs. Well at least my team the Cubs they don't play stupid God Bless America in the 7th inning stretch. Take me out to the ballgame baby, yes. I actually like that song when Harry Caray would do it, I was like Harry fuck yeah. Then the Cubs would always be losing when I went to the games, and he would go, come on let's get some runs.
Boooooooooooooom!!!! Pick 6, I would be high stepping like Deion Sanders on that. Oh man I would get a penalty fo sho if I did that, pick one off for a TD. There would be high stepping and shit talkin.
Make a damn tackle, what the hell? You are professionals right? I mean what in the hell was that crap, they looked like my Huskers there on defense ha. Well nothing can save my Huskers they are terrible. But my nephew is gonna help em out, then we have one good player ha. I mean I'm sure he is gonna be really fast he already is at 3.
After the game I do need to watch White Men Can't Jump, I don't know why I thought of it. I can probably get it on youtube. That is a great movie, I think it is maybe 91 or 92, not sure one of those years.
I wish I didn't quit basketball, then maybe I would be in better shape. I remember this dumb ass kid of Henry T Buchanan that we played, a former Husker basketball player, and we just worked him. We were both talkin shit to him and his friend, those brothas ha. Man they got worked.

Fuck Ben, you idiot, what were you doing? Ben fucked up last week against the Jets too. Oh wow, okay, I guess. Up 3 at least at half.
Oh no, whoa, I mean that was a 49ers at Rams play there. Okay guess were down at half now, great. Fuck I need another glass of vodka.
Fucking fuck you, why did you have to bring that up? Stupid Gordon, fuck that guy and fuck Wisconsin. Ha I turned that game off late 3rd quarter. My bitch ass Huskers. Well the worst play in my mind was when Gordon kind of had a pretty big hole, and then our stupid safety Gerry just stood there. I mean he didn't even try and make a play. I was just thinking well ya know I have played football enough to know you can't stand there and wait for a guy ha. Go run at him, and try and make a play, I was really just disgusted at that point. Can't we get some damn guys that aren't retarded on our team? Obviously if you are in the open field and Gordon running at you, you can't stand there and wait for him ha, you have to run at him and make a play, dive whatever, you can't sit there, stupid ass Gerry. Our white safety from South Dakota he is awesome ha. Pelini he is so retarded you don't recruit anybody from damn South Dakota. I think I have been talking about this for 2 days now. Recruit Nebraska more dumb ass.
Fuck this game is over. Oh well, move on.

It is crazy how Pelini he doesn't ever get anybody from Nebraska on the team they go to Wyoming, Colorado St, Kansas St, Iowa, and Iowa St. Now granted there isn't huge talent here, but you need to get some guys from here, then they work hard cuz they love the Huskers ya know, and bring the team together. Then they become quality players for you. It makes sense to me, but guess whatever if he wants to get fired he can. Osborne and Solich both recruited Nebraska big time, and it worked out, then we always had several Nebraska kids starting on both sides of the ball. They would come in unheralded recruits, but then develop ya know.

Shit I'm out mothafucka, turn this game off.
Shit Pittsburgh almost came back and covered. Just needed about 2 or 3 more minutes on the clock. It figures though with me, I can't catch a damn break ever. Another huge debacle. I thought Pittsburgh would really bring their A+ game tonight and roll ass, after that terrible showing vs the Jets, oh no, they didn't at all. Shit they played awful, most of the night, and almost covered anyway. Oh the fuck well, congrats Titans backers, you lucky bastards. Guess I can't ever say anything is for sure in the NFL, or any sport, but I really thought this was a no doubter tonight. Shows what I know, fucking nothing ha.

Gotta ask dad now tomorrow for 25 k to go to Vegas lol, like that will work. Oh yeah here ya go Tuck, just take this money and go to Vegas, just blow more of my money. Would be great if he agreed to it, that rich motherfucka. He is so loaded that really 25 k for him is just pissin in the wind I think. Can't he let me have a good time for a while ha. I mean I could try and get a job in one of the casinos or something I suppose when I go there. Fuck it would beat this shit, it is damn 8 degrees here, whoa, can't go outside no way there. That walk to the store today was a rough one, man and the wind was just whipping in my face on the way back. About got frost bite I think. My neck was all red when I got back, my face is always red from the booze ha. Well I used to look like Aaron Craft that PG for Ohio St, a bit of red cheeks kind of, not bad though, like stupid defaz calls me sweet cheeks. Now though it is pretty bad, I don't look good. Big puffy red faced fat guy.
I could ya know Braves. I haven't even done any research on it. I don't really ever do great in November college hoops though. January and February yes a lot of times do pretty well then. Guess last season I bet some hoops in December and it didn't go all that great. January though oh yeah, boom. Then February I was terrible, and I don't know why, usually that is my time for ass kicking. But then March the conference tourneys and NCAA tourney I kicked ass again.
I am a bit more capable at hoops I think. Maybe I should quit talking to myself on here and look at that crap. I don't think it really matters what I bet on now, football or hoops, it is ya know gonna be 50/50 with anything. Early hoops oh it is tough. Some guys probably think the other way around on that, get em early, then I suck later I'm sure. With me no on that.

Oh yeah yeah, forgot about that Braves. It is that marathon. Well I will be up all night drinking fo sho there. Suppose I could look at what they have going.
Oh yeah yeah braves. That was a great hire by Tom Osborne. His Pelini hire ummmm, not so much there. The Huskers are gonna be super tough in hoops. I was thinking they could win the Big 10, but not sure on that.

Here we go New Mexico St at St Mary's at 2 am, central time. Better figure out a play there. Probably will read the Blue Ribbon preview. I kinda like their previews, they are pretty good.
yeah, I get blue ribbon every year..

Tim Miles is great, I don't think they can win big10 but a lot of people think they are the top 3
Ha I was reading the New Mexico St preview, and it said they are looking for their first NCAA tourney win since 1993, ha, you know who that was over, my Huskers lol. The Huskers have never won a game. Man that was a damn dunk fest it was just high flying fucking in yo face dunks everywhere I remember. The Huskers got beat pretty bad by them. Then New Mexico St lost by about 30 I think to Florida haha.
Whoa, how damn big are those Bhullar parents, those must be some big Indians ha. They had a 7 foot 5 guy there, now his brother is there and he's 7 foot 5. It is funny we have a river here in Nebraska named Big Indian River ha, a little racist, must have been named after those 2 guys ha.
Fuck I drink like a damn Indian, I mean ya know native american, one of those guys. Shit I can lay it down with them. Would be a real battle to see who could out drink the other and stay awake. I don't know though those guys could probably drink me under the damn table I bet.
Here we go added on a game

New Mexico St +6.5 at St. Mary's, got a -105 at 5 dimes, so risked 210 to win 200

I mean I don't know how good St Mary's is gonna be this year. They are usually pretty tough, but last year, ummmm, not so much. This year I'm thinking it will be about like that. New Mexico St should be pretty good, I was just thinking there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of difference between the 2 teams. Guess were about to find out. Probably a good thing the game is at midnight too, that is their time, here 2 am. That should keep the crowd down, and away. If the Huskers played at midnight shit I would be there baby, be drunk, bring a bottle of vodka. Fuck the Huskers could play at 3 am, and I would be in the crowd, wooooooooo, yeah let's go. I don't think barely anybody else would be on a Monday night ha, well early Tuesday morning.
Braves, if I lose it's your fucking ass ha. Just for letting me know about this marathon I forgot about it. I am gonna come kick yo ass ha, just fucking around.
Fuck they are pretty rowdy at this Colorado game, I didn't figure there would be anybody there. Well I guess the students ya know they will be. St Mary's probably be the same thing, all the students will be there. Oh well, I don't care I think that will be a battle. Could bet the 4 am game, just stay up until 6 am. High Point at Hawaii at 4 am is next after New Mexico St, oh that is a titanic match up, High Point, ha, I don't think I have ever bet a High Point game, no no, don't think so, guess I will look into it.
Ha a 24-0 run for Colorado, whoa, a serious run there. That is like me and my bro vs those Lincoln East guys at Prairie Life, fucking game bitch, you lose 30-0 ha. Oh yeah, they could suck it, those bitches.
Wooooo it is on baby, yes. I love me some college hoops. New Mexico St looks good so far. Man I should not have quit playing hoops, that woulda kept me in shape.
Ha now if I played hoops I would be awful. Well my hands shake like a motherfucker from the booze. I probably have Parkinson's setting in, for all I know.
Damn it, this game is kind of taking a turn for the worse right now. New Mexico St was looking pretty good, now the last 3 or 4 minutes no. Shit, I'm fucked, better go to bed. Guess oh well, dad will just give me more money to lose anyway. Come on dad gimme more money ha, oh okay, you dumb ass, yeah I usually get called dumb ass by him, or a worthless piece of shit ha.
Damn it, gotta make some damn free throws, why the fuck can no big black guys shoot a free throw? It is just like guaranteed brick. I mean I can make those over and over all day. Every big black guy though, fucking brick always ha, I don't understand why that is.
Oh fucking well guess I lost again. Well New Mexico St can pound it inside, but then St Mary's just fouls those big guys and then they can't hit a damn free throw ha. Guess fuck it, it is really bad when you get to the line and never make a free throw.