MLK Hockey


Pretty much a regular
MLK Day Forward Hockey

Rare post for me, but have a little extra time today with the hoilday, etc. Basically, two teams I liked to make the top 8 in their respective conferences coming into the season at reasonable odds against teams I am not as high on. Like the fact that both looked good in their first games and expect them to want to continue to play well through the beginning of the season for different reasons. Two of the better coaches in the league just helps IMO.

Buff +100
Ana - 115

Man am I glad to have hockey back and, with football coming to an end, the timing couldn't be better.
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Nothing would make me happier than to see you win game #1 (and a little less so game #2 : )

Good luck!
Well, 2-0 is a good start to the season. May have to keep posting until it becomes unlucky.

TB/Car over 5.5 -135
Nash +110

hate the juice on the first one, but TB has not shown a desire to play much D in its first couple games and expect Car to get a few here on home ice. Strong over trend in H2H series as well. A win is a win, but Minny has not looked great going 2-0 and Nash will be desperate for a win after losing first two games in SO. Little extra motivation perhaps as well?
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Good stuff man!! I'm looking at both those plays. I don't think they can set a total high enough for the Lightning haha
NYR -120

Rags get in the win column tonight. May add later. These big dogs all look tempting to me. 3-1 +1.75 units on the season.
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CBJ TT over 2.5 even

Was going to play CBJ +1.5 but not crazy about laying -210. Like this play better. Columbus was 3-1 LY versus Phoenix averaging 3 goals per game (including losing 2-0 in the 4th and final meeting between the teams). A small sample size I know, but CBJ averaging 3 goals/game and Phx giving up 5 goals/game this year. Mike Smith has looked bad in net and CBJ has impressed me with their play, including the loss against Det on Monday. Don't like that Tippett ripped Phx a new one, but not sure that is enough to solve their early season struggles.
1-1 last night and 4-2 +1.75 on the season.

Sens -115
Buf -105

Will have at least one more later.
Season: 6-3 +3.10 units


Buf -150
NJ -150, -1.5 +200 (half unit each)
Van -105
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good luck c-man, like the vancouver play, kind of scared of the devils one, but only side i'd play it in
I hear ya Scope. Wash should be desperate, but think Jersey is a bad matchup for them with the struggles they are having. Like Van quite a bit.

:shake: Blood. Lets cash them. I thought Buff/Car would split this b2b and Miller playing well early in the season.

Pit/Atl over 5.5 -120
TB 1P -120
Buf 1P -135

Hard for a dog player to play so many faves but gotta play what I see. Couple of quick thoughts: Pit absolutely owns this goalie and series has been very high scoring. Crosby first time in the building so should be some energy. Vokoun playing and he is far from shutdown. Pit should score, but will also struggle with Jets speed up front (similar to Wed night). Ott played last night and really just hung on for the W. Bishop first start. TB honoring Vinny night and expect the home team to come out rested and strong. Buff has yet to give up a first period goal this year...Car not so much...would like this even if Ward was in net.
nice job with tampa first period, was shitting my pants until the middle of the third, would have preferred your way ;)
Season total: 9-4-2, +4.6 units. For record keeping purposes the split plays like NJ I count as a push when they are each 1/2 unit

Chi -150
Chi/Cbj over 5.5 -115
Cal -120

will add later but wanted to lock these in. Chicago is the best team in the league right now, Columbus one of the worst. Even though I like how spirited the Jackets have played at times, I don't think they are ready to topple Chicago. Hawks do have Detroit tomorrow, but think in this shortened season you have less chance for letdowns/lookaheads as coaches are preaching how important it is to play every game. Chi has averaged 4.9 goals against Columbus over last 10 meetings going 9-1 in that stretch. Watched a good part of the Cal/Van game the other night and the Flames really played their hearts out. Knew then I would be on them in this spot. They have gradually played better in each of their first 3 games. Cal has 4 days off after this game so I am pretty sure they want to get the bad taste out of their mouths and not have to hear the media bashing for the next 4 days. Edm is a good young team, but don't think they are ready to consistently win on the road.

Col +150
Tor +160

Hoping for at least a split. Tor plays better away and won last 2 (and 3 of last 4) in this building. Thought Randy C's reaction to his team's loss to the Isles was good and ultimately it will help this team in the long run. Goaltending a mismatch here, but hope Reimer can play decent. SJ always susceptible to the bad home loss and Col is a competent team playing well and getting good goaltending. Gomez addition will hurt SJ more than help IMO.
i was looking and looking at chicago side as well but just couldnt get past them playing Detroit tomorrow... any division game is big though... on that over too

Thanks guys. Not the ideal spot for Chi for sure, but couldn't pass up the price considering the talen discrepancy and current form for both teams. I made this line around -170
Jackets got robbed of a goal in the 2nd and unbelievable that Chicago did not get another goal in the 3rd period. Had plenty of chances. Oh well, will take the split there but feel like that over should have hit.
Adding some props...upped to full unit each:

Buff score first -115
first goal scored over 10 mins +100

both of these are based on Buff's (and Millers's) first period play this year and although I do like Buff for the game they have a tendency to blow leads. Wash has played 1 good period in each of its last 2 games. I am hoping it is not the first period today.
Van is toast down 3 in the 3rd. Was really hoping they would win as would have been a good spot to fade them vs Kings. 2 prop plays cancelled each other out, but was only about 30 secs away from cashing both. Oh well, 4-2 on the day and 15-9-2, +5.45 ytd posted. Not much I like on Monday's card - lean towards Car but Bos looking for revenge after getting swept last season.
Just a note: favorites are cashing at a high rate right now. Correction should be coming soon, but would not be surprised if numbers end up skewed towards faves in this shortened season as good teams not looking past anyone and bad teams falling out of contention sooner.
Split yesterday-no blood. Will update record tomorrow, but here are tonight's plays:

Ott -145 - 2 units
Wash/Ott under 5.5 -120
Min -1.5 +160
Ana +150 -2 units
NJ +140
Phi +150
TB -1.5 +180
Dal +145
Buf 1P -130

Large card for me. Think some dogs will bark. Hope I picked the right ones. Lean under in the Pens game. Will be there so may add it.
Season: 19-16-3 +3.25 units

some tough beats last night (especially Ducks) but moving on...
didnt get to post or see in games last nite but was on the Pens also...whats happening there. Havent had time to do much capping the last few days. Pens has lost two straight home games against the Islanders for the first timein a long while ... Pittsburgh Dman Niskanen did not play and is expected to miss the next 2-to-4 weeks. But what else is going on. Chemistry maybe??

Mon/Ott over 5.5 +100
Chi -130
Edm +110

Blood - I have some thoughts and will write up later. Posting from phone right now.
Been Killing it in Hockey... Tonight pick is

Colorado Avalanhe +155
Blood - I was at the game and got a close-up look at what transpired. Basically, I have decided to throw this game out. They were playing extremely flat - almost to the point that it looked like they were not trying. I'm not sure what was up with them, but maybe a bad flight or team illness or something - it was that bad. I am curious to see how they respond tomorrow night in NY. I am certainly not ready to hit the panic button after one really bad game. They still have two of the best players in the world and that alone can carry them pretty far IMO. A couple of observations though:

1. I said previously that the Pens will struggle against teams with young/fast forwards - see Tor, Atl NYI. The good news for them is that they are not likely to meet these teams in the playoffs and, even if they did, a playoff series is much different than one game in January. Still, they need to figure out a way to improve their team speed.

2. Fleury is still looking shaky. He has always flailed around too much for my liking, but I believed he was good enough to get it done in the playoffs. I think he is struggling with his confidence and just does not look comfortable. His D really let him down last night, but thought he should have stopped the first two goals. Vokoun, on the other hand, looked very comfortable in net. I would not be surprised if TV gets more playing time if Fleury struggles.

3. Can the organization please get somebody to play with Sid??? Kunitz and Dupuis are not good.

The Rags appear to have put it together so tomorrow night should be an entertaining game.