MLK Day Tradition For Twinkie (since CTG Join)


In transit, arriving late.
I tread lightly on NBA early on, but MLK day I let it rip. Holiday, I am off and if I aint at the Pelicans game I am wagering all day on the NBA.

Early yes, but let us start looking for the situations etc on Monday and maybe have a nice ingame that we can merege

MLK Day usually equals unders or home teams or something, right? There is a pretty good MLK Day trend, if I remember correctly... (I've done no research, just off memory)
MLK Day usually equals unders or home teams or something, right? There is a pretty good MLK Day trend, if I remember correctly... (I've done no research, just off memory)

Well early starts and unders is a common theme(not sure of numbers last few years though)...

Not that many 1pm starts though. Many less than usual...
Off the top of my head, I think Wizards historically perform well on MLK day. Just going by my memory though. Someone may want to verify.