MLB Wednesday

The half a 750 of vodka, that was a good thought, I said that's what I was trying to do. No that didn't happen lol, it has been quite a bit more.
This under better win ha, that would take some Ranger bullpen debacle now to lose. Yeah think it is safe. Crap base hit. Here we go haha, I do always worry when I bet the Rangers or an under about their crappy pen.
Fucking Tatie, ha, I wanna call her, she has some big old titties and is really small I like both of those. She looks like she is half black or something, but then she says no black guys. Well I understand, my bro's wife is half black and she doesn't like black guys either.
Ha kj, I wanna, but I don't have the money. That Tatie chick on Lincoln backpages, oh man, I would bang the shit outta that, probably 5 foot 3 or so with big old titties, and half black, oh my, I want to so bad, but hell I don't have any damn money for it. I wrote down her number, so if she isn't on there anymore I can call her. Fuck this is motivation haha, I need to win, so I can pay Tatie and just beat the pussy up, fuck I would cum like a horse with that haha.
She has a picture of a 100 bill on there, and says if you don't have him, meaning Benjamin, don't text or call. She probably would charge a shit load I don't know how much. Cuz she says upscale gents only.
Well shit I am really upscale no job, got some stock money that is running out ha. Upscale totally describes me, well I could throw down a bunch on her, but then I would be broke ass if my bets lose.
Usually there isn't a chick I'm totally fired up about on there, but fuck, now I see this, and it is not good. Tatie, damn it, why did you have to do this, fucking hot little mixed black chick, looks half black I think. Well guess if I win a bunch this week then I can hook it up for after the Miami game, yes, a celebration pounding, or either a take out my frustrations pounding if the Huskers lose ha.
Oh fuck, this under is in trouble now. Shit I was partying and counting my money haha. Hope the Texas closer does it. Fuck this inning isn't done either. Oh man I shouldn't have bet a 6.5. I think Soria is the closer for Texas, I'm not sure on that, hell he is not reliable at all.
Looking like no money for Tatie ha, Tatie that is a fucked up name. I wonder what her face looks like though, she doesn't show it, well a bunch of em don't cuz they don't want cops on em I think.

Fucking crap, this is going terrible now this under.
Shit, should have laid off these late games, and took my winnings 300 bucks earlier on the Cubs. Now I'm in a fucking mess, Chavez this guy blows, fuck he is gonna fuck it up.
Yes, boooooom!!!! Strike 3, come on damn it, I need to keep winning so I can get some Tatie, ha, she is what I like small black, well half black I think, with big tits, fucking perfect.
That is painful, damn, I'm out, whoa, pretty bad kj. But that is why I don't ever bet under 6.5. Not a good idea usually, I mean it can be okay, but it is not probably a good idea just in general.
It did suck that the umpire got hurt too, ha, that was a bad thing. Man, I probably ruined your bet with my crappy luck there kj. Guess who knows you win some and you lose some, better quit dreaming about Tatie ha, no way that will happen, shit I don't have money for that. Was hoping however, but no, those nice mixed black titties are gonna be unsucked by me ha, and no Tatie pussy, oh well, nothing ever works out for me. But there is you porn now, can put that on, no way I'm getting the real thing ha.
win some, lose some but that one's tough tuck, didn't matter if the number was 6.5 or 3.5, it had no business losing

gotta just take the lumps and don't dwell on it, get one you don't deserve next time
Shit I'm gonna see if the Reds are running out that bumfuck lineup again tomorrow, I will bet against them. Fucking they had a bunch of crap players that weren't highly thought of, just turds, fucking Negron, Santiago, Yasmero Rodriguez batting 3rd, ha maybe Yasmero was not his name. Fucking Lutz hitting 5th shit a bum, Hannahan, Elmore, and Barnhart, damn those guys were terrible, just minor league bums all of em. I gotta see what the Reds wanna run out there tomorrow, cuz that is a good option betting against those guys fo sho, shit, I will no matter who they are playing if they run those fucks out there. Fuck I could be playing, may as well be.
Damn it Reds don't play, son of a bitch. Will have to keep my eye on their lineups though, they have some crap players on there if the Reds decide to put em in.
I mean not like the Reds regulars are any damn good either, but they are at least professionals, fuck those guys aren't sticking in the bigs.
Damn Tatie must have some fake tits I think, I am okay whatever fake or real big tits, it is okay ha. Better quit looking, I am a bum, with no money, no Tatie haha, nope. Well there is still games tomorrow, can't hang my head, or my dong, ha.
Fuck you Trout, you have everything, you bitch ha, I have ESPN on now, and he was like when Arrencibia hit that home run we went crazy. Yeah well ya know some people have real concerns ha. You making the playoffs fucking who cares you fuck ha. Tuck is crying now about his losses, 3rd person even.
Damn it too bad I am not getting paid millions for baseball, no, that isn't the case. Gotta figure out what those bums are gonna do if I wanna make money, and damn, it is a tough thing to figure I will say, they are bums too, a bunch of dumb asses, but they are athletic and good at sports ha, guess that is something that makes money, so okay. Damn it I wish I was really stupid and could hit a baseball and run and shit, nope.
Fuck Mike Trout that guy is a fucking dumb ass ha, I just get pissed when I hear one of those guys talking about how they were sweating out a game to clinch the playoffs, fucking who cares? Shit your making millions anyway, and you were gonna make it anyway you dumb ass, the playoffs. Fuck it was painful for me, fucking trying to scrape by betting, and needing my under then Arrencibia homers and I lose, I mean fuck you, fucking bitch, I would like to kick you in the nuts, haha, I should get off here, am unruly now.
Yeah those fucking millionaires were really sweating it out, about making the playoffs haha, yeah okay. You want sweating it out, try having 300 bucks on a damn under and you have about 5 k to your name with no job, okay Trout let's talk about it bitch, you fuck, it just pissed me off ha, I don't know why that set me off, but it did.
Damn it anyways I want some Tatie titties in my face ha, shit *****, fucking man this sucks, stupid Arrencibia you ass fuck. I shouldn't be spending money on Tatie even if I'm winning anyway ha, no, that is not a good decision, but my dick does the thinking sometimes, well no way now, my dick can sit down ha, go limp.
Ha kj, I just got mad about listening to Trout afterwards saying how they were sweating it out, and all fired up when Arrencibia hit that homer. I mean fuck you, I mean they had the playoffs anyway, you know, had the division won. Fuck nobody was catching the Angels. It just set me off since I am in dire straits and he is talking about that crap, ha, fuck him.
I am a bit crazy though, I don't see things like normal people. But I think what I'm saying makes sense, well the big millionaires sweating out the playoffs, while I am broke ass hoping for my under, who knows maybe nobody understands that I guess.
Man what is the deal with all these NFL guys beating chicks, ha that is crazy, fuck I can't imagine beating up a chick. I had one chick that wanted me to though ha, that was funny, but not like kick her ass just throw her around and slap her then bang her. I have never had any freaky requests like that, she was the only one, but haven't racked up the ladies either.
Fuck guess I better check out here soon. This really sucked ass tonight, fuck I can't afford to lose a little, no, fucking oh well. Big game Saturday, guess me and my bro will be in row 43, and then his friend that he played high school ball with will be there with his girlfriend, he is pretty funny a black dude. Shit I always get a good laugh. I remember one time last year him and my bro were just talking Yag shit, butt sex whatever back and forth, just saying what they were gonna do to each other haha, it was funny as shit. Then the guy in front of us was like I find what you are talking about to be totally offensive and wrong, and I'm gonna tell the usher down there and the cop, if you keep it up, ha, that d bag. After that I was just rolling in the aisle, who gets pissed about that? Man some people are just tight asses, fuck I could care less about some guys joking about Yag sex.
Fuck that is a good time there in row 43 baby, with my bro and the guy he played football with, oh shit, ha it is the best. But the seating is cramped cuz those 2 big fucking dudes shit, there is no room cuz it is bleachers. I mean and I am kind of a fat ass, so then I take up space.
The seating at the Huskers stadium needs to be a bit bigger, well the seats need to be farther apart. People are so much bigger than they used to be, and then they didn't make adjustments. Well fuck my brother and his friend that played ball with him, shit those 2 dudes take up a bunch of room, I think I fit in a seat, although I have kind of a fat ass haha. I am not really big though I do fit I think. My bro, and his buddy that sits next to him, no they don't fit in a seat cuz they are both fucking 300 lbs or around there.
That guys wife is kinda big too, ha, she is a bit plump. Well both my bro and his friend at the husker games have fat wives. My bro's wife she is fat, but I would bang her, she is cute in the face and half black so okay, yeah I'm down then, shit gimme a black chick, I am not picky at all, fuck I bang em all.
Ha, yeah right bang em all, shit more like they won't bang me, so I don't, but if the chance was given then yes, fo sho.
Damn it I was looking at Tatie again, ha, fuck her legs are sexy as shit, I have no issues there. Then she shows her tits and they are big balloons ha, fucking damn it, ha, shit she is very nice, I should go to bed. Well too bad I lost my ass tonight, can't buy Tatie then ha, shit well for me buying a chick is the only option, no way I could get anything otherwise, well unless a chick is hammered and not knowing what is going on.

Fucking Tatie, gotta get that hooked up this weekend ha.
Ha I do like the no black guys thing a bunch of those chicks say that, man fucking black guys ha, they are trouble, and have big fucking 12+ inchers haha. Well I could see why they say that chicks, as far as huge tubes, and then them beating up chicks more often.
Fuck Tatie doesn't show her face though, maybe that is a problem. Well her legs and her tits look good. Good legs and tits I'm all about that, fuck fo sho. In her picture though no face shot, but that is what they all do, probably for cops or something, not wanting to show their identity.

Fuck I should go to bed, I'm posting about a hooker forever ha, shit either get her, or shut up. Better shut up, don't have the money, so no hooker, but Tatie put her number on my phone. Now I got something to work for, fucking Tatie is my goal, got to make money to pay for Tatie ha, shit I will have to kick ass to justify that.
Shit I'm out, what the hell, am I doing talking about Tatie and some fucking hookers on here, ha, who cares. Although Tatie is getting the Tuck tube this weekend, yep, just need to win about 4 k, then hell yeah I'm hooking it up.