MLB Wednesday


Pretty much a regular
Yesterday not good, whoa, those were two steaming turds, those picks. Fuck they were both over by the 5th inning.

What is the deal with Winston, what a moron haha. First the crab leg incident now this. Getting up on a table at the student union and yelling fucked her right in the pussy ha. You can't do that you idiot, especially when everybody knows you since your the BMOC. Fuck I couldn't get away with that either, and nobody knows who the fuck I am. Well I'm sure the dudes there didn't care about it, but of course the chicks would, some of em.

Shit at the Husker game if I yelled that, fucked her right in the pussy, I would get kicked out for sure, well here people would freak out more, cuz there are so many religious nut jobs.

Cincy at Cubs -1 at -116, risking 348 to win 300

I don't normally advocate betting the Cubs -1, ummm, no, but look at this Reds lineup tonight, whoa, it is bad, real bad. Don't know how they will score.

Kris Negron leading off, who? Man great lead off hitter, way to start off right.
Ramon Santiago hitting 2nd, not much improvement there
Yorman Rodriguez batting 3rd, who? I have no idea
Ryan Ludwick great cleanup hitter, fuck, that is who you want to knock in those guys that aren't gonna be on base ahead of him anyway haha.
Donald Lutz, who again? It really goes down hill now ha, Lutz batting 5th are you kidding me?
Jack Hannahan, yeah big threat ha
Jake Elmore, oh don't even fuck with Jake Elmore haha
Tucker Barnhart, ha, they may as well have Tuckfexas batting 8th, I could hit dribblers back to the pitcher

So good luck getting a run boys, yeah not thinking so.
Have fireball and vodka there dudley. Your probably not drinking I assume, well most people don't on a Wednesday ha, unless your a raging alcoholic like me.
Ha those Reds guys are all batting like .170 or so, except the first 4 guys. They you know are .230 to .255 ha.
Can't handle the hard stuff. Usually just a beer drinker if I am home watching games.
Not sure, probably won't go crazy cuz I have been hitting it a bit too hard sometimes. Have really been getting over doing it now that I don't have something to wake up for. Hoping tonight I can keep it to just around half a 750, that still is a lot though. I should just start doing a bottle of wine or something, or beers, that would be better for me. A bottle of wine ha, that is not good either. Most people would be having a glass of wine or 2 not a bottle. A bottle of wine though would be a huge improvement.
Do you order take out after ur drinking? Lol
Who u got on speed dial? Papa John's?
I have heard of guys drinking a 1.75 liter of vodka or whiskey in a night though. I don't do that.

Yeah or have a frozen pizza or some frozen stuff from the store that I pick up when I walk there, just some crappy microwave stuff. Oh and ramen noodles have become a staple cuz their cheap as shit. Really am trying to eat cheap to save money.
Shit if you drink a 1.75 liter in a night your BAC would have to be like .50 or something. And .40 is dead, or that's what they say. Cuz I know like a .15 isn't tough to get to, that one night I was thinking well I may not be drunk, then the cop gave me the breathalizer and I was like whoa, guess I am ha.
Yeah I remember when I went to that 30 day rehab, I heard a couple of those guys what they drank, and was thinking man, I don't have a problem haha.
A great start a ringing double by Negron, and an early run, fucking figures, gonna get beat by these no name bums.
That fireball stuff isn't that great, it is okay I guess. I just bought it to be like pitbull ha, thought maybe I could get some hot chicks like he has in that video, Fireball. No don't think so on that, well it hasn't happened yet, you probably have to leave the house to get one. But it wouldn't do any good going to a bar, my fat ass, go pick up a 21-30 year old chick at a bar, no way there.
Fireball is too sweet, straight liquor, no funny business for me in the booze department
Great under ump in Oakland tonight Puck, in a park that tends to be under friendly
The Phils are a bit crappy though dudley, to be favored that big on the road, but guess I did bet the crappy Cubs as a big fav. This game isn't looking great yet, may end up a push possibly.

Under in Oakland heh? Oakland and all those parks out there at night, San Diego, San Fran, those games are low scoring always, in general. Texas sure as hell can't hit, except if Beltre pops ya.
Ha I was just looking at some injuries and shit for college, and I clicked on Jim Feist his free picks today, and the Pads were one, and the Oakland game under that is funny. Both your guys suggestions. Think I've heard that guy isn't very good, and kind of a scam artist too, not sure about his scams or his picks though. I never click on em when I'm on Don Best, just did today for some reason.
I shouldn't ever click on anything like that, it could influence me ha. Well it was like how when Phil Steele picked my teams, and then I got all nervous. They won though, guess Phil is right sometimes.
Those crappy teams like the Cubs and Phils I should only bet em if they are dogs. That was stupid that Cubs bet damn it. Guess it could still work out.
Yeah Kerwin Danley 5-20 this year to the under kj. Really both those games are gonna be tough to get many runs. They are low totals though.
Fuck it I added on that under. I am a bit nervous though. Was gonna lay off these late games. Fuck oh well I did it.

Texas at Oakland under 6.5 at -110, risking 330 to win 300
That was a helluva catch there by Coghlan whoa! That saved the day there, shit that was trouble, big trouble if he didn't catch it.
That Phils at Pads I don't know. I'm unsure about Stults I mean he can be good, and he has been lately. So then it would be real close. I mean I know Hamels will be good tonight. No real way to bet that, not gambling on what Stults will do.

The Angels may be ready to lose a few now and then. I don't wanna bet against em however. Oh that game already started anyway so who cares ha.
Come on Cubs, bottom of the 8th need a run to win, push as of now. Got the 2,3,4 hitters coming up. Man I really thought the Cubs could win by more than 1 tonight. Well the Cubs have a young lineup, like the Reds, difference is the Cubs young guys have talent, while the Reds do not. Cubs have some highly touted young guys in there.
That Soler coming up next for the Cubs may be able to turn around one of these heaters this guy is throwing. We'll see, I'm calling for a homer here by Soler, calling my shot, like Babe Ruth damn it.
Crap a walk, now the Reds are bringing up the big guns. Well better guys than they had in there, proven guys, vets. Gettin hectic it's gettin crazy, gettin wild.
Yes, boom boom, winna winna pay the line. Go Cubs go, go Cubs go, hey Chicago what do you say Cubs are gonna win today. We got the power we got the speed to be the best in the National League, ha. Playing that song now, fly the white flag baby.
The under is looking great so far, but that is a low line in Oakland. I always hate taking anything below 7, but I guess in Oakland at night you can.

I should just ride kj's coattails, pull Tuck along kj, ha.
Well we better not start sucking each other's dicks quite yet, only the 4th inning ha. What movie is that from? Thinking, oh yeah Pulp Fiction, the wolf he says that. Oh you bringing the wolf mothafucka, shit ***** that's all you had to say.
Damn I am so old school, think I am stuck in the 90's lol. Yeah pretty much I think, fuck that movie is old as shit. Then I listen to old gangsta rap always from the late 80's and early 90's.
Well those were much better times, wasn't old and fat, and my Huskers were good, always relevant and kicking ass. Yeah the good old days.
Damn it if the Huskers lose to Miami Saturday I'm gonna be pissed. That better not happen. I keep thinking about it, and I'm not sure. Well it is hard for me to be objective about my team, I always think oh yeah we're gonna win ha. Then I end up betting when I don't know for sure at all.
Lookin good boys, lookin good. 600 in the account will be nice, I need that bad, cuz I'm gonna have to take some out here soon. I want to build it up quickly and start throwing dimes, but I don't know if that will work. Gonna have to press a bit, not like I can't. Shit let's gamble baby, I'm no stranger to pushing it to the limit, nope.
Should have taken the Phils too, dudley's pick, I didn't take his other suggestion back a while ago and it won too. Well I was looking at Stults and thinking hmmmm, not sure about what he is gonna do really. I mean I did like the Phils fo sho over the Pads with stud Hamels going, just thought it seemed like a weird game, I don't know.

Crap could get a run in Oakland hope not.
Got out of that mess. Good deal, I am kind of dreading the Texas pen coming in here in a bit. Cuz man that was a long inning there, Holland had to work. I guess it may be fine as long as Holland gets through the bottom of the 6th. Then have 2 innings of stress ha, that Texas pen, whoa, that is a debacle waiting to happen there.
Oh no, my umpire Kerwin Danley left the game, fucking you gotta be kidding me. Well that's great, fucking great. May be fine I guess.
Got a delay, better check the Lincoln backpages, check out Wednesday's escorts ha, don't know why I look at it. Fuck I'm not buying one, well could if I get on a big roll.
Tatie is a new one tonight she looks good, can't see her face, not sure but she is something exotic, don't know what race or ethnicity. She must not be black, cuz she says no black guys ha, a bunch of em always say no black guys that is funny.
She says she caters to upscale gents, Tatie. That's not good, that means pay 2 k for the pussy probably. Tatie does look like a tight little package, kind of like that smaller chicks. Would never wanna spend more than you know 300 bucks or so, suppose 500 if my bets are rolling, and she is hot as fuck.

Well enough of Tatie, I'm not getting it, so who cares.

Looks like Holland settled back down, got the 1st out there in the 6th, come on man, keep firing.
I do like the no black guys comments a bunch of those chicks put on there haha, no black guys, I don't wanna get my ass kicked, or get my pussy beat up too bad. I'm not sure which it is, must be one of those 2. Well black guys their rep is not being helped with these NFL guys lately. Every day there is a new bitch beater, or Peterson beating his kid, am glad about Peterson, for personal reasons ha. That is just great, ha, he isn't playing all season, yg, flush your fantasy money down the toilet, lol, top pick for him.
This under looks like it is cash money now. The pen won't be in long for Texas I don't think, cuz Holland can go another inning probably.
Damn I should not have got off the Angels, up 5-0. I wasn't sure though, cuz no big run lasts forever in MLB, they lost for me last night, and Paxton going tonight.

Probably somebody will call me looney or crazy now, 49 posts. Fuckin call me what you want, I don't give a fuck if you didn't already know. Fuckin see me if you want, I don't care either, like I give a damn about what any fuck thinks on here. I mean I like most everybody on here, there are a lot of good posters, and people I like, but it is pretty crazy when somebody starts calling you out just cuz you post a lot, and are drunk as shit every night posting to yourself. Shit you can get the fuck out my face if you come in here talking about that, no reason to. Shit I am not gonna go after anybody on here and call em out, far be it for me to judge.
Man I really get surly when I get real drunk ha. I should be happy, man, I'm winning woooooo, big winna winna, bang bang. Well unless the Texas pen has a melt down in the 8th I guess.