

Assistant __ ___ Regional Mod
I've gone in with 4 other guys on this the last few years. Now I've moved and don't really keep in touch with them anymore. Just curious if anyone is interested or has done this in the past with other people?
Quality is great and seems to improve every year. This will be my 3rd consecutive year so we'll see if it improves again
Rob...its through and it allows you to watch all the games that aren't in your market. For instance, I live in Greenville, SC so I can't watch Atlanta Braves games, the regional Fox Saturday game or any of the nationally televised games on ESPN. Other than that I can watch every game. Its good that I'm in the Braves' market b/c most of their games are televised nationally anyways. I think its like $149 or something for the season but I don't remember the exact number. All I know is that up to 5 people can be logged in on the same account at the same time. At least that has been the case the last 2 years.
Word of warning here-

You can get away, I think, with an unlimited number of people getting in at once from the same location. But once you start to log in from different states and stuff, you end up where it asks you to enter your credit card to confirm its you. No big deal if ur the guy who paid, but it sucks if you aren't.

Not trying to fuck you over, just want to make sure everyone is aware of the downsides, too.

I think its cheaper than $149 though, I want to say more like $120...and IMO, worth every penny if you root for an out of town team, or gamble on baseball daily...
Seabass, I appreciate the info on that. When I've done it before all of us lived in the same city. I'll have to try and find some others in my area then. Thanks again for the heads up
Seabass, I appreciate the info on that. When I've done it before all of us lived in the same city. I'll have to try and find some others in my area then. Thanks again for the heads up

The new way is actually better. They used to just lock the account for an hour. But now at least the credit card holder can get in. I've never gotten in any trouble for sharing, though...

What we've done is something like, I pay $60, two other people pay $30...