MLB Tuesday


Pretty much a regular
Nothing went well yesterday, oh my, no. Don't wanna rehash the debacle. That Jets game was bullshit had a TD, blown dead, then Jets had a chance on 3rd and 5 to run the ball didn't do it. Fuck the Bears wouldn't have been expecting a run there, it would have worked. Bottom line I need to be coaching my teams. Good news is I talked to my dad and he is debating giving me the farm that they inherited from my grandpa. Fuck that would be great, could be out on the tractor all day drinking vodka, don't think you can get a DWI that way, maybe I guess, ha a cop pulls me over on my tractor out in a damn corn field, hell that would be some luck there whoa, with my luck that could happen I suppose.

Philly -1 at Miami, I did it with the -1 calculator that kj told me about cuz 5 dimes rips you off on the -1 they offer, fuckin jerks ha
So it's -141, risking 193.07 to win 136.93, and -1.5 at +125, risking 136.93 to win 171.16

I figure Hamels is always good, and very good against Miami as well so why not? Plus Miami their lineup has lost all thunder now, with Stanton and Ozuna both out, ouch for them, take out any power, fuck they have Baker batting cleanup, lol at that, good cleanup hitter, solid MLB cleanup hitter. Phils still have some threats in the lineup, not that it is great, but it is a helluva lot better than what Miami has.

Still looking at others.
Added on one

Pirates at Braves under 6.5, at -122, risking 366 to win 300

Man the Braves can't hit at all they are pathetic, shut out 7 times in their last 17 games, whoa, that is bad. The Pirates can hit however, but they won't tonight cuz Wood is the man baby. Fuck he is only making 500 thousand this year. Won't be for long, damn that is crazy what he will command on the open market when he is off this deal. Fucking back up the Brinks truck then, shit I wish I were him right now, payday is coming. Fuck I don't even know how much it will be, a lot.
Thanks gorgolon, you to. Do you have some MLB going? I may look into what you have, if you can help a brotha out.
Why the hell is Philly at Miami blacked out here? Ha, I turned it on the MLB package and it says blacked out. Royals are the only blacked out team ever.
Yeah gorgolon I thought about betting them again, I bet em yesterday and they sucked ass for me, Cleveland those bastards. Well that was just one debacle in a long line yesterday for me. Shit the only game that worked out was the Rangers under, and that was close to a push or losing too.
Fucking Cole you piece of shit, how can you not shut down this feeble Braves offense. That is a loss it appears.
Dumb ass Freeman for the Braves had a quote today that I found retarded. Well he was saying hopefully we can score some runs here late, so we aren't going insane all off season. Yeah going insane, pretty tough to do when your making 5.5 million a year like he is, ha, I would love to go insane for 5.5 million. Fuck I'm making that money I don't care if we get any damn runs ha, I'm counting the stacks baby. Hitting or no, who cares?
That's the thing, I wonder how those guys do it? I mean keep working and shit when they make that kind of money, shit I would be in a pile of hookers and blow if I made 5.5 million in a year. Fuck baseball I could give a damn.
Harang has a 355 small block in his car, there ya go they interviewed him about it a bit ago. Fuck I loved my old Camaro Iroc Z, it was nice 5.7 liter V8, I'm not sure about 355, I don't know the engine size exactly, well I wasn't some car freak. Just know it said 5.7 liter v8, and had quad exhaust two on both sides, it was fast as shit. It was funny my lawyer gave me a copy of the police report when I got this last DWI I just got, and there was so much shit on there, they had every speeding ticket and everything on there ha. It was 3 pages lol. I was reading it, like oh yeah remember that one. Fuck I would just lay the hammer down with that Iroc, shit be laying rubber everywhere and then going over 100 all the time. Shit we would go to lunch me and my buddies, and I would get that shit over 100 in a 35 zone ha. It could go 150 or so, around there.
Lucky I didn't kill anybody ha, with that Iroc. Shit but my damn buddies would egg me on, those fucks, I am a good driver though, so no worries. Maybe that's it fucking Nascar that's what I need to do, shake and bake ha.
Yeah Nascar that is it, sure that would be easy to get into ha. That would be an arduous climb to make it to Nascar, shit you would have to climb up to that. Driving dirt tracks and shit, getting run over by Jimmy Johnson.
I mean I have drove 150 is about it tops, couldn't go any faster or I would have, and shit is flying by you at that point, but there wasn't anybody around me, except flying by a few cars on the highway, well in the passing lane. Going 200 would be kind of crazy, especially with mothafuckas bumping you and crap from behind ha.
In Vegas kind of by my home at the budget suites, 1500 Stardust Road, still remember the address, but they had this dream car rental place, and I almost did it after a big day, rent a kick ass car for a day, pretty stupid ha. I was thinking damn I wanna take this Ferrari out and go fucking 200. Or they had a Dodge Viper, bet that could go 200 as well, V10 in that shit. I almost rented one, but I didn't cuz I tried to negotiate em down a bit, and they wouldn't budge, so I said fuck it, guess no 200 mph for me. Fuck if I would have rented one of those your damn right I'm hitting 200 mph, no reason to rent it otherwise.
Yep, that is it, time for me to do some dirt track racing here lol. They do have a big dirt track in Eagle it isn't far away from Lincoln about 15 minutes East, I have gone before to watch a race, only once. There are a lot of bumfuck drivers out there, I may be able to win, well probably not I guess. Yeah don't think my driving career would work out, no, I'm no Dale Earnhardt ha.
I also have a question for Tuck from his thread yesterday. Are you married Tuck? I didn't think so, but you kept referring to your father-in-law so maybe you are?
No steed unfortunately not, it is gonna be a push tonight looks like with lost juice so far. Ha I will talk if you want there Hunt.

I am not married there Lareux, no chick would do that unless she was drunk and crazy like me, and I do have a father in law, I believe that is what it is called not sure however I'm such a drunk moron. Well isn't my brother's wife, her dad, is that not a father in law for me, haha, I don't even know, I'm dumber than a sack of hammers. You know what I mean Lareux my bro is married, so that bitch her dad, that is a father in law I think, unless I'm mistaken which could be.

Anyway added a game

SF at LA Dodgers under 6.5, at -110, risking 330 to win 300

​These guys are both wheeling and dealing. And have kick ass numbers vs the opponent this year, so going with that.
Fuck my sister stopped by, so better get off here. Not sure why the hell she did, I was not expecting it, oh well.
I am not married there Lareux, no chick would do that unless she was drunk and crazy like me, and I do have a father in law, I believe that is what it is called not sure however I'm such a drunk moron. Well isn't my brother's wife, her dad, is that not a father in law for me, haha, I don't even know, I'm dumber than a sack of hammers. You know what I mean Lareux my bro is married, so that bitch her dad, that is a father in law I think, unless I'm mistaken which could be.

Ahhhh, gotcha.

No, that is not your father in law. That would be your brother's father in law.

Ha I didn't know there lareux, like I said, dumber than a sack of hammers, fo sho. I didn't know if that was the same correlation or not ha. Steed fuck off, just cuz I made an honest dumb ass mistake, lol, yeah I deserve the ridicule though, just fucking around, I like steed ha.

Thanks there sigo, you my boy.

Na defaz she isn't worth a damn anyway, well not to me of course, but hell she is related to me, so what do you expect. I guess she isn't bad looking, she looks a helluva lot better than me, but not some hottie ha, no. She is small, like 5 foot 2 and maybe 90 pounds, could be a bit more not sure. Is quite the feat to stay skinny though when you've had 2 kids ha.

Fuck, Bumgarner hit a 2 run homer, guess this shit is over.
Damn I feel like a real moron, saying father in law when it wasn't. I didn't know I thought your brother his wife's dad was a father in law to me, since I am the brother ha, well you know I am a big fucking dumb ass. Probably why I got fired and gonna be broke soon.
Ha yeah kj, that is my father in law, haha. Why did I think that? Guess it never occurred to me to really inquire about it or think about it, I just made an assumption, I sure as hell don't care. Well I don't care about fucking titles, and this and that, who cares anyway. All I wanna do is get high, so high. That is basically it with me drive 150, drink til I can't see straight, bet whatever I have. It is all about catching a buzz, I am in a constant search for that, getting high off anything, that is not good either.
At least I don't search out any fucking coke or that crap anymore. Did look for some acid, but got denied a while back, man I don't know how that would go. I like it a lot, but it may not go well at my age, shit I haven't done it in forever. I would probably end up running around in my underwear and get arrested ha, who knows when your on that crap. Acid is great though, fuck I miss it, although if you do it you better not have plans that day with anybody not on acid ha. Or the next day, better not have work or any plans, takes a good day of recovery after acid tripping.
Ha I remember I was tripping on acid and had to go to a wedding for my cousin, shit that didn't go well at all. A couple people, were like are you okay Tuck? Well not Tuck, but ya know. It is just weird being around normal sober people not on acid when you are I guess, not sure how to explain it. I like just tripping and being with dudes and chicks that are all tripping that is the best, then fucking a chick on that is awesome, you can't beat it with a stick, will say that.
Fuck that is my mission this week, find some acid. I love it so much, ha, I haven't had it in a long time. It is crazy though, cuz it isn't like drinking, smoking bud, or doing coke, no, it is way different cuz you see shit that isn't really there, and the walls move, fuck it is nuts, I love it just cuz I like some crazy shit. You gotta be willing though to tolerate it, which some people freak out and can't handle it. I just love that crap ha, don't know why, it is just the best.
Hell I may as well, cuz fuck I don't have work or anything this week, no. Never have work now ha. Shit it will be weird tripping on acid by myself, I always had dudes and chicks tripping with me back in the day. Oh well can get on here and post to myself while I'm tripping ha. Shit I don't know if I can find it anyway, I know where to get weed, but that guy doesn't have acid.
I'm glad at least you guys didn't kick me off the site, I like it here, like talking to myself. Shit I know covers, fuck would be tossed in a second with what I've been doing. You guys aren't so uptight, which I like. Fuck even like defaz who I got pissed at, who cares, shit he is okay, bit of a disagreement but whatever. Fuck I wish I looked like he does, would get some chicks then, man I am a slob, I look terrible.
Damn it I would like to have my old Camaro Iroc Z back right now, I feel like going out on the highway doing 150 ha, and I'm drunk as shit that would be nice. Fuck that shit would just rumble, fucking muscle baby, it was pretty loud, well 5.7 liter v8, that ain't no bitch shit there ha, had a 5 speed transmission, shit I would just smoke the tires a lot of times in the school parking lot. Show you fools not to fuck with me haha, and yeah they were like Tuck is crazy ha.
Shit it was kind of tough drinking a forty and driving with shifting ha, shit I could do it but barely. I haven't had a car with a manual stick shift since then, that was a beast, fuck I want that back, that Iroc z.
Shit I got a DWI in that car the Camaro, but I should have just bolted. I could have run that cop out, fuck I pussed out ha. Man I could have, that shit was a beast, fuck quad exhaust, and a 5.7 liter v8, I think I could have easily out run the cop, man my bitch ass pulled over. Well I remember I raced a guy, and beat him, but then we kept going and I was still driving pretty fast, and this cop clocked me, fuck 74 in a 45, uh oh. Shit we were drunk, and smoking weed in the damn car ha, shit I rolled the windows down, hoping to escape, that didn't work.
Fuck we used to go out on O street, and race people ha, that was pretty stupid cuz there were cops everywhere. But that was kind of the big muscle car hang out place to race. Some of those real old cars would beat me, but not usually, fuck I had a damn beast machine, shit no joke there. I wonder what the size of the engine was, I didn't give a fuck I was just riding fucking rolling, 5.7 liter v8, so I guess that would be a 350 engine, not sure.
Ha shit reminiscing about old high school days, racing people with my Camaro Iroc z, lol. That shit was fast for back in the day though, shit I can't believe my dad bought it for me, shit I remember we went to see it, and I was like oh damn!!! This is what I need dad, and he was like well I don't know, this may be a bad thing, and then he bought it, he was right about it being a bad thing, fuck I ripped shit up with that car. I mean there is no way I would buy my kid a fucking 5.7 liter v8 muscle car ha, no, fuck my kid I'm sure would be a lot like me, a kid searching for a high, so I would buy him a piece of shit. Man my kid would get a damn bike ha, well I know how I was, I wouldn't want my kid doing that crap, then I have to pay for it.
Shit got this Dodgers game on lock, ha, no not quite, but it is close to a win. I need to roll in the Camaro right now, ha, shit I wouldn't mind having something fast, but then I would go out and drive however fast it could go at night, cuz hell I have no regressions about it.
Yes, booooom!!!!!!!!! Tuck is a winner today. I love LA, I love it, ha that dumb song is on now. I do love LA, though, my buddies there, fuck the Compton gangstas in Vegas, shit ha, you guys could dispute it.