MLB Tuesday


Pretty much a regular
Yep the drunk rambling begins anew haha, well I don't bother anybody stay in my hole here. People that don't like me don't have to read it.

Did have a good day yesterday 2-0 and plus 600, bang. I will take it, I'm sure as hell not making 600 bucks a day at any job, hell no. Well unless somebody wants to pay me that for something just let me know. Shit I would be lucky to make even 80 bucks a day working now.

I was talking about how there are never any good lineman from the state of Nebraska anymore then I brought up Slauson who were talking to at a bar thinking he was from Nebraska, but no he wasn't haha, from Oregon I guess, that big beast. It's just like it completely ran out the o line talent. It used to be back in the 80's and 90's there were always all Big 8 and all Big 12, you know 1st team all conference players, o linemen that were from the state, from Nebraska. Man that is a real mystery, there never are anymore not from here. Unless I am imagining things, I don't think so, I'm sure there were quite a few back in the day. Well and some good players outta Omaha like RB's and corners and safties. The talent has dried up haha, maybe someday it will comeback I guess.

Seattle at Angels -130, risking 390 to win 300

I have been riding the Angels basically everyday. So no reason to quit that, it has been a cash cow, whoa, to say the least there. This match up doesn't look great to me, but I'm not laying off, to hell with that shit.

May add another 1 here later not sure.
It is funny cuz the Angels there will be a pitcher coming into the game that has been on a roll, and then the Angels just destroy his ass haha, it is great, I love it.
Yeah Elias has been on quite a roll, oh well, don't care. Step up and catch your whoopin Elias ha, I just figure probably it just keeps happening.
Guess I have nothing on this round of games at 6 central time. Can't force the issue on anything I'm not real high on.

That is fucked though how, Nebraska used to produce all these players that would be you know all conference caliber, and now nothing ha, I can't figure that out. Maybe it was the quality of the other guys from outside the state pulling up our guys from here. Boy, I cannot figure this out.
I don't know why I started thinking about that, but it is strange, cuz Nebraska high school football used to produce a bunch of guys that helped my Huskers, and good players not just you know some bums.
Better stick to the topic at hand, sure nobody cares about my Husker football problems ha. I really though it is tough to see why we had a bunch of great players here, maybe not any NFL greats or anything, but good solid all conference players from the state of Nebraska, and shit, I don't remember the last all conference player we had that was from here. Probably have to go back to Eric Crouch I think ha, that must be it, well 1st team I mean all conference.
Playing weight probably you know 275 for my bro at most, he has added a little chub now, a bigger gut now is up to 300 or so.

That Slauson guy man he is an animal, fuck I know seeing him up close he is not 6 foot 5 and 315 lbs like they list him. He is at least 6 foot 7, and 350 or more.
Well Slauson he may check in at 335 or so 340 I guess, I know he's not 315, no way there.

It was funny dudley my bro was looking at how much practice squad guys make in the NFL the other, day and he was like I'm gonna start working out more and harder and make a practice squad, I was like dude, you have no chance, all those guys would crush you. He was like, no way I could you know at least stand my ground, I was thinking I really doubt it man, really doubt it. Plus those guys are so quick I mean you gotta have quick feet to stay in front of em.
A mediocre high school lineman, yeah make a practice squad haha, no fucking way. Shit he used to get his ass worked by that Chris Cooper guy I know that, that guy that played for the Raiders. I said well you know how you did against that guy, so there's what your dealing with you bum ha, just giving him shit. Well shit he doesn't drink as much as me, so he gets drunk and starts thinking he can do something he can't, lol.
Nothing for the 7 pm games central time. I thought a little about taking a stab with Houston, but that may be a bad stab, well Kluber is really good. That is a nice dog price though, home dog, that is playing well at the moment, Houston. That Tropeano though I'm not willing to risk it with him, although his numbers in the PCL were good, a hitters league.
From watching highlights of Tropeano I can't say I'm overly impressed ha, no, not sure how he kicked so much ass this year, fuck who knows I guess.
I added one on.

LA -121 at Colorado risking 363 to win 300

May as well take the hot team against a depleted Rockies lineup. Both of these pitchers are doing pretty well right now. Shit the Rockies man, their offense is in the doldrums, well they have been for a while. Haren has had some trouble though there which almost kept me off, but shit really anybody can shut down the Rockies now, regardless of previous trouble I think.
The bases are heating up for me lately. Well there is no surprise there, just you know a 5-1 run on em for me, good ol streaky Tuck, haha, it appears I'm heading on a good one again. There is no way anybody is streakier than me on here, I can streak with the best of em, both good and bad. Fuck I have a month or so where I can't lose, then have a month where I hit about 20%, lol.
Damn Matzek looked a bit tough there in the 1st, hope Haren can hold em down. Crap lead off walk. That was a strike I don't know what the fuck that ump was looking at, shit.
Shit great start to this game, fuck looks like a loser to me. Well it could have been different here if that 1st batter got called out like he should have been. Wouldn't be any runs then now, unless they get another hit. Oh well, fucking 2-0 shit.
Fuck Haren just threw his hands up on that call, was like where was it? Then I think the ump said outside, which there was no way, fucking bitch trying to take my money I need damn it.
At least some good signs there for LA, they barreled up 2 of Matzek's pitches, one got through, one got caught. Figure if they keep getting some good wood on em, they will score some runs eventually.
Fuckin shit, Haren is not looking good. Was hoping with how bad the Rockies have been hitting he would fare pretty well, since he has been on a roll lately, maybe not.
Guess though just gotta hope LA will fight back in it, cuz they did square up 2 pitches last inning, hit real hard both of em. In a shootout I got the AK's with the Dodgers bats, they have pistols fo sho.
Shit this is looking pretty terrible, guess the Rockies pen could implode, never know. But ummm, Haren might put me away early if he keeps pitching like he has been so far. The Rockies do have some crap in that pen. Latroy Hawkins is their closer, lol, yeah that is not good when that guy is your closer haha, man he is a bum. How the fuck Latroy Hawkins could be closing for anybody I don't know, whoa, that is bad.
Yeah may be screwed here. Those announcers for Colorado they made me laugh there. Strikes out a very good hitter in Juan Uribe, haha, swing from your ass Juan Uribe, yeah a good hitter, just swings from his ass and hopes it is heat, and then he connects.
Damn Latroy Hawkins is 41, shit he is older than me, I didn't realize that. He isn't doing too bad though this year, looked up his stats.

Looks like a save isn't happening at this point, unless LA goes off here soon.
Thanks kj and steed.

I really got fucked there by the Dodgers 3rd base coach, what was he doing sending that guy with nobody out, what? I mean how retarded can you be, your at Coors first of all then nobody out and you send a guy that you don't know for sure if he can make it, fuck I would have the bases loaded with nobody out now. I mean don't play with my money like that idiot, holy shit there is no way I woulda sent that guy home there. Ya know though sometimes I wish I could coach my teams, fuck if I was 3rd base coach I would have ran out there and got in the guy's way even if he tried to go, woulda thrown a block at him ha.
Ha my drunk ass going out in the baseline as a 3rd base coach throwing a block at a guy, he would run me over if he wanted to go home that bad.
Yeah at least the Angels are up early that's good kj.

That guy getting throw out at home for LA, man that hurt, ouch, I mean it is really painful. I broke my remote ha, well with nobody out why in the fuck was he sent or did he run through a stop sign, I'm not sure I guess. Fuck I would have tried to tackle the guy or throw a block at him ha, wouldn't have been successful however, as he woulda planted my ass in the ground and kept going ha.
Sending a guy with no outs, whoa, that is about as retarded a move as you can do there. I mean unless you fucking know for sure he is gonna make it you can't do that. I just wonder sometimes if these coaches have rocks in their heads, it is always my coaches that do something completely retarded too, I mean I never get some crap like that for me, guess it just seems that way, that's probably not true ha.
Yeah Dodgers are done dealin here. 7-2, no hope there. Could have been in the game still if they didn't send that guy earlier, but they wouldn't have fucking 7 runs no, maybe 5 if things went right after not sending that guy. Guess that is some speculation there, who knows what it would be at, if they wouldn't have done that retarded bs.

Oh well, guess today was a failure, can only lose 63 bucks if the Angels win at least.
Oh man I totally forgot Brett Maher from Kearney, NE, was a 1st team all conference kicker in 2011 haha. Man how could I forget that. I just looked up our 1st team all conference players. Jared Crick in 2009 was a DT, he plays for the Texans, and he is from Cozad, NE. Fuck I have been to Cozad, that is a bumfuck place, I had to go out to North Platte sometimes at my old job, and I stopped at Cozad to eat, and there were some ugly mothafuckas there whoa. Not that I look great, but man, the lady at Mcdonalds had this huge goiter on her kneck, and there were several mutants making fries and burgers. Guess Mcdonalds I'm sure that was the worst of what Cozad had to offer ha.

Then the Ruud's Bo and Barrett. Bo all conference backer in 2006, and Barrett Ruud all conference in 2004, both of those guys were from Lincoln. I think Barrett Ruud went to my high school if I'm not mistaken.

So we have had a few players make 1st team all conference after Crouch that were from Nebraska, not many though.

Fuck in the 80's and 90's there are about 100 guys that made it that were from Nebraska. Shit there is a huge list. Would take me an hour to put all those up. Just not sure what happened with Nebraska high school football since then, fuck the 2000's have been a disaster.
Keep looking at all these all conference 1st teamers for the Huskers. Fucking the Big 8 they gave out a position of kick returner on the all conference selections, that is strange. Dana Brinson got that in '88 for a kick returner, 1st team all conference kick returner. Shit he was the man at kick returns I will say that, fuck the best ever in college that I know of at returning kicks and punts. Wonder if I can get Dana Brinson on you tube with a couple returns, maybe not ha.

Fuck Angels blew the 2-0 lead, tied 2-2, son of a bitch. Hope they get outta this crap with nothing else.
Damn it no luck on finding a Dana Brinson kick return or punt return for the Huskers. Fuck he was dangerous, that ***** was fast, man I think he was from Louisiana that guy, fuck he had speed to burn baby. He didn't do anything else great though, other than returns.

Angels, come on, need this game.
Then have Tyrone Hughes, I was just thinking about our best kick return guys. The Huskers had a helluva run there with return guys from 88-92 or so, around there. Tyrone Hughes he played for the Saints for a while. Neither of those guys were from Nebraska no, Hughes or Brinson, the Huskers do have a good return guy now Pierson El, he isn't as good as Dana Brinson or Tyrone Hughes though from back in the day, but he is pretty good. Don't know why I'm rambling on about former Huskers ha, nobody cares, but I can't watch this game, fuck, it is a loss, shit 2 losses tonight.
Fuck maybe I will get a hooker, Lincoln backpages, it is so tempting haha, they have a bunch of chicks you can click on, but trusting anything on the internet I know that is not a good idea, dumb drunk tuck gets burned again haha, guess that wasn't a hooker, a business deal I guess, in a way. I'm sure could easily be a cop on those backpages things. A lot of em I wouldn't wanna pay for anyway, but there are some that are okay on there. Shit like I have 300 bucks to spend on a hooker right now, just so pissed about these games both losing I would like to take out my frustrations, you know beat the pussy up. Would like to have that old girlfriend I had that liked to be thrown around and slapped and shit, yeah that sounds good, could go for that. I never had anybody that liked that before it was kind of fun though, shit she was nutso though, that lasted all of 2 minutes, well not like I'm perfectly sane either I guess.
Wonder how those chicks don't get busted on there. I guess I don't know how that works, seems like it is some kind of trap to me, it is a good trap, I almost fell for it a little while ago and texted one of em. Well you know me gullible Tuck, I am not doing that though, that is too obvious there could be trouble.
Kendal is okay, fuck from the moment we meet you will be the center of my attention she says haha. Allow me to pamper you with my limitless skills and talents, she says. I sort of like the tattoos there on her.
There is one chick that says no black men, haha, must not want somebody bringing a 15 incher to the party, some huge tube to hurt her. She doesn't have to worry about that with me, I'm just a normal guy, I think I guess, well I hope ha. I don't have a huge fucking stick that will kill a bitch. Far from it.
Holy shit there is one just huge fat chick Jade on there, man who would pay for that crap, she has a bigger gut than me. Then she has a picture of her fat ass on there haha, that is attractive, a whole lot of woman there.
Another one that says white men only. Guess a black guy is more likely to have a huge tube that will hurt, that must be it. Or either the propensity to beat women haha, I mean that sounds bad, but I think that is true how they do that more than white guys, guess no facts on that, maybe I'm wrong there, it does seem to be that way. But I don't know there are a lot of white guys that beat up chicks too, who knows on that.
Think I like Kendal and Rachel the best so far ha. Rachel is 22, says perfect 10 stunning. She is pretty hot I will say, not sure about perfect 10, but very nice. Let's see what her add says, I am sweet, warm, friendly, and eager to please. I would love spending time with you tonite for a nice treat. Ha, I don't know I think Kendal is more my type. I want to be the center of her attention lol, I do like Kendal quite a bit. Good thing there aren't any hot black chicks on there, I would not be able to refuse then. Well just the cop thing worries me, and I don't have 300 bucks either.
Or no it is Kendall, spelled it wrong, her add I clicked on it, her add says blonde goddess, come play juicy 21. Yeah Kendall I would pay for that, kinda like tattoos on chicks a bit for some reason, not sure why. Ha I am just posting about escorts for no reason whatsoever. Well I always look everyday and think about well ya know maybe I should buy one.
Fuck I am getting close to texting Kendall haha, that would just top off the night end up in jail for being a John after going 0-2. Well I don't know they don't say you know anything about actual boning really, so maybe that's why it is okay, but then if you propose it to em, then they could bust you if they are cops, hell I don't know, this crazy world who knows. Damn it, I could use some Kendall to take out my frustrations. She doesn't have a real good picture of her face on there, but she looks fine to me, from what I can see anyway.
Shit better not contact Kendall although I do wanna cram her pretty bad. That was the best one in my opinion, of all the Tuesday adds anyway. Probably would get a disagreement from somebody, I don't know I don't think you can go anywhere but Kendall, on all the Tuesday Lincoln backpages adds, she is the best for Tuesday anyway.
Buddy and I traveled cross country gut stock in kearney nebraska for a sunday..his 70 bronco had some issues but come to find out no booze on we looked out the hotel window to see a chineze over..then the windowshield wipers went in iowa I was manually wiping the windshield for 4 hours pulling the lever up and made it back home safe after driving straight to mass from chicago no resting..32 hours straight
Guess they just say they are escorts so probably would be okay, fuck I'm not getting one anyway just look at em and think well this would be nice. Fuck I mean Kendall she doesn't even say her price so I would have to negotiate I'm sure, and fuck who knows how much it would be. Damn I wanna, but I don't have the money to spend on Kendall ha, no. Guess it is time for porn, better get off here, once I start thinking about it, fuck it is on then.
A nice 15 minute break there or so maybe 20 I don't know, fucking youporn does the trick quickly. Ha Kendall, that would be something if I could tag that. Hopefully I can afford it after some winnings. I got her page bookmarked, not sure if they just go away or what, cuz they put up adds and then they go away always. I don't know though there are some hot chicks on there, but I guess most of em are kinda ugly or fat, just kind of depends on the day, and they always change. Shit I'm not ugly or fat at all, or wait I am haha, they will take my money though, and be happy those sluts, fucking take it bitch.