MLB Tuesday

Well you know we may come out a winner today. That Dodger game is the key. Cuz got under 7 there, and it could happen, but not sure.
Well think I at least won something ha. Everything won, except my Dodger under, that was a debacle. Posting in the MLB, shit *****, that is not good for sure. Fuck you called the wolf mothafucka that's all you had to say. That was a pulp fiction quote calling the wolf, ha. Don't know why I brought that up, did win on the night in MLB, so fuck you if you wanna fade me bitch haha, yeah niggaz. Shit fading me is never the best idea, I mean you can, but I am not dumb so good luck there.
Shit what am I talking about, my parlay with the Cards lost too. Won a whole 66 bucks on the night haha, but hey it is a win, so you can fucking blow me bitch, yeah *****, shit I better put on some NWA now cap the night off with that.
Yes, 66 bucks wooo, fuck that is the shit haha, well I am just glad I won. Fucking baseball is a mine field for sure.

Gonna get a hooker now, ha yeah right, I mean I look up all this shit, and I wonder if anything is legit. I looked up some and I am afraid if I do there will be cops coming, shit who knows. Well I don't have money anyway for that, but damn it, I want one. Fuck with my luck I would buy one, and then the cops would be on my ass haha, shit I know it would be that way. Better just stroke it by myself, yep, can't get in trouble then, nobody can arrest me for whacking off.
I really wish I was my nephew that is 3 now, damn he is gonna fuck so many bitches haha. He is such a good looking kid, my boy Carter. Well my brother is gonna have to deal with him knocking up a 16 year old or 15 year old chick, haha, shit bet it will happen. I mean when I was 16 I was a real little guy and I didn't look good at all ha, a fucking kid that no chicks wanted ha, I mean I tried but it didn't work out ever, shit I tried my ass off and no it never worked out.
Whoa, need to go to bed, I get on here, and just keep going. Oh well, ya know I am gonna bet tomorrow I'm sure, guess we'll see.
Ha I got a bet on my nephew knocking up a 15 year old chick, it will happen I bet, unless he is Yag I guess. I don't think he is cuz he likes trucks and all kinds of guy type shit. I bought him this Husker semi truck after the game cuz he wanted it I can't say no to the little guy. Fuck that set me back 25 bucks. The Huskers do blow though, fuck they will probably lose at Fresno, shit I would not be surprised if that happened at all.
Shit I keep looking at theses Lincoln backpages, and I wonder if it is okay, ha, I probably shouldn't, fuck that could be a disaster there. Better lay low, well I mean if there were something legit, that I knew was okay then yes. Fuck ha I look at this crap and think well, I will probably go to jail then if this isn't legit. Fuck I like Vegas cuz then there are just street walkers that are hot and you can buy em, fuck here there are not, no, not at all.
No those backpages I should not do that, probably a recipe for disaster, fuck the cops I'm sure are all over that.
I just hope everybody hates on younggun, fuck that guy, I hate him. Shit he is lucky he isn't here, cuz he would get his ass rolled then.
Ha that guy he can suck a dick, thing is if he lived here he would have already got his ass rolled, fuck no doubt, shit my bro would have kicked his ass by now.
Well I could have maybe accomplished the yg ass rolling ha, but doubt it, know my bro would destroy his ass, ha, that bitch wouldn't last 2 seconds with him.
Ha, I am out, fuck yg is probably on here fucking being a big retard, shit he can suck my fucking dick he owes me 636 bucks which he will never pay. I mean do whatever, it isn't gonna work, fuck sue me, ha, good luck there I don't have shit, maybe 2 k at the most right now, shit that is that guy though, he is the sue guy, ha he will try to sue me, but too bad *****, I don't have any money hahaha.
It is funny how I just call out people on here, ha, but it is true, my bro would roll his ass yg, shit that would be an ass kicking, unless yg plays for the Raiders ha, yeah doubt it, shit sure he would have trouble, and get smoked, fuck you play for the Raiders yg? Ha that bitch, it pisses me off so bad, fuck that guy.
Shit there is good reason for me to call out yg, he fucking owes me 636 bucks, and then he won't respond to me, I mean what the hell. Ha too bad he doesn't live here in Lincoln, oh my that would be an ass kicking then.
Yeah well you got over on me, fucking said we were betting when we weren't you fuck, yeah you were betting for free bitch, fuck you. I paid you which is the worst part about it, you fuck, I mean I wasn't a fucking weasel, like you.
I am torn as I don't care to instigate him any further as I already needed to block his phone number. However Tuck and I became quite close in playing the ponies with numerous large wins. We played 5-6 days a week focusing on pick 4's and pick 5's. This was new for Tuckster as he normally just got raped on tri fectas. I think the gambling lasted about a month or so where I would do all the handicapping, he would put in the picks (cause I have a job). I think over the course of the month we cashed about 15k in winning tickets, but ultimately were up about 3-4k with losses as well. Biggest hit being a 4k won at Santa Anita. As you may know Tuck is somewhat hit or miss and relatively hot and cold. We would hit a few, and then he would think he could do it on his own no longer needing my help. While he opted to do it on his own, I hit a pick 5 at Saratoga for 22k. Hence the relationship deteriorated quickly after that. I had always done the accounting, the handicapping, and the general decisions while he would put the tickets in. When I started this partnership, I figured I love to handicap, and this was a way I could help a guy out (whom I loved reading his posts for a year before offering to help with horses when he lost his job). As few may know Tuck likes to drink, and his money dwindled. He would go back and forth on if he could do horses himself or needed me, and has he did that time passed. I kept solid track of the account and what was earned or owed. As his frustration set in of missing a big hit and his money dwindling, he determined I owed him $600 something. I realized his money went from 29k to slowly like 12k, but wasn't sure how we arrived at me being in the red with him for tickets. I re ran the numbers and didn't see it as we were positive money, we hadn't lost while playing horses. Truly never felt I owed him, but told him had we won he could keep the first $600 of my portion. However I began waking up to 20-30 text messages, some of which said he was going to kill me....... Wait let me back up. I began waking up to 20-30 text messages, some of which said his BROTHER was going to kill me. I tried to tell him we would get it straightened out and I would show him what I had. However with his money depleted his texts became vulgar, desperate, and plain crazy. I ended up blocking him. Decided to post this week as I am over the situation, however he is not. Here we are.

Never intended to kick a guy when he is down, but comes a time when you want to defend yourself. Tuck is off his rocker, and it has shown for quite some time.​