MLB System Chases

So you have a profitable system but you're not willing to post the details? Just gonna ask.....why?

Its tha same thing if a PR numbers guy only posts plays, u want him to post his overall numbers also? No need to come at him wit tha attitude, u should be happy he's postin tha plays
So you have a profitable system but you're not willing to post the details? Just gonna ask.....why?

Probably so people don't jump on the plays ahead of time and drive the line down before he gets his action down
Thanks for replying for me guys, appreciate the support.

To answer your question openly and honestly, I'm just not comfortable with releasing that information. Good luck if you decide to follow.
Plays for 4/11/13

4 game chase play:
#14: Angels 1u for Game 1
#15: Seattle 1u for Game 1

YTD: 13-0 +1300
Game 1: 11
Game 2: 1
Game 3: 0
Game 4: 1

good luck!
Plays for 4/11/13 with lines updated

4 game chase play:
#14: Angels -130 (130/100) for Game 1
#15: Seattle -160 (160/100) for Game 1

YTD: 13-0 +1300
Game 1: 11
Game 2: 1
Game 3: 0
Game 4: 1

good luck!
Recap of 4/11/2013

4 game chase play:
#14: Angels -130 (130/100) for Game 1 Loser, on to Game 2 on 4/12/13
Seattle -160 (160/100) for Game 1 Loser, on to Game 2 TBD based on line

YTD: 13-0 +1300
Game 1: 11
Game 2: 1 (#14 and #15 pending)
Game 3: 0
Game 4: 1
Plays for 4/12/2013

4 game chase play:
#14: Angels -200 (460/230) for Game 2
#16: Angels -200 (200/100) for Game 1
#17: Yankees -160 (160/100) for Game 1
#18: Boston -115 (115/100) for Game 1
#19: Tigers -111 (111/100) for Game 1
#20: Mets -109 (109/100) for Game 1

YTD: 13-0 +1300
Game 1: 11
Game 2: 1 (#14 and #15 pending)
Game 3: 0
Game 4: 1

lots of plays today, good luck everyone!

side note, I will be traveling this weekend with limited access to internet. I will try and post plays when I can.
4 game chase play:
#14: Angels -200 (460/230) for Game 2
#16: Angels -200 (200/100) for Game 1
#17: Yankees -160 (160/100) for Game 1
#18: Boston -115 (115/100) for Game 1
#19: Tigers -111 (111/100) for Game 1
#20: Mets -109 (109/100) for Game 1

YTD: 13-0 +1300
Game 1: 11
Game 2: 1 (#14 and #15 pending)
Game 3: 0
Game 4: 1

lots of plays today, good luck everyone!

side note, I will be traveling this weekend with limited access to internet. I will try and post plays when I can.

What happened to Seattle? Is the chase over for them after game 1?
Tru, you are a dumbfuck.

I don't care how much the plays are for you moron, asking for parameters as to what the chase is.

This is a capping/sharing website last I checked. And I highly doubt (besides a few on here) anyone is going to drive his odds down. Lmfao at people thinking there are bunch of kingpins on here betting thousands of dollars per play.

Dark Knight, I respect your response, was just wondering of there was an angle here, maybe to sell it next year if profitable this year. Not being a dick, just hard for people to get behind a somewhat unproven guy new to the site on his plays if they don't understand them is all I was getting at.
Maybe you're not new, just thought about that, so if you're not, I apologize. Haven't been on a lot lately.
Egg u fuckin retard, I didn't say him post shit about how much tha plays are for I was usin an example of u wanting a power rankings guy to post his power ranking numbers an how he made that line. Learn to fuckin read. U expect him to just openly share his hard work or anyone else on this or any other website? u either tail tha plays or move tha fuck on. Egg next cfb season ask gar, vk, timh and other great cappers here to openly post their hard work on PR numbers for each team and see how far u get. Again he doesn't have to tell u shit about his chase system, u either tail it, fade it or move tha fuck on to tha next topic. It's funny how muthafuckas expect a stranger to do everything but place tha bet for them
Recap for 4/12/2013

No need to attack each other guys, we're all in this to win money. What it comes down to is I'm going to keep posting my plays, people can decide what to do with it (follow, fade, track, or ignore). I know I'm new to the site and it's hard to trust me since I'm not releasing the information but know that I intend to prove to everyone that the system works and we can make some profit on it. As far as next year goes I haven't decided what I'm going to do yet, I'm just trying to get thru the season on the + side. Good luck.

4 game chase play:

#14: Angels -200 (460/230) for Game 2 Loser, on to Game 3 on 4/13/12
#16: Angels -200 (200/100) for Game 1 Loser, on to Game 2 on 4/13/12
#17: Yankees -160 (160/100) for Game 1 Winner
#18: Boston -115 (115/100) for Game 1 Postponed
#19: Tigers -111 (111/100) for Game 1 Loser, on to Game 2 on 4/13/12
#20: Mets -109 (109/100) for Game 1 Winner

YTD: 15-0 +1500
Game 1: 13
Game 2: 1 (#15, #16, #19 pending)
Game 3: 0 (#14 pending)
Game 4: 1
Plays for 4/13/2013

4 game chase play:
#14: Angels -185 (1277/690) for Game 3
#16: Angels -185 (555/300) for Game 2
#18: Boston -123 (123/100) for Game 1
#19: Tigers -120 (253/211) for Game 2

YTD: 15-0 +1500
Game 1: 13
Game 2: 1 (#15, #16, #19 pending)
Game 3: 0 (#14 pending)
Game 4: 1

Good luck everyone!
Unable to get to computer, currently on phone. Will post recap of 4/13/13 tonight when I get home but good news is we swept the board! Here's the play for today

4 game chase
#21: nationals - 137 (137/100)

Good luck!
Dark Knight, if I give you my BetUS accout info could you just bet the games for me at $100 per play? Thanks man. Hit me up on PM.
Recap of 4/13/13 and 4/14/13


4 game chase play:

#14: Angels -185 (1277/690) for Game 3 Winner
#16: Angels -185 (555/300) for Game 2 Winner
#18: Boston -123 (123/100) for Game 1 Winner
#19: Tigers -120 (253/211) for Game 2 Winner

YTD: 19-0 +1500
Game 1: 14
Game 2: 3 (#15 pending)
Game 3: 1
Game 4: 1


4 game chase play:

#21: Nationals - 137 (137/100) for Game 1 Loser, on to Game 2 on 4/22/13

YTD: 19-0 +1500
Game 1: 14
Game 2: 3 (#15, #21 pending)
Game 3: 1
Game 4: 1
Plays for 4/15/13

4 game chase play:
#22: Cardinals -117 (117/100) for Game 1

YTD: 19-0 +1500
Game 1: 14
Game 2: 3 (#15, #21 pending)
Game 3: 1
Game 4: 1

good luck!
Knight, I guess I'm a bit confused on this system. I posted earlier about Seattle not being part of the chase and you explaine they weren't a favorite so we wouldn't play them. The confusion lies in the fact that the Nats are favorites today, but we aren't playing them. Can you further explain your system? Before I delve to deep into this, I'd like to have a better understating moving forward.
Knight, I guess I'm a bit confused on this system. I posted earlier about Seattle not being part of the chase and you explaine they weren't a favorite so we wouldn't play them. The confusion lies in the fact that the Nats are favorites today, but we aren't playing them. Can you further explain your system? Before I delve to deep into this, I'd like to have a better understating moving forward.

For that chase, I'm looking for their next home game when they are favorites. WAS is on the road for a while so we will continue the chase when they are back at home and are favored. I believe that will be on 4/22/13.
Recap of 4/15/13

Sorry guys, I made a mistake on my record and didn't update the unit amount. It should be 19-0 +1900 not 1500. That's what happens when you get back home from a long trip and have to wake up early for work, practically zombie mode today. I would never lie about my record or profit/losses, that is the ultimate sin for a capper.

Anyway, on to the recap:

4 game chase play:
#22: Cardinals -117 (117/100) for Game 1 Winner

YTD: 20-0 +2000
Game 1: 15
Game 2: 3 (#15, #21 pending)
Game 3: 1
Game 4: 1

Plays for 4/16/13 will come in the morning. No play on the NYM/COL play so there will be plenty of time.
Plays for 4/16/13

4 game chase play:
#23: Orioles -125 (125/100) for Game 1
#24: Reds -155 (155/100) for Game 1

YTD: 20-0 +2000
Game 1: 15
Game 2: 3 (#15, #21 pending)
Game 3: 1
Game 4: 1

good luck!
Recap of 4/16/13

4 game chase play:
#23: Orioles -125 (125/100) for Game 1 Winner
#24: Reds -155 (155/100) for Game 1 Postponed, replay Game 1 on 4/17/13

YTD: 21-0 +2100
Game 1: 16
Game 2: 3 (#15, #21 pending)
Game 3: 1
Game 4: 1
Plays for 4/17/13

Lots of games today with one of them conflicting, here goes!

4 game chase play:
#15: Mariners -107 (279/260) for Game 2
#24: Reds -139 (139/100) for Game 1
#25: Nats -150 (150/100) for Game 1
#26: Giants +1.5 -210 (210/100) for Game 1
#27: Dodgers -255 (255/100) for Game 1
#28: Angels -121 (121/100) for Game 1
#29: Twins +1.5 -150 (150/100) for Game 1

good luck!

YTD: 21-0 +2100
Game 1: 16
Game 2: 3 (#15, #21 pending)
Game 3: 1
Game 4: 1
Recap of 4/17/13

4 game chase play:
#15: Mariners -107 (279/260) for Game 2 Loser, Game 3 TBD

#24: Reds -139 (139/100) for Game 1 Winner
#25: Nats -150 (150/100) for Game 1 Winner
#26: Giants +1.5 -210 (210/100) for Game 1 Winner

#27: Dodgers -255 (255/100) for Game 1 Loser, on to Game 2 on 4/19/13
#28: Angels -121 (121/100) for Game 1 Postponed Replay Game 1 TBD
#29: Twins +1.5 -150 (150/100) for Game 1 Postponed, Replay Game 1 on 4/25/13

YTD: 24-0 +2400
Game 1: 19 (#28, #29 pending)
Game 2: 3 (#21, #27 pending)
Game 3: 1 (#15 pending)
Game 4: 1
Plays for 4/18/13

4 game chase play:
#30: Toronto -111 (111/100) for Game 1
#31: Reds -170 (170/100) for Game 1

good luck!

YTD: 24-0 +2400
Game 1: 19 (#28, #29 pending)
Game 2: 3 (#21, #27 pending)
Game 3: 1 (#15 pending)
Game 4: 1
Recap for 4/18/13

4 game chase play:
#30: Toronto -111 (111/100) for Game 1 Winner
#31: Reds -170 (170/100) for Game 1 Winner

YTD: 26-0 +2600
Game 1: 21 (#28, #29 pending)
Game 2: 3 (#21, #27 pending)
Game 3: 1 (#15 pending)
Game 4: 1
4 game chase play:
#30: Toronto -111 (111/100) for Game 1 Winner
#31: Reds -170 (170/100) for Game 1 Winner

YTD: 26-0 +2600
Game 1: 21 (#28, #29 pending)
Game 2: 3 (#21, #27 pending)
Game 3: 1 (#15 pending)
Game 4: 1

that a boy KNight not even really a sweat tonight either. Good day my man.:dancing:
Plays for 4/19/13

4 game chase play:
#27: Giants -220 (781/355) for Game 2
#32: Blue Jays -110 (110/100) for Game 1
#33: Rays -111 (111/100) for Game 1

good luck!

plays will also be posted on t w i t t e r. Follow me @darkknight1949

YTD: 26-0 +2600
Game 1: 21 (#28, #29 pending)
Game 2: 3 (#21, #27 pending)
Game 3: 1 (#15 pending)
Game 4: 1
Recap of 4/19/13

4 game chase play:
#27: Giants -220 (781/355) for Game 2 Winner

#32: Blue Jays -110 (110/100) for Game 1 Loser, on to Game 2
#33: Rays -111 (111/100) for Game 1 Winner

YTD: 28-0 +2800
Game 1: 22 (#28, #29 pending)
Game 2: 4 (#21, #32 pending)
Game 3: 1 (#15 pending)
Game 4: 1
Plays for 4/20/13

4 game chase play:
#34: Arizona +1.5 -180 (180/100) for Game 1
#35: Cubs +1.5 -200 (200/100) for Game 1
#36: Giants -165 (165/100) for Game 1
#37: Phillies -135 (135/100) for Game 1

Potential Play:
Tigers for Game 1 if they are favored. Currently at -102, will play if it ends up at -106. Will update before game time.

good luck!

YTD: 28-0 +2800
Game 1: 22 (#28, #29 pending)
Game 2: 4 (#21, #32 pending)
Game 3: 1 (#15 pending)
Game 4: 1
Recap of 4/20/13

4 game chase play:
#34: Arizona +1.5 -180 (180/100) for Game 1 Winner

#35: Cubs +1.5 -200 (200/100) for Game 1 Loser, on to Game 2 on 4/21/13
#36: Giants -165 (165/100) for Game 1 Winner
#37: Phillies -135 (135/100) for Game 1 Loser, Game 2 TBD

YTD: 30-0 +3000
Game 1: 24 (#28, #29 pending)
Game 2: 4 (#21, #32, #35, #37 pending)
Game 3: 1 (#15 pending)
Game 4: 1
Plays for 4/21/13

4 game chase play:
#32: Blue Jays -140 (294/210) for Game 2
#35: Cubs +1.5 -175 (525/300) for Game 2
#38: Braves -170 (170/100) for Game 1
#39: Braves -170 (170/100) for Game 1
#40: Cardinals -115 (115/100) for Game 1

Potential Play:
Tigers for Game 1 if they are favored. Currently at -104, will play if it ends up at -106. Will update before game time.

To avoid clutter, plays will also be posted at:

good luck!

YTD: 30-0 +3000
Game 1: 24 (#28, #29 pending)
Game 2: 4 (#21, #32, #35, #37 pending)
Game 3: 1 (#15 pending)
Game 4: 1
Recap of 4/21/13

4 game chase play:
#32: Blue Jays -140 (294/210) for Game 2 Winner

#35: Cubs +1.5 -175 (525/300) for Game 2 Loser, on to Game 3 on 4/29/13
#38: Braves -170 (170/100) for Game 1 Loser, on to Game 2 on 4/22/13
#39: Braves -170 (170/100) for Game 1 Loser, on to Game 2 on 5/3/13
#40: Cardinals -115 (115/100) for Game 1 Loser, on to Game 2 on 4/22/13

YTD: 31-0 +3100
Game 1: 24 (#28, #29 pending)
Game 2: 5 (#21, #37, #38, #39, #40 pending)
Game 3: 1 (#15, #35 pending)
Game 4: 1
Plays for 4/22/13

4 game chase play:
#38: Braves -125 (338/270) for Game 2
#40: Cardinals -115 (248/215) for Game 2
#41: Red Sox -130 (130/100) for Game 1
#42: White Sox +1.5 -170 (170/100) for Game 1
#43: Rangers +1.5 -210 (210/100) for Game 1

good luck!

YTD: 31-0 +3100
Game 1: 24 (#28, #29 pending)
Game 2: 5 (#21, #37, #38, #39, #40 pending)
Game 3: 1 (#15, #35 pending)
Game 4: 1
Recap of 4/22/13

4 game chase play:
#38: Braves -125 (338/270) for Game 2 Postponed, Replay Game 2 on 4/23/13
#40: Cardinals -115 (248/215) for Game 2 Winner
#41: Red Sox -130 (130/100) for Game 1 Winner
#42: White Sox +1.5 -170 (170/100) for Game 1 Winner
#43: Rangers +1.5 -210 (210/100) for Game 1 Winner

YTD: 35-0 +3500
Game 1: 27 (#28, #29 pending)
Game 2: 6 (#21, #37, #38, #39 pending)
Game 3: 1 (#15, #35 pending)
Game 4: 1