*** MLB Playoffs In-Game ***


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Maybe I missed one bring started but if not let's get one started.

Thoughts so far?

Ohio teams went out quickly.

Poor Twins fans.

Pads game tonight was fun.

0-2 myself so far, both overs...

Just waiting out my January bet on Dodgers to win it all.

Hopefully finish it out tonight

Cannot believe I'm rooting for the fighting Gabe's.
Hopefully, my day was costlier than yours despite no fan interest. Live betting baseball probably really dumb. Of course, my +400 maybe +500 Pads bets didn’t go through in time. But my fat fingered high Over in CWS/OAK did. $83 no big deal BUT $833 yeah that blew. How come those mistake wagers NEVER seem to cash. FML.
Hopefully, my day was costlier than yours despite no fan interest. Live betting baseball probably really dumb. Of course, my +400 maybe +500 Pads bets didn’t go through in time. But my fat fingered high Over in CWS/OAK did. $83 no big deal BUT $833 yeah that blew. How come those mistake wagers NEVER seem to cash. FML.

That’s always the worst. Get it back this weekend
I hate the SD theme of changing pitchers kinda like the TB Rays philosophy. Makes betting difficult IMO.
Yeah......thing is dude clearly was not intentionally trying to hit him. But, he had to be the diva little bitch he is and start something over nothing while holding the game up for 5 minutes.
c.b. fucknor is having one of his special trademark games. if it's within 6 inches of the outside corner it's a strike.
Can’t get thrown out of a game like this. Rookie move by the coach not being able to control his emotions.
Pathetic display of base-running there from Giancarlo. Can't even run it out to 1st to stay out of the double play. Even if he was running slow he would've beat it. Truly pathetic.
Rewind to 1st inning from when morton strikes out altuve. Morton is tqeeked the fuck out on Adderall or coke. Trust me. I know.
Houston playing sloppy again and lackadaisical...could get swept if they continue playing like this.