MLB Friday 7/20 Yes, I'm alive.


Pretty much a regular
But believe me I don't say that lightly. On June 21 I had my second open heart surgery in less than 6 months. In December I had one to repair a mitro valve. 4 weeks ago I had another to replace my mitro valve which had gone bad less than 6 months after a repair. Anyone know a good lawyer tell me and no that's not a joke. I am still recovering and it has been and will be slow because of back to back surgeries. Still sleeping in a recliner and probably will be for another few weeks.

I won't be able to post everyday as some days are a lot worse than others. Oh and if you take the bets I post after being away from MLB for about 2 months then you are insane. Fade this shit dummy.

YTD +89 unless that's wrong in which case tell me and I'll correct it.

All for 10 units each.

Balt/Tor over 8 -140
Bost/Det over 8 -140
Phil -160
SF/Oak under 9

Glad to see you back Big Fella. Really like the Boston OVER.

Good luck my friend.