mlb 05/15/16


This claim is disputed
26-31 -3.91

Been posting here a decade or so and don't believe I have ever had a losing streak of this size with what I have posted here before. I have had much worse with unposted runs but I think this is the worst ever here. If not, it is competitive. I am a bit remiss to post during such a run because I feel guilty if anyone has been tailing any of this the last few weeks. It has been brutal bad.

Cin 100
Pitt 143
zona -119
mets -140
cards 135
oak 120
angels/sea under 7.5 -112
hou/bos under 10.5 -110
oak/tb under 7.5 -110

I hate to do this but when I need a winning day, I have to bring out the big guns ..

http://<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

31-35 -2.72

Debbie came through to end the losing streak. When i play wind out at Boston over I lose every time.