MLB ‘18: Full Season Thread

Saturday 6/23:

Pending series plays:
A ‘s 1-1
Phillies 1-0
Dodgers 1-0
Rangers 1-0

Odorizzi over 4 1/2 strikeouts -$140 $840/$600
Twins game -$125 $750/$600
Twins TT over 5 -$120 $840/$700
Twins 1st 5 -$135 $810/$600
Twins 1st 5 over 5 1/2 -$125 $750/$600
A’s game -$110 $880/$800
A’s 1st 5 -$105 $630/$600
A’s TT over 4 1/2 -$120 $600/$500
Saturday’s results:

Pending series plays:
A ‘s 2-1 +$850
Phillies 2-0 +$700
Dodgers 2-0 +$800
Rangers 2-0 +$950

LOST Odorizzi over 4 1/2 strikeouts -$140 -$840
LOST Twins game -$125 -$750
WIN Twins TT over 5 -$120 +$700
LOST Twins 1st 5 -$135 -$810
WIN Twins 1st 5 over 5 1/2 -$125 +$600
WIN A’s game -$110 +$800
PUSH A’s 1st 5 -$105
WIN A’s TT over 4 1/2 -$120 +$500

+$5,900 -$2,400 = +$3,500
+$3,500 -$12,425 = -$8,925


the series plays have been hitting all week, still a ways to go but quite the improvement
Sunday 6/24:

I started this week -$19,040 I realize being -$8,925 is still very bad ~~ let’s see if I can break my losing ways on Sunday’s

Sal Romano under 5 1/2 strikeouts -$155 $620/$400
Cubs 1st 5 -1/2 +$100 $600/$600
Dodgers 1st 5 -1/2 -$110 $660/$600
Dodgers 1st 5 over 4 1/2 -$105 $525/$500
Brewers game -$130 $1,040/$800
Giants game -$140 $1,120/$800
Phillies under 9 +$105 $700/$735
Sunday’s results:

LOST Sal Romano under 5 1/2 strikeouts -$155 -$620
WIN Cubs 1st 5 -1/2 +$100 +$600
LOST Dodgers 1st 5 -1/2 -$110 -$660
WIN Dodgers 1st 5 over 4 1/2 -$105 +$500
LOST Brewers game -$130 -$1,040
WIN Giants game -$140 +$800
LOST Phillies under 9 +$105 -$700

+1,900 -$3,020 = -$1,120
-$1,120 -$8,925 = -$10,045


still can’t win on Sunday
Monday 6/25:

Series plays:
A’s -$120 $720/$600
Pirates -$125 $1,000/$800
Indians -$150 $1,200/$800
D’Backs -$170 $1,360/$800

A’s first 5 +$100 $600/$600
Angels first 5 -1/2 -$115 $920/$800
Pirates first 5 +$100 $700/$700
Braves first 5 -$150 $1,200/$800
Indians first 5 -1/2 +$110 $600/$660
Skaggs over 5 1/2 strikeouts -$115 $690/$600
Monday’s results:

Series plays:
A’s 1-0
Pirates 1-0
Indians 0-1
D’Backs 0-1

LOST A’s first 5 +$100 -$600
LOST Angels first 5 -1/2 -$115 -$920
WIN Pirates first 5 +$100 +$700
WIN Braves first 5 -$150 +$800
LOST Indians first 5 -1/2 +$110 -$600
WIN Skaggs over 5 1/2 strikeouts -$115 +$600

+$2,100 -$2,120 = -$20
-$20 -$10,045 = -$10,065

Tuesday 6/26:

Pending series plays:
A’s 1-0
Pirates 1-0
Indians 0-1
D’Backs 0-1

Series plays:
Twins -$155 $1,085/$700
Rockies +$130 $600/$780

Arrieta under 5 1/2 strikeouts -$140 $840/$600
Kluber under 6 1/2 strikeouts +$115 $600/$690
Martinez under 5 1/2 strikeouts -$135 $945/$700
Mariners first 5 -1/2 +$100 $700/$700
Pirates first 5 +$100 $600/$600
Braves first 5 -1/2 -$110 $770/$700
Twins first 5 -$120 $840/$700
Tuesday’s results:

Pending series plays:
A’s 2-0 +$600
Pirates 1-1
Indians 0-2 -$1,200
D’Backs 1-1
Twins 0-1
Rockies 0-1

WIN Arrieta under 5 1/2 strikeouts -$140 +$600
WIN Kluber under 6 1/2 strikeouts +$115 +$690
LOST Martinez under 5 1/2 strikeouts -$135 -$945
LOST Mariners first 5 -1/2 +$100 -$700
PUSH Pirates first 5 +$100
LOST Braves first 5 -1/2 -$110 -$770
WIN Twins first 5 -$120 +$700

+$2,590 -$3,615 = -$1,025
-$1,025 -$10,065 = -$11,090

Wednesday 6/27:

Pending series plays:
Pirates 1-1
Diamondbacks 1-1
Twins 0-1
Rockies 0-1

Braves game -$136 $1,088/$800
Brewers game -1 1/2 +$105 $600/$630
Pirates game +$102 $800/$816
A’s game -$130 $1,040/$800

Game #902 MLB 6/27/2018 12:10 PM - (EST)
Atlanta Braves Money Line -136 for Game
L. Castillo - R - Action S. Newcomb - L - Action Game #922 MLB 6/27/2018 2:10 PM - (EST)
Milwaukee Brewers -1½ +105 for Game
D. Duffy - L must Start B. Suter - L must Start Amount : Risking 250.00 USD To Win 639.34 USD

Game #902 MLB 6/27/2018 12:10 PM - (EST)
Atlanta Braves Money Line -137 for Game
L. Castillo - R - Action S. Newcomb - L - Action Game #903 MLB 6/27/2018 7:10 PM - (EST)
Pittsburgh Pirates Money Line +102 for Game
I. Nova - R - Action Z. Wheeler - R - Action Amount : Risking 400.00 USD To Win 997.78 USD

Game #902 MLB 6/27/2018 12:10 PM - (EST)
Atlanta Braves Money Line -137 for Game
L. Castillo - R - Action S. Newcomb - L - Action Game #917 MLB 6/27/2018 7:10 PM - (EST)
Oakland Athletics Money Line -128 for Game
C. Bassitt - R - Action M. Fiers - R - Action Amount : Risking 400.00 USD To Win 832.57 USD
Wednesday’s results:

Pending series plays:
Pirates 2-1 +$800
Diamondbacks 2-1 +$800
Twins 0-2 -$1,085
Rockies 0-2 -$600

LOST Braves game -$136 -$1,088
LOST Brewers game -1 1/2 +$105 -$600
WIN Pirates game +$102 +$816
WIN A’s game -$130 +$800

LOST Game #902 MLB 6/27/2018 12:10 PM - (EST)
Atlanta Braves Money Line -136 for Game
L. Castillo - R - Action S. Newcomb - L - Action Game #922 MLB 6/27/2018 2:10 PM - (EST)
Milwaukee Brewers -1½ +105 for Game
D. Duffy - L must Start B. Suter - L must Start Amount : Risking 250.00 USD To Win 639.34 USD

LOST Game #902 MLB 6/27/2018 12:10 PM - (EST)
Atlanta Braves Money Line -137 for Game
L. Castillo - R - Action S. Newcomb - L - Action Game #903 MLB 6/27/2018 7:10 PM - (EST)
Pittsburgh Pirates Money Line +102 for Game
I. Nova - R - Action Z. Wheeler - R - Action Amount : Risking 400.00 USD To Win 997.78 USD

LOST Game #902 MLB 6/27/2018 12:10 PM - (EST)
Atlanta Braves Money Line -137 for Game
L. Castillo - R - Action S. Newcomb - L - Action Game #917 MLB 6/27/2018 7:10 PM - (EST)
Oakland Athletics Money Line -128 for Game
C. Bassitt - R - Action M. Fiers - R - Action Amount : Risking 400.00 USD To Win 832.57 USD

+$3,216 -$4,423 = -$1,207
-$1,207 -$11,090 = -$12,297


The Braves let me down yesterday...
Thursday 6/28:

Series plays:
Nats +$115 $800/$920
Brewers -$115 $920/$800

Mariners game -$145 $1,160/$800
Rockies game -$120 $960/$800
Brewers game -$105 $840/$800
Leake under 4 1/2 strikeouts -$140 $840/$600
Quintana over 5 1/2 strikeouts +$110 $700/$770
Kershaw under 6 1/2 strikeouts -$135 $1,215/$900
Thursday’s results:

Pending series plays:
Nats 0-1
Brewers 1-0

WIN Mariners game -$145 +$800
WIN Rockies game -$120 +$800
WIN Brewers game -$105 +$800
LOST Leake under 4 1/2 strikeouts -$140 -$840
LOST Quintana over 5 1/2 strikeouts +$110 -$700
WIN Kershaw under 6 1/2 strikeouts -$135 +$900

+3,300 -$1,540 = +$1,760
+$1,760 -$12,297 = -$10,537

Friday 6/29:

Pending series plays:
Nats 0-1
Brewers 1-0

Series plays:
Angels -$130 $1,040/$800
Marlins +$110 $600/$660
Rangers -$175 $1,050/$600
Rockies +$210 $400/840

Angels game -$150 $900/$600
Marlins game -$105 $840/$800
Marlins first 5 -$110 $550/$500
Brewers game -$100 $800/$800
Pivetta strikeouts over 6 1/2 +$120 $600/$720
Cole strikeouts under 7 1/2 +$100 $600/$600
Teheran strikeouts over 4 1/2 -$135 $810/$600
Friday’s results:

Pending series plays:
Nats 1-1
Brewers 2-0 +$800
Angels 1-0
Marlins 1-0
Rangers 1-0
Rockies 1-0

WIN Angels game -$150 +$600
WIN Marlins game -$105 +$800
WIN Marlins first 5 -$110 +$500
WIN Brewers game -$100 +$800
LOST Pivetta strikeouts over 6 1/2 +$120 -$600
WIN Cole strikeouts under 7 1/2 +$100 +$600
LOST Teheran strikeouts over 4 1/2 -$135 -$810

+$4,100 -$1,410 = +$2,690
+$2,690 -$10,537 = -$7,847

Saturday 6/30:

Pending series plays:
Nats 1-1
Angels 1-0
Marlins 1-0
Rangers 1-0
Rockies 1-0

Blue Jays TT over 5 -$105 $630/$600
Angels game -$145 $1,015/$700
Marlins game +$155 $600/$930
Brewers game over 9 1/2 -$115 $920/$800
Rangers game -$115 $920/$800
Rangers TT over 5 -$125 $750/$600
Chatwood strikeouts over 4 1/2 +$105 $600/$630
Edwin Jackson strikeouts over 4 1/2 -$115 $920/$800
Saturday’s results:

Pending series plays:
Nats 1-2 -$800
Angels 2-0 +$800
Marlins 2-0 +$660
Rangers 2-0 +$600
Rockies 2-0 +$840

LOST Blue Jays TT over 5 -$105 -$630
WIN Angels game -$145 +$700
WIN Marlins game +$155 +$930
WIN Brewers game over 9 1/2 -$115 +$800
WIN Rangers game -$115 +$800
WIN Rangers TT over 5 -$125 +$600
WIN Chatwood strikeouts over 4 1/2 +$105 +$630
WIN Edwin Jackson strikeouts over 4 1/2 -$115 +$800

-$1,430 +$8,160 = +$6,730
+$6,730 -$7,847 = -$1,117


Quite a day for me yesterday series plays were great went 5-1 in my last 6 ~~ also went 7-1 in my games~~ have almost dug my way out of a huge deficit ~~
Last few Sundays I’ve been getting killed must decide what to do today

Sunday 7/1:

took it easy today because I just shit the bed on Sundays

Mets game -$115 $690/$600
Brewers game -$130 $780/$600
Brewers game over 9 -$105 $840/$800
Pirates game -$115 $690/$600
Sunday’s results:

WIN Mets game -$115 +600
LOST Brewers game -$130 -$780
WIN Brewers game over 9 -$105 +$800
WIN Pirates game -$115 +$600

+$2,000 -$780 = +$1,220
+$1,220 -$1,117 = +$103

been on a nice run these past few days have now turned around an awful deficit ~~ now must keep moving forward ~~ thanks to those who’ve been encouraging me through my ups & downs
Thanks yes, been a fun past 3/4 days ~ now my goal is to stay up for rest of the season

QUOTE="VirginiaCavs, post: 3331624, member: 15085"]Holy shit I think you‘re back in the green[/QUOTE]
Imo—and its obviously easier to criticize than to do it oneself—from outside looking in your two biggest errors:

Tying multiple parlays into one team
Uneven unit sizes

Also not sure but I feel like your strikeout bets are a capping weakness
Imo—and its obviously easier to criticize than to do it oneself—from outside looking in your two biggest errors:

Tying multiple parlays into one team
Uneven unit sizes

Also not sure but I feel like your strikeout bets are a capping weakness

I agree about the tying my parlays around one team, very very risky... I’ll amend that
Monday 7/2:

Series plays:
Rays -$145 $1,160/$800
Rockies -$120 $720/$600
Cardinals +$135 $600/$810
Red Sox +$100 $700/$700
Brewers -$165 $1,320/$800

Red Sox game +$170 $600/$1,020
Red Sox TT over 3 -$140 $840/$600
Rays game -$130 $1,040/$800
Rays TT over 4 -$105 $630/$600
Cardinals game +$130 $600/$780
Cardinals TT over 3 1/2 -$115 $920/$800
Monday’s results:

Pending series plays:
Rays 0-1
Rockies 1-0
Cardinals 1-0
Red Sox 1-0
Brewers 1-0

WIN Red Sox game +$170 +$1,020
WIN Red Sox TT over 3 -$140 +$600
LOST Rays game -$130 -$1,040
LOST Rays TT over 4 -$105 -$630
WIN Cardinals game +$130 +$780
WIN Cardinals TT over 3 1/2 -$115 +$800

+$3,200 -1,670 = +$1,530
+$1,530 +$103 = +$1,633

Tuesday 7/3:

Pending series plays:
Rays 0-1
Rockies 1-0
Cardinals 1-0
Red Sox 1-0
Brewers 1-0

Blue Jays game -$120 $840/$700
Blue Jays TT over 4 1/2 -$105 $630/$600
Mets TT under 4 +$120 $500/$600
Rays game -$115 $690/$600
Rays TT over 4 +$100 $600/$600
A’s game -$145 $1,015/$700
A’s TT over 4 -$130 $780/$600
Tuesday’s results:

Pending series plays:
Rays 1-1
Rockies 2-0 +$600
Cardinals 1-1
Red Sox 2-0 +$700
Brewers 2-0 +$800

WIN Blue Jays game -$120 +$700
WIN Blue Jays TT over 4 1/2 -$105 +$600
LOST Mets TT under 4 +$120 -500
WIN Rays game -$115 +$600
WIN Rays TT over 4 +$100 +$600
WIN A’s game -$145 +$700
WIN A’s TT over 4 -$130 +$600

+$5,900 -$500 = +$5,400
+$5,400 +$1,633 = +$7,033

Weds 4th of July


Pending series plays:
Rays 1-1
Cardinals 1-1

A’s game -$160 $960/$600
A’s TT over 4 1/2 -$105 $735/$700
Brewers game -$115 $690/$600
Brewers TT over 4 -$120 $720/$600
Rockies game over 10 1/2 -$115 $690/$600
Wednesday’s results:

Pending series plays:
Rays 1-2 -$1,160
Cardinals 2-1 +$810

WIN A’s game -$160 +$600
LOST A’s TT over 4 1/2 -$105 -$735
WIN Brewers game -$115 +$600
LOST Brewers TT over 4 -$120 -$720
LOST Rockies game over 10 1/2 -$115 -$690

+ $2,010 -$3,305 = -$1,295
-$1,295 +$7,033 = +$5,738

Thursday 7/5:

Series plays:
Rangers -$130 $1,040/$800
Braves +$125 $600/$750
Twins -$160 $960/$600

Rangers game -$100 $700/$700
Rangers TT over 5 +$115 $600/$690
Braves TT over 4 -$125 $750/$600
Twins game -$135 $1,080/$800
O’s TT under 4 1/2 -$110 $770/$700
Lopez strikeouts under 3 1/2 -$130 $650/$500
Gallardo strikeouts over 3 1/2 -$140 $1,120/$800
Thursday’s results:

Pending Series plays:
Rangers 1-0
Braves 0-1
Twins 1-0

WIN Rangers game -$100 +$700
WIN Rangers TT over 5 +$115 +$690
LOST Braves TT over 4 -$125 -$750
WIN Twins game -$135 +$800
WIN O’s TT under 4 1/2 -$110 +$700
WIN Lopez strikeouts under 3 1/2 -$130 +$500
LOST Gallardo strikeouts over 3 1/2 -$140 -$1,120

3,390 -$1,870 = +$1,520
+$1,520 +$5,738 = +$7,258

Friday 7/6:

Pending series plays:
Rangers 1-0
Braves 0-1
Twins 1-0

Series plays:
Phillies +$100 $800/$800
Rays +$110 $800/$880

Phillies 1st 5 -$105 $630/$600
Phillies game -$105 $630/$600
Phillies TT over 4 -$125 $1,000/$800
Rangers first 5 -$105 $840/$800
Rangers game -$110 $880/$800
Rays first 5 +$155 $500/$775
Rays game +$145 $500/$725
Rays TT over 3 -$105 $840/$800
Friday’s results:

Pending series plays:
Rangers 1-1
Braves 0-2 -$600
Twins 2-0 +$600
Phillies 1-0
Rays 0-1

WIN Phillies 1st 5 -$105 +$600
WIN Phillies game -$105 +$600
WIN Phillies TT over 4 -$125 +$800
LOST Rangers first 5 -$105 -$840
LOST Rangers game -$110 -$880
PUSH Rays first 5 +$155
LOST Rays game +$145 -$500
LOST Rays TT over 3 -$105 -$840

+$2,600 -$3,660 = -$1,060
-$1,060 +$7,258 = +$6,198

Saturday 7/7:

Pending series plays:
Rangers 1-1
Phillies 1-0
Rays 0-1

Cards game -$125 $1,000/$800
Cards TT over 4 -$135 $810/$600
Rangers game -$115 $690/$600
Phillies/Pirates under 8 -$105 $840/$800
Cubs TT over 4 1/2 -$120 $720/$600
Saturday’s results:

Pending series plays:
Rangers 1-2 -$1,040
Phillies 2-0 +$800
Rays 1-1

WIN Cards game -$125 +$800
LOST Cards TT over 4 -$135 -$810
LOST Rangers game -$115 -$690
WIN Phillies/Pirates under 8 -$105 +$800
WIN Cubs TT over 4 1/2 -$120 +$600

+$3,000 -2,540 = +$460
+$460 +$6,198 = +$6,658

Sunday 7/8:

Pending series plays:
Rays 1-1

Rays TT over 4 -$135 $810/$600
Rays first 5 over 4 -$125 $1,000/$800
Braves game +$115 $600/$690
Cards game over 7 1/2 -$120 $720/$600
Rockies game +$130 $600/$780
Sunday’s results:

Pending series plays:
Rays 2-1 +$890

WIN Rays TT over 4 -$135 +$600
WIN Rays first 5 over 4 -$125 +$800
LOST Braves game +$115 -$600
WIN Cards game over 7 1/2 -$120 +$600
LOST Rockies game +$130 -$600

+$3,090 -$1,200 = +$1,890
+$1,890 +$6,658 = +$8,548

Monday 7/9:

Series plays:
Phillies -$160 $1,280/$800
Rangers +$275 $500/$1,375
Cubs -$115 $920/$800

Phillies GM #1 first 5 -$110 $660/$600
Phillies GM1 TT over 4 -$110 $770/$700
Phillies GM #2 first 5 -1/2 -$120 $720/$600
Phillies GM2 -1 1/2 -$110 $550/$500
Rangers first 5 +$180 $400/$720
Twins first 5 -1/2 -$125 $1,000/$800
Cubs game over 7 1/2 -$110 $880/$800
Monday’s results:

Pending series plays:
Phillies 1-1
Rangers 0-1
Cubs 0-1

PUSH Phillies GM #1 first 5 -$110
LOST Phillies GM1 TT over 4 -$110 -$770
WIN Phillies GM #2 first 5 -1/2 -$120 +$600
WIN Phillies GM2 -1 1/2 -$110 +$500
LOST Rangers first 5 +$180 -$400
LOST Twins first 5 -1/2 -$125 -$1,000
LOST Cubs game over 7 1/2 -$110 -$880

+$1,100 -$3,050 = -$1,950
-$1,950 +$8,548 = +$6,598

Tuesday 7/10:

Pending series plays:
Phillies 1-1
Rangers 0-1
Cubs 0-1

Brewers first 5 -1/2 -$105 $735/$700
Rays first 5 -1/2 -$120 $840/$700
Rays first 5 over 4 -$115 $690/$600
Phillies game -$110 $889/$800
Brewers TT over 4 1/2 +$105 $600/$630
Blue Jays game +$120 $700/$840