ML Parlay Thread

Will update my record later. In the meantime....

Today's Parlays (3, 4, & 5-Teamer RRs):

Pirates -1½ +245
Giants +183
Braves +162
Rays -1½ +220
Mets -1½ +200
Risking 1.6 Units (.1 Units Each) To Win 91.42

Pirates -2½ +413
Giants -1½ +300
Braves -1½ +270
Rays -2½ +375
Mets -2½ +315

Risking 1.6 Units (.1 Units Each) To Win 403.89

Overall YTD: -55.59 Units
Current Bankroll: 8.83 Units

Starting off with these two sets of 3 & 4-teamer RRs. Might play another later.....

Giants/Nationals Under 7½ +142
Phillies -1½ +180
Orioles/Blue Jays Over 9½ +135
Yankees -2½ +158
Risking 1 Unit (.2 Units Each) To Win 20.23

Giants/Nationals Under 7½ +142
Phillies -2½ +290
Orioles/Blue Jays Over 9½
Yankees -2½ +158

Risking 1 Unit (.2 Units Each) To Win 27.41


3&4-Teamer RRs
Phillies -1½ +185
Orioles/Blue Jays Over 10 +155
Astros -2½ +130
Yankees -2½ +160
Risking 1 Unit (.2 Units Each) To Win 21.27

3&4-Teamer RRs
Phillies -2½ +260
Orioles/Blue Jays Over 10 +155
Astros -2½ +130
Yankees -2½ +160
Risking 1 Unit (.2 Units Each) To Win 26.33

And Arrieta promptly gives up a 2 run jack....I just felt like after he ran his mouth last week he would be dialed in today. What a jerk.

Adding 1 more big one for the day.....couldn't whittle them down so WTF....may the gambling gods be with us.

3, 4, 5, & 6-Teamer RRs:

Cubs -2½ +178
Marlins -1½ +220
Diamondbacks/Rockies Under 12 +130
Braves -1½ +258
Royals +158
Rays -1½ +160
Risking 4.79 Units (.11 Units Each) To Win 331.96


Down to my last $2.....Ugh. :tissue::complaining:

3 & 4-Teamer RRs:

Diamondbacks -1½ +190
Giants +1½ +115
Braves +149
Tigers +1½ +130
Risking 1.39 Units (.28 Units Each) To Win 24.88

Diamondbacks -2½ +281
Giants +248
Braves -1½ +250
Tigers +225
Risking 1.39 Units (.28 Units Each) To Win 88.47

Overall YTD: -64.42 Units
Current Bankroll: 12.00 Units

My better half gave me my allowance for the week so I'm back in business for a few days!! :oops::assshake::rolleyes:

Parlays for the Day are 3, 4, & 5-teamer RRs

#1 (All -1.5)
Phillies +225
Tigers +285

Orioles +280
Padres +200
Mariners +185
Risking 1.6 Units (.1 Units Each) to Win 137.8

#2 (All -2.5)
Phillies +348
Tigers +450
Rays +465
Padres +325
Mariners +285
Risking 1.6 Units (.1 Units Each) to Win 576.66

Overall YTD: -63.91 Units
Current Bankroll: 12.51 Units

Parlays for the Day are 3, 4, & 5-teamer RRs

Rockies -2½ +160

Pirates -1½ +220
Padres -1½ +243
Cubs -2½ +210
White Sox -1½ +180
Risking 1.6 Units (.1 Units Each) To Win 92.01

Rockies -2½ +160
Pirates -2½ +365
Padres -2½ +395
Cubs -2½ +210
White Sox -2½ +285
Risking 1.6 Units (.1 Units Each) To Win 222.57

lol good luck man! but parlaying so many runlines is dangerous , you have to mix it up! side, runline, totals , mix it up and you will win :shake:
Overall YTD: -67.11 Units
Current Bankroll: 9.31 Units

My Parlays of the usual, 3, 4, & 5-teamer RRs

Dodgers -2½ +155

Marlins -1½ +225
Padres -1½ +215
Tigers -1½ +243
Athletics -1½ +173
Risking 1.6 Units (.1 Units Each) To Win 91.44

Dodgers -2½ +155
Marlins -2½ +335
Padres -2½ +348
Tigers -2½ +360
Athletics -2½ +270
Risking 1.6 Units (.1 Units Each) To Win 254.92

Overall YTD: -70.31 Units
Current Bankroll: 6.11 Units

I feel awful about these. 3, 4, & 5-teamer RRs.....

Reds -1½ +230
Mariners -2½ +195
Blue Jays +215
Yankees -2½ +175
Indians -2½ +185
Risking 1.6 Units (.1 Units Each) To Win

Reds -2½ +370
Mariners -2½ +195
Blue Jays -1½ +365
Yankees -2½ +175
Indians -2½ +185
Risking 1.6 Units (.1 Units Each) To Win

Overall YTD: -73.51 Units
Current Bankroll: 2.91 Units

Down to my last $2....again. :moneyoutofhand::thumbsdown9:

Today's parlays 2, 3, & 4-teamer RRs:

Reds -1½ +225
Rockies -1½ +200
Padres -1½ +175
Royals +197
Risking 1.45 Units (.13 Units Each) To Win 30.25

Reds -2½ +340
Rockies -2½ +315
Padres -2½ +285
Royals -1½ +328
Risking 1.45 Units (.13 Units Each) to Win 90.22

Overall YTD: -76.41 Units
Current Bankroll: 12.01 Units

Today's parlays 3, 4, & 5-teamer RRs:

Cubs -1½ +280
Nationals -1½ +200
Reds -1½ +190

White Sox -1½ +210
Orioles -1½ +250
Risking 1.45 Units (.13 Units Each) To Win

Cubs -2½ +500
Nationals -2½ +345
Reds -2½ +315
White Sox -2½ +400
Orioles -2½ +413
Risking 1.45 Units (.13 Units Each) To Win

Overall YTD: -79.61 Units
Current Bankroll: 8.81 Units
Today's Attempts at Shoving Sh*t Up a Hill....3, 4, & 5-teamer RRs: :shitstorm:

Mets -2½ +150
Braves -1½ +215
Giants -1½ +250
White Sox -1½ +195
Royals +183
Risking 1.6 Units (.1 Units Each) To Win 86.8

Mets -2½ +150
Braves -2½ +345
Giants -2½ +435
White Sox -2½ +290
Royals -1½ +300
Risking 1.6 Units (.1 Units Each) To Win

Overdoing it tonight (par for the course) but I want to try a different SDQL strategy....hold onto your balls man because I won't! :rollercoaster:

Brewers -2½ +225
Giants -1½ +250
Rockies -1½ +243
Indians -2½ +150
Cubs -2½ +235
Risking 1.6 Units (.1 Units Each) To Win

Brewers -2½ +225
Giants -2½ +425
Rockies -2½ +418
Indians -2½ +150
Cubs -2½ +235
Risking 1.6 Units (.1 Units Each) To Win

Overall YTD: -82.28 Units
Current Bankroll: 6.14 Units

Today's Parlays....3, 4, & 5-teamer RRs:

Brewers -1½ +165
Nationals -1½ +155
Tigers -1½ +250
White Sox -1½ +175
Royals +185
Risking 1.6 Units (.1 Units Each) To Win 72.9

Brewers -1½ +165
Nationals -1½ +155
Tigers -1½ +250
White Sox -1½ +175
Royals -1½ +310
Risking 1.6 Units (.1 Units Each) To Win 98.68

Brewers -2½ +245
Nationals -2½ +227
Tigers -2½ +415
White Sox -2½ +265
Royals -2½ +515
Risking 1.6 Units (.1 Units Each) To Win 366.91

Adding #4....
2, 3, & 4-teamer RRs:
Brewers -2½ +245
Tigers -1½ +260
Rays -1½ +350
Royals -1½ +325
Risking 1.34 Units (.12 Units Each) To Win 68.72

1 for today:

2, 3, & 4-teamers:
White Sox -1½ +225
Athletics -1½ +230
Royals +250
Red Sox -1½ +265
Risking 2.2 Units (.2 Units Each) To Win 71.34

Overall YTD: -94.56 Units

If I hit the century mark I'm shutting it down. I think that will finally be my limit. :beat:

1 Parlay today....2, 3, & 4-teamers:

Cardinals -1½ +220
Red Sox -1½ +270
Braves -1½ +280
Rays -2½ +200

Risking 2.2 Units (.2 Units Each) to Win 70.66

Overall YTD: -94.13 Units

Today's Parlays...3, 4, & 5-teamer RRs:

Rangers +165
Nationals -1½ +175
Mets -1½ +185
White Sox -1½ +265
Padres -1½ +195
Risking 1.6 Units (.1 Units Each) To Win 84.81

Rangers -1½ +275
Nationals -2½ +280
Mets -2½ +325
White Sox -2½ +425
Padres -2½ +315
Risking 1.6 Units (.1 Units Each) To Win 363.56

Overall YTD: -97.33 Units

OK last one for the time being if I can't win this one...not necessarily saying I'm through for the season as I believe, if I remember correctly, August is the month for dogs anyway....somewhere I read that or heard it.

Parlays for today: 2, 3, & 4-teamer RRs:

Giants -2½ +250
Orioles +190
Athletics -2½ +195
Mets -1½ +235
Risking 2.2 Units (.2 Units Each) To Win 55. 37

Giants -2½ +250
Orioles -1½ +315
Athletics -2½ +195
Mets -2½ +355
Risking 2.2 Units (.2 Units Each) To Win 96.18

Is there a more worthless POS in the Majors than Chris Davis of the O's? Dude you're hitting a buck-fifty...the least you can do is catch the ball.

Actually only 5 months out of 45 months of action since 2011 have been profitable if you bet every dog

best being JUL 2016 when dogs were 166-209 44.3% for 5.9% ROI

Not that I doubted you, I was just curious.

GL Bro...still believe you will hit lotto with one of these :D
I think it was Mr. Bator over at blankets that said August was the month to bet dogs.....did you ever read any of that guy's posts @mrpickem ?
I have but don't frequent the forums there any more. The guy was colorful but not that astute as I remember.

Favs win 70% JUN,JUL,AUG and bring 6.6% ROI under these parameters
F and season>2013 and REG and -250<= line <= -166 and month in [6,7,8]
Missed being in the money by a run. A's had just scored 2 to go up by 2 and still had runners on 2nd & 3rd in the bottom of the 8th with no outs. All I needed was a sac fly but instead got an infield grounder and the runner was cut down at the plate. Still seemingly in business with 1 out and runners on 1st & 2nd, a line drive is hit to 3rd and the runner is doubled up on 2nd. Losing can be excruciating. Anyways, that makes my total losses on this endeavor to around 101.73 Units, which $5 being my unit (yeah I know I'm not a high-roller....never said I was), makes my total losses to $508.65

Now comes the part where I try somehow to make this up....I can umpire softball and baseball games, wash dishes, work as a security guard somewhere.....or oh hell just take my lumps and move on.

See y'all in football season!!
