ML Parlay Thread


Pretty much a regular
Previously Posted SDQL Thread / Disaster YTD Record = 15-30-1 record for -14.71 Units.

Truth be told, I have no patience for the grind. I am a much happier gambler taking my lunch money and having some fun with it by playing RRL ML parlays. I'm going to see how long / how far I can get......

Starting / Current Bankroll = 30.75 Units.

Today's RRL ML Parlays (All 2, 3, & 4-teamer RR combos):

Rockies -2.5 RRL +405
Padres -2.5 RRL +364
Rangers -2.5 RRL +458
Tigers -2.5 RRL +333

Risking 2.2 Units to Win 233.02 Units

Rockies -1.5 RRL +255
Padres -1.5 RRL +225
Rangers -1.5 RRL +275
Tigers -1.5 RRL +205

Risking 2.2 Units to Win 69.28 Units


SDQL Thread YTD Record = 15-30-1 record for -14.71 Units.

ML Parlay YTD Record = 0-22 (counting each RR occurrence) record for -4.4 Units.

Overall = 15-52-1 for -19.11 Units.

Looks pretty turrible but I got enough left for 6 more days of ML Parlays and, if I hit, watch those - Units scream!

Todays parlays (2, 3, & 4-teamer RR’s)

Rangers +250 -1.5 RRL
Royals +260 ML
Orioles +250 -1.5 RRL
White Sox +200 ML
Risking 2.2 Units (.2 units each) to Win 69.4 Units

Rangers +375 -2.5 RRL
Royals +425 -1.5 RRL
Orioles +393 -2.5 RRL
White Sox +310 -1.5 RRL
Risking 2.2 Units (.2 units each) to Win 211.17 Units

White Sox blew it in the bottom of the 9th or I would have been positive last night....ugh! I was -1.8
Units last night but winning a 2-teamer stretches me back out to 6 more days worth of action left instead of 5.

Overall YTD: -20.91 Units.
Current Bankroll: 24.55 Units.

Todays parlays (2, 3, & 4-teamer RR’s)

Brewers +245 -2.5 RRL
Royals +260 -1.5 RRL
Orioles +230 -1.5 RRL
A’s +260 -1.5 RRL
Risking 2.2 Units (.2 units each) to Win 75.79 Units

Brewers +245 -2.5 RRL
Royals +405 -2.5 RRL
Orioles +400 -2.5 RRL
A’s +430 -2.5 RRL
Risking 2.2 Units (.2 units each) to Win 197.38 Units

-4.4 Units last night. 5 more days worth of action left......

Overall YTD: -25.31 Units.
Current Bankroll: 20.15 Units.

Today’s parlays (3, 4, & 5-teamer RR’s)

Dodgers +215 -1.5 RRL
Rangers +258 -1.5 RRL
Blue Jays +225 -1.5 RRL (Game 2)
Orioles +265 -1.5 RRL
White Sox +318 -2.5 RRL
Risking 1.6 Units (.1 units each) to Win 178.44 Units

Dodgers +380 -2.5 RRL
Rangers +425 -2.5 RRL
Blue Jays +340 -2.5 RRL (Game 2)
Orioles +425 -2.5 RRL
White Sox +318 -2.5 RRL
Risking 1.6 Units (.1 units each) to Win 606.89 Units

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Got a little greedy yesterday and it cost me. Had I done 2 teamers instead of 3, I could have won and extended my little ordeal. But alas the result was a -3.2 unit evening.

Overall YTD: -28.51 Units.
Current Bankroll: 16.95 Units.

Todays parlays (2, 3, & 4-teamer RR’s)

Dodgers +210 -2.5 RRL
Giants +205 -1.5 RRL
Orioles +215 -1.5 RRL
Rays +280 -1.5 RRL
Risking 2.2 Units (.2 units each) to Win 61.14 Units

Dodgers +210 -2.5 RRL
Giants +320 -2.5 RRL
Orioles +325 -2.5 RRL
Rays +475 -2.5 RRL
Risking 2.2 Units (.2 units each) to Win 145.25 Units

Nice evening last night!! Hit 3 out of 4 on both sets with Giants, Dodgers, and Rays coming thru!! +35.32 Units to bring me back in the green for the season!! Woo-Hoo!!

Overall YTD: +6.81 Units.
Current Bankroll: 52.27 Units.

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Todays parlays....Get a load of book would not allow me to parlay the Phillies -2.5 RRL....WTF??? So I settled for the 4-teamer in set #2.

#1 (3, 4, & 5-teamer RR’s)
Phillies +210 -1.5 RRL
Tigers +205 -1.5 RRL
Cubs +318 -2.5 RRL
Orioles +318 -2.5 RRL
Rays +285 -2.5 RRL
Risking 1.6 Units (.1 unit each) to Win 398.27 Units

#2 (2, 3, & 4-teamer RR’s)
Tigers +320 -2.5 RRL
Cubs +318 -2.5 RRL
Orioles +318 -2.5 RRL
Rays +285 -2.5 RRL
Risking 4.4 Units (.4 units each) to Win 259.32 Units


The Rockies just fit into a play so I played one more:

#3 (2, 3, & 4-teamer RR’s)
Tigers +330 -2.5 RRL
Cubs +318 -2.5 RRL
Rockies +285 -2.5 RRL
Rays +290 -2.5 RRL
Risking 2.2 Units (.2 units each) to Win 124.84 Units

-8.2 units yesterday...the Rockies, Rays, and Tigers flirted with some wins for me but they simply weren't good enuff. I've got about 10 days worth of action left......

Overall YTD: -1.39 Units.
Current Bankroll: 44.07 Units.

Just thinking out loud here....I might add a parlay with teams that have the most wins with a margin of >=3 runs.....Yanks, Astros, and surprisingly the Bravos lead the way. But I gotta get the odds greater than +200 to make it work's some SDQL figures to drink a 2nd cup of coffee over.....

SDQL Query for wins with >=3 run margin by team....

Todays parlays....considered the SDQL query listed in the previous few posts when making these. A bit risky ("risky" is a relative term. Yes! I know that!! :cool:) with me going for minimum 3-teamers instead of 2 but WTH, only risking 3.2 units total still leaves me plenty of days of action to recover....

#1 (3, 4, & 5-teamer RR’s)
Pirates +287 -2.5 RRL
Yankees +225 -2.5 RL
Blue Jays +205 -1.5 RRL
White Sox +260 -1.5 RRL
Diamondbacks +335 -1.5 RRL
Risking 1.6 Units (.1 unit each) to Win 189.70 Units

#2 (3, 4, & 5-teamer RR’s)
Pirates +287 -2.5 RRL
Yankees +225 -2.5 RL
Blue Jays +345 -2.5 RRL
White Sox +445 -2.5 RRL
Diamondbacks +550 -2.5 RRL
Risking 1.6 Units (.1 unit each) to Win 519.83 Units


Pirates looking good...looks like I need a miracle in Shitty-cago or at least the DBacks to beat an unbeatable worries here!! Ha-Ha!

DBacks come thru a little bit and I win a 3-teamer in set #1. -3.1 units lost in all my other parlays but won 5.37 units from the lone winner so I was +2.27 units for the day! And seeing Torres hit that walkoff was a blast!!

Overall YTD: +0.88 Units.
Current Bankroll: 46.34 Units.

See y'all tomorrow!

Today's parlays....damn they're ugly! Probably should pass as I am not feeling today's card but unfortunately for me I like gambling too much.

#1 (2, 3, & 4-teamer RR’s)
Giants +245 -2.5 RL
Marlins +215 ML
Padres +325 -1.5 RRL
A's +250 -1.5 RRL
Risking 2.2 Units (.2 units each) to Win 81.99 Units

#2 (2, 3, & 4-teamer RR’s)
Giants +245 -2.5 RL
Marlins +355 -1.5 RRL
Padres +590 -2.5 RRL
A's +425 -2.5 RRL
Risking 2.2 Units (.2 units each) to Win 237.46 Units


-4.4 Units last night. Not even close as I feared. Kicking myself for not going oppo. :mad:

Overall YTD: -3.52 Units.
Current Bankroll: 41.94 Units.
Orioles, Rangers, and Reds....3 teams who have lost >50% of their games by 2 or more runs are all fairly large favs tonight. We also have the team with the best record in baseball at almost a +190 dog and in a series with their arch-rival!! Liking today's card moo-cho better!!

SDQL for teams that have lost by 2 or more:<=-2+and+team+and+season+=+2018&submit=++S+D+Q+L+!++

SDQL for teams that have won by 2 or more:>2+and+team+and+season+=+2018&submit=++S+D+Q+L+!++

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Todays parlays (2, 3, & 4-teamer RR’s) Gonna do 4 sets because of the lovely card....but I will temper myself and only risk my normal 4.4 units.

#1 All -1.5 RRL
Royals +245
Red Sox +300
Mets +200
Tigers +235
Risking 1.1 Units (.1 units each) to Win 36.14 Units

#2 All -2.5 RRL
Royals +415
Red Sox +488
Mets +318
Tigers +370
Risking 1.1 Units (.1 units each) to Win 121.74 Units

Sets #3 & #4 coming soon....
#3 All -1.5 RRL
Royals +245
Red Sox +300
Padres +240
Brewers +320
Risking 1.1 Units (.1 units each) to Win 48.2 Units

#4 All -2.5 RRL
Royals +415
Red Sox +488
Padres +418
Brewers +550
Risking 1.1 Units (.1 units each) to Win 192.65 Units

Lotta action tonight....I hope I survive. ;);)

#5 All -1.5 RRL unless otherwise posted
Royals +240
Red Sox +305
Braves +215
Angels +255 -2.5 RRL
Risking 1.1 Units (.1 units each) to Win 39.34 Units

#6 All -2.5 RRL
Royals +390
Red Sox +495
Braves +375
Angels +255
Risking 1.1 Units (.1 units each) to Win 104.16 Units

+3.38 Units for the wins with the Tigers and the Royals. However, -6.4 units for the losses total up to -3.02 Units for the evening.....Not dialing 911 just yet as I have about 9 days worth of action left.....

Overall YTD: -6.54 Units.
Current Bankroll: 38.92 Units.

Todays parlays (2, 3, & 4-teamer RR’s)

#1 All -2.5 Unless Noted Otherwise
Royals +280
Mets +222
Diamondbacks +200 -1.5 RRL
Braves +265
Risking 1.1 Units (.1 units each) to Win 70.22 Units

#2 All -2.5 RRL
Royals +280
Mets +222
Diamondbacks +360
Braves +265
Risking 1.1 Units (.1 units each) to Win 100.04 Units

My fault...I am risking 4.4 Units overall (2.2 each) in post #33. Was copying and pasting the text and missed editing that part.


2, 3, & 4 Teamer RRs

#3 All -2.5 Unless Noted Otherwise
Royals +280
Red Sox +215 -1.5 RRL
Diamondbacks +200 -1.5 RRL
Braves +265
Risking 1.1 Units (.1 units each) to Win 34.49 Units

#4 All -2.5 RRL
Royals +280
Red Sox +350
Diamondbacks +360
Braves +265
Risking 1.1 Units (.1 units each) to Win 65.89 Units

PS - no mistake on the Units this time!

BOLTA again!!
Sucky-azz card.

Todays loner....2, 3, & 4-teamers. All -2.5 RL or RRL.

Royals +215
Yankees +225
Braves +225
Dodgers +200
Risking 2.2 Units to win 55.04 Units.

Overall YTD: -15.34 Units.
Current Bankroll: 30.12 Units

Today’s Parlays (2, 3, & 4-teamers)

#1 (-1.5 RRL Unless otherwise noted)
Marlins +230
Rays +310 -2.5 RRL
Blue Jays +313
A’s +305
Risking 2.2 Units to Win 108.11

#2 (All -2.5 RRL)
Marlins +375
Rays +310
Blue Jays +513
A’s +475
Risking 2.2 Units to Win 275.72

Last night I hit 3/4 on #1 and 2/4 on #2 for +19.17 Units....

Overall YTD: +3.83 Units.

Current Bankroll: 49.29 Units

Today's Parlays (2, 3, & 4-teamers)

#1 (-1.5 RRL Unless otherwise noted)
Marlins +240
Padres -165 +1.5 RL (I made a mistake with my selection...hence the 3rd Parlay)
Reds +265
White Sox +225 ML
Risking 2.2 Units to Win 40.54

#2 (-1.5 RRL Unless otherwise noted)
Marlins +240
Padres +215 (this is the one I really wanted)
Reds +265
White Sox +230 ML
Risking 2.2 Units to Win 67.92

#3 (-2.5 RRL Unless otherwise noted)
Marlins +400
Padres +370
Reds +450
White Sox +380 -1.5 RRL
Risking 2.2 Units to Win 251.47

Took Mother's Day off yesterday....updated record as follows:

Overall YTD: -1.60 Units.
Current Bankroll: 43.86 Units
Today's Parlays (2, 3, & 4-teamers)

#1 (-1.5 RRL Unless otherwise noted)
Brewers +200
Angels +260
Reds +210
Red Sox +205 -2.5 RRL
Risking 2.2 Units to Win 56.16

#2 (All -2.5 RRL)
Brewers +325
Angels +463
Reds +348
Red Sox +205
Risking 2.2 Units to Win 148.62

Overall YTD: -6.0 Units
Current Bankroll: 39.46 Units

Today's Parlays (2, 3, & 4-teamers)

#1 (-1.5 RRL Unless otherwise noted)
White Sox +205
Rays +231 -2.5 RRL
Marlins +305
Braves +220
Risking 2.2 Units to Win 68.93

#2 (All -2.5 RRL)
White Sox +320
Rays +231
Marlins +513
Braves +363
Risking 2.2 Units to Win 173.88

Got about 8-9 days left....need to hit something worthwhile soon!

Overall YTD: -10.4 Units
Current Bankroll: 35.06 Units

Today's Parlays (2, 3, & 4-teamers)

#1 (-1.5 RRL Unless otherwise noted)
A’s +235 ML
Angels +250
Mets +250
Yankees +250
Risking 2.2 Units to Win 74.11

#2 (All -2.5 RRL unless otherwise noted)
A’s +405 -1.5 RRL
Angels +440
Mets +500
Yankees +422
Risking 2.2 Units to Win 330.44

7-8 days left....:beerchugger:

Overall YTD: -14.8 Units
Current Bankroll: 30.66 Units

Today's Parlays (3, 4, & 5-teamers)

#1 (All -1.5 RRL)
Padres +215
Braves +215
Rockies +215
Rays +265
Tigers +290
Risking 1.6 Units (.1 units each) to Win 147.92

#2 (All -2.5 RRL)
Padres +350
Braves +360
Rockies +360
Rays +465
Tigers +493
Risking 1.6 Units (.1 units each) to Win 765.17

Overall YTD: -16.75 Units
Current Bankroll: 28.71 Units

Today's Parlays (3, 4, & 5-teamers)

#1 (All -1.5 RRL)
Dbacks +245
Orioles +220
Indians +255
Tigers +235
Brewers +220
Risking 1.6 Units (.1 units each) to Win 140.78

#2 (All -2.5 RRL)
Dbacks +425
Orioles +335
Indians +425
Tigers +390
Brewers +350
Risking 1.6 Units (.1 units each) to Win 650.54

Overall YTD: -19.95 Units
Current Bankroll: 25.51 Units

Today's Parlays (2, 3, & 4-teamer RRs)

#1 (All -1.5 RRL unless otherwise noted)
Reds +240
Cardinals +220
Royals +285
Astros +225 -2.5 RL
Risking 2.2 Units (.2 units each) to Win 71.04

#2 (All -2.5 RRL unless otherwise noted)
Reds +400
Cardinals +375
Royals +475
Astros +225 -2.5 RL
Risking 2.2 Units (.2 units each) to Win 191.80

Will update my recorde when I can. 2 sets with Tigers, Padres, Rockies, and Royals. 1st set -1.5 RRL and risking 2.2 Units to win 102.83 Units. 2nd set -2.5 RRL and risking 2.2 Units to win 384.88 Units.
