MJ / Manute's Knot Weiner / Tipping


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Of course he is legendary as a gambler. Also as a horrendous tipper. Even worse, a stiff on bets.

A classic story tho......A reputable one too.

A guy who KNOWS MJ and has played golf with him and dined asked him:

You have been all over the world, seen everything, a billionaire, the most popular athlete EVER! What is the craziest/wildest thing you have ever seen?

MJ looks at him, says "The craziest thing Ive seen?.......I saw Manute Bol tie his dick in a knot once.."

Yeah, heard Manute has three legs.

Was known around the Philly strip joints back in the day as 'Da Tripod'.
i could rant about this for hours, but by all accounts MJ was a piece of shit. I'd love to see his career in the social media era. Guy is basically a sociopath who is incapable of human feeling; everything in life to him is about beating everybody. He likely got his dad killed because he refused to pay his debt, he got suspended for his gambling, he was a brutal guy to be around and he alienated his family.

People look up to him with such reverence because of his legend, and deservedly so, but by all accounts as a human being, he is trash
i could rant about this for hours, but by all accounts MJ was a piece of shit. I'd love to see his career in the social media era. Guy is basically a sociopath who is incapable of human feeling; everything in life to him is about beating everybody. He likely got his dad killed because he refused to pay his debt, he got suspended for his gambling, he was a brutal guy to be around and he alienated his family.

People look up to him with such reverence because of his legend, and deservedly so, but by all accounts as a human being, he is trash

Seems to be a pretty good father. He propped up his sons to have big roles in his brand. Never heard of him beating women, doing drugs, etc. Seems to be a loyal guy and has the same friends he’s had for most his life. And unlike many of today’s divas in the NBA he’s never slobbered on other celebrities knobs like these kids do.

Lebron doesn’t tip well either. Along with countless other celebrities who grew up poor.
Seems to be a pretty good father. He propped up his sons to have big roles in his brand. Never heard of him beating women, doing drugs, etc. Seems to be a loyal guy and has the same friends he’s had for most his life. And unlike many of today’s divas in the NBA he’s never slobbered on other celebrities knobs like these kids do.

Lebron doesn’t tip well either. Along with countless other celebrities who grew up poor.

Good stuff Spek,

Although, if you are rich and dont tip cause you were poor, you are a son of a bitch. You will never have time to spend it all so spread it around cocksuckers.

Particularly to your servers. Do you think that job is glamorous or something? People with means that dont tip can go fuck themselves.
Good stuff Spek,

Although, if you are rich and dont tip cause you were poor, you are a son of a bitch. You will never have time to spend it all so spread it around cocksuckers.

Particularly to your servers. Do you think that job is glamorous or something? People with means that dont tip can go fuck themselves.

I agree. I didn't know about the tipping stories. I hate hearing that. I've heard it about tons of athletes. Just awful.

MJ far from a saint, for sure.

The story of his father, true or not always resonated with me. The killing was so cold. You are so right tho, I like that he doesn't feel the need to hob nob and use his influence on others. He lives the most charmed life, I hope he is more charitable than I understand, because life ain't fair and we are all going to die, and everybody will forget everything. If you can help others with your good fortune, Just Do It.
Jordan is royalty around her for obvious reasons, but it is well know that he can be a dick and doesn't forgive if you wrong him. Ironically is is very loyal to those he likes.

Not sure if this is well know but when he was a rookie coming to Chi. the Bulls arraigned for a driver to pick him up but they didn't show and some random driver picked him up. That guys is still with him today, so for all of the bad things people say there are some good ones.

Yeah he is a bad tipper but not as bad as Pippen.
not saying it is the case with Jordan cause at a certain point you should learn how much to tip but I was talking to a co-worker and he was talking about the stereotype that black people dont tip (he is black himself). He said in his community no one tipped and so he didnt even learn about proper tipping until he had means and was around other people who tip. So I think judging him harshly if he is a bad tipper late in life it has more validity than when first came into the league. Also, in the case of elite athletes, they are used to being given free crap, not paying and then tipping.

Being bad tipper is pretty low on the horrible person scale.
not saying it is the case with Jordan cause at a certain point you should learn how much to tip but I was talking to a co-worker and he was talking about the stereotype that black people dont tip (he is black himself). He said in his community no one tipped and so he didnt even learn about proper tipping until he had means and was around other people who tip. So I think judging him harshly if he is a bad tipper late in life it has more validity than when first came into the league. Also, in the case of elite athletes, they are used to being given free crap, not paying and then tipping.

Being bad tipper is pretty low on the horrible person scale.

I disagree with this. I waited tables and made $2.13 an hour - not enough to cover the taxes due on my tips I received and/or the restaurant assumed I received. If you want to go out to eat and not tip, stay home and make mac n cheese. How you tip and how you treat your servers says a lot about you as a person.
Then those people should stay home.

And I'm not talking about tipping at starbucks or a sandwich shop - that is pretty much a racket. I'm talking about going to a restaurant, sitting down and having someone wait on you.
Lebron preaching socialism while giving to charities makes him a far worse human than any nontipper
The United States of America federal government requires a wage of at least $2.13 per hour be paid to employees that receive at least $30 per month in tips. If wages and tips do not equal the federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour during any week, the employer is required to increase cash wages to compensate.

It's STILL $2.13 an hour! $4,000 a year.
But you are bordering on something you seem to disagree with... People should make make up for other people...
Not to mention that tipped employees often have to pay for benefits (insurance, retirement, etc) themselves

Prolly why tipped jobs at casinos are so lucrative
I mean four $30 tables means you made over $20 an hour..... and that is a very slow hour.

This was college and before - I worked at Islands and Chili's. The average tab was $20 - maybe. Sections were 4 to 6 tables - you could easily have a lunch shift with 4-6 parties and still be there for 3-4 hours with opening and closing sidework.

Have you ever waited tables?
But you are bordering on something you seem to disagree with... People should make make up for other people...
No. I am pointing out that the $2.13 is the meaningless part of the income and singling it out is not proper. Wait staff make well over $20 an hour in most establishments and if you made $10 or less in an hour it means you probably served one table in the hour.

And it's MJ's money and not my money, so he can use it however he wants.
This was college and before - I worked at Islands and Chili's. The average tab was $20 - maybe. Sections were 4 to 6 tables - you could easily have a lunch shift with 4-6 parties and still be there for 3-4 hours with opening and closing sidework.

Have you ever waited tables?
Yes, I have both waited tables and delivered food with income based on tips.
No. I am pointing out that the $2.13 is the meaningless part of the income and singling it out is not proper. Wait staff make well over $20 an hour in most establishments and if you made $10 or less in an hour it means you probably served one table in the hour.

And it's MJ's money and not my money, so he can use it however he wants.

I disagree with this statement. And I'm not referring to the fancy places where you order steak with cheese.
No. I am pointing out that the $2.13 is the meaningless part of the income and singling it out is not proper. Wait staff make well over $20 an hour in most establishments and if you made $10 or less in an hour it means you probably served one table in the hour.

And it's MJ's money and not my money, so he can use it however he wants.

And I can think he's a pretty horrible person for not tipping. I'm not saying he has to overtip. But if he's not tipping about 20% then fuck him.
agree to disagree then on that. I am all for taking care of the server myself and I think other people should too but I certainly dont throw bad tippers in with lebron preaching socialism, kobe raping people, warren moon beating his wife, etc etc.

It is low on my scale for bad people red flags
And you don't think people who don't tip aren't shitty people? Interesting
It isn't my money to tell them how to spend it. I won't lie, we had a customer who ordered delivery every friday and never tipped. My shoulders would slump on the fridays i got stuck with it. Sucks. But I dont know that persons financial situation either.
Not sure if not tipping makes someone a shitty person but it does mean they're cheap and unconcerned about others. When you go out to eat you have to assume, a minimum, of a 15% addition to the bill. Whether you like it or not that is how service people make a living. By not tipping you are saying I don't give a shit about you. I just want another piece of pie. In all honesty, if you can't afford an additional 10.00 you probably shouldn't be eating out in the first place.
It isn't my money to tell them how to spend it. I won't lie, we had a customer who ordered delivery every friday and never tipped. My shoulders would slump on the fridays i got stuck with it. Sucks. But I dont know that persons financial situation either.

Not much you can say if he's a customer, but if it was a friend or family member I would tell them to stop being a cheap mfer
Lebron doesn't tip good but built a fucking school? When your gambling u ain't worrying about tipping...that's chips man u worrying about your next move fuck everbody mentality
Lebron doesn't tip good but built a fucking school? When your gambling u ain't worrying about tipping...that's chips man u worrying about your next move fuck everbody mentality

It's a good start. I know all about good private schools. My daughter went to Foxworthy and Smoltz school. It's a grind, day after day, we will see how his school goes. He went Hollywood. He could do GIANT things for humanity or do Yag ass movies. We will see.

It's weird to not tip tho. Its dismissive and PERSONAL. A total fuck you move to people serving him. That's telling in individuals I know.
I hardly ever go out to dinner anymore cuz a lot of reasons, but I eat breakfast out 4 days a week. Bills are small but I tip heavy to the sweet waitresses, old or young, all morning long. It makes me happy.
There is a private school Notre dame prep in fitchburg mass, I actually delivered Chinese to michael Beasley no shit, general tso white white rice
2-3 dollar tip he gave me a 10 i, delievery drivers get a dollar delivery, good lord when it was jumping 900-1100 cash a week a little over 100 a night week days around 200 on weeknights plus 7 dollars an hour