Missouri football players strike

I was surprised too. A super tough game for me to handicap got even more hard with this news.
This situation reminds me of a president in Latin America trying to hold onto his title until the military leaders turn on him and say it's time to go. Once you lose the football team....
Or when a group of people realize that they are making way more money for the company, in this case the university, than they are being compensated for. It's called collective bargaining, which are very bad words to those who think unions are are a pariah.
So why did this guy resign exactly? Someone wrote a swastika in shit and he refused to acknowledge white privilege?

Wow, this world is upside down man.
Or when a group of people realize that they are making way more money for the company, in this case the university, than they are being compensated for. It's called collective bargaining, which are very bad words to those who think unions are are a pariah.

But in this case, that's not what the players were doing. They were striking based on racial issues on the campus and demanded the president step down based on his inactivity on those issues. I'm not sure how the president stepping down is going to have any more of an immediate impact on the issues they are facing, but they seem to think it will and they have forced him out.
So why did this guy resign exactly? Someone wrote a swastika in shit and he refused to acknowledge white privilege?

Wow, this world is upside down man.

Apparently it's a lot more than just that incident. The president said that he was going to take steps to see to it that their concerns were addressed...that wasn't good enough for them, so they demanded that he step down.
Mizzou's offensive players have been on strike all season haven't they?
Mizzou's offensive players have been on strike all season haven't they?

Losing Matty Mauk for what I've heard was being just not intelligent has killed them, and they still somehow killed my under last week
so what was Wolfe supposed to do? Why did he lose his job?

He should of addressed the issues, not just dismiss them. He had a responsibility to ensure the campus and institution was inclusive, a safe environment for students and teachers,

The football team took a stand against him, the faculty took a stand against him. It wasn't just a black vs white thing. Sexual assault crimes have been on the rise, and this wasn't addressed, grad student health care was cut
did you all read the demands?

Yup. Pretty ridiculous.

I don't like the way the Missouri football players approached it by basically going after someone's livelihood but I like the idea that they took the option of not playing or participating, if they think it was not in their best interest to do so.

The whole thing is a pretty sad testament to our society ....we have people making poop art of swastikas, people committing sexual assaults all over campus, people clamoring for other people's jobs to be taken away based on little, people making the most ridiculous of demands....

With that said ... when the school President becomes the story ... when he has lost the faith of the students, the faculty and a portion of the community at large, he is probably going to be pretty ineffectual at his job whether he deserves for that to be the case or not. I am sure that he negotiated a nice little deal on the stepping down for the good of the University.

I think the concerns of the players/students may well be founded in reality but I think they have completely missed the boat on where and how to direct their energy. Worse, the University is more likely to put some PC nutjob socialist pig in there now (Not that they probably wouldn't anyway).
Yup. Pretty ridiculous.

I don't like the way the Missouri football players approached it by basically going after someone's livelihood but I like the idea that they took the option of not playing or participating, if they think it was not in their best interest to do so.

The whole thing is a pretty sad testament to our society ....we have people making poop art of swastikas, people committing sexual assaults all over campus, people clamoring for other people's jobs to be taken away based on little, people making the most ridiculous of demands....

With that said ... when the school President becomes the story ... when he has lost the faith of the students, the faculty and a portion of the community at large, he is probably going to be pretty ineffectual at his job whether he deserves for that to be the case or not. I am sure that he negotiated a nice little deal on the stepping down for the good of the University.

I think the concerns of the players/students may well be founded in reality but I think they have completely missed the boat on where and how to direct their energy. Worse, the University is more likely to put some PC nutjob socialist pig in there now (Not that they probably wouldn't anyway).

Pretty good response cc, until your inner Reagan took over at the end there...

My fecal material swastikas never turn out looking right. I always just end up with a real mess on my hands. I suggest spray paint.
My fecal material swastikas never turn out looking right. I always just end up with a real mess on my hands. I suggest spray paint.

I always use deer turds with Elmer's glue. No mess, no fuss, and you end up with crisp lines.

Forget the issues for a second which appear to be founded. what is their football record again? Sometimes it really is that simple. I wonder what kind of walk-out (the players weren't as united as we were led to believe from the beginning) they have the first two years in the SEC?
Forget the issues for a second which appear to be founded. what is their football record again? Sometimes it really is that simple. I wonder what kind of walk-out (the players weren't as united as we were led to believe from the beginning) they have the first two years in the SEC?

Pretty sure I saw somewhere that one of their players was pissed and said it wouldn't have happened if they were 9-0
What do you guys think about the game? Think the team will be united and on fire, or will the distractions be too costly?
New story from the NY Times, apparently they refused to allow a student reporter working freelance for ESPN to photograph anyone in their "safe space" protest area. No press allowed...their behavior is rather ironic considering Missouri is generally considered one of the top journalism schools in the country, and the photographer they were refusing access to (in what looked like a public area on campus) is a student at the school and a member of an ethnic minority.

Its hard to believe that a generation could top the boomers for a sense of entitlement, but man they've got it nailed
New story from the NY Times, apparently they refused to allow a student reporter working freelance for ESPN to photograph anyone in their "safe space" protest area. No press allowed...their behavior is rather ironic considering Missouri is generally considered one of the top journalism schools in the country, and the photographer they were refusing access to (in what looked like a public area on campus) is a student at the school and a member of an ethnic minority.

Its hard to believe that a generation could top the boomers for a sense of entitlement, but man they've got it nailed

I saw this and tweeted the video out. You see that teacher? That was an odd scene. Really aggravating...
Hutch & Twink,

It isn't like we didn't know this about the 25 and under crowd already. That this generation (as a generality, no one take it personally unless you are a douche) is a bunch of entitled douches is a known commodity.

Somewhere mixed in is probably these guys doing what they think is the right thing to do though ... so if that is the reason .. at least they are trying to do right. That is a step up for most people.

Without in depth knowledge of the whole story and life on campus there, I find it hard to comment on whether the gripe is legit so I guess I am giving them the benefit of the doubt on that .... forcing out the President for so little seems an oddly placed activism though.
What do you guys think about the game? Think the team will be united and on fire, or will the distractions be too costly?

how could it be anything less than the term everyone likes to use theses days, "a shit show"? Who would back that team with their own money sans a fan or alum of the school who is in The Nlie? BYU or you do not play it. You simply cannot predict that they will rally the troops. You can say it, but, again, you cannot back it with your $$$.
on my phone so having trouble posting it., but Clay Travis has an article that's titled "is the entire mizzou protest based on lies"
New story from the NY Times, apparently they refused to allow a student reporter working freelance for ESPN to photograph anyone in their "safe space" protest area. No press allowed...their behavior is rather ironic considering Missouri is generally considered one of the top journalism schools in the country, and the photographer they were refusing access to (in what looked like a public area on campus) is a student at the school and a member of an ethnic minority.

Its hard to believe that a generation could top the boomers for a sense of entitlement, but man they've got it nailed

all led by the mass communications professor. Further proof professors have zero clue as to the real world application of what they teach
Before I read this, gonna say that I'm proud of someone doing something in that area, kinda wish I'd have had the balls to stand up several years ago...racism in Mid Missouri is a proud thing. It's sick. But it's proud. Been a bunch of pussies for years, bout time someone stepped up...and don't discount what Pinkel put on the line to stand up for it.

Sick culture in that part of the world, something I was introduced to and sculpted my attitude on the whole thing. No sugar coating in Central Missouri...it's face to face hate
Whitlock is a fucking tool

Having sat on the board of a fraternity and literally arguing for an African American to be included, while several of my "brothers" were against it...this is as real as it gets. White men hate black people in this area, and I was shocked, until I wasn't shocked. It's disgusting. And the worst....when you were in a group and made uncomfortable to disagree. This was 20 years ago roughly, and it clearly hasn't changed.
Irresponsible piece by someone trying to make a shock point against his race. Fucking pussy. Hope this is the one that finally sinks him.
Irresponsible comparing gang violence in an inner city to a campus of higher learning. Yes, some fucker was arrested yesterday in Missouri after threatening to go to Colombia on twitter and shooting every black person he saw. Have fun enjoying your day on campus with that. I actually sometimes agree with Whitlock, but then just as I warm to him he does this shock bullshit that derails whatever motivation he tries to gain ground with.
Grind posted the link to the article at the top of this page. I imagine you'll agree with it.
Irresponsible comparing gang violence in an inner city to a campus of higher learning. Yes, some fucker was arrested yesterday in Missouri after threatening to go to Colombia on twitter and shooting every black person he saw. Have fun enjoying your day on campus with that. I actually sometimes agree with Whitlock, but then just as I warm to him he does this shock bullshit that derails whatever motivation he tries to gain ground with.

You missed the entire point of his piece, KJ. Go re-read it again. I'm not sure you honestly read past the first sentence