Miles to Michigan -- CONFIRMED(Correction--Miles to stay at LSU)


Money Addict
Sources: Michigan to make Miles announcement next week news services

Report: Les Miles Headed To Michigan
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Sources have told ESPN's Kirk Herbstreit that barring any unforeseen circumstances, Michigan will announce early next week it has reached an agreement with LSU coach Les Miles to be its next head football coach.

Herbstreit is also reporting that Miles will make Georgia Tech defensive coordinator and interim head coach Jon Tenuta part of his staff at Michigan.

Miles, who played at Michigan and served two stints as an assistant under the late Bo Schembechler, will succeed Lloyd Carr, who stepped down after the Wolverines' loss to Ohio State last month.

Miles has been head coach at LSU since 2005. LSU is 32-6 with Miles at the helm, including 22 wins in his first 26 games as coach, and won 11 games in 2005 and 2006. The No. 7 Tigers (10-2), whose two losses this season both came in triple overtime, will play Tennessee in the SEC Championship Game on Saturday.

Miles also coached at Oklahoma State, posting a 28-21 record between 2001 and 2004, and was tight ends coach for the Dallas Cowboys between 1998 and 2000.

Miles has a 60-27 overall record in seven seasons as a head coach.
... I'm actually pretty pissed about Miles taking Tenuta. I was under the impression that Tenuta would replace Pelini in Baton Rouge, which I was happy about because Tenuta's aggressive style fits LSU very well.
I saw this as well, i don't think the change surprised me but the timing did surprise me. I really would like to see what kind of kids he recruits at michigan. It is kind of late to start recruiting but it's his first year and he has a QB for at least the next two years.

The big question is how will he coach at "the game?"
lol jump...welll...look at what we have here..

Miles staying at LSU

by Jim Carty | The Ann Arbor News Saturday December 01, 2007, 11:52 AM

Sources close to both Les Miles and the LSU administration report the coach has reached a multi-year contract extension with his current school and will remove himself from consideration as the next Michigan coach.
A release will be forthcoming within the hour.
More ...
I have to say this: This is what Michigan gets for waiting a year to (1) fire Carr or (2) wait for his resignation. If they would have made a move last year, they could have hired a top-notch coach like Tim Brewster.

Their loss....good luck with the Miles guy...

Fear the Gopher....
press conference scheduled for 1:50pm..I presume to stay at LSU...brian kelly is on the clock.
this is rediculous, espn now has a miles staying at lsu link right next to a miles going to u of m video... i bet they arent too happy with herbie right now
hey im not gonna lie..i wanted miles...oh well. I think uncle lloyd has a say in this more than we think.
870am (Louisiana sports & news radio) just said Miles spoke with the team 45 minutes ago and told them he is staying in Baton Rouge. This will all be cleared up at 12:50.

What tv channel will show the press conference?
I don't think you guys are missing out on much with Miles...

Bring in Brian Kelly...get him out of the Big East
I'm just upset in the way this has been handled. I will still root for Les Miles no matter what, but I don't like how it has all benn handled...especially from the UM side.
Ha! I'm just now noticing the thread title edit. When you think about it, that is how the thread title should read... back and forth.
I love how overrated Miles is as a coach not only by others, but by himself.

The guy wanted to be the highest paid coach in college? Yeah right.
Miles is pretty fucking mediocre...Big Blue fans should be thankful.

Couldnt' agree more, this is GREAT news for Michigan fans who hope to win a Natty Championship some time soon. Miles is a goddamn idiot.
What are you pissed about here? Did you want Tenuta at tOSU? I think he's easily one of the 5 best DCs in college football...

He was pissed that Tenuta would be at UM.

Trust m, that would have made the Miles aquisition worth it..

ah well...

Now Michigan is kinda fucked though. No Fernetz...which I wouldn't want anyway.

Brian Kelley is a nice choice but with the racial incident when he was at CMU I doubt they take a flier here.

Rich Rod?
I don't think some of you understand why Michigan fans wanted goes deeper than you think.
November 28, 2007
<HR color=#000066 SIZE=1>Great coaches win at about a 75% clip, particularly when viewed over a long career:

        • Bryant - 78.2%
          Paterno - 74.8%
          Bowden - 76.2%
Over shorter stretches, great coaches can exceed an 80% winning percentage:
Stoops - 81.9%
Carroll - 84.4%
Switzer - 83.7%
Back when Lloyd Carr was on the hot seat, defenders were quick to point out that the retiring Michigan coach has a 75.2% career winning percentage, seventh among active coaches and right up there with the all time greats. Is it reasonable, then, to ever fault a coach who is winning at an 84.2% pace, albeit over a three-year stretch? Most definitely, argue Les Miles's detractors, many who are still bloodspattered from defending Lloyd’s 75.2% winning percentage like the pass at Thermopylae.
To resolve this paradox, those who dislike Les Miles’s coaching accomplishments at LSU make the obvious point: will you look at all the talent he has at LSU! They are quite comfortable, then, establishing a new standard: a great coach may win at a 75% pace, but if a coach has a lot of talent, 75% is failure, not success. A higher standard, say 85%, is required if you are loaded with blue chippers (no one has defined this, but those making the argument have already declared Les's 84.2% at LSU inadequate, so it must be at least this). Call this the “Carroll Standard,” after Pete Carroll’s sick 94.6% winning percentage and two national championships from 2003 to 2005, because clearly USC had ridiculous talent those years, and Pete was simply doing what should have been done.
Let's set aside the thorny problem of how we determine when great coaches have benefited from a glut of talent (say Lloyd in 97) and when they brilliantly overcame marginal talent, and grant the premise: Les Miles's winning 84.2% of his games these last three years is a substandard coaching effort because many coaches with that amount of incredible talent would have done better. In layman's terms, all Les did was mess up a sure thing.
Well, these people sure have high standards. Clearly, no other coach they put forward to replace Carr (Brian Kelly is a favorite, maybe Jeff Tedford) has to live up to that 85% winning percentage, but this is because they don’t have obscene talent at their disposal. If Les had crappy players and went 32 and 6, well then! Send the chartered jet!
Their argument breaks down if LSU’s talent does not trigger the Carroll Standard. So let’s take a look:

(data here)​
Oh my. Where is the insane talent down in Baton Rouge? In case those reading this rejection of conventional wisdom need more detail, looking at the starting line-ups for Michigan and LSU:
The Rivals rating proves to be a very appropriate measure for our purposes here. Detractors of Les Miles argue that he is winning with Nick Saban’s talent. He has proven he can recruit (another qualification for the Michigan job), so examining the incoming rating of current starters (many who were Saban's) will reveal a trend: if these numbers had been high, then the two losses each year prove that Miles is not meeting the Carroll Standard. If the numbers are lower than other SEC competitors, then the current players are outperforming their initial rating, suggesting that Les Miles is getting more out of his players than expected…a curious additional qualification for the Michigan job (Michigan being a place, as demonstrated by the data here, where players come in more highly rated and underachieve).
So why do so many think that LSU is loaded with extraordinary talent and not Michigan? Development?
Should Lloyd be held to the Carroll Standard?
The Miles-LSU Talent Glut argument is debunked. In fact, the analysis suggests the opposite: if one wants to claim that the best talent in the SEC is down in Baton Rouge, then Miles and his staff made them that way.
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espnnews just reported...Pinkel, Tedford, and SChian are at the top and Schiano is the #1 choice..who the fuck knows now.
I reposted something that Hunt posted yesterday. It debunks a lot of myths that posters have made on this and other forums. Mind you, I hated Miles till the last two years. Now, I like him in a lot of ways and have a few reservations.
Miles knows the OSU rivalry, played under Bo, met his wife just seemed a natural fit. UM has the most tradition of any football program...a lot of outsiders don't get it.

ESPNNEWS having the presser in a few.
is there any chance this miles staying at LSU stuff is to keep away a distraction from today's game, or is it 100% legit?
Other than Lloyd perhaps not allowing this to happen..and for good reason...wonder what else changed this so suddenly..
Miles knows the OSU rivalry, played under Bo, met his wife just seemed a natural fit. UM has the most tradition of any football program...a lot of outsiders don't get it.

All of which makes a great choice on paper, but don't you want someone who can actually beat OSU?
Schiano to Michigan scares the shit out of me as a Badgers fan. Schiano is million times better than Miles IMO
Miles knows the OSU rivalry, played under Bo, met his wife just seemed a natural fit. UM has the most tradition of any football program...a lot of outsiders don't get it.

All of which makes a great choice on paper, but don't you want someone who can actually beat OSU?

DING DING DING DING!! Joey is the winner. Miles v. Tressel is like Chuck Liddell vs. an armless retard. Just not a fair fight, pretty much how it was when Lloyd was there...
Schiano to Michigan scares the shit out of me as a Badgers fan. Schiano is million times better than Miles IMO

As is Kelly, Tedford, Grobe (who should be everyone who is looking for a coach's #1 choice), Mangini, etc etc...
still a chance to come to michigan?? didnt say no hes not coming, didnt say anything about a contract extension