Mike Gundy / Chubba

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I’m not sure I get the logic here, even if what you say is true about him “unwilling to learn from conflicting opinions.” So he’s wrong (and a horrible person who needs to be stopped) because he won’t learn from others opinions, but those not willing to compromise or learn from Gundy’s opinions are a-okay because they’re on “the correct thinking team?” Lol, what?

Think like we think, or you’ll be seen as unwilling to compromise and learn from our opinions? And if you don’t, we’ll end up canceling you? Is that really something you subscribe to?

Not to mention, he’s defended the shit out of his players in the past 15-20 years and has always seemed to genuinely care about them. Now that’s not acceptable because he doesn’t align with EVERY opinion all of them have? Isn’t it more odd that only one point of view seems to be acceptable? And even more odd that politics is involved in college football in the first place?

The players are asking for some sort of compromise, I personally don’t find it unreasonable. Not many players going out of their way asking for the guy to be fired. Gundy is allowed to have his opinions and his opinions have repercussions. There has clearly been some systemic stuff going on at that program for a while and the players finally realize that their voices are non-zero.
To be fair, if we‘re taking the apologies seriously, Chuba did apologize for the way he reacted. I think that was a problem...not going straight to Gundy but instead inviting the comradely wrath of his teammates and of the twitter mob.

Apart from mere permissibility of expression, the loudness of expression was egregiously disparate....a private fishing trip vs a public fit. And Chuba apologized.

And to be really fair about it I think the apologies from both sides were completely disingenuous and laughable. Just my opinion after watching both clips. I don't know who runs the PR departments at these universities but they all seem to be universally dreadful.

In terms of whether or not Hubbard should've aired his thoughts privately as opposed to via twitter...I don't feel that it's my place to tell black athletes how they should express their feelings and concerns with matters that affect their lives and not mine. You may feel that it is in fact your place to tell them how to protest and that's your prerogative. But you may as well be shouting into the wind.

Wanting Hubbard to take these issues up privately is merely a polite way of saying that you want him to be silenced. If his message was more aligned with your viewpoints then I'm guessing you wouldn't mind it being vocalized on a national platform.
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The players are asking for some sort of compromise, I personally don’t find it unreasonable. Not many players going out of their way asking for the guy to be fired. Gundy is allowed to have his opinions and his opinions have repercussions. There has clearly been some systemic stuff going on at that program for a while and the players finally realize that their voices are non-zero.

This is what Ali and I, I believe, were trying to clarify yesterday. What, specifically, is going on besides the t-shirt?
And to be really fair about it I think the apologies from both sides were completely disingenuous and laughable. Just my opinion after watching both clips. I don't know who runs the PR departments at these universities but they all seem to universally dreadful.

In terms of whether or not Hubbard should've aired his thoughts privately as opposed to via twitter...I don't feel that it's my place to tell black athletes how they should express their feelings and concerns with matters that affect their lives and not mine. You may feel that it is in fact your place to tell them how to protest and that's your prerogative. But you may as well be shouting into the wind.

Wanting Hubbard to take these issues up privately is merely a polite way of saying that you want him to be silenced. If his message was more aligned with your viewpoints then I'm guessing you wouldn't mind it being vocalized on a national platform.
First paragraph, on point (can't bold on mobile).
If it‘s reasonable to publicize an outrage over twitter and stigmatize Gundy as some sort of racist problem because of a t-shirt, then I can‘t wait to hear what other „terrible“ things he‘s done in Stillwater?

And to be really fair about it I think the apologies from both sides were completely disingenuous and laughable. Just my opinion after watching both clips. I don't know who runs the PR departments at these universities but they all seem to universally dreadful.

In terms of whether or not Hubbard should've aired his thoughts privately as opposed to via twitter...I don't feel that it's my place to tell black athletes how they should express their feelings and concerns with matters that affect their lives and not mine. You may feel that it is in fact your place to tell them how to protest and that's your prerogative. But you may as well be shouting into the wind.

Wanting Hubbard to take these issues up privately is merely a polite way of saying that you want him to be silenced. If his message was more aligned with your viewpoints then I'm guessing you wouldn't mind it being vocalized on a national platform.

No I really couldn‘t imagine anyone wanting to publicly call out a coach for wearing a CNN t-shirt.

The message seems to be one of utter intolerance on the part of Hubbard. No conservative or pro-Trump opinions allowed ... without consequences. No problem for„black athletes“ to „protest“ ... a t shirt ... however they want. But consequences for the guy wearing an innocent t-shirt on a private fishing trip. It‘s a one way street...
This is what Ali and I, I believe, were trying to clarify yesterday. What, specifically, is going on besides the t-shirt?

Justice Hill citing “everyday things” that we don’t see, Pat Macon saying he was threatened with being sent back to the hood multiple times, many other players supporting Hubbard. The implication is that the program is run in a manner that makes the players feel replaceable cogs in the wheel who should just do what they’re told all the time. I don’t see direct “evidence,” but this isn’t a legal case. The players have grown fed up with their head coach’s approach in how he chooses to run the program, and chose to voice their complaints.
I thought there were issues with Gundy being racist, not with him unwittingly being offensive to a few sensitive players. I am asking what racist things have transpired. So far it seems like a few players are asking to be treated with special sensitivity.

Just fyi, these are athletes privileged enough to receive a free education and to be worshipped by tons of people while playing for a significant football program They are not oppressed victims.
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If it‘s reasonable to publicize an outrage over twitter and stigmatize Gundy as some sort of racist problem because of a t-shirt, then I can‘t wait to hear what other „terrible“ things he‘s done in Stillwater?

No I really couldn‘t imagine anyone wanting to publicly call out a coach for wearing a CNN t-shirt.

The message seems to be one of utter intolerance on the part of Hubbard. No conservative or pro-Trump opinions allowed ... without consequences. No problem for„black athletes“ to „protest“ ... a t shirt ... however they want. But consequences for the guy wearing an innocent t-shirt on a private fishing trip. It‘s a one way street...

I don't think I alluded to any type of hypothetical of a coach wearing a CNN shirt in my post. However, I do think it would cause an uproar with the fanbase (the extent of which would depend heavily on the particular school and where it was located)...just not the black athletes on the team. Obviously, the voice of the athletes on the team will hold more impact than upset fans complaining on twitter. Bottom line, wearing highly divisive clothing isn't a smart move for a coach one way or the other. Gundy is a very highly paid state employee and the face of a public university. He's not a radio shock jock. If he doesn't want the responsibilities that comes with the gig then he can go charter fishing boats for a living. Nobody forced this life upon him.

I don't see where Hubbard complained about pro-trump or conservative opinions.

If you don't think there are consequences for what Hubbard did then I really don't know what to tell you. If you think that Gundy, one of the most powerful and wealthy people in the state of Oklahoma, is somehow at an unfair and weakened position in all of this relative to an unpaid 20 year old black athlete (replaceable at the drop of a hat) then I would say that viewpoint is very, very far from reality.

The entire structure of college revenue sports are tilted wildly in favor of the ncaa, universities, coaches, etc. Playing the Gundy innocent victim card is not a good look at all.
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The players are asking for some sort of compromise, I personally don’t find it unreasonable. Not many players going out of their way asking for the guy to be fired. Gundy is allowed to have his opinions and his opinions have repercussions. There has clearly been some systemic stuff going on at that program for a while and the players finally realize that their voices are non-zero.

What is the “systemic stuff?” You obviously have examples if you’re using it to defend the players.
I’m really sad to see D-Woww’s posts gone. I wanted to ask him how he can possibly claim that Conservatives are the racists when every city in America all of this “racial” shit is going on, and all of these cities where “systemic racism” is thought to exist are all run by, and have been run by, Liberal Democrats. I mean at that point you’re either incapable of being honest or really fucking stupid. I wanted to know which one it was in the worst way.
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I’m really sad to see D-Woww’s posts gone. I wanted to ask him how he can possibly claim that Conservatives are the racists when every city in America all of this “racial” shit is going on, and all of these cities where “systemic racism” is thought to exist are all run by, and have been run by, Liberal Democrats. I mean at that point you’re either incapable of being honest or really fucking stupid. I wanted to know which one it was in the worst way.

He loses all credibility when he says that he is Jewish and is not only a democrat but a Bernie supporter.
It’s not hard. Stop being whiny bitches because your coach wore a shirt that hurt your feeling. Bunch of little fucking pussies. Do they want a participation trophy too?

What do you mean no one is saying he can’t wear the shirt though? Are you serious? Lol

And do you not realize how whiny your post makes you look? Talk about pot meets kettle. A bunch of players expressed their thoughts and you're crying about it on the internets. And calling them 'little fucking pussies' behind a keyboard. Would you say that to their face IRL? Disgraceful.

Again, you want Gundy to be able to express himself but you won't extend that courtesy the other way because it doesn't align with your views.

Feel free to quote anyone in this thread who said that Gundy isn't allowed to wear the shirt.

Also feel free to explain how anyone involved was cancelled.

You're angry and emotional and just making shit up at this point.
And do you not realize how whiny your post makes you look? Talk about pot meets kettle. A bunch of players expressed their thoughts and you're crying about it on the internets. And calling them 'little fucking pussies' behind a keyboard. Would you say that to their face IRL? Disgraceful.

Again, you want Gundy to be able to express himself but you won't extend that courtesy the other way because it doesn't align with your views.

Feel free to quote anyone in this thread who said that Gundy isn't allowed to wear the shirt.

Also feel free to explain how anyone involved was cancelled.

You're angry and emotional and just making shit up at this point.

Did he have to apologize to keep his job? If he has to apologize at all, it means some think he isn’t allowed to wear the shirt and if he doesn’t apologize they want him gone.

My comments also don’t apply to this instance alone. Would you like a list of people who have been “cancelled” because their views don’t align with the thought police?

And LOL at the same courtesy being extended. When Gundy, or anyone else who doesn’t think in lock step with the though police crowd starts asking for people to get fired, have to apologize, etc for holding their viewpoints, this is not a point at all. There is only one side going around trying to make the others change. When did Gundy say he didn’t approve of anything his players (or anyone else for that matter) publicly and ask them to think about their views, apologize, etc? Oh yeah, that didn’t and doesn’t happen. Hmmm, that’s odd.
Did he have to apologize to keep his job? If he has to apologize at all, it means some think he isn’t allowed to wear the shirt and if he doesn’t apologize they want him gone.

My comments also don’t apply to this instance alone. Would you like a list of people who have been “cancelled” because their views don’t align with the thought police?

And LOL at the same courtesy being extended. When Gundy, or anyone else who doesn’t think in lock step with the though police crowd starts asking for people to get fired, have to apologize, etc for holding their viewpoints, this is not a point at all. There is only one side going around trying to make the others change. When did Gundy say he didn’t approve of anything his players (or anyone else for that matter) publicly and ask them to think about their views, apologize, etc? Oh yeah, that didn’t and doesn’t happen. Hmmm, that’s odd.

Did Hubbard have to apologize to keep his spot on the team? After all, he "apologized" first. Who knows. At the end of the day nobody was cancelled. End of story.

No, I don't want to hear the list of people who have been cancelled or all the things in the world that make you upset because it has jack shit to do with okie st. File your list of personal grievances somewhere else.
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And do you not realize how whiny your post makes you look? Talk about pot meets kettle. A bunch of players expressed their thoughts and you're crying about it on the internets. And calling them 'little fucking pussies' behind a keyboard. Would you say that to their face IRL? Disgraceful.

Again, you want Gundy to be able to express himself but you won't extend that courtesy the other way because it doesn't align with your views.

Feel free to quote anyone in this thread who said that Gundy isn't allowed to wear the shirt.

Also feel free to explain how anyone involved was cancelled.

You're angry and emotional and just making shit up at this point.

Absolutely false equivalency. Gundy (or those of us on Gundy's side) never said that his players can't bitch in private that their coach likes OAN (which I take to be the expressed equivalent of liking Trump, having at least some conservative viewpoints, etc.) or that his players can't wear in private BLM or CNN shirts or whatever. The players, though, are effectively trying to curtail Gundy's freedom in his own private life. That's ridiculous.

It would not be diplomatically smart or conducive to maintaining peace and unity to choose to wear an OAN shirt before knowingly going to a meeting with a bunch of liberal OK State football players. But we're talking about Gundy on a fishing trip. Players are soft as hell and also disrespectful to be so butt-hurt about the fact that Gundy may privately hold views divergent from theirs.
Did Hubbard have to apologize to keep his spot on the team? After all, he "apologized" first. Who knows. At the end of the day nobody was cancelled. End of story.

No, I don't want to hear the list of people who have been cancelled or all the things in the world that make you upset because it has jack shit to do with okie st. File your list of personal grievances somewhere else.

Of course it's connected to ok state. Same with brewers' examples earlier. Ok State does not live in an isolated bubble. This kind of one-sided outrage and intolerance in Stillwater is expressive of a broader cultural disease.
Absolutely false equivalency. Gundy (or those of us on Gundy's side) never said that his players can't bitch in private that their coach likes OAN (which I take to be the expressed equivalent of liking Trump, having at least some conservative viewpoints, etc.) or that his players can't wear in private BLM or CNN shirts or whatever. The players, though, are effectively trying to curtail Gundy's freedom in his own private life. That's ridiculous.

It would not be diplomatically smart or conducive to maintaining peace and unity to choose to wear an OAN shirt before knowingly going to a meeting with a bunch of liberal OK State football players. But we're talking about Gundy on a fishing trip. Players are soft as hell and also disrespectful to be so butt-hurt about the fact that Gundy may privately hold views divergent from theirs.

This isn't about whether or not Gundy is permitting freedom of opinions it's about *you* not respecting the expression of opinion by the players because it doesn't align with your POV. Again, gundy can wear whatever shirt he wants and players can say whatever they want in response to his t-shirt choice worn while in a *public setting*. There's nothing private about tweeting a pic of yourself to be viewed by millions on twitter. It's not like the pic was stolen from a family photo album sitting on gundy's living room coffee table. Gundy is a public figure and the face of a state university and has a different level of scrutiny than you or me. And that level of scrutiny exists whether he's on the sideline, sitting on a park bench, at a restaurant, or on a fishing trip. There is no evidence that players tried to curtail his personal freedom, ie. dictating who Gundy votes for. This is a manufactured argument for the sake of being angry.

What hubbard did was quite the opposite of 'soft' but rather it took a tremendous amount of courage. Again, would all you internet tough guys be willing to say these things to any of the players IRL? Talk about disrespectful. It would be much easier for Hubbard to have kept his mouth shut, run the football and then collect a NFL paycheck. This would've make fans like you very happy. Instead he voiced his opinion - an act which in itself is not inherently disrespectful. You wanted Hubbard to keep his opinions private but you don't make the rules.
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This kind of one-sided outrage and intolerance in Stillwater is expressive of a broader cultural disease.

Lol ok. I'm definitely done for the night.

Have fun turning this into a personal grievance thread. I don't really care anymore. Mods already tried to clean it up once.
This isn't about whether or not Gundy is permitting freedom of opinions it's about *you* not respecting the expression of opinion by the players because it doesn't align with your POV. Again, gundy can wear whatever shirt he wants and players can say whatever they want in response to his t-shirt choice worn while in a *public setting*. There's nothing private about tweeting a pic of yourself to be viewed by millions on twitter. It's not like the pic was stolen from a family photo album sitting on gundy's living room coffee table. Gundy is a public figure and the face of a state university and has a different level of scrutiny than you or me. And that level of scrutiny exists whether he's on the sideline, sitting on a park bench, at a restaurant, or on a fishing trip. There is no evidence that players tried to curtail his personal freedom, ie. dictating who Gundy votes for. This is a manufactured argument for the sake of being angry.

What hubbard did was quite the opposite of 'soft' but rather it took a tremendous amount of courage. Again, would all you internet tough guys be willing to say these things to any of the players IRL? Talk about disrespectful. It would be much easier for Hubbard to keep his mouth shut, run the football and then collect a NFL paycheck. This would make fans like you very happy. Voicing one's opinion doesn't make you inherently disrespectful. You wanted Hubbard to keep his opinions private but you don't make the rules.

I don't think you've really responded to jedi's point...if Gundy has to apologize for wearing a t-shirt, then he can't really wear it. I guess he can wear it...and his players boycott and maybe he gets fired? That's not a manufactured argument, I don't know why you're bringing up voting...this is: Gundy can't wear an innocent t-shirt on his own private time. Gundy can't express a POV...unless it aligns with Chubba's. That sounds like curbing freedom to me. It is not allowing 1A.

It seems pretty baseless to think that Chubba's spot on the team was in danger given the loudness of public opinion in his favor (which was echoed by the chancellor), the support that he had from teammates, and the fact that it was the outrage which he created that ultimately forced Gundy to have to apologize. The balance of power was grossly uneven.

I think it's absolutely cowardly to avoid directly confronting the person that you have a problem with and instead garnering sympathy from teammates. And then, what kind of courage is involved in posting a tweet? Especially when you know the kind of outrage that will come of it in your favor? It's soft to even have a problem with a t-shirt in the first place. God forbid that Gundy should express differing viewpoints to people who aren't on the team. It's fair to say that Gundy is subject to a higher level of scrutiny. But again, we're scrutinizing a t-shirt here. This has nothing to do with my POV...if Gundy is wearing a CNN shirt and Chubba is a Trumper, it makes no difference. This is a one-sided impetus towards censorship that's culturally growing in acceptance that Chubba took advantage of to manufacture a soft fit of outrage.

Internet tough guy lol...why call me that and then call someone courageous who avoided direct confrontation??
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