Mike Gundy / Chubba

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when you take these positions you have got to be PC, its just comes with the territory. I just don't have a lot of sympathy for him here. Really dumb on his part
I don't see how he gets fired here. OSU would be exposing themselves to a lawsuit. Unless they just buy him out of the contract.
Gundy doesn't seem like the type to go on a Brees apology tour or the type to bow down for not doing anything wrong while on his own time fishing.
is it right if he loses his job, no, but he knows the climate we are in. I'm certainly not going to wear a MAGA hat during a conference call at work, and Im not making over 7 figures annually.
Pretty poor judgement by Gundy considering the current climate and of course, social media (no privacy for public figures). He butters his bread primarily with African-American athletes and most of them are not going to consider CNN as bad as OAN.

That said, I really want him to keep his job and I want Hubbard to play. OSU is stacked this year.
Gundy is a political fool. All political fools, left and right (they are exactly the same, they just don't know it), feel compelled to spout off about their political views in the hopes of starting an argument at all times. They couldn't explain why if you ask them, they just know they feel compelled to do it. The reason they can't explain it is because there is no rational reason. They are suffering from a mental illness.

Hubbard is, by definition, uneducated and, like all college students, has no idea what the First Amendment means (Hubbard is Canadian so he knows even less than other students) They think it means freedom of speech as long as it is not unpopular speech. They have no concept the court has always explained that the most important part of the First is that it protects unpopular speech, and wouldn't care if they did.

Hubbard and Gundy deserve each other, and both are perfect Twitter users.

They will come to some kind of accommodation and both will be 100% sure they were right
Big picture:

Gundy can wear whatever shirt he wants but likewise people are allowed to comment on it, players included. The 1st amendment is a two way street.

Hubbard's issue was with the culture of the university and the team/athleitc dept as a whole. And he has a right to speak up on that. If you're obsessing over the shirt than you're missing the forest for the trees.

What does CNN have to do with any of this? LOLZ. Talk about a consistently bizarre deflection.
Seems like he has wanted out for a while anyway.
I think he is a pretty decent coach

the word was that he was always using offers from other schools as a bargaining chip.

if he wanted out he probably missed the ideal time to take advantage of whatever popularity he had.

I always got the impression that he liked being a big fish in a small pond.
the word was that he was always using offers from other schools as a bargaining chip.

if he wanted out he probably missed the ideal time to take advantage of whatever popularity he had.

I always got the impression that he liked being a big fish in a small pond.
Maybe but he obviously butts heads with the money there and we know whom that is

He missed a few jobs I’m sure tho
is it right if he loses his job, no, but he knows the climate we are in. I'm certainly not going to wear a MAGA hat during a conference call at work, and Im not making over 7 figures annually.

Why shouldn't you be able to wear a MAGA hat. Why are you only allowed to express your views if they are far left marxist opinions. If these snowflakes are so offended by an OAN shirt they can fuck off.
Big picture:

Gundy can wear whatever shirt he wants but likewise people are allowed to comment on it, players included. The 1st amendment is a two way street.

Hubbard's issue was with the culture of the university and the team/athleitc dept as a whole. And he has a right to speak up on that. If you're obsessing over the shirt than you're missing the forest for the trees.

What does CNN have to do with any of this? LOLZ. Talk about a consistently bizarre deflection.

It was just in the twitter comments...people were defending the anger by saying oan was a conspiracy fake news network....many found that defense ironic...
howard stern is gonna be a matchup nightmare for okie st. this year. backside fade in the end zone is an automatic seven.
It was just in the twitter comments...people were defending the anger by saying oan was a conspiracy fake news network....many found that defense ironic...

Ok I get that but I'm not sure why twitter discussions/fights need to be carried over here as talking points. They're irrelevant.

So, instead of a discussion about Hubbard and Okie St. we have an angry personal grievance thread about CNN, howard stern, ted danson, why can't I wear a maga hat to my board meeting, etc, etc.
Oan seemed like a pretty relevant talking point since it was on his t-shirt

I think I made it clear that I was referring to *CNN's* relevance in this thread as well as arguments that occur on twitter and other forums, bars, coffee shops, etc.

I said nothing about OAN.
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I think I made it clear that I was referring to *CNN's* relevance in this thread as well as arguments that occur on twitter and other forums, bars, coffee shops, etc.

I said nothing about OAN.

Yes but that‘s how CNN came up, as a modest point of comparison to relevantly broaden conversation about OAN. For starters, some may not really know what OAN is. But everyone knows what CNN is.
I don't see how this thread has been derailed at all. This controversy is all about a player complaining about a shirt that his coach was wearing. Its all about the fact that we are living in an atmosphere where its ok to express your views as long as those views go along with the left.

This used to be a free country where everyone was allowed to express themselves as they saw fit. Now free speech only exists if you cater to the far left and everyone on the right has to be concerned that they will be called racist for nonsense like wearing a shirt with the name of a conservative network.

This is totally selective outrage. When democrat governors get away with wearing blackface and hollywood ass kissers like Howard Stern put out offensive videos in blackface using the n word multiple times yet keep their positions its ridiculous for anyone to even mention Gundy wearing a shirt with OAN on it.
I don't see how this thread has been derailed at all. This controversy is all about a player complaining about a shirt that his coach was wearing. Its all about the fact that we are living in an atmosphere where its ok to express your views as long as those views go along with the left.

This used to be a free country where everyone was allowed to express themselves as they saw fit. Now free speech only exists if you cater to the far left and everyone on the right has to be concerned that they will be called racist for nonsense like wearing a shirt with the name of a conservative network.

This is totally selective outrage. When democrat governors get away with wearing blackface and hollywood ass kissers like Howard Stern put out offensive videos in blackface using the n word multiple times yet keep their positions its ridiculous for anyone to even mention Gundy wearing a shirt with OAN on it.

The issue is about the culture at Okie st. Not the shirt.

You want Gundy to be able to express himself as he pleases but you're not extending the same courtesy to the players and general public who also have a right to express their opinions.

Howard stern and your workplace attire have nothing to do with any of this, sorry. File that under personal grievances.
The issue is about the culture at Okie st. Not the shirt.

You want Gundy to be able to express himself as he pleases but you're not extending the same courtesy to the players and general public who also have a right to express their opinions.

Howard stern and your workplace attire have nothing to do with any of this, sorry. File that under personal grievances.

To be fair, if we‘re taking the apologies seriously, Chuba did apologize for the way he reacted. I think that was a problem...not going straight to Gundy but instead inviting the comradely wrath of his teammates and of the twitter mob.

Apart from mere permissibility of expression, the loudness of expression was egregiously disparate....a private fishing trip vs a public fit. And Chuba apologized.
I think brewers raises a fair point even if a few of the details seem tangential and thus easy to dismiss. This is the world we live in, it seems unfairly discriminatory, and Gundy was almost (or may still be) another casualty of it. Whereas Chuba was never going to lose anything for throwing his inappropriate fit.
To be fair, if we‘re taking the apologies seriously, Chuba did apologize for the way he reacted. I think that was a problem...not going straight to Gundy but instead inviting the comradely wrath of his teammates and of the twitter mob.

Apart from mere permissibility of expression, the loudness of expression was egregiously disparate....a private fishing trip vs a public fit. And Chuba apologized.

And now Gundy apologized...

As far as Chuba throwing a 'public fit'...it was a *tweet* and I wouldn't characterize it as a fit. But that's entirely subject to interpretation. We all know how kids use twitter nowadays.

As for Gundy...he's gonna be just fine. He's famous, powerful and wealthy beyond measure for coaching the game of football and he hasn't been fired nor do I expect him to be. If he gets fired then we can revisit this convo in a new light.

At the end of the day, the angry reactions in this thread are a product of the the mainstream portion of this country holding different viewpoints than yourself. And you believe that to be unfair.

Nobody in this thread cares about what's going on at Okie St. and why these players feel the way they do. Maybe the players they have a legit gripe. Maybe they don't. But everyone's too busy focusing on their personal interests and emotions to give any consideration to the player's viewpoints. Shut up and dribble.
I think this was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Seems like Gundy’s been at the top of his kingdom for a while and as players have grown more cognizant of their power, grew more agitated over time with Gundy’s BS, and finally broke with this t shirt thing. He generally comes across as an ignorant guy unwilling to compromise or learn from conflicting opinions. I don’t really mind unpaid employees generating tons of revenue finally realizing shit’s out of whack when their head coach is one of the 2 or 3 highest paid state employees and has had free reign for over a decade.
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I think this was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Seems like Gundy’s been at the top of his kingdom for a while and as players have grown more cognizant of their power they grew more agitated over time with Gundy’s BS, and finally broke with this t shirt thing. He generally comes across as an ignorant guy unwilling to compromise or learn from conflicting opinions. I don’t really mind unpaid employees generating tons of revenue finally realizing shit’s out of whack when their head coach is one of the 2 or 3 highest paid state employees and has had free reign for over a decade.

I’m not sure I get the logic here, even if what you say is true about him “unwilling to learn from conflicting opinions.” So he’s wrong (and a horrible person who needs to be stopped) because he won’t learn from others opinions, but those not willing to compromise or learn from Gundy’s opinions are a-okay because they’re on “the correct thinking team?” Lol, what?

Think like we think, or you’ll be seen as unwilling to compromise and learn from our opinions? And if you don’t, we’ll end up canceling you? Is that really something you subscribe to?

Not to mention, he’s defended the shit out of his players in the past 15-20 years and has always seemed to genuinely care about them. Now that’s not acceptable because he doesn’t align with EVERY opinion all of them have? Isn’t it more odd that only one point of view seems to be acceptable? And even more odd that politics is involved in college football in the first place?
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