Michigan Recruiting/Satellite Camp etc thread...

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I wouldn't say it was a feud, and it certainly wasn't a Twitter feud because Saban doesn't have a Twitter account. Basically at the SEC coaches meeting last week, Saban expressed concern that these camps open up the possibility of creating an atmosphere where violations are easily occurring, due to the prevalence of 3rd parties getting involved in recruiting. Kind of like basketball and the AAU/Shoe company circuit and the street agent/handler roles. Kind of a hot-button topic for him since he had to fire one of his long-term assistants over a minor contact violation, which the coach felt he had to lie about, and Saban had to fire someone he didn't want to. It certainly can come across as whining, but Saban says these things for a reason, and oftentimes he ends up being right, but whatever. Harbaugh responded on Twitter calling Alabama/Saban a hypocrite about rules violations. So while Saban may have concerns about these camps, if you think for a second he won't utilize them for the sake of moral superiority, you haven't been paying attention to his record as a recruiter. He will do anything and everything within the rules and the edges of the rules to evaluate and accumulate the most talent he can. And while fans of Michigan and Harabaugh and the Big 10 or whoever see this as a victory over Saban and the SEC, I have to think that Alabama will benefit as much as anyone with these camps, and we were already doing pretty well in the recruiting department. Me personally, I don't see much problem with the satellite camps as long as they are sanctioned events and have some sort of control over who can attend outside of coaches, athletes, and family. I think the benefit out-weighs the risk here
yea feud was in quotations, as I didn't see it that way... Just wanted to understand it. I figure, if you truly didn't believe in it or wanted it not available you would put your money where your mouth is. But he's also sitting lame duck if he doesn't take part in it especially if it's legal.

just found it interesting/funny to a degreeee