Matthew Stafford


Beacon of Calmness
Decent player. Durable. Seems like a really good dude. Throws for a lot of yards. Also responsible for a ton of turnovers and played with one of the most talented WR's to ever put on a helmet. And ZERO playoff wins.

Let's give him $27 million a year and make him the highest paid player of all time.

I'm stunned at this. He held all the leverage though. The Lions had no choice but to do it. Yet, that front office is still clueless IMO.
Football players are underpaid, it's a bargain for Detroit financially. He makes the Lions relevant.
Maybe its the same argument as Mike Conley being the highest paid of all time last year. Agree football players are underpaid, but that's a monster hit to the Lions' cap.
It's crazy to me how much these teams make and how little the liability guys make. $27 mil doesn't even seem like a lot for a QB when our local baseball team is paying a pitcher $33 million but I get it, the teams are larger. But I also know just how much more revenue the NFL pulls in with 8 home games compared to 81 baseball games. It's silly.

Just think, if Rodney Peete was the QB, where would jersey sales be? On the flip side, paper sacks would be a hot commodity.
A lot of money but really no choice with the lack of QBs still in the league. It will take another 5-10 years of CFB going back to some pro style guys before we see any depth at the position.
Funny to see the word "durable" with him after people thought he was 'glass' very early in his career.
I've always liked Stanton. Semi local guy who just to play his frosh year volunteered for special teams...and had a major injury due to that.
Timing and circumstance usually biggest factor in these type deals. You think he undeserving wait till next year when cousins tops him!!

True he has Calvin but he has matured into a much better qb toward end of megatons career, easy to argue he been better since Johnson retired. Stick one of these bum ass qbs starting on bottom 10 teams on lions and where would they be? Stafford carried them last season w crap defense and virtually no running game..

I think it hard to name 10 guys playing the position better right now.