Matt Barnes Drives 95 Miles to Kick Fisher's Ass


Pretty much a regular
Despite all of their marital issues in the past, it looks like the feelings for his ex-wife are still real for Matt Barnes.
The Memphis Grizzlies player has social media in a frenzy after reports surfaced that the NBA star drove 95 miles to Los Angeles, just so he could beat up Gloria Govan’s new boyfriend, who happens to be Derek Fisher.
Even though Fisher is coaching the New York Knicks right now, the two were once teammates while playing for the L.A. Lakers, making this a pretty tough pill to swallow for Barnes.
A source told the NY Post that Barnes reportedly “beat the s–t” out of Fisher at Govan and his former home, where the new couple was having a bonfire with about 10 friends.
The site reports, “Barnes was in Santa Barbara [at Memphis Grizzlies training camp] and heard that Fisher was in his house. He went crazy. He got in his car and went to the house and went after Fisher.” Another source revealed, “Someone told Matt that Fisher was at the house and he drove down there — he went over to confront Derek.”
One of the sources tied to Fisher told the site, “Matt came after Derek but he only had a few scratches … Derek’s not going to press charges, he’s going to let it go.”
Fisher is also recently separated from his previous wife, as the two officially ended their 10-year-marriage this past March. He has reportedly been dating Gloria Govan for a few months.
This should definitely make things pretty interesting this upcoming season.
I'd fight Matt Barnes if Fisher needs help.
he's a pussy
Barnes is an idiot

So is Fisher, weeding out idiots isn't a bad thing
So now upon further review

Fisher leaves NY to go to LA to "see his kids", then thinks it's a brilliant idea to go to the house this ho still shares with Barnes, chilling in the back yard with her

Had it coming, what a loser
Now something else saying it's her house and his old house

If so, a bit more pass for Fisher but still, LA is loaded with women, sounds like a bum
body looks nice .. was scrolling upward .. then hit the face .. mr ed. ... Is that just a bad picture of her? I am thinking it is

Memphis Grizzlies forward Matt Barnes said Thursday he went to his ex-wife's home to check on his 6-year-old twin sons and not to confront New York Knicks coach Derek Fisher.
Barnes told ESPN that he was at his home in Marina del Rey around 10 p.m. Saturday when he got a text from his son Carter that concerned him.
"I'm like, first of all, why are you still up? It's like 10 o'clock at night," Barnes said. "So I text back, 'I love you and I miss you too.' Then I FaceTimed him. I'm just like, 'Hey, what's up buddy?'"
"Now, Carter is like the rambunctious one. He's always jumping off the walls. And when I saw his face, he was just sitting there, and I knew something was wrong. I was like, 'What's wrong, Carter?' and he shook his head, 'No.' Then he lays his head down on the couch, puts a pillow in front of his face and says, 'Mommy's friend Derek is here.'
"This wasn't a phone call. We were on FaceTime. I could see him and the look on his face."
<aside class="inline inline-photo full"><figure><source data-srcset=", <a href=" http:="""" combiner="" i?img="%2Fphoto%2F2014%2F1116%2Fnba_a_barnes_b1_1296x729.jpg&w=1140&quot;" target="_blank"> 2x" media="(min-width: 376px)"><source data-srcset=", <a href=" http:="""" combiner="" i?img="%2Fphoto%2F2014%2F1116%2Fnba_a_barnes_b1_1296x729.jpg&w=750&quot;" target="_blank"> 2x" media="(max-width: 375px)"><img class=" lazyloaded imageLoaded " data-image-container=".inline-photo"><figcaption class="photoCaption">Matt Barnes said Thursday he went to his ex-wife's home last weekend to check on his 6-year-old twin sons, and not to confront New York Knicks coach Derek Fisher. <cite>Andrew Bernstein/Getty Images</cite></figcaption></figure></aside>Barnes said he also spoke to his other son, Isaiah, and was concerned that his boys were uncomfortable that another man was at the home of his ex-wife, Gloria Govan, so he drove there to check on the situation. The situation escalated from there, Barnes said, though he declined to comment on specifics of the altercation because of potential litigation.
Lt. Joe Hoffman of the Redondo Beach Police Department said officers responded to an incident involving Barnes, Fisher and Govan but that no charges would be filed.
Barnes said he lives about 15 minutes away from his ex-wife. The family had traveled together from Santa Barbara to Los Angeles earlier in the day after Barnes completed training camp with the Grizzlies. Previous reports had indicated Barnes drove from Santa Barbara to Los Angeles to confront Fisher and his ex-wife.
"I can't believe people think I was some maniac driving 95 miles and listening to Tupac to go beat somebody up," Barnes said. "No. I live 15 minutes away, and I was going over to check on my kids because they seemed uncomfortable. That was my main reason for going over there."
Barnes and Fisher played together with the Los Angeles Lakers from 2010 to 2012.
"We were close. We were friends," Barnes said. "Some things have happened to change that. It is what it is."
Fisher told reporters Thursday that he had spoken to team president Phil Jackson about the incident but declined to provide details of the conversation. Asked about his relationship with Barnes, Fisher said he was done talking about the situation directly.
"In terms of distraction and how players feel about distraction, et cetera, we'll see how it goes for our team," Fisher said. "It's unfortunate. But it is what it is at this point."