Marty back in Cleveland next year...

I don't know if he's the answer for this team. That said, he and Chud had something going in SD so . . .
They ripped Romeo on the telecast today for not challenging a Braylon incompletion late in the game. It's pretty much the world against that guy now, tough to see him surviving this.
I actually think Romeo was a pretty good hire. That said, it's probably time for him to go.

I don't think that someone like Billick is the answer, perhaps not even Marty, although maybe it could be a full circle of life thing, but if he came back I'd want to keep Chud.

I do think you're right, however, I don't think they go out on a limb with this one. I think they go after Cowher, maybe Marty, then someone else somewhat proven.

Hell, if Philly ditched Andy Reid I wouldn't be surprised to see him end up in Cleveland.
why do you wanna keep chud, jp? he's just as much of the problem. he called some decent games, but then would outthink himself way too much and lost his fuckin mind in the redzone.

i hated the romeo hire. there's up and comers and there's tenured, lifetime assistants. at HC you need an up and comer. romeo had been in the league how many years, 30? he's not head coach material and never was. if so, the league would have known it years ago. look at the tomlin hire for example. he's a ladder climber, a go-getter, a type A personality. those are the characteristics that are needed to be a successful HC imo, and romeo is the exact opposite. not many people that have the demeanor and complacency of romeo turn out to be good head coaches, or good leaders in general for that matter.

i sure as hell do not want andy reid either.
why do you wanna keep chud, jp? he's just as much of the problem. he called some decent games, but then would outthink himself way too much and lost his fuckin mind in the redzone.

i hated the romeo hire. there's up and comers and there's tenured, lifetime assistants. at HC you need an up and comer. romeo had been in the league how many years, 30? he's not head coach material and never was. if so, the league would have known it years ago. look at the tomlin hire for example. he's a ladder climber, a go-getter, a type A personality. those are the characteristics that are needed to be a successful HC imo, and romeo is the exact opposite. not many people that have the demeanor and complacency of romeo turn out to be good head coaches, or good leaders in general for that matter.

i sure as hell do not want andy reid either.

Andy Reid is MR CHOKE! Terrible coach.
If it's Marty I'd want Chud only because they had a relationship in SD that put up a lot of points. Yes, Norv was a part of that, but I'd take my chances. I worry that if you let Marty bring in someone else you run the risk of going back to what Marty was in KC and Cleveland the first time. A guy who just couldn't score points.

And the Andy thing is just an illustration of how I think that the Browns will not hire an unknown. I think they'd go Andy before they did that, if he was available.
I listen to NFL radio on Sirius pretty often, Marty hosts shows here and there - they always talk about him coming back to this job or that, and without hesitation, he will express no interest. He calmly says, "as I look out of my window and out across the lake, I don't feel any need to getting back" (he gets to do the radio show from his home - probably the greatest job in the world, talk football in your basement for 3 hours a day)

Not saying he's not taking any job, but he seems pretty content...
They say that about Cowher, too. I guess his daughter's like a jr. or sr. in HS and they say he wants to wait until she graduates before he gets back in.

Of course, that's all before somebody starts waving millions of dollars for multiple years under your nose.